• This is a weird.. question.. but I'm thinking of joining a fleet game, and I need some more obscure faction ideas. I've though of Dropzone Command/Fleet..
    Good day to you, sir. If you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    It's a stylized image of the pyramids used in Icehouse

    I couldn't tell you where I got it, it's been years and years.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    I see. Pity. Still, thank you for your time.
    Barnstormer Quest: Dead, or sleeping?
    sleeping, because a janky spacebar makes writing unfun, and I would rather not try and type a multi-hundred word post on my phone
    Hey, I saw your post in the Cheese thread - the toast cheese, what is that? I've never heard of it (living in Austria, so perhaps it's because of that?) but it sounds absolutely amazing and like something that should go into my stomach in short order :o
    Juustoleipa or Leipajuusto. I'm not sure if you can get it commercially in Austria. The cookbook I got the recipe form is One Hour Cheese
    Scandinavians and their delicious cheese. That and brunost is apparently my shopping list when I next see my cheese importer o_o
    Right, so you asked me about the powers of the Danish government, and I feel compelled to answer that here, after the thread is now locked. In broad strokes, due to a very bad history with censorship, it is impossible to make use of prior restraint and require say, a license in order to publish something.
    However, if that something was found in violation of the penal code it could then be prosecuted under the relevant subsection under a normal court of law.
    Theoretically, if the death penalty existed in Denmark, there would be nothing stopping the Danish government from say, using kill squads as punishment for violating the relevant subsection and rounding people up in the streets, but this is generally held to be an absurd hypothetical by jurists.
    So, broadly, speaking, the government can't say "You can't publish this", but can say "If you publish this, it will violate X, Y, and Z and we will bring charges and fines and whatnot as specified in the law"

    That seems generally a reasonable position.
    Uh... how's the Roman sheet coming along? It's the only one left.
    What's your take on GURPS? It looks incredibly over detailed, but I know people who like it a lot.
    Absolutes. The system basically isn't set up to handle them, beyond a few things like immunity to poison.

    At high points values, things can get weird, but that usually doesn't happen until north of 500 points.

    The systems for mass combat and detailed social intrigue can be quite crunchy, but they do work.
    How does GURPS derive its dice values for effects and whatnot, i.e. what's the real world difference between a weapon that deals 2d6+1 pi and 2d6+2 pi damage? Is there somewhere I can look that up?
    Last I checked (years ago), there was a formula that had been back-calculated from real-world guns

    It was three pages of dense math, and dealt with stuff like projectile diameter, muzzle velocity, air friction, spin and shape of the projectile...

    However if you look at the tables in High Tech, you should be able to ballpark things.
    Before I post anything in the IC, I want to know: Do you want out of the game or not? If you want to stay, I can arrange stuff. I like your posts.
    I don't think I can commit to the posting speed needed for your game. Add to it that I can't even remember who is and isn't playing, it feels like I'm playing a perpetual game of catch-up. Put it this way: I don't want to leave the game, but I recognize that doing so is probably best for both me and the other players.
    I see. Well, if you get the spare time to, we'd love to have you back.
    I think I know what character will be my backup if Ryouga dies now.

    'Mr. Murata'. You remember who that is?
    Yes. If you excuse me, I'll be visiting friends. In a bunker. On the other side of the planet.

    I'm not sure if the GM would allow any version of Lung, since by WoG he has no upper limit.
    I'm fairly certain I could convince him. Lung's not too OP early into his ramp up, and most of our fights tend to end quickly. Also, not sure his metal scales would block Potion.
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