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  • Does a funny photo of an opinion text from a newspaper go to the chan/tumblr, etc... screenshots thread or to the funny pics thread?
    As a literal screenshot of text it would not belong in the funny pics thread, and the chan/tumblr thread has been locked. This seems to fall into a gray area. You should, however, be free to start a new thread.
    Tyzuris Coronati
    Tyzuris Coronati
    It isn't a literal screenshot. It is a photograph. Does that affect the issue?
    A technicality like that would not matter.
    Looking over my profile I was surprised I had handed out a bunch of random likes. Hit the stupid buttons while scrolling on my cell.
    Hey, since you've been the mod active in my quest, I have a question regarding how things might go. Assuming that thing in Petrograd (and elsewhere) might involve really bad siege scenarios and the like, where exactly do the lines lie in describing such things?
    The various CC prohibitions on violence are aimed at gore-porn or lovingly sadistic descriptions of how an Internet Tough Guy would punish some target or other. Depicting war violence is perfectly fine though for various reasons going into a great deal of detail about atrocities and war crimes would be undesirable.

    You can also submit for preclearance in the Review forum.
    Question, is there a way to have a poll removed from a thread?
    Yes. Assuming it is your poll, or requested by the OP, use the report function to ask the Staff delete the poll.
    Ah, okay. Thank you!
    hey Cavalier, any advice for my character? Anything to take out or add?
    Well, I think Konamikode weighed in pretty thoroughly so there's no point in my adding more, at least not until you revise it to his standards.
    Okay, I know I'm not supposed to post this here, buuut I can't post in threads or sent PMs anymore for some reason. So could you get help?
    I apologize for linking the website where there was the video, I thought people would want a link to the mattress girls original post.
    It was the 2nd spoiler where I put the copied and pasted of what she said.
    Thread has been reopened after scrubbing your post of all direct links to the video site. In the future please remember to use the Review forum for an artistic exception on any NSFW content, and that direct linking is just as prohibited as posting such content without the exception.
    Got it, though I doubt its going to happen again.
    Hello Moderator.

    I have a problem. I can't for some reason post in the forums as the post box (what I call it) is now missing. Also my avatar suddenly changed and is now a hooded man wielding blue fire by the looks:

    I came to ask you here because, while I can't post in any threads or forums, I can post on people's profiles. How can I fix this?
    Hey, I am just curious, is there any way to see a list of people that are following me? Odds are mine would be empty lol but I am still curious.
    Go to the tab under your UserName on the main forum page and click "Your Profile Page." Any followers will be listed underneath your Post Ratings scoreboard.
    You might want to talk to squishy about thread banning people because they disagree with a GM decision on of hte mods made in a quest they are running. Especially if he's going to use the reason for it being the person asked for it. Only reason I am not putting this in the appeal section is be cause 1 i don't feel like writing up two hundred words over his actions and 2 I highly doubt the thread ban would be lifted.
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