Dr. Snark

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  • Hi author, when I reading certain star war fanfic 'Rogue knight' I noticed this part that show core reason why Skywalker fall into dark side, and a simple solution for him here in the clone war (of course after you teach him some decent battlefield tactics and some other thing first), what you think about it ? Hope it give you some idea later on there
    Hey man haven't seen you post on any of your threads in a while. You alright even if you don't have time to update, I think people would like to know you're doing alright and just busy.
    Hey, if you need more idea for research in writing star war quest (and to notice some inconsistent in that series and alternative design that are better/more practical in weapon, vehicle and starship, then I recommend start read from this chapter here), a bit bashing

    Apathy, Commanders, Hitchhikers (PA Multicross)

    Verbal splattering inbound. With all the PA stories around, I find the need to get all the words...
    Arashi Zaros
    Arashi Zaros
    But he have some of the point (and just read this and next chapter for some of the main problem, then keep read few more chapter and you will get to the good part without need context, like what is the more practical design for tank, gun and stuff, include give clone trooper actual ammo belts and backpack), at least he give good excuse of 'Midichlorians' behind all of this
    Arashi Zaros
    Arashi Zaros
    Of course I recommend only read the star war arc part for some idea like practical change/design that still possible in star war here without using as much of 'outside universe' tech stuff, because despite this PA novel have same problem, it do have some interesting part to be used though, that all, no need to read from the start or read the rest after star war arc
    Arashi Zaros
    Arashi Zaros
    Remember the fanfic I mention above for star war ?, here is the vehicle redesign I found here:
    + 'Droid Ground, Air and Space Vehicles'
    Snark you haven't posted anything in 3 months any chance you could let everyone in the invisible hand thread know whats going on with you so they don't worry?
    Dr. Snark
    Dr. Snark
    I felt like "improvising your way into brilliant plans" fit me pretty well seeing how I run my quest the same-ish way.
    Yeah, it's sometimes less of complicated plans and more of making and taking opportunities.
    Would it be possible to re-organize the threadmarks in the Invisible Hand quest? As they currently are, finding new updates is a bit of a chore, because as it is there is a bunch of older omake towards the end of the list, whereas new updates appear more towards the middle.
    The re-organization of the threadmarks/omake makes things much easier to find now, in my opinion. Thank you!
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