Ddmkm122 Oct 30, 2017 That Moment When you realize that you have half as many Followers on here as you do on Alternate History Forums...
That Moment When you realize that you have half as many Followers on here as you do on Alternate History Forums...
Vyslanté May 21, 2017 > Was about to ask why you followed me > See all the other posters Well, thank you based bot
T T TheManW/oAPlan May 21, 2017 I don't mind, but why are you following? I've got a grand total of two posts.
F F Fair Letters May 21, 2017 You using a script to follow everyone? Slightly concerning coming from someone with 12 posts.
DarkKing98 May 21, 2017 Why exactly are you following me? I ask due to have totally no content at all.
Highwind May 21, 2017 Thanks for following me, I guess. I'm not sure I'm interesting enough to warrant following though.
S S SilverRune May 21, 2017 I really don't know what would make me interesting enough to follow. So thanks, but what was the reason?
I really don't know what would make me interesting enough to follow. So thanks, but what was the reason?