You are a cloud of dust (Riot? Quest)

To celebrate Earth Day, Earth Day reactions on fellow questers' posts will be counted as bonus votes for the contents of the post! (Unless resolving this turns into a logistics horror show, that is...)

Also, there may be a rebalance to how life actions work coming soon to make things more constrained/manageable on my end, but I'm not sure yet.
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[X][Tempo] Advance atmospheric (requires >50%)
[X][Orbital] Move to the next lower orbit and do not overshoot
[X][Atmospheric] Countervote any increases or decreases in atmospheric gas
[X][Geological] Find out if you captured a weird, contaminated dust grain (3 turns at >50%)

We've cleared all our stretch goals, can we move on so that we can do fine control stuff without worrying about accidentally doing large scale changes?

Hopefully I don't have to be the No Fun Guy for Geological as well (Core Heat Modification causes problems at 25% now)...

unless resolving this turns into a logistics horror show
100% going to happen and whack the tally into a almost useless figure - also, as I edit my posts a lot later on the voting cycle, how would that mesh with Earth Day Reactions?

(Do we still need to do the Dust Grain thing for 2 more turns, and if we do can you add it to the default actions?)
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Αναγκη εστι η του ευρηματος μητηρ (@@@ add in accents)
not sure that should be there ?

[X][Orbital] Move to a lower orbit
Can still move a bit more inwards, also getting close enough that photosynthesis might start to form the bottom of the food chain but still want to get a bit closer so it gets more efficent.

[X][Atmospheric] Countervote any increases or decreases in atmospheric gas
[X][Geological] Find out if you captured a weird, contaminated dust grain (3 turns at >50%)

[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Something else? (specify)
--[X]Develop shielding for the Nucleus to protect it from UV radiation. Mostly using Carbon nanostructures, as they show some pretty neat UV shielding capabilities. The material is very abundant, more so as it is an easy to get for them due to it being a byproduct from their photosynthesis.

Looking it up carbon nanostructures are apparently pretty good for UV shielding, and considering it is a byproduct them starting to use it more and more makes sense.
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Planet Votes:

[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo
-[X][Tempo] Retire from planethood to become a biosphere instead (requires >90%, min. 3 votes)

[X][Orbital] Solidify the arrangement of our Rings

[X][Atmospheric] Adjust our weather so that it better encourages the development of life

[X][Geological] Find out if you captured a weird, contaminated dust grain (3 turns at >50%)

[X][Observation] Consider our status with the system, with emphasis on our orbit compared to other orbits.

Life Votes:

[X][Life] Increase mutation rate

[X][Maidarus Origin] Ancient Maidarus are the origin point for a newly emergent lineage!

[X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage
-[X] Fix the damage more efficiently (difficult)

[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Make pigments (easy)

[X][Anankae] Develop new feature
-[X] Increase ability to survive extreme heat, allowing species to get even closer to the thermal heat vents that provide their primary life source and survive.

[X][Maidarus] Develop new feature
-[X] Longer structure and finer control to increase movement ability
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[X][Geological] continue to increase pressure on random chunks of materials

[X][Tempo] Advance orbital (requires >50%)
[X][Orbital] Move to a lower orbit
To celebrate Earth Day, Earth Day reactions on fellow questers' posts will be counted as bonus votes for the contents of the post! (Unless resolving this turns into a logistics horror show, that is...)

Also, there may be a rebalance to how life actions work coming soon to make things more constrained/manageable on my end, but I'm not sure yet.
Do Earth Day reaction votes count for the concordance total? So when calculating concordance, will the total be (number of posters) or (number of posters + Earth Day reactions)? Because if it is the former, we can get extremely high levels of concordance on multiple actions by using a lot of Earth Day reactions.

