Your reaction stats says you've gotten 5,459 red envelopes. May I ask how?!? Either it's an error or you have multiple post somewhere with thousands of red envelopes each.
Catching up with your thread and would you look at something for me and give feedback, what's good, what's bad and such? Its a prelude for a story I plan on doing is the hope.
Would you like help finding Martial Disciplines for the Githzaki? I can promise only to find things for character concepts I claim no ability to discover good crunch.
Hey, you are a great grandpa seeing as your quest inspired the dragon has three heads one that inspired the jon snow quest that inspired the witcher quest, congratulations!
I do not want to clog the thread more then I already have so in case you did not see it under the latest update is a link to that Plane of Infinite Swords you said you were interested in and some other stuff. Or if you did see it sorry for bothering you.