[18:14] <@a______> cole slaw?
[18:15] <@A_______> I read that as coke slav
[18:15] <@Teo> cetashwayo has left the baking soda behind A_______
[18:15] <@Teo> we don't call him that anymore
There is a thread on Spacebattles on European colonization and my brain is melting into liquid and leaking out of my eyes and ears trying to argue that many of the places that europe colonized could have industrialized and modernized on their own. It could be worse I could be arguing with /his/ or vg/gsg/
Hey Cetashwayo, can ya recommend me some books on mamluks or slave soldiers in general? Need to spend the money I got before I burn a hole in my pocket.
Hey, I'm reading through the Horizons of Tomorrow Reboot, and I'm wondering where is the Original? From comments in the OOC, it also sounds interesting.