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  • Where's your profile pic from? I can't help but feel like I know it but can't quite recall it and it's bugging me.
    Ah. Guess I haven't seen it before then. Probably just the phrase "...the Spire rose... a visible message of hope shining..." sounds similar to one of the many, many other books I've read.
    I thought it was one of your books... just wondering now what your *old* profile pic was, because I've already forgotten.
    It was a Firebrand from Crimson Skies.
    Just finished re-reading your I'm Halping worm au fic again. Loved it, especially Chapter 8. Even if it ends there, it's still a great fic. Endbringers won't be attacking anymore, Taylor's life is looking up.

    edit: it's one of those fics that puts a silly smile on my face for hours after reading it. <3

    second edit: not sure why that guy complained about it being 'too wordy'. that was great exposition
    In "I, Panacea", it's rather incongruous that just because Taylor did the whole bank robbery, that she is now a villain forever.. She now has no real justification for her staying with them, due to the whole Coil thing being resolved. I think that she would be encouraged to actually join the Wards by "Michael Alan" via Panacea, and any gripes could be smoothed over by Rebecca "Coco-Brown"
    Interesting question, what do you think would have happened if the police while investigating the locker incident thought that a master/stranger was involved and booted the investigation to the prt
    Not sure why they should, but the PRT would investigate, ask Shadow Stalker if she thought she saw any evidence of it, she'd say no, and it would be dropped.
    Possible but if it is a true master/stranger situation my understanding is that her answer would be suspect
    Well, they'd put her through M/S screening, find her clear and go from there.
    Ack, quick question. Is one of the reasons Taylor didn't consider the Wards is due to it being highschool drama: superheroes edition that she didn't want to deal with or is that fanon?
    So... the last thing I want to do is put the idea in your head to start or continue yet another story, but have you seen the John wick sequel yet? Because I'd love to see more of are you afraid of the dark lol
    It's when you write a story, and people want more, and then you write a different story. And you have people who are happy and ever so slightly frustrated.
    I am currently Acking right now, sadly not by choice, the mods have had my latest chapter since the 17 of January and haven't gotten back to me, no matter how many times I poke them.
    I made you into a verb now!
    So what does being 'Ack'd' do to someone?
    I'll be honest, you're not the first one to do that. I've done it myself I think multiple times here and on SB. And when I chat with Ozzallos as well.
    I just binged through "Security!" and totally loved it, and then promptly found out you also wrote the marvelous "Recoil" and a few other Worm-fics I've really liked in the past. Hot damn, dude, you have some /serious/ writing chops. I seriously look forward to checking out your other stories.
    Wow, thanks. You're entirely welcome.
    You know, I've been reading your stories for ages. It only just occured to me that your profile icon is (possibly?) from one of my favorite Xbox games. Is it from Crimson Skies? :D
    Yes, yes it is. The screenshot's from the PC version, but it is indeed a Firebrand from Crimson Skies.
    Hey Ack, I love your stories.
    Could you tell me how to find Panacea Inc? I liked the premise, but neither google nor the forum search function on QQ helped me out.
    Maybe the title is different?
    The only story I've written that includes Panacea Inc (that I can recall) is an off-hand mention in Don't Worry Be Happy in QQ.
    I am ayndr on spacebattles. I was just going to ask here if me saying I wanted to write an omake caused you to delay updating any fics?
    I just worry about the strangest things sometimes is all.
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