• Hey Shield Crown, how are you?
    What you been reading for fun lately and how goes your quests?
    Troops fighting insect-lizard tiger abominations in a jungle as they try to get to a portal and close it.
    Wheel of time
    I have to ask the context of that one
    Quest where players runs an organization fighting extradimensional invaders that comes through breaches in reality. Breach opened up in a place with a jungle.
    I was reading through the old gods game where I played the demon.
    Man that was probably my favorite RP I was in.
    Yet I was so angry and toxic, like I'm so sorry.
    I did try not to direct it directly at you, but I really hope I've grown and learned to step back take a breath and like verbalize my issues clearly rather than just angry ranting.
    Anyway sorry again I miss that game it was awesome.
    I was reading through the old Lords of Creation RP I played in and I was wondering if you had any plans in the future to make another RP in a similar vein.
    Well now, that depends on several things. Though, I do love my God Games, even if I have a tendency to burn out on them.
    TheBlueHour has dared to contest my powers of brutal madness and suffering. Saying he has surpassed me in Grimdark. Inform him of the true nightmares I have forged in blood and pain please when you have the chance.
    I'm BACK BABY!!!! 2K Words oh yeah. Being betaed today.
    Wheel of time
    Of all the ways you could have phrased that answer... I am laughing right now at how its like "It could have been a bloody roaring clusterfuck disaster but its just a fucking dumpster fire". I'm not mad just my odd sense of humor acting up.
    Glad I could make you laugh.
    Wheel of time
    Almost done cutting up and rebuilding the Omake. Next phase is coming up with the second one and working on his Way of Viking Martial Arts taking the Techniques names from the figures of Norse Myth. For once I am doing something other then the edgy demon kung fu monster. Instead its a grim death rage Viking martial arts master. At this rate I might be able to write a sane and not bloodthirsty character by 2087
    For the Wandering Wolf for some places to learn how to do Martial Arts there is the Breaker and Breaker New Waves, Kengan Ashua and Gosu. They are all visual but I find they have helped me gain a greater understanding of physical unarmed combat and what makes martial arts in fiction so good.
    Wheel of time
    One is more about the internal fire of a fighters spirit and the other is relex and move with the world instead of raging on your own. Each has good and bad points with the Brutal School having its arts being too focused on power and bloodlust while the White Rain can be to passive and cold. One externalises your spirit while another draws in the energy around them
    ... No.
    Wheel of time
    I do wish I would stop evoking that reaction from you. After a while it does start to show how unoriginal I am when I keep going back to the same thing over and over again like a broken record.
    So while making that Spoiler I saw some of the stuff on the Lord of Shade and realm of Dreams. It caught my interest and I think you should expand on it. Also Empty Soul man if you want that awesome four way mystic Martial Arts brawl from Lordchaos99
    Wheel of time
    Good and the Omake was just a test to see if I could write some short fight descrptions in a brief manner. I will use the style you have in mind and for once work well with others instead of doing my own thing. Trying to be less of chaotic asshole. As is I just got the basics done.
    Wheel of time
    I'll post what little bit I got in a old PM of ours and have you take a look and tell me what you think?
    what can you tell me of the titan of wind, sky, and earth from your light bearer quest. sorry i haven't put in a plan but I want to get this omake out help with rolls
    They are embodiments of their respective elements, down to their personalities. So Fire would be passionate and acts before he thinks, Wind is a free personality who goes where they want and does what they want, Water is calm and wise, thinking things through, while Earth is slow and blunt, saying what they honestly believe.
    Planning to omake zerg, proto orks/krorks, and other aliens races sometime today or later this weak. Proto orks/krorks can be something the celestials can mess with in the future for reasons.
    So yeah we should have several choices on how we become a god each with their own pros and cons. If we're a forgotten god looking to regain glory or something than our pros are knowledge and decent powers but our con is that it's hard to get people to worship us or we have to fight new gods for worship
    Being a literal God Incarnated is indeed an option, but I think I'll include your suggestion for another choice.
    a name for That Which Rules could be Yisun, it comes from a webcomic named killsixbilliondemons. The reason I'm typing this here is because my wifi is blocking sb for some reason and I don't want to use up all my data
    Will you be updating from the ashes sometime in the future or is the quest dead. Not trying be rude about just wanna know
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