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  • Mighty Snake No. 9 is now using the CKII format for turns! Experience the next phase of the journey of our baby primordial into adulthood!
    Mighty Snake No. 9 - Magic has come to the universe, and it's a scaly proposition. Ba-dum-tish! -NOW ACTIVE-
    Westoros Grand Championship - Tweeest: Done - FUN: Implemented - De-Complicating: It's Complicated - Status: PREPARE
    Westoros Grand Championship - Planning/Done - Rules/80% - Overall Format/80% - Status: SOON
    Updated MagiQuest's posts with some new BB Coding, eager to see what people think about it.
    We're now out of tribe lands and onto Pirates vs Ninja. Or ninja vs someone.
    I am going to ask if people want to do a partial-rewind, to the start of the meeting...
    I hate to see you take a break, but I also sympathize why ^^;; You've done the most on planning, but for the most part people've kinda been autopilot throughout this arc... and even when the split from the plan could be done, that could've worked well to speed things up, but it wasn't really thought through either.
    I don't want to sound too hard on you- I do appreciate that you're posting and trying, especially when no-one else is.
    Feel free to get more ambitious with your planning- the plan right now is, after all, basically just 'ask a guy what happened after a meeting'. Facilitated by genjutsu, to be sure, but it's a pretty small-scale plan.
    My understanding is that we're still in the 'Recon' phase, and that something more ambitious will happen after we get some intel.
    You don't have to split things up into phases like that (or rather, what phase you're in is entirely up to you)... when you've already done some recon especially.
    Just got back from Playoffs Game 4 of Grizzlies Vs. Thunder. Lead 5 pts with 1:20 to go, lost in overtime by 3 *sigh* Classic Grizzlies. :(
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