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  • Woah, you have two banners now.
    God willing I will soon have enough banners to occupy the entire screen
    It's been two years since you last updated The Corsican Ogre, should I assume that the quest's dead? If it isn't, could I ask that you please post an update at least sometime this year? I really enjoyed it the most out of all your works on this site.
    The Seven Dooms of Elysion. They are very cool. But I was wondering, are there seven of them because they are in some way akin to second circle demons or did you just like the number seven?
    Wow, that's a blast from the past! I wrote these years ago, I didn't expect anyone to still come across them! To answer your question, it's neither - their initial inspiration was the Seven Evil Spirits of Sumerian lore, hence the number seven. The finished product didn't have much to do at all with how any of the Seven are presented in the original poem, but that's where it started!
    Cool. I tend to cyclical obsess about stuff and am reading some stuff Earth Scorpion wrote. And I decided to read through the Exalted thread to find interesting stuff. The Seven Dooms stood out as something real cool.
    Do your Voidtuber stories have an official series name? Ideally one which can be DuckDuckWent?
    Shouldn't that be "DuckDuckGone"? 🤔

    But no, I just call them the Voidtuber stories.
    Possibly. It's a tense thing, I think.
    And that's inconvenient, because Viridian S. Laughter is vastly more googleable, but a highly misleading series name. "Omicron's Voidtuber series" seems to work, at least, and isn't site-specific. I guess if you wanted them associated with a more traditionally professional name you had your chance already.
    I just wanted to mention that I quite enjoyed your aztec-inspired urban fantasy.
    Though I will say (having read your Number None) that you are most likely right in that you could do a better job with that premise with your current skills.
    However, you still made a very pleasant to read work, and your way at describing and incorporating the mythical elements was outright fantastic.
    Was curious if you've ever heard of Jean-Baptiste Grainville's Le Dernier Homme? Given it's an obscure yet pioneering French science-fantasy novel, I figured it sounded up your alley
    I had not, good find! Looks like the French text is in the public domain, I'll have to check it out!
    Found out about another old French sci-fi novel and was wondering if you've heard of it: Doctor Omega (1906) by Arnould Galopin, should also be public domain. The book's most famous nowadays for being eerily similar to Doctor Who (the early years anyway)
    Read your review of The Subtweet, have you ever played the game The Beginner's Guide? The "haunting passage" you mention instantly reminded me of it
    I have seen it mentioned in a few videos I watched, but I have not played it myself!
    A particular reason to go for Britanny and not Brittany for your location ?
    Well, I have checked, but Britanny can be used too but it's rarer, so I was just curious about this choice ^^
    "If Omicron has only one fan and that is me. if world against the Omicron, i am against world."

    -Sun Tzu, Art of War
    Just wanted to say that Now You Feel Like Number None is one of the best things I have ever read. Thank you for making something that checks literally all of my boxes.
    So, if you don't mind me asking, have you ever thought of writing a sequel to Should The Sun Not Rise? I rather enjoyed it.
    My original plan was for it to be a series in the style of The Dresden Files, but at the time of publishing it online I was already somewhat dissatisfied with it, and before a sequel can happen I'll have to think a lot about where I want to take the story and reassess my decade-old plans. Hopefully some day though!
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