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  • Hello, today is fanfiction appreciation day, so I'm popping in to let you know that I really love all the stuff you write. Thank you for sharing them with us, okay, bye.
    SYNaPSe intrigues me, I truly wonder what it will be.
    Something that probably won't be out until January, as I plan on writing the whole thing before posting it, aiming for ~50k words. It's a fun time, though.
    Firebird Zoom
    Firebird Zoom
    Welp, guess it's going to be good.
    I'm rather annoyed. I was only able to post on profiles after I got an avatar pic... -.-
    Aaaannnnnnnyyyyyway I hope you get back into the groove of writing! I eagerly await moar chapters!
    Hope things work out for ya!
    I'm getting there. Slowwllly getting back in the groove. Finally getting some actual writing done, and I hope to heaven to have something done for next week.
    Hey ensou! Random question, but will you be watching Apocrypha?
    Of course! Best girl animated? You better believe I'm watching it! :D (I'm so hyped, like seriously, you don't even know)
    I too am hyped to see Glorious Astolfo

    Oh God it's glorious.
    Hey, did you forget to update your signature? Transposition and Zizter (too lazy to type the full name) haven't had their statuses updated, despite having had the queued chapters posted.
    Yeah, I've been busy with a friend who was visiting for the past few days, so I didn't have any chance to write, and didn't really think about updating my sig. It's up-to-date now!
    Firebird Zoom
    Firebird Zoom
    Sorry if I seem demanding, I have OCD that is only slightly surpassed by Accord's.
    Summer's here. New goal: 3k words/day. A chapter a week, at least. Let's see if I can keep to it.
    Recently discovered your stories and I'm impressed. Thank you for them; I'd honestly given up on SV's User Fiction section prior to learning of their existence.
    Wow, thank you. I'm glad you've enjoyed it, and I hope I can keep living up to that, haha
    It's pretty true, Ensou. You're... You're pretty amazing.
    I seem to be writing prolifically for the past few days. Hopefully I can keep it up.
    any chance of "the world turns without you" continuing?
    's a reaaaalll good question. I've got like 3k of the next chapter done, and it's one of the few stories I have a pretty stable outline for. It just hasn't held my attention very well, I suppose, especially after getting into Worm. I can't make promises, but I can say that I am working on it still.
    well i can honestly say that it is the only sharingan naruto fic that has managed to really grab my attention
    Been a while. I feel I should poke you about Finely Honed Blade.
    Haha, it's being worked on. Ended up deleting a portion of the chapter and I'm doing something different now. I'm still not completely happy with it all yet, but it's getting there.
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