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  • What is Annihilation?
    Oh, I see. I got the avatar when I kickstarted Planetary Annihilation ages ago. Not sure it was worth how much I put into it, but I'd still recommend checking it out if you like RTS.
    Thanks for informing me! I'll check it out!
    Well, at least you got a finished product that you find at least competent. Not all Kickstarter backers are so lucky.
    Any chance of seeing a continuation of Hell is Other Angels sometime?
    It's coming. Not the next story or the one after, but possibly after that. Was some sixty pages in and ran into writerblock resulting in me needing to nuke some forty pages as it just wouldn't go any further.
    Any way to look at those nuked pages? Patreon tier or something. 60 pages are like complete medium size fic.
    is there any news that your muse found a lliking for a new part for Feathers and Fire
    No, sorry. If I ever return, it will be by reusing the concept for a new story.
    Is there a list for your stories? I keep losing track of them whenever I want to go back and can't find them again
    There is no list. I have considered making one, and even made progress on sorting them all...and the the computer I was using died. Luckily I have my Surface 3, because I can't replace it either.
    A list would be nice. An other nice thing would be threadmarks, i'm just starting the series with That First Step and ... there's no story threadmarks (o_O) ?
    Those stories were made before Threadmarks were implemented. There are links to every chapter on one of the early posts, though.
    You have probably been asked this before, but is there some list of your stories somewhere? Hopefully telling which story is part of which series. I'd like to re-read some of your series in sequence. :)
    I greatly enjoy you writing especially you sword of the stars story's but do you have an index somewhere because I am very confused what follows on which and such?
    Not at the moment, sorry. But I usually post a link to the next story and the next story in the series at the end of each thread.
    Gotcha... well, at anyrate, I guess Ill just have to keep giggling at his feelings of inadequicy/desire for the shineys if he saw their mecha shift weapons. :D
    I was just wondering about something. You said Atregos woulnt go to a scifi setting, but what about RWBY? I was thinking that that was probably more fantasy than anything since remnants magi-tech is mostly at parity with Castle!Earth. At least in most areas except where theyre ahead or way behind.
    Never seen it.
    Well... theres a Dragon that Atregos would get offended at because it looks undead.

    The latest season is a bit iffy, but as a setting id rec it. Can put together a short brief on it if youd like/thatd help.
    I rather watch it at some point.
    Do you have any plans to write a sequel to the Hell is other Angels ? Just finished re reading it for the fourth time. It would be a waste not to keep writing.
    is any of your work on or archive of our own or epub. I've been reading and loving your work. hoping i can find it somewhere so i can listen to it during work
    No, sorry. I know some people have put some stuff together over on sb though, so if you ask in the active thread there someone should be able to help.

    Glqd you like it.
    After being able to go from one to the next Star Trek AI SI story for the past few days it is... frustrating, to not be able do so. Grr. And the cliffhanger! GRR!

    Well now for magic dragons I guess.
    By the way. For english not being your first language... pretty good. And it was interesting seeing how you got better over time, though even then it was simple stuff.
    Pokes annihalation bot. I know I allready asked for Fluffy Dragons but is there a chance for fat Star Shippys as well?(the whole system colonization thing you were starting up with AI at the end of Paradise Lost is one of those things that grabs my attention)
    Huh. I guess mistook Division for being a continuation of that subspace speedbump you hit in the first installment. Derp.
    Damn, That First Step and its sequels are fucking golden man! The way you made the MtG magic work, while kind of fuzzy on the mana costs, was able to mesh well with the flow of the story. Didn't take away from the immersion and was interesting to read about mana types I don't often use (White/Green). Was great! Do you plan on continuing it at some point in the future?
    Glad you like it. I do indeed plant to continue it, I am in fact writing at the next sequel right now. :)
    You know, I always wondered, do you have a list of all the stuff that you have written somewhere?
    I don't unfortunately. Mostly because most of it is too horrible for me to recommend to anyone.
    I have to say that I'm a bit surprised you haven't joined in on the semi-recent PASI craze that has been going on, taking in account your avatar.

    You are the God Emperor of SIs afterall! :D
    Thought about it. But I'm better at character driven stuff and really, really bad at the large picture writing needed for PA to be interesting.
    Hmm, that's fair I suppose. Though once past a certain point I think they really mostly become mostly character driven since the PASI is way too OP for conflict to be a plot progression mechanism. Then again have to reach that point.

    Also practice makes perfect? Heh

    Then again you have too many stories already to have another one to be thrown into the fire I think.
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