Your Supersoldier Runs the Halo Library Gauntlet


Glitterboys are the best power armor humanity managed to make in Rifts before Earth got negative space wedgie'd into what it is currently, and they hold up as still probably some of the most durable things in the setting, being in fact tougher than many much larger machines up to and including all tanks, and most surface navy warships. They come in numerous flavors thanks to Free Quebec, who are one of basically only two powers left able to still manufacture the molecular-bonded reflective armor that gives them their name; almost every Glitterboy appears to be chrome-plated. From the smallest in the Sidekick, to the classic USA-G10, we're gonna throw them in the Library.

USA-G10: the classic, one hypervelocity railgun, one suit of armor, one riot.
USA-G10Q: slight reduction in protection on one arm for backup weapons.
Glitter Girl: Surprisingly not just for women, a more maneuverable, less armored (but still absurdly tough) special ops model with an adaptable camouflage coating over the chrome.
Tarantula: An attempt to improve mobility, as standard Glitterboys actually have to brace and use special pylon systems in their legs to fire their Boom Gun. The Tarantula has a large number of baffles and "wings" to try and hold position. It works...but not well, they usually stumble with a shot.
Taurus: An artillery support model with a pair of heavy mortars normally and even more armor.
Triax/"Cyclops": The German take. Backup weapons and a somewhat smaller size in exchange for less armor.
Sidekick: A support suit, capable of limited flight, with much less armor, but much improved maneuverability. Sidekicks are usually meant to help out a squad of their cousins with reloads and keeping people out of their faces so they can work.

1) Can they deal with the Flood without being infected?

Pretty much the only one at real risk of infection is the Sidekick, honestly. Standard Glitterboy armor will laugh off small arms and the Flood do not have enough missiles and explosives to be a threat; in close combat the two sides are roughly equal but the Glitterboys still get a durability advantage. Only a Sidekick, which is smaller and lighter, is really in danger of getting beat up in close combat. And it can just hang out near the ceiling with its jetpack.

The real issue is ammunition, which is usually at a premium for their primary weapons; and while a Boom Gun could clear a crowd in one shot, there are still a lot of crowds. They would be able to pick up and use weapons in the same way the Master Chief does, if they think to do so, though. Here the Sidekick actually comes out ahead, as it has more ammo than most. This probably throws a standard-equippage Taurus under the bus as they don't have more than forty rounds normally. The G10Q and Triax model also sidestep this.

2) Can they navigate the Library?

This instantly disqualifies the Taurus and the Tarantula, not from height, but from width. The USA-G10, Glitter Girl, and USA-G10Q are too tall, but could manage anyways by crawling; this would heavily favor the G10Q and its arm-mounted backup weapons, but it's not enough to rule the G10 or Glitter Girl being able to brace out. The Triax model will be comfortable. The Sidekick was more or less designed to duck into places the other models can't go. Mind the Sidekick might also sequence-break through some of the doors that 343 Guilty Spark might open partially.

3) Can they work with 343 Guilty Spark?

It's not a guarantee but the fact that 343 Guilty Spark is an AI and, at least in his behavior suggests he recognizes humans as important/his masters will work to his advantage here; if he were more obviously alien and alien in origin it'd be an issue. He's sus as hell, but the only way out is through, and frankly a lot of Free Quebec pilots will consider him one of their more reliable allies in the last decade. The one question is what'll happen if one of the Sidekicks tries to sequence-break by scrambling through a partially-open door. New German Republic pilots will consider him...highly concerning, but probably save their arguing for the Index.

Sure pass: Triax/Cyclops, USA-G10Q
Probable pass: Sidekick (unless 343 Guilty Spark has an aneurysm)
Possible pass: USA-G10, Glitter Girl
Fail: Taurus, Tarantula
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The USA-G10, Glitter Girl, and USA-G10Q are too tall, but could manage anyways by crawling; this would heavily favor the G10Q and its arm-mounted backup weapons, but it's not enough to rule the G10 or Glitter Girl being able to brace out.

A Glitter Boy could definitely overcome the physical challenge, though I always forget that they're ten feet tall ... some of the chokepoints in the Library are pretty tight, though there's still leeway for the Chief and the 'standard' types have reasonable flexibility, so I'd think they could make it through even without needing to crawl. The risk in those narrow sections is carrier forms exploding all over the place, but pretty much all the Glitter Boy variants are so durable that they can probably just no sell it.

On a similar but less powerful theme, some of the better Cyberpunk 2020 powered armour, like the Militech Commando, might be suitable
Ethan Winters lowdiffs because his brain small, his meat huge, and he has the staying power of a Looney Tunes character.
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From what I have skimmed, any of the ABC Warriors should be capable, by the virtue of being robots and having enough firepower to mow down armies.