• Hey Crossy, just wanted to ask if you're still going to continue "Price of Power". And if you will continue it here or on SB.
    *grins* Hey, Crossy! I finally went 'what the hell!', joined the Insanity Wagon, and started up Dorf Quest!
    Trying to update my quests right now so I'm not gonna be much help. I'll TRY to get back to you once I get my updates done, 'kay?
    Oh, nothing right at this second! Just meant in the future!
    *grin* They're voting on traits and names now, if you want into that Fray, Crossy!
    Hey, this might be a silly question. But did you ever write a Fate/Stay Night fic?
    Think you'll ever pick it back up again?
    A Nation's Virtue
    A Nation's Virtue
    I'M still angry that you dropped it. I remember finding it before I ever found out you were on SB. Good times. T_T
    I'm slightly annoyed that you dropped it, as well as Knowledge Naruto fanfic, but I get by with your...other stuff.
    Hey Crossy, if your bored and you want to read something FUN.

    Go read Gundam Wing Zero Quest the tg archive of sup. It just about 7/8 threads and it FUN every single post.
    We got a vote. Yes to have the overview of Arlan life up to the end of skyrim and no dlc and we no longer can get dreams or go to the dlc. we also get +5 destiny points.

    But the last dream will have no boost on our skills (like our advancement for the duel against turner) and we will not get any of the dlc stuff or knowledge.

    So vote no. or yes. But please no.
    Well, in Dragon of the north quest, we did a crit on intimination against the lords and ninefinger/black dow. We also roll above 100 with the training with Dayne. We do alright with bow training, like in the 70/80.
    Who is the delicious dark elf?
    I believe that it is, unfortunately, just some random pic.

    It's from a collection of mostly-NSFW pics of chocolate elves.
    Hmmm, I wonder if I have anything good saved. I'll have to check.
    I got bad and worse news.

    Bad news. Valyrie vote failed. Worse news, if we go to Riverland, we be stuck as a bannerman for Bran for the rest of our lives.

    So can you change your vote to Summerhall? We had it with Vale and we need to get out of NED/ROBB/BRAN shadow.
    Ugh I'm so disappointed in those players, we could've gone adventuring in Essos but noooo.
    Somewhere, somewhen, one lucky bastard's gonna score with this beauty.
    TG: You shall never have a delicious, red-eyed, chocolate elf give you a lipstick hickey.

    Ha! Who's crying now?!
    A Nation's Virtue
    A Nation's Virtue
    It shall happen, because I will MAKE it happen. Even if Fate herself conspires against me, I shall accomplish my dream of having this tasty elf all to mysefl!
    No, you're not the only one whose seeing the romantic aspect of what Lucci and Shyarly were doing.
    lso, SHIT, re-read the newest story post: Zephyr thinks we ATE Shiki's fruit! Not that we somehow managed to get his help and he died in the fight!


    We need a cover story! Or a way to replicate the effects!
    Yeah, that's going to be a problem. We should ask Kuro what exactly Jango hypnotized the people into believing; we don't want to get this contact fucked up.
    I still have hope we can do the hero thing, especially now with the Marines powering up enough to likely make Shiki put his plans back a few years.
    As for covery story... eat the Shadow Fruit, figure out how to do the jet burst effect from it, and claim we simply carried the whole island on a Sin-boosted Doppelman?
    This would be beautiful, if she weren't kicking a little girl. Unfortunately, to be a Sadist is Bliss. For her, at least.
    Meh, no one's perfect. Though I'm not sure she really qualifies as a yandere since the motivations for her actions come more from her desire to live, rather than her love for the MC.
    Hey man, do you adopt quest ideas?

    Yeah no. Too unfamiliar/uncaring about the settings (mostly Naruto).

    Sorry, can't do this.
    Space Penguin
    Space Penguin
    oh well. I know the feeling. Don't much like Naruto either but the idea of a psyker(this comes from 40k obviously) as a bloodline in the Naruto setting was interesting. Still, thanks for checking it out anyway :) .
    Space Penguin
    Space Penguin
    Hey Crossy, what would you suggest as an alternative to Naruto for the idea I've posted?
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