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  • Away on another project from the 4th of October to somewhere around the 19th of October. Most RPs on hold till then~
    From the 1.8 till the 29.8 I am going to be away on a project - Ciao ciao everyone~
    Hi @Simpli. May I know where did you work your star map / galactic faction system in Bloodstained Coronets? I'd like to use it for a story I'm writing.
    The map? I did it in Inkscape, its enough for maps without information and I had the hexgrid lying about from another game idea.
    Thank you. :)
    Happy Hallows Eve! And as a question: Is your Warbirds Game still open?
    To you too~ It's still open, but I was a tad busy lately, so sorry if I haven't reacted to your post yet.
    Happy Birthday!
    It was the story about Mars and the Rocket.
    And yeah personal issues can really suck the energy right out of you.
    So hopefully you get back into the mix of things. Looking out for the updates.:coolbeans:
    Shadow Archon
    Shadow Archon
    ...Oh, I never wrote a story about Mars or Rockets. I think you're trying to talk to @Simpli. Not me.
    Sorry this is completely my fault for not making a convo just for them.
    But when your story is ready please send me a link, since I can't work I look for good fics to read.
    Just had a wash of nostalgia rereaching the Rising in the East OOC. :)
    Sorry about dropping that ^-^
    Oh, it's no biggie, games come, games go. I mean, I didn't even make it in and it was still fun. ;)
    Good afternoon.

    I don't suppose there might come a time when you'd be wIlling to attempt GM'ing sci-fi again?
    Sol d'Trauer
    Sol d'Trauer
    I believe it was the 4th grade when I was introduced to the North American adaptation of "Macross" (ie "Robotech"), as well as both the original "Gundam 0079" and the then-more recent "Gundam Wing"; walker mecha have always been near and dear to me ever since.
    Sol d'Trauer
    Sol d'Trauer
    And the thing is, at least in the universe continuity that "Gundam 0079" pioneered (ie the Universal Century), its mechas' take on "real robot" *actually was* reconcilable with RL astrophysics; I've always wanted to see more of that out of context technological disparity in a serious RP's traditional setting, but alas.
    Sol d'Trauer
    Sol d'Trauer
    Soooo, I'm not sure if something like that would really be taken seriously (or be accepted, period), if I were to try applying for one of the currently-running RPs.

    Sorry for the wall of text. A 420 char-limit is inconvenient.
    Happy New Year! :)

    It's been a while since the last post in "Rising in the East". May I know how the update is coming along?
    Gotta say, after back packing it, I love you country.
    Well I was kinda surprised because I only saw your thread the day before yesterday and you came close by to me when you travelled through Stuttgart~
    I'm actually right by Stuttgart right now, going to ramstien tomorrow
    Good afternoon.

    A query for your RP: regarding 'Specialization' on the PC template, I presume you do not mean in the sense of a species/Clan's unique abilities/technologies? Or do those aspects simply not exist at all, mechanically?
    It's okay. Thanks for your wishes (and I'm nearly ready to present the first Turn of the IC thread right now) and I will convey your wishes to the others~

    If you still feel like trying to take part in the campaign...I might have just the role for you, just send me your hightech sheet as PM if you are in the mood and you might get the Mars for yourself~
    Sol d'Trauer
    Sol d'Trauer

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