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  • So I don't mean to be a pest, but there's a question I'm curious about and you're the best person I can think of to ask:

    How likely is it that the Elves would ever drop their whole "Only High Elves allowed on Ulthuan except for Lothern" thing?
    That one's come up before, actually. It's quite possible! It's actually a relatively recent edict that was passed due to specific context. Their culture isn't particularly attached to it. Do a thread-search on Bel-Hathor, you can probably find details that way.
    Do you mind if I send you a folder with lots of high elves images in case you find a use for any in the future? Many are fanart but some are very cool.

    Is it alright with you if I use the Long March as a Thing Elves Do in my Bretonnia Quest?
    My general feeling is that even at my strictest, the bar for using my stuff is "credit me when you do it, I guess?" so you already cleared that by asking. Go nuts, the more my headcanons spread, the happier I am. Heck, tag me when you do it, I'd like to see what happens when they turn up.
    Will do, thank you
    Quick question, do you mind if I borrow your pro/cons list of various provinces and such from the Ulthuan Quest for my own elf...thing that I'm doing?
    Well on the one hand you're welcome to, but on the other hand at this point I look back on that chargen and think "argh I could have done that /so much better/." so how about you PM me with what you want to do, and I'll see what I've got in my notes that can help?
    Would you be ok with a novelization of Ulthuan Quest or at least an extensive use of your take on elves and the rest of the Warhammer World?
    I honestly don't even know what a novelization of Ulthuan Quest would even look like. I'm inclined to okay it just to find out.

    As for my take on elves, absolutely, go nuts.
    Thank you kind sir. I thought of an historian-like commentary on the actions of the Phoenix-King or a chronicle.
    Her name is Beatrix Breme, a character in Muv-Luv side story, Muv-Luv Schwarzesmarken. She's a Stasi Major and one of the main antagonists.
    Oh good, then she'll turn up a lot and get to be a badass. I shall add the series to my list.
    Actually, is there anywhere I can find a larger version of that picture? I've looked around but I'm not having any luck.
    Alastor Mobius Toth
    Alastor Mobius Toth
    Hahaha! I was reading That sort of short lived World in Flames RP. That bit with the Dawi Zhar bomb and the slow narrative buildup, and then the blast? Hysterically awesome man.
    Thank the GM, not me. I just picked the action - heck, all I wanted to do was sabotage some necromantic labs! CD was the one to run with the critsuccess.
    Wait, you were part of Worlds Aflame? I'm trying to get the Global Inferno properly resurrected.
    I'm actually pretty bad at thinking up all the 'obvious' options on the spot, and I really like responded to the unexpected, so I mostly use 'em if I wanna be sure something specific isn't missed.
    "Pretty much. The two are technically equals, but the essential difference is that the power and authority of the Phoenix King is granted as a necessity, while that of the Everqueen is assumed as an inherent fact of who she is."

    ...I am going to borrow-steal your stuff on the Everqueen-Phoenix King debate, if you don't mind.

    Mostly as a way to make Metas' interactions with the elves on that regard...INTERESTING.
    Oh, those are all very sensible things.

    The issue is when it runs into Metas' Boletarian Warborn sensibilities, which tends to be along the lines of "you live in a world with multiple gateways to hell, where reality can tear and spit out demons, and the material plane is already overpopulated by monsters and you prefer listening to the peace-lover?!"
    The Elves may have good or at least understandable (in light of their racial traits) reasons for it, but it still clashes with Metas and is going to make him be a giant ass because he is going to spout his own view on things whenever the subject comes up.
    And he's not someone the elves can just shut down like a bitch considering he's settling into mythic level.

    Ulthuan is going to be FUN.
    Still, thanks for that. Most of the spins on the lore lore you have are very good and interesting, and fits quite well into Penetrator Quest.
    ...But the Gadjo vote is entirely based on focused on doka?
    The players last action was telling everyone about the incoming DOOM of new megucas. Who else could it be talking about in that conversation?
    Btw, you did see that Godwinson meant that wording as a /joke/, right?
    I feel like I should like a whole lot more of this conversation, but I simply don't know enough about the Quest. Do either of you want to try and sell me on it?
    THanks for supporting me, or at least my position in Anderson quest.

    The other dudes (mostly Moid, who is a giant ass) seem to deliberately ignore my points or twist it into something unrecognizable, and I HATE dealing with people like that who are incapable of considering the other person.
    Still, as I've said I'm keeping away from that clusterfuck. I have four quests to update and getting into pointless arguments is a waste of time.
    You really should watch the series btw, it's well worth watching on its own merits.
    Oh, I know. But like many people, I already have a watch list that's somewhat longer than my arm :p
    Trust me, push it up...It's really good and not that long...Plus you'll understand why we REALLY REALLY REALLY are opposed to the Witchbomb. :p
    Let's just say Mami...really isn't stable.
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