I'm asking because I was thinking we could use Earth Day reactions to look for the suspicious dust grain, shrink the gas torus, move the gas torus inside the orbit of Inky, migrate to a lower orbit and more all in one turn.
[X][Maidari] Maidari are Plagiarismonadotes
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage
-[X] Fix the damage more efficiently (difficult)
[X][Anankae] Arms race
-[X] Continue pursuing explosions (extremely difficult)
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Check for genetic damage more often (moderate)
[X][Tempo] Advance atmospheric (requires >50%)
[X][Orbital] Increase axial tilt
[X][Atmospheric] Storm Day! Storm Day! Storm Day!
[X][Geological] Increase weathering (smoothens terrain, decreases atmospheric CO 2 )
[X][Life] Increase mutation rate

[X][Klotho-Kea] Develop new feature (varied difficulty, specify feature and target)
-[X] Attempt to develop the creation of several flagella such that the flagella can be used for movement deeper into the hydrothermal vents, and the explosives used for carving out more space within the rock.

EDIT: Switched Tempo Advance to Tempo Advance Atmospheric
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Ancient Maidarus ("Vorus Foundaticus"): Basic Life that takes what particles of existing genetic material it can absorb and breaks it down into its most basic components, recycling the material to fuel its own life cycle.
[X][Maidari Origin] Ancient Maidari are the origin point for a newly emergent lineage!

You might have a vision for these things, but I want to propose an alternate idea
[?][Maidari Origin] BOTH, the Ancient Maidari are a fusion of the other lineages

As for the
I'm tempted to go explosion path, but let's first see if I can come up with an easier solution
[X][Klotho-kea] Arms race
-[X] Something else? Klotho-Kea Sqores evolve cone shaped hulls that can be used for piercing through the rocks, away from their own waste.

[X][Geological] Find out if you captured a weird, contaminated dust grain (3 turns at >50%)
I want to wait to advance and settle down to be a biosphere once we're firmly in our lower original birth orbit which given we're a third of the way there might take a lot of votes but the earth day boost might help us out there
I voted to check our axial tilt at one point and it told us ten degrees which means we have much more mild seasons than earth
also we have some big extreme tides at 6 meters amazing implications for coastal life and tidal pools
I want to still develop this nitritfication bacteria to hopefully get more nitrogen in our atmosphere and nitrogen being important for all sorts of life

[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo until reaching our birth orbit then
-[X][Tempo] Retire from planethood to become a biosphere instead (requires >90%, min. 3 votes)
[X][Orbital] Move to lower orbit
[X][Atmospheric] create protective Atmospheric layers to help out life, maybe an ozone layer or something to reduce radiation
[X][Geological] Find out if you captured a weird, contaminated dust grain (3 turns at >50%)
[X][Life] Implement ammonia oxidation to nitrites
-[X] Do this in Plagiarismonadotes lineage
[X][Maidari] Maidari are Plagiarismonadotes
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage
-[X] Fix the damage more efficiently (difficult)
[X][Anankae] Arms race
-[X] Continue pursuing explosions (extremely difficult)
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Check for genetic damage more often (moderate)
[X][Anankae] Develop photosynthesis
-[X] More redox! (moderate)
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[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Something else? (specify)
--[X]Develop shielding for the Nucleus to protect it from UV radiation. Mostly using Carbon nanostructures, as they show some pretty neat UV shielding capabilities. The material is very abundant, more so as it is an easy to get for them due to it being a byproduct from their photosynthesis.
[X][Maidari] Maidari are Plagiarismonadotes
[X][Life] Increase mutation rate
[X][Geological] Reinforce Magnetic Coils to reduce vulnerability to fluctuations in core heat output
[X][Orbital] Move to a lower orbit
[X][Atmospheric] Countervote any increases or decreases in atmospheric gas
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Something else? (specify)
--[X]Develop shielding for the Nucleus to protect it from UV radiation. Mostly using Carbon nanostructures, as they show some pretty neat UV shielding capabilities. The material is very abundant, more so as it is an easy to get for them due to it being a byproduct from their photosynthesis.
[X][Life] Increase mutation rate
[X][Geological] Reinforce Magnetic Coils to reduce vulnerability to fluctuations in core heat output
[X][Orbital] Move to higher orbit
[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo
[X][Orbital] Collect more ice (difficult!)
-[X] put in rings/gas torus
[X][Atmospheric] Collect more gas x0.5
-[X] put in gas torus
[X][Geological] Find out if you captured a weird, contaminated dust grain (3 turns at >50%)
Ok, that's the easy part done
[X][Life] Increase mutation rate
[X][Maidari] Maidari are Plagiarismonadotes
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Develop photosynthesis
-[X] Continue with these proton pumps (slow)
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage
-[X] Make pigments (easy)
[X][Anankae] Arms race
-[X] Continue pursuing explosions (extremely difficult)
[X][Anankae] Develop photosynthesis
-[X] More redox! (moderate)
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Make pigments (easy)
[X][Lifedetails] Norðrljós, a branch of Alquaria that has specialized into long periods of dormancy, allowing it to survive outside of water for an extended period of time. With this ability, it has spread across the land into otherwise isolated rivers and lakes. A gold coloring helps to shield them from the sun.
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Something else? (specify)
--[X]Develop shielding for the Nucleus to protect it from UV radiation. Mostly using Carbon nanostructures, as they show some pretty neat UV shielding capabilities. The material is very abundant, more so as it is an easy to get for them due to it being a byproduct from their photosynthesis.
[X][Maidari] Maidari are Plagiarismonadotes
[X][Life] Increase mutation rate
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Develop photosynthesis
-[X] Continue with these proton pumps (slow)
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage
-[X] Make pigments (easy)
[X][Anankae] Arms race
-[X] Continue pursuing explosions (extremely difficult)
[X][Anankae] Develop photosynthesis
-[X] More redox! (moderate)
[X][Geological] Reinforce Magnetic Coils to reduce vulnerability to fluctuations in core heat output
[X][Atmospheric] Collect more gas x0.5
-[X] put in gas torus
[X][Geological] Find out if you captured a weird, contaminated dust grain (3 turns at >50%)
[X] [Orbital] condense the gas torus more.
not sure that should be there ?
Do Earth Day reaction votes count for the concordance total? So when calculating concordance, will the total be (number of posters) or (number of posters + Earth Day reactions)? Because if it is the former, we can get extremely high levels of concordance on multiple actions by using a lot of Earth Day reactions.

