Kyouko and Sayaka have been magi for twenty years. They have a child named Minako, a rambunctious little teenager who just discovered that they're incredibly gay for a girl named Takane.
The only problem is that Takane is a magical girl.
The secret that Minako's mothers kept hidden from them is about to fall apart. And the system that Sayaka and Kyouko have openly defied for decades is about to come in the form of a six-winged seraphim upon the holy wings of her Glow.
Ikusaba Mukuro. The Black Wolf of Despair. In those jagged jaws more than one thousand men met their end. What redemption remains for someone with an ocean of blood on their hands? And how does the mysterious, crimson-haired "Makoto Naegi" fit into it? (Crossover is Spoilers)
The story of one protester and his meme filled, lyrically genius revolution.
A serious quest that got hijacked by meme contests and rap battles.
I love democracy.