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  • All I really wanted for Spookymonth was to be myself. Turns out, my truest self is an omnihedral omnichrome surrealist angel!
    (I have gone somewhat insane, but am mostly back together again. Did you ever read A Hat Full of Sky?)
    Is Yucatan dead? I noticed it isn't in your sig anymore.
    It is, yes. I may do similar quests again some day, but graduate school is eating up 110% of my time for the foreseeable future.
    Wait, is that harem stuff real? Damm, good luck! I don't know how poly relationships really work but I hope it doesn't break apart messily leaving you an alcohol obsessed husk of the man you (currently) are,there are people out there who will be sad for you! Maybe.. :p
    [Too far?]
    Oli rating my old MfD posts like "you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave >:D"
    Hey, I can't recall if you've played Undertale or not, but I've got a couple extra copies lying around (who am I kidding I buy two every time it goes on sale) if you're interested in one?
    I offhandedly noticed Jashin-sama in your sig. Have you read The One-and-a-Half Body Problem? I consider it a must-read for any worshiper, and it's excellently written in any case.
    Oli, are you available to quickly check something over? I want to run how I'm handling the vote in today's update past you.
    You just made me spend an hour working out the precise timing of everything that was happening in the background, I hope you're happy :V
    On the bright side, I get to write more Isshin shenanigans, so it balances out in the end.
    Ecstatic ;)

    You shoulda done that anyway! All authors should know what's going on in their worlds! :p
    Honestly, I had general notes, but I had to try and track down whether, specifically, it was a Friday. Kubo made no indication either way, so I ended up dicerolling for it. Without the write-in, you'd have timeskipped a couple of days anyway, so.
    Eyo, you available to check over my Makoto vs. Gin omake today? Trying to get us Master Bakudo before the next update :p
    Sure thing!
    PMed you the introduction a bit back. Thoughts? The second part should be by far the longest, the 'third' scene of my three-part writing style is pretty short, or at least it should be.
    I haven't done YEAD in a looong time cuz graduating. That power, jeezus. Pick to decrease control (say, make it always active) and you can have, like, people bend more to your will the longer they're around you.
    Hey! I think I remember you from Reddit. How've you been?
    Yeah I use the same name over there :) I'm good, just graduated, getting ready for a summer of lab work and then grad school!
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