I'm asking because I was thinking we could use Earth Day reactions to look for the suspicious dust grain, shrink the gas torus, move the gas torus inside the orbit of Inky, migrate to a lower orbit and more all in one turn.
Probably the former for things where there partial completion isn't justified for fine-tuning reasons. I can see things going crazy if an expel/collect/accrete post picks up too many and it gets resolved that way, although that's potentially one hilarious way to briefly get a planet with negative mass.
Looks like it actually goes back to @6 ZeV Proton making the mistake in the writeup and it was close enough that I didn't notice the difference.
For logistical reasons related to having too many mutually incompatible organisms running around from the start, I'm a bit leery about letting in more primary lineages, which was why T52 specified elaborations/revisions
Probably the former for things where there partial completion isn't justified for fine-tuning reasons.
That is great to hear! I'm going to vote assuming that the hunt for the dust grain will be carried by Earth Day reactions.

[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo
[X][Orbital] Accrete Gas to
-[X] gas torus
[X][Atmospheric] Collect more gas x0.5
-[X] put in gas torus
[X][Geological] Reduce the minor radius of gas torus to half our radius or less
Looking at the Earth Reactions we are at approximately 6/~11 for Advance (Atmospheric); EclipsedStar and dbRevned do you mind consolidating behind that to ensure that it happens? Thanks.
Also, there may be a rebalance to how life actions work coming soon to make things more constrained/manageable on my end, but I'm not sure yet.
talking about simplifying life mechanics gave me the idea when we settle down and stop having plantent votes

what about like regularly skipping between generations or eras?

voting for sets of traits or general directions for life to take and then seeing how life develops and how we can Intervene

or maybe voting for certain environmental or ecological challenges and seeing how organisms responds and poking them to go in certain directions
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by 6 ZeV Proton on Apr 22, 2024 at 6:49 AM, finished with 21 posts and 12 votes.
  • 7

    [X][Tempo] Advance atmospheric (requires >50%)
    [X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo
    [X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo
    -[X][Tempo] Retire from planethood to become a biosphere instead (requires >90%, min. 3 votes)
    [X][Tempo] Advance orbital (requires >50%)
    [X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo until reaching our birth orbit then
    -[X][Tempo] Retire from planethood to become a biosphere instead (requires >90%, min. 3 votes)
  • 11

