Recent content by currymajs

  1. currymajs

    An Eldar, Ork, and Guardsmen walk into a Sect ( 40k / Wuxia?! )

    Original Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    [X] Female -[X] Alira [X] A Craftworlder
  2. currymajs

    Crossin this here Jordan: A Coalition Soldier Quest

    [X] Plan Witch of Oz
  3. currymajs

    Victory In Strength (RWBY/Akame Ga Kill)

    [X] Start training despite the pain, she was far too weak right now, that was unacceptable.
  4. currymajs

    Fool's Adventures: A Demon's Souls/Buffy the Vampire Slayer Quest

    [X] Trashy novels.
  5. currymajs

    Aircraft Design Company- Matsura's Planes Are Always Fastest!

    [X] Go dancing, then take her home. (Vice Roll, and an additional -1 Stress)
  6. currymajs

    Aircraft Design Company- Matsura's Planes Are Always Fastest!

    [X] Introduce yourself and express interest.
  7. currymajs

    The Merry Adventures of a YGGDRASIL Player [Overlord Quest]

    Fantasy Action 
    [X] Yes.
  8. currymajs

    One Twisted Wish

    Original Fantasy 
    [X][Name] Ellie [X][Age] 24 [X][Race] Dragonkin
  9. currymajs

    Tohsaka as an Uchiha Quest (Naruto/FSN)

    [X] Plan Leave Some Stuff For School [X]The Blooming Sensor
  10. currymajs

    The Stars and the Moon (Naruto AU Quest)

    [X] Everything. (+1 to 4 random skills or attributes) [X] Fundamentals and conditioning. For a team—like your own—whose existence is somewhat political in nature, having a collection of powerful individuals is arguably more useful than having a team of weak ones, and Ikki and Keizo both have...
  11. currymajs

    The Mask and the Rattle [Claymore/Bleach Inspired Original Quest]

    Original Fantasy 
    [X] How you defeated all the other girls who were stick-fighting and rubbed your triumph in their face.
  12. currymajs

    A Strange Hero in a Stranger Land (Pathfinder/Mutants & Masterminds)

    [X]Plan: Psychic Ninja Girl
  13. currymajs

    A Strange Hero in a Stranger Land (Pathfinder/Mutants & Masterminds)

    [X]Custom Character -[X]Martial Artist Does this mean super skill and strength or just skill?
  14. currymajs

    Chained Beast (Naruto Quest)

    [X] Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat. Often brooding and moody, with former ties to the world of spirits. Losing your connection with the afterlife has been a major shock for you, for the world of the living has many hassles for you and there is nothing for you to escape to.
  15. currymajs

    An Extra Primarch

    [X] Further Training. [X] Be Creative. [X] Tactically Sound. [X] Medic... [X] Train Perception: Objects [X] Train Education: Esoteric