Assassin. Devil. Savior of Heaven and Hell, Earth and the Nightside. Member of the Hexarchy.
Once, the Devil. Nephilim and Abomination, always.
James Stark, Sandman Slim, is the Assistant Inspectre: deputy to creation's most unloved troubleshooter. He should've expected looking for knowledge to kill boredom would end in tears. But he did not, and so, he went to the Deep School, and learned truths most minds crack under.
With Hadleigh Oblivion-Detective Inspectre, elder brother, nightmare...
Harry Dresden has always known the universe runs on irony-why else would he be sent away from his city and world during its greatest crisis yet? And this new place seems even more in need of help...stars and stones.
James Stark wasn't sure what to expect after death. Heaven? Hah. Hell? No, they were still terrified of Sandman Slim Downtown. This new city seems stranger than both, though-and it's filled with monsters like him.
Chris Gordon has been off Earth, before. Faerie,Hell... and...