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  • I don't think you've changed your profile picture from that panel from that one Kaguya/Mokou doujin in the entire time I've been on this site, so props for dedication :V
    Why would I ever change my profile pic when I already have the perfect one?
    I'm glad that you're participating in Divided Loyalties again. The thread just isn't the same without the Chief Necromancy Advocate.
    Just wanted to say that your presence is sorely missed in DL quest. After every update, I keep hoping to see someone plugging necromancy.

    A few people try, but none can match up to the original undead advocate
    Haven't seen you in DL for a while. I don't know if you're still reading it, but if you're not, you may be interested to know that we recently ran into information that makes it significantly more likely that we will be using Dhar at some point.

    Even if your time with it is over, I remember you fondly and hope you're doing well!
    Unfortunately, I haven't been able to keep up with Divided Loyalties for a while now. I've recently been hit with a couple of things IRL that significantly taxes my energy -along with some or IRL things that required me to spend energy- and DL is not the energy-lightest thread on SV. I definitely plan to catch up and return to Mathilde once things are a bit more stabilised on my end.
    ... That being said, it would be hilarious if the one(first) time the Thread votes to use Dhar, it would be when I wasn't active. It'd be like if the one time the Koopa Kingdom manages to take and hold the Mushroom Kingdom, it'd be when Bowser was on a vacation with his kid.
    You know, I've lways wondered where your particular Reisen avatar comes from.
    It comes from Chihagura's/Hachi's wonderful Doujin called Bosom Kiss, depicting Reisen's immediate reaction to Kaguya kissing Mokou's hand. Which incidentally was also the exact same face that I was making.

    ... Yes, I am a KaguyaXMokou shipper, to the surprise of absolutely no one.
    I mean, that just means you have taste :V
    How much shit would you flip if someone wrote a Warhammer Fantasy SI for NaNoWriMo who was under the patronage of Malal? Trying to gauge your enthusiasm for dark magic, among other things.
    I mean, I am not too big a fan of SI's, so...
    Just out of curiosity, did you choose your name before the hugs rating was implemented?
    I used it on for years before SV was a thing, so yes. ^^
    Where/what is your avatar from?
    It's Reisen from Touhou.

    Specifically, it is Reisen from the Touhou Doujin "Bosom Kiss" by Chihagura where she's squeeing over Kaguya kissing Mokou's hand, because I am a rabid shipper and this felt like the best way to warn people of that.
    That is fair.
    I haven't see you in my quest for a while, but I thought I would let you know that there is lull in the crises and conflicts so you may have a chance to convince the thread to go for a megaproject.
    A Main Sacred Forest is actually the leading vote right now.

    *looks at sudden thread lock*

    Did someone piss off the TREES Omega-senpai? What do they say to you? I am confused.
    Well the Blight is still here. It is one of the Old Curses, to be released if the Ymaryn suddenly die.
    But there is a very firm lid on it.
    I was gonna vote for Yes too, even had this nice little post thought up for it. Annnnnd then we are locked.
    *The Like is really a Hug

    There should be time enough to vote once we are unlocked again, so just write up your post somewhere else and use your newfound sparetime to floruish it up and make it even more extravagant!
    *that like is ALSO a hug so you get BOTH
    I have it saved in note pad.
    Where'd you go! I saw you give me a hug in PoC! Aha! There you are. *HUGZZZZZ!*
    Thunder Friends Forever! *starts Moonwalking*
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