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  • Hey, if you ever want someone available to reference info for Arise O Youth, feel free to hit me up. I really like what you're doing with it.
    Don't mind if I do! I'm really glad you're enjoying what I'm attempting to do with that, and I hope you won't be disappointed down the road. anyway, stay tuned for an update later this week!
    Adding to this, if I ever get too enthusiastic with my posting in AoY and drop something that's too spoilery, let me know and I'll get rid of it. Good fic for this series are rare, much less good fics on sites where I can comment on them as they're being written, so I'm riding a high.
    Honestly, so far it's more than fine. I always like reading your commentaries, and I don't think you spoiled much all in all. And even that assumes the highly doubtful scenario where I'll have a readership that haven't played the games already. Or at least the first one.
    I don't suppose you ever plan on restarting your Quarian quest?
    Oh dear, missed that comment.

    Well... I do consider a reboot. When I started that quest, I basically rushed in, was a bit unprepared and probably bit more than I can chew. Now, I believe i'd be able to do a better job at it. There's a few things I must manage before being able to start that project again, but the inspiration's still there, at least!
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