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  • I often envision a future ten years from now, where I have not only completed Phantom Ascension, but also secured manga and anime adaptations thereof. Let it not be said that I take half-measures in my delusions of grandeur.
    So we're going to be trying to get through at minimum two full episodes this year! Yes!
    That does seem like a good goal to strive for.
    I may have refined my practice, (and am no longer a teenager,) but in some ways I am still proudly a teenage-in-spirit edgelord.
    I feel the outer edges of my current writer's block beginning to chip and crack. Do I push it, or remain patient?
    I want to be held close and warm in someone's arms, and tuck my head beneath her chin. I am not in love with anyone, and it would take much for me to be, but right now I dearly wish that I was.
    Magical Girl Phantom Ascension: Update was planned thoroughly and mostly written, then mostly deleted several months ago. Now halfway re-written, progress is slow and unsteady.
    Beating Hearts/;/Bleeding Necks: Update is planned thoroughly, started but yet unwritten.
    Somnia Virtua crossover: My designated chapter is planned thoroughly, started but yet unwritten.

    I hope that I can overcome this block soon.
    Just wanted to say -
    A. You Got This
    B. You got people behind you

    On the whisper of a haunted breeze, SpoopyGhost has arrived!
    I may be in my late twenties, but for the moment I will allow myself some preteen self-indulgence.
    The artist whose character inspired her her design, drew her together with that character. I am speechless and immensely grateful.

    Once again fantasizing about a scene a mere handful of updates away, whilst unable to focus on the present update to get there.
    Even those who are not human, actually are very human, with all the good and bad that comes with.
    The illusion of free will is the conflict between releasing a bad first draft late or a good revised draft even later. Because either way, it will still be late.

    I am scrapping a significant stretch of the current draft to try again. I should have done this with BH;BN as well, but Phantom Ascension especially needs better.
    The downside to reaching these significant moments is the massive expectations for them I have set myself, and failing to live up to that is frustrating. I am doing my best to keep my perfectionism in check, but these scenes in particular invoke it severely.
    Revisions? And I wasn't invited!? But seriously - if you think it's ready for being perfectionist over it's ready for your betas to look at.
    I... may have impulsively deleted a significant portion of it out of dissatisfaction when I posted that. Regardless, perhaps discussion over it would be more constructive than me merely attempting to hammer my head against this alone.
    Call me a luddite, but I do not like how the internet has shifted away from forums to The Big Five social media sites and Discord.
    It is easier to refer to earlier statements on forums yeah. Less fleeting
    Update: I have sold out and now have a Discord account.
    "The Living Dead" - Boring, trite, and dehumanizing
    "The Dead Living" - Interesting, true, and empathetic
    I think having good, well-established and defined systems of magic and metaphysics is a very good and useful tool in fiction, but I must also confess that sometimes I feel that it goes too far. The appeal of magic, at its core, is simply the ability to say "I reject this reality and substitute my own" and then force Reality itself to blink first.
    The appeal of a romance with a potentially dangerous partner is the conflict between what they could do and what they would do. The appeal of a love triangle is the conflict between having multiple compelling romantic options and the monogamous pressure to commit to only one. Both of these are hard to do well on their own, and mixing the two is an almost guaranteed recipe for disaster.
    Because typically then, you are just left with a conflict between wanting good things for the protagonist, and the fact that the narrative refuses to realize that the "good things" in this case is for her to get some standards, instead of putting up with two people who the narrative thinks are compelling, but in fact are actually just very unpleasant.
    (Yes, I am watching more of Vampire Knight despite my better judgement. No, it is not going well. Yuki Cross, I am suffering for you. But I remember you being worth suffering for. Please do not let me down.)
    I merely hope that I can successfully avoid repeating such mistakes with my own vampire romance.
    I have fixed the flag.
    Inside of me there are two wolves. One wolf wants the narrative and characters to respect Kikuko's demisexuality the way I would want my own to be respected. The other wolf wants to write humorous shenanigans wherein Kichirou tries to set up his sister with literally every girl she has ever met.
    A. Does Kichirou know? (Little siblings trying to help and failing because lack of information is funny)
    B. does Kikuko know?
    A. He at least knows enough to reasonably guess she would like girls if she came to like anyone like that. But the demisexuality aspect itself, he's unaware. (And I concur!)
    B. She has even less of an idea at present than any of her family may, as she has put even less introspection into her sexuality than she did her future plans.
    I am scared to go back to Sailor Moon because it is so good, but so much. I am scared to go back to Vampire Knight because I do not know if it will hit the same way it did when I was a teenager.
    The "morning after" for a typical person is discovering you got drunk and broke a table. The "morning after" for an SVer is discovering you started a whole quest in a sleep-deprived nostalgic haze. Time to face the music.
    At least with Sailor Moon - I just stop at S myself.
    Ironic that I have had more time to focus on writing during the holidays. It is a nice change of pace. I hope that it lasts.
    I am writing one story and one story only, I tell myself, and have already foisted one spinoff upon my original Beta as it is. One story only. I tell myself this, while barely holding back an additional spinoff and two in-universe pieces of media that are desperately attempting to wriggle their way through my hands and onto my keyboard.
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