Lord Chungus Sep 24, 2018 Power should be back on by tomorrow, but we have a generator so I can fake having electricity. Now, to procrastinate!
Power should be back on by tomorrow, but we have a generator so I can fake having electricity. Now, to procrastinate!
Lord Chungus Sep 23, 2018 Currently without power or wifi, due to heretical tornados. Phones are shit, data is a blessing.
Onmur Aug 22, 2018 Milord, I have been a terrible follower. Namely, because I haven't been following you. Allow me to stalk- I mean follow you from now on.
Milord, I have been a terrible follower. Namely, because I haven't been following you. Allow me to stalk- I mean follow you from now on.
Lord Chungus Apr 16, 2018 An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a jar of nutella a day makes them run away in fear