• Another year, another time to ask if there any chance Soontm​ for the next Hermione Learns will arrive anytime soon rather then tm​. I'm really hoping for a new chapter this year any chance there will be one? I just can't stop thinking about Hermione Learns a Thing there just so much potential there with both the huge implication for society, it really tells me how much I really like this fic.
    It's on The List

    The List has many things on it though, and work is constant and terrible :)

    We shall see.
    Out of curiosity, do you ever reread your old stories? I know I find that loading a project back into my head makes it significantly more likely for inspiration to strike.
    Yes, I do. Sometimes I have to, to remember where I got to :)

    After a few million words that can happen..
    Being a huge fan of Taylor Varga I find myself surprised that you managed to create a story I like even more! Vespa is by far my favorite story!

    Glad you're enjoying it!
    (out of character/in character) Also when are I/we gonna get more wordz about it ?! i/we want more main story!
    Wen moar lizards? 0-0
    In due course, in the fullness of time, as circumstances permit. May be void in your area. Do not step into void. Do not stare into void. Generally avoid void.
    (in character) also make sure to watch out for when the void stares back.
    Out of Curiosity (and a desire to watch the Train Wreck!) Has your Zap!Muse given any hints about what is happening? :)
    I've got about 6k of the next section written so far :) More wordz will be added to the wordzpile and in due course it will scream and leap! No one is safe...
    I will be thoroughly delighted if you end up making my 'November 2024' comment from last year a properly accurate prediction.
    I was reading Taylor Varga again and the Great Pumpkin told me to tithe jack-o-lanterns to you. The pumpkins ran out before the last 60 chapters though. Happy All Souls' Day!
    I do not mean to alarm, but us Incompatible System readers have been hanging from a cliff for the past three-ish years, and our arms are starting to get somewhat tired.
    I suggest that it might be worth finding some sort of small ledge to rest your feet on quite soon. It should give you more time before wordz appear, which I'm assured by... sources... they will at some point.

    Good luck! Hang in there :)

    Don't look down.
    I genuinely hope I don't die or go blind and deaf before then. Incompatible System or Distant Learning or both reappearing and me not being able to experience them sounds like a terrible fate.

    Happy holidays by the way. Heres hoping for 2025.
    I was wondering if you would write a story with Taylor with her cannon powers
    canon* powers. a cannon shoots cannon balls.
    but if you actually meant cannon powers, then i too would like a story where Taylor shoots cannon balls at enemies
    Oh being of the Wordz that are hilarious and/or understatedly humorous (and numerous), I hope everything is going well in the world for you. Was contemplating various things earlier and realized that I hadn't seen any of your stories update in a while. Thinking of you and the many many laughs you've brought me over the years. Thank you.
    Been horrofficially busy recently (that's horror that's official, of course) with work, redecorating because of family coming to visit, and more work. However with luck wordz will resume shortly :)
    Oh Great and Mighty MPPi, is there a list of all your works somewhere? I omnom'd through TV and its associated stories. Then I found three or four more and thought I was caught up. But as I was going through the side stories for those I found links to a bunch more and now I want to make sure there are no more Wordz of yours I've missed.
    So, I decided to reread one of your fics that I most want to see you update again, which was For The Honor Of The Regiment. I'm really sure why, but out of all your fics, that is the one that I'm currently missing the most for some reason.
    This pleases me greatly...
    Same thing here, I'm very pleased to see that this story will be continued !
    Might I request that you put Incompatible System on that list as well? What am I saying, they're all great.

    Also, do you have a Pat reon? I have rarely found anyone I would more like to support.
    I just read chapter 251 of Taylor Varga, where Lisa suggests a telepad network, and that reminded me of a post you (...and Taylor) might find cool regarding that.
    There's a second post, as well, prompted by me sending the author a bit of relevant math.
    Given Varga's statement

    It would be a complex project, since as the number of linked nodes goes up the math rapidly gets very difficult

    I suspect the degree reduction from using Kautz digraphs might make it much more viable.

    Anyway, with your (highly enjoyable) habit of integrating real information into your fics (I learned about leaky feeders thanks to you), I thought this might be fun to share.
    Hi, sorry to bother you about this since I suspect you get such questions a lot but can we maybe hope for a Taylor Varga update sometime in the next few months or would that be a hope in vain?
    TV will be returning in due course :)

    The Lizards insisted...
    Good, I love lizards, they're the best.
    I hope that you don't feel pressured by us, even with our wanting for more. I admire the way you write your characters, their dialogue is fun to read.
    So what happend to that Hermione learns a thing update that was supposidly comming soon (TM) after that side chapter drpped is that still coming sooner rather then later or is it back on the list to be updated eventually
    Question, are you going to continue Taylor is Doomed or is it dead.
    No, it's not dead. None of my stories are unless I mention it as such, they're merely resting. The plumage is beautiful of course.

    It'll return when I have time and inspiration.
    Huh. I assumed that story was complete. The most recent chapter felt like an ending to me.
    I suggest asking for threadban in Hermione thread, because, well, some people are headstrong and confident that they are righter than everyone else.
    Just wondering, have you ever stumbled across the "rules of war" writer's prompts? There are several different ones but most are about how aliens see our rules of war and their reactions. I really enjoy your stories and as I was reading one of the responses to the prompts, I got to wondering what your take on it would be. I am really curious now so...
    Just wondering is there a distance between sites for Taylor Varga? Fanfic.net has around a hundred more chapters and around eight months updates between it and the ones on this site and I'm wondering which it would be better to read on?
    Ah so the difference is the omakes and such then? Which would you suggest I read? I dont remember the colouring making that much difference when I last read it but it would be cool to read all the side stories when they were meant to be without having to come out of reader mode.
    I'd suggest the SV one simply because it's the most complete.
    Thank you I'll start rereading that tomorrow.
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