• Yo! You mentioned that the update for First Tiberium Eugenics War was slated to be out yesterday, has it been delayed?
    God and the Snake
    God and the Snake
    Yeah, sorry: It's taking us a bit longer to get it out than we anticipated. We hope to have it out today or tomorrow.
    Keeper Of Storms
    Keeper Of Storms
    No worries! I've been on something of a GDI Kick for the past month or so, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing where this quest goes :)
    Hey, do you know if Leonite has an account here on SV? Because I wanted to ask him about something, but currently can't on SB because of... well, me being temp-banned... so if he's not here, can you ask him to come here for me?
    No response yet? ...He's not coming, is he?
    God and the Snake
    God and the Snake
    I haven't heard fro him about it, sorry.
    Check Teen Spirit's profile, I've already proxy-contacted Leonite, and his response I couldn't exactly understand what he wanted; but in any case, he doesn't use SV. Thanks for the help, though, and sorry for bothering you with this.
    Happy Birthday!
    God and the Snake
    God and the Snake
    Sometimes, you're just in the mood to do 'something'. Cook, read, whatever. Or in this case, write.

    And the mini-updates make for a nice change of pace.

    Hm. What did Mom's father specialize in selling,if anything, if I may ask?
    God and the Snake
    God and the Snake
    I'm logging out for the night. Kinda tired. Talk to you tomorrow: Goodnight.
    Good night. I can't recall having decided that (yet). So...something along the lines of jewelry, spices, or other stuff from Essos.
    Delete the first part of that post please. Too close to waifu bullshit, even if just implied.

    Sorry if I seem pushy, but I'd like to hang onto our DP.
    I take it you're a fan of Dead Space too?
    God and the Snake
    God and the Snake
    Funnily enough, I only ever got around to beating the first game. I think I found this while I was going through a WH40K phase a year or two back.
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