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  • Have you ever thought about doing any other quests besides Ulthuan Quest?
    I've got like, three reasonably developed concepts as a matter of fact, and there was a fourth I eventually realised wouldn't really work because it had no end goal. Problem is UQ's unfinished state seems to be like a cork in my creative bottleneck.
    Hey, just want to say thanks for creating one of the best quest/fanfic that I've read in a while! And also quite frustrating to know that it's dead as I just read through all of it in 1 day (It's near midnight now 😆)

    But again, thanks nonetheless! :3
    You're welcome, and my apologies. Keep it watched though, I still want to give it some kind of closure.
    Neat! Will do :>
    Your post about vampires and Nagash in Dragon Caught in Amber is giga-based. Do you mind if I quote it when or if people ask how I will be running vampires?
    Not in the least, go ahead.
    I want to apologize for the ad hominem in our last conversation on Tumblr. It was inappropriate, and I'm sorry.
    On an unrelated note, have you read Megan Whelan Turner's books? I think you'd be a fan.
    Is it fair to consider the Ulthuan Quest as essentially dead and buried?
    As much as I might wish otherwise, 'dead' is accurate. Buried... Mmm no. I do still want to revive it, although at this point I'd probably just finish off the war and make that the finale, just to give it some closure. I have other projects I want to work on, and its unfinished state is a thorn in that.
    I am sad to hear it, but I expected such an answer. Thanks for confirming.
    If you want to read something really properly haunted, try Gideon the Ninth. Then the rest of Taz Muir's bibliography.
    (It might be time to stop wrestling with angels, and simply raise Bethel.)
    You're late to the party, I'm already waiting on Alecto. Angels, meanwhile, can bugger off.
    Ah. Au Sable? I quite liked that bit of surrealism. Also, Going Postal, by Pratchett.
    Reread Ulthuan quest recently - still a damn fine piece of work. Thanks for having written it.
    Ulthuan Quest is a project I constantly want to get back to writing, and even know what shape the update would take. It's just... You remember way back in last March, when there was all that memeing about how much time quarantine would free up for personal projects? And then we all realised that actually there are significant differences between constant isolation and, say, a writer's retreat?

    *glances regretfully at what remains of my skaven quest*

    Yeah, I get what you mean. It's probably unlikely that you'd need assistance with the matter, but if you ever need to brainstorm or a second set of eyes, feel free to reach out.
    The offer's appreciated, but I've already got plenty of folks in my corner for that. Thanks anyway.
    Hey Imrix, sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask a question.

    A friend and I are working on an Exalted based Dynasty Quest, and I thought that the system you developed for Ulthuan Quest would work pretty well for what we were going for. I'd like to ask if it'd be alright with you if we did?
    Imrix, maybe other people have already asked, but when will the next turn come up? You still busy?
    When It's Done(TM). I'm done making promises more than that, given how they turned out.
    I see. Good luck to you.
    So, I hate to be that guy, but I still have to ask: Is PoD on (official) hiatus?

    Edit: Sigh, I meant PoC
    ... PoD?
    Paradox of Choice, your Ulthuan quest?
    Oh, yes I thought that's what you meant.

    No, I'm still working on it. Life's just been A Shitstorm, and I'm caught between not wanting to explain things until I've got good or at least concrete news and coming to terms with not making promises I can't keep, which basically means the update'll be done when it's done, and then I'll post a public explanation.
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