    [X][Orbital] Move to a lower orbit
    [X][Orbital] Move to the next lower orbit and do not overshoot
    [X][Orbital] Solidify the arrangement of our Rings
    [X][Orbital] Increase axial tilt
    [X][Orbital] Move to lower orbit
    [X][Orbital] Move to higher orbit
    [X][Orbital] Collect more ice (difficult!)
    -[X] put in rings/gas torus
    [X] [Orbital] condense the gas torus more.
    [X][Orbital] Accrete Gas to
    -[X] gas torus
  • 9

    [X][Atmospheric] Countervote any increases or decreases in atmospheric gas
    [X][Atmospheric] Collect more gas x0.5
    -[X] put in gas torus
    [X][Atmospheric] Adjust our weather so that it better encourages the development of life
    [X][Atmospheric] Storm Day! Storm Day! Storm Day!
    [X][Atmospheric] create protective Atmospheric layers to help out life, maybe an ozone layer or something to reduce radiation
  • 12

    [X][Geological] Find out if you captured a weird, contaminated dust grain (3 turns at >50%)
    [X][Geological] Reinforce Magnetic Coils to reduce vulnerability to fluctuations in core heat output
    [X][Geological] continue to increase pressure on random chunks of materials
    [X][Geological] Increase weathering (smoothens terrain, decreases atmospheric CO 2 )
    [X][Geological] Reduce the minor radius of gas torus to half our radius or less
  • 8

    [X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
    -[X] Something else? (specify)
    --[X]Develop shielding for the Nucleus to protect it from UV radiation. Mostly using Carbon nanostructures, as they show some pretty neat UV shielding capabilities. The material is very abundant, more so as it is an easy to get for them due to it being a byproduct from their photosynthesis.
    [X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
    -[X] Make pigments (easy)
    [X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
    -[X] Check for genetic damage more often (moderate)
  • 1

    [X][Observation] Consider our status with the system, with emphasis on our orbit compared to other orbits.
  • 7

    [X][Life] Increase mutation rate
    [X][Life] Implement ammonia oxidation to nitrites
    -[X] Do this in Plagiarismonadotes lineage
  • 1

    [X][Maidarus Origin] Ancient Maidarus are the origin point for a newly emergent lineage!
  • 5

    [X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage
    -[X] Fix the damage more efficiently (difficult)
    [X][Anankae] Develop photosynthesis
    -[X] Continue with these proton pumps (slow)
    [X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage
    -[X] Make pigments (easy)
  • 5

    [X][Anankae] Arms race
    -[X] Continue pursuing explosions (extremely difficult)
    [X][Anankae] Develop photosynthesis
    -[X] More redox! (moderate)
    [X][Anankae] Develop new feature
    -[X] Increase ability to survive extreme heat, allowing species to get even closer to the thermal heat vents that provide their primary life source and survive.
  • 1

    [X][Anankae] Develop new feature
    -[X] Longer structure and finer control to increase movement ability
  • 5

    [X][Maidari] Maidari are Plagiarismonadotes
  • 2

    [X][Klotho-Kea] Develop new feature (varied difficulty, specify feature and target)
    -[X] Attempt to develop the creation of several flagella such that the flagella can be used for movement deeper into the hydrothermal vents, and the explosives used for carving out more space within the rock.
    [X][Anankae] Arms race
    -[X] Something else? Klotho-Kea Sqores evolve cone shaped hulls that can be used for piercing through the rocks, away from their own waste.
  • 1

    [X][Lifedetails] Norðrljós, a branch of Alquaria that has specialized into long periods of dormancy, allowing it to survive outside of water for an extended period of time. With this ability, it has spread across the land into otherwise isolated rivers and lakes. A gold coloring helps to shield them from the sun.

