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  • Wanted to toss you a thank you for your recommendation of Christian Cameron's books in the martial arts thread; on the strength of it I picked up the first two books of the William Gold series yesterday and I'm now currently mid-way through book 2. The only downside of reading them is the depressed feeling I get afterwards when I remember there are no HEMA clubs in my area for me to train with.
    Your group is playing hooky in GuP, right? Do you want them to show up with Dara's group when Dara's group is dragged in by the school councilor or show up separately?
    Yeah, getting dragged in would be cool actually. Ping me when you get that up, thanks.
    If that's your intended power level then that's fine - but keep in mind a GK captain doesn't eat Daemon Princes for breakfast.

    I'm trying to mix it up some character wise - and I can't very well outlaw all the submissions so far.
    If you want my recommendation for LiF: ditch the overgimped character build.

    I'm trying to find some sanity to make a playable sane roleplaying campaign out of the chaos of insane characters - not just gimp the shit out of everyone in 40k and call it a weekend.
    I'm open to suggestions. The problem is that power levels are all over the place. I envisioned Athena as being able to take down a daemon prince with help, so about the level of a GK captain, say. Is that gimped?

    Would perhaps make sense to ask for resubmissions with a set power level and disallowing canon characters, as is usual with LiFs.
    You know, there's one thing I've been wondering all this time...
    Is the second one wrapped in a cardboard tube like say... a toilet paper thing, or is it some sort of sandpaper thing?

    I can't tell for some reason!
    Pretty sure its cardboard, its got the stripes.
    If I start to get too annoying again please just feel free to tell me. >.<
    Like I said. I don't play this sort of hyper aggressive character often so it goes to my head a bit.
    I do not like making the game unfun for other players though. :(

    Thank you for telling me.
    No worries. Figured you just got a little carried away is all.
    Aye. Been under a lot of stress. Though that's not an excuse going overboard. :(
    So thank you for the heads up. I appreciate it.
    I know the game is a bit slow at the moment. Just wanted to check to see if you were still playing! :D
    Jedi Matt
    Jedi Matt
    Btw, I don't know if you were headed up to the bridge, but if you are. It would be great. I don't trust the Dust to not utterly bollocks this situation and my bridge, and frankly the Captain isn't on par with all the killing machines on this ship.
    Yeah, won't be able to post properly for a few hours more but definitely going to back up the captain.
    Jedi Matt
    Jedi Matt
    That's cool. I'm at work for another 5 hours. I'll see it when I'm free.
    Hello Kensai. I just wanted to say how much I admire your patience and levelheadedness during the while Athene Crisis. It is truly admirable that you maintained such calm is a very heated situation. I sincerely hope I am able to muster even half of what you were able to if I ever find myself in such a situation.
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