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  • In light of your 'standard response to permaban Tribunals' opener I've started parsing it with a Law & Order 'DUN DUN' after the opening
    Oh, god damn you. Now I'm hoping for another permaban Tribunal so I can start a post with a Law & Order parody. ;.;
    Soooo, i have been looking at the C&C thread for a while and despite my common sense (WHAT ARE YOU DOING FAF DO NOT *IS MUFFLED*) trying to suggest not to ask, i really, i really, i Really, I REALLY need to know why you use Scotch in drinking for C&Cs?

    EDIT: i really need to sleep...... my inhibitions have greatly lowered.....
    "Datcord was last seen: Performing moderation duties, 2 minutes ago".
    How is this possible if you're not a Moderator?
    Community Council has access to certain Staff forums and behind the scene stuff, basically.
    Oh, that explains it.
    Have you ever read Totally Winging It? If not, here's a quote:
    Hannah grinned. "You aren't the first troubled teen I've had to help through finding an orientation."
    I'd like to thank Datcord for being a voice of reason (and boy is _there_ a thing I'd never have thought I'd be saying) in the recent tribunal. Didn't get around to catching up on the commentary thread in time, so that's all I'll say.
    Saw your question on Mana Based System re "Heavy Wind". It's the same reason my FoZ fic plans have Marianne as "the Hard Rain" (buffing and reinterpretation required). i.e. enough concussive power that the wave front hitting you can only uncertainly be referred to as a gas, thus monumental heaviness
    So, at some point, should I read the messages in my Inbox? ...that's a thing that's supposed to happen, right?
    Well, yeah. You are a Councillor. That means people are probably trying to get your opinions on things .. right?

    (And, failing that, they're asking when you're going to go back to posting the Datcord Style Humor (TM) for their favorite stories.)
    Happy Belated Birthday!
    Uh... *checks date* ...it's not belated? I mean, unless you're in another time zo-*narrows eyes* You ain't onna dem furners, is ya? I heards about y'all! Y'ALLS VAMPIRES! STAY 'WAY FROM MY PRECIOUS BODILY FLUIDS!
    Happy birthday! I've heard your an alcoholic by way of shipping, so... birthday bourbon? ^_^ (i have no idea what kind of drink is appropriate for birthdays)
    Bourbon is always appropriate! *smacks lips* Thanks!
    I'm following you because your post on Trailblazin' was hilarious.
    ALL my posts are hilarious. Even this one. ESPECIALLY this one.

    Err. I mean... uh... Thanks!
    Say, have you ever thought about making a thread to archieve all your C&Cs? It'd make it easier to spot the ones about stories one reads that one didn't know about, and it might also inspire people to read new stories if they see you reviewing them.
    Oh, god. I'd have to hunt them all down, first. That's... near daily updates from Disc 4 of TGWP, quite a bit of Prytaneum, some of Ceaseless flow... and that's just the Ryuugi stuff on SB. It'd take FOREVER.
    Do a generalized threadsearch for your name and 1k+ words? Or just start the thread and only archive new posts in it for now, and dig up the old ones whenever. Or crowdsource the digging.
    I really should pay more attention to the election results, If I had known you where running you would have got my vote. Also will trials be getting C&C aswell?
    I see that blue banner underneath your name, and something in my subconscious screams "something has gone horribly wrong in this world". Also reinforces the "we're in the stupidest timeline" thing I keep hearing about.
    For the record, I've figured out WHEN the timeline split and we went down the wrong path: When Bowie died.
    Ayyy I nominated and voted for you. Nomination was just to see if you could make it into the voting stage,I never expected you would win. Please don't come after me......*whimpers*
    Don't be ridiculous. I *twitch* owe you *twitch*twitch* so much. SO. MUCH.
    Well damn. I only checked the result of the council election now and you become One of the Chosen One? I was only half joking when I first nominated you!
    *narrows eyes*
    *points at eyes*
    *points at you*
    This is all YOUR fault! (Seriously, I *barely* squeaked into the actual nominations. I still have no idea how I got elected after that.)
    You and me both. I thought it was already a miracle when you entered the final nomination!
    Personally, I give all the credit to my Lord Sat*coff* luck and name recognition?
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