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  • I'm still alive, I hope all is well south of the equator and life is treating you as good as you deserve. FYI still smithsguild@gmail.com is a valid email if you want to reconnect at any time.
    I'm glad you're still around, and hopefuly well! Life here is as good as the times allow. The most I can complain about is that I've been trying to write something for the past few months, with very limited success. I'm also on Discord if you want to chat sometime. Send me your ID in one of our Conversations here and I'll add you, or I can send you my Dicord ID if you prefer.
    I hope your educational overload is backing off a tad, and that all your loved ones are remaining safe. I miss you buddy.
    Old racial hatreds are lobbied as excuses to act and justify arson, looting, and violence with only the most tenuous of links to some act they can rationalize as connected. I live far enough out in the sticks, isolated on a dirt road my home nearly 800 ft off the road in the woods that I'm in no real danger other than that I choose to expose myself to.
    As a confirmed ammosexual, and a proponent of my right to bear arms, I pity the soul foolish enough to come out to my 2 acres seeking trouble... Georgia is a Castle doctrine state and has a position of a homeowner does not have to give ground and can defend themselves with lethal force. I do not seek to exercise those rights, but I will not flinch should it come to that.
    I'm glad to know you're safe and have the means to defend yourself if anyone decides to bring trouble to your doorstep. 2020 has been one hell of a year so far and I wouldn't be surprised if one day I wake up with the news that Godzilla is taking a stroll through Tokyo or something worse, but knowing one of my friends is safe is very good news.
    In these uncertain times and with Covid-19 running rampant, you are conspicuously quiet. Just knocking on the door to make sure you are still healthy and merely have a full plate. I miss our interactions, you are 1 of a relative few I consider an internet friend. :)
    College has been keeping my plate full and then some. This pandemic business made my college switch to online classes for everyone and multiplied the amount of coursework I've had to do this semester. I can barely keep up with all the stuff I have to do and haven't had the time to write omakes or really do anything other than college assignments.
    But other than being busy and tired, I'm fine and healthy!
    I'm glad, its merely being overworked. Here's hoping you weather the storm without brain melt.
    I've discovered I can still write omakes, but only if it's way past midnight, around 3 A.M.
    A Councillor to lead the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense? Sounds freaking fantastic IMHO. Their is another twist you'll eventually encounter, I've instituted Councillor Pet Projects as an official thing, it is participation based with cost and research bonuses in line with player participation, If you achieve your stated goal you can reassign to your next project.
    One caveat, real magic was mostly dormant until the recent celestial alignments and nearness to the raw untamed stuff of creation, earths bubble being like seafoam adrift in a cosmic tide sometimes nearer to the source of magic, sometimes farther. The escape of the 'Others' coincided with a peak time of magical potential.
    magic has always existed, but was unreliable and 'spot on the wall' weak force. An was considered a random coincidence and not consistently reproducible therefore most likely a scam.
    All Lovecraftian locales are cannon locations (their real names in literature may have been changed to avoid lawsuits from aggrieved cities) , I view him as an awakened relaying knowledge in a 'safe' outlet Quote/Unquote *fictional* stories. 1920-30s you didn't want institutionalized.
    Tracking your Mammoth progress anxiously, have you any feedback you'd care to share? Does my world seem cohesive and have depth enough to be immersive? Pull no punches, I adapt and grow only thru honest review.
    Honestly, I'm loving every word of it. I love the way you handle the world and let the players interact with it, and I've even come up with a couple Elite Unit names while reading. It did take a while for me to adjust to the way you structure things like turns and downtimes, but it was just a matter of getting used to your style and nothing I can fault you for.
    I'm also brainstorming omakes to post after I catch up, but so far I have nothing that could. On a completely unrelated note, does Arkham exist in your universe?
    Hey Highwind, could you maybe drop a rating on a post occasionally so I can eyeball how close I am to getting your active participation? I miss my partner in crime.
    Sure! I tend to forget rating things, so the reminder is very welcome.
    As an aside things are looking much like I'll be quoting you as author of the 'Mist' biological origin soon(ish) They've gotten a functioning Mist Life Sciences lab and have popped out their first magically awakened lab tech. The 2 bottlenecks before they could understand the basics of it being a result of the formation of the worst 'outsiders'.
    Hope life is finding you well in the New Year, If your diligent you may catch up on Mammoth one day :p but time, tide, and giant robot carnage wait for no man...
    Life is good, aside from a killer cold that began with the year and seems intent on lasting through the entire month. And I swear I'll catch up any day now. Any day now.
    Quoting Highwind: "Note to self and others: trying to lift a 25 Kilogram puppy by the scruff of its neck is neither easy, nor particularly safe for anyone involved."

    Why I included if possessing the strength and the admonition it was a 'nuclear option'. Animals with sharp pointy teeth should never be viewed as 'safe'.
    I hope no parties involved were injured. I'd hate to think my lack of detail resulted in harm.
    Here is my primer for dealing with pups, it boils down to 2 very different approaches rooted in the same mindset. All dogs are hard wired as pack animals, it is Vital to any kind of training to establish w/o any doubts as to your role as pack Alpha. Non-physical (harder but if successful more rewarding) through vocal cues, tone and volume implement a 'command' voice only used when -I'm fucking serious-
    a 2 finger slap on nose with command no, will usually suffice all but the most challenging dogs. Never use commands 'casually' if a command is spoken it is you imposing your will, always enforce failed obedience. Consistency is key.
    Thank you! I'll follow this advice to the letter.
    Note to self and others: trying to lift a 25 Kilogram puppy by the scruff of its neck is neither easy, nor particularly safe for anyone involved.
    How old is the pup that confuses you for a chewy? I have a ton of experience with dogs of many breeds and dispositions.
    Nm, March 20th post, problem is solved or your down to typing with your nose.
    He's seven months old now, and the problem persists. I remain his favorite chew toy. Am considering paying for professional help.
    Man I remember what started the crusade.

    How's that going anyways?
    I managed to convince the guys on Tacit Ronin vs the World to go on a Crusade to retake the Holy Jaeger Sepulchre in Oblivion Bay. It's going pretty well.
    Also, I spent a good while trying to find that post and had no such luck.
    Anyone have tips on how to make a Golden Retriever puppy not use me like a chew toy? Because I need them.
    meme or actual call for advice?
    Actual advice. I'm my puppy's favorite chew toy.
    you could get a pair of gloves and make sure that the puppy only is allowed to chew on those gloves. this will not only ensure that you dog learns to control its jaw, but also discourage the dog from biting others hands. annother way you can go is to teach your dog to not bite at all. just a quick tap on the nose (not too hard, not too light) whenever he/she tries to chew on you and it will learn within a week.
    turn one: Highwind used intensify. deus vult intensifies
    turn 30: Highwind used intensify. deus vult intensifies
    turn 99: Highwind used intensify. oponent rage quits

    also memes aside your pic is super awsome
    I just realized I spent more than a year with the same Happy New Years post. I really need to remember this profile post thing exists.
    I really should, but I'm a boring person with a very boring life. Turns out Crusading is 5% battles, 10% sieges and 85% marching through a desert to get to the next siege or battle.
    Especially since Quests never end on this site, amirite? :V
    I think I've seen precisely one quest actually end without the author dropping it due to IRL issues, uncooperative muses or players being dumbasses, and ot sure as hell wasn't in thos site.
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