Always Late

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  • This evening, my dad was sent to get open heart surgery on a "widowmaker".
    They say they caught this very early and they may only need stents, but there's family history in this.
    This is incredibly stressful right now, both mentally and financially. I'm just waiting for an update call, My muscles feel so tense and painful, I can't focus, I can't distract myself, I...

    I am not OK.
    Very sorry to hear this happened, my best wishes to you and your family, if there is anything that be done by me to help you out don't hesitate to ask.
    I appreciate the genial nature of your argument compared to others.
    Always Late
    Always Late
    I try to approach in-progress discussions metaphorical hat in hand. A lot of places online have the expectation your are as informed as everyone else when you speak up, so if there's any potential for existing hang-ups or past salt it better serves the discussion to show one's innocence and good intention over any perceived arrogance.

    And promptly apologize for any hurt feelings.
    I hope you're enjoying Cat Quest! I'd love to hear your thoughts as you read. :>
    Always Late
    Always Late
    Well, the thread's kinda done since the story's finished, but as I go through I can whip up something for a PM or in-thread if you'd prefer.

    Thanks for writing a lovely quest.
    Artificial Girl
    Artificial Girl
    Either way is fine I'm kinda working on rebooting the sequel atm. Probably gonna throw it up on tho.
    Pinging you for the new vote-update. You were right about those dice gods...
    Always Late
    Always Late
    Wait until I get home around one. The teasing and analysis shall be relentless! :p
    Hey, so you've always been posting insightful posts whenever I see you 'round the forums, and I really liked your sailor moon quest. Anyway, 2020 will be a good year.
    Always Late
    Always Late
    Thanks, and a Happy New Year to you. Here's hoping 2020 will keep being pretty good for me on SV, including finally getting that next Sailor Moon update finished.
    The Crimson King
    Mind if I ask which Battletech writer you were referring to? The one that decided to leave SB?
    Always Late
    Always Late
    If you mean Lordsfire... good money he'll make the transition to Alt-SB. He's got more in common with that bunch than not, to my lament.
    Dude makes his money out of Subscribestar too, so you're most likely correct.
    Saw the same thing, was equally disappointed. Based on his responses there, I have some concerns Chris O'Farrell may choose to follow and jump ship from SB over to the Sietch as well.
    Missing your replies :/ I do hope you have more time soon.
    Always Late
    Always Late
    I'll see if I can throw something together today.
    Thanks. I should have bugged you sooner then to get it on one of the meatier updates ;)
    I poke you again. :p Hope the discussion last time you posted didn't put you off. I enjoyed it at least.
    Was checking up some older threads, Momento Mori in particular. I was thinking about posting but then I saw the 56 days ago notice. Scrolled down and saw Always Late.
    Well hey, that makes both of us!

    Seeing your name floating around like that always brings an easy laugh, so thanks for that.
    Always Late
    Always Late
    I actually checked back in because you hug-rated my post, so happy coincidence of timing. I have a bit of a compulsion to check back in when I see my old posts get rated to see what got people's attention. So in a bit of a throwback to whenI found SB/SV and came up with my name, I occasionally find myself haunting old, dead threads.
    Ah, I see. Well, I just happen to do so naturally! I almost prefer dead threads, in that I know for sure the story is as complete as it will get. Absolutely cannot handle the wait for updates, though Ziz, I think?, was very consistent in their writing.
    From what they say, they'll be restarting the Tamimoe's adventure soon, right? I can't wait!
    Your profile blurb when posting. Regarding sleep, coffee, and brains. I so desperately want to ask about it being just an average Ohio native... but I fear the mods.

    Always Late
    Always Late
    It's more just me being me. Nothing to do with what folks are like up here in Ohio. Frankly, I would think one could find people matching that description anywhere in the US.
    Eh... yes~; but the way you mention lacking coffee puts me in mind of those that get... aggressive when they go without. Which is more a big city denizen thing. Also, your location is listed as Ohio, it was just such an easy zing, but I dared not to voice it.
    I feel I should point out I made a distinctly unmanly sound of glee when I saw someone got the reference in the Stalker/Gate quest.
    LAtA is back if you're interested.

    Just thought you should know, in case you hadn't noticed.

    We're almost at turn 20!
    Always Late
    Always Late
    I do appreciate you letting me know, but for varying reasons I'm not actually interested in Lord Among The Ashes anymore. I wish you the best of luck with the last couple of turns and wherever, if any, it goes next.
    32-40 workweek job, trial period of two months. Number of call-off days in the period before you get sacked: Two. yey.
    So how's that Master's Thesis coming?
    Always Late
    Always Late
    Just need a conclusion and some intros written. Presentation rehearsal's are tonight, full thing's tomorrow.
    May ask if I can post in on SV without revealing my identity or causing copyright issues. War Room needs more content.
    So what's the topic? I'm fairly certain we can scrub your id off it easily enough
    Always Late
    Always Late
    Urban warfare in the Battle of Hue and the Battles of Fallujah. Issue is my university'll be publishing both a bound copy and a digital copy on the History department's website, and I have no clue how that'll work out, or even if there's an issue in the first place.
    Searching "chibi ruby" gets me these results:

    On the one hand, that's what I get for not being awake when it's handed out. On the other, I have absolutely no problem with Chibi-Ruby doing anything, so long as I get my huggles.
    I am a happy chibi-death.

    It's not enough to draw a conclusion. Can you explain yourself?
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