[X][Tempo] Advance atmospheric (requires >50%)​
[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo​
[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo
-[X][Tempo] Retire from planethood to become a biosphere instead (requires >90%, min. 3 votes)​
[X][Tempo] Advance orbital (requires >50%)​
[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo until reaching our birth orbit then
-[X][Tempo] Retire from planethood to become a biosphere instead (requires >90%, min. 3 votes)​
[X][Orbital] Move to a lower orbit​
[X][Orbital] Move to the next lower orbit and do not overshoot​
[X][Orbital] Solidify the arrangement of our Rings​
[X][Orbital] Increase axial tilt​
[X][Orbital] Move to higher orbit​
[X][Orbital] Collect more ice (difficult!)
-[X] put in rings/gas torus​
[X] [Orbital] condense the gas torus more.​
[X][Orbital] Accrete Gas to
-[X] gas torus​
[X][Atmospheric] Countervote any increases or decreases in atmospheric gas​
[X][Atmospheric] Collect more gas x0.5
-[X] put in gas torus​
[X][Atmospheric] Adjust our weather so that it better encourages the development of life​
[X][Atmospheric] Storm Day! Storm Day! Storm Day!​
[X][Atmospheric] create protective Atmospheric layers to help out life, maybe an ozone layer or something to reduce radiation​
[X][Geological] Find out if you captured a weird, contaminated dust grain (3 turns at >50%)​
[X][Geological] Reinforce Magnetic Coils to reduce vulnerability to fluctuations in core heat output​
[X][Geological] continue to increase pressure on random chunks of materials​
[X][Geological] Increase weathering (smoothens terrain, decreases atmospheric CO 2 )​
[X][Geological] Reduce the minor radius of gas torus to half our radius or less​
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Something else? (specify)
--[X]Develop shielding for the Nucleus to protect it from UV radiation. Mostly using Carbon nanostructures, as they show some pretty neat UV shielding capabilities. The material is very abundant, more so as it is an easy to get for them due to it being a byproduct from their photosynthesis.​
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Make pigments (easy)​
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Check for genetic damage more often (moderate)​
[X][Observation] Consider our status with the system, with emphasis on our orbit compared to other orbits.​
[X][Life] Increase mutation rate​
[X][Life] Implement ammonia oxidation to nitrites
-[X] Do this in Plagiarismonadotes lineage​
[X][Maidarus Origin] Ancient Maidarus are the origin point for a newly emergent lineage!​
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage
-[X] Fix the damage more efficiently (difficult)​
[X][Anankae] Develop photosynthesis
-[X] Continue with these proton pumps (slow)​
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage
-[X] Make pigments (easy)​
[X][Anankae] Arms race
-[X] Continue pursuing explosions (extremely difficult)​
[X][Anankae] Develop photosynthesis
-[X] More redox! (moderate)​
[X][Anankae] Develop new feature
-[X] Increase ability to survive extreme heat, allowing species to get even closer to the thermal heat vents that provide their primary life source and survive.​
[X][Anankae] Develop new feature
-[X] Longer structure and finer control to increase movement ability​
[X][Maidari] Maidari are Plagiarismonadotes​
[X][Klotho-Kea] Develop new feature (varied difficulty, specify feature and target)
-[X] Attempt to develop the creation of several flagella such that the flagella can be used for movement deeper into the hydrothermal vents, and the explosives used for carving out more space within the rock.​
[X][Anankae] Arms race
-[X] Something else? Klotho-Kea Sqores evolve cone shaped hulls that can be used for piercing through the rocks, away from their own waste.​
[X][Lifedetails] Norðrljós, a branch of Alquaria that has specialized into long periods of dormancy, allowing it to survive outside of water for an extended period of time. With this ability, it has spread across the land into otherwise isolated rivers and lakes. A gold coloring helps to shield them from the sun.​
[X][Maidarus] Develop new feature
-[X] Longer structure and finer control to increase movement ability​
[X][Klotho-Kea] Arms race
-[X] Something else? Klotho-Kea Sqores evolve cone shaped hulls that can be used for piercing through the rocks, away from their own waste.​

[X][Tempo] Advance atmospheric (requires >50%)​
[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo​
[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo
-[X][Tempo] Retire from planethood to become a biosphere instead (requires >90%, min. 3 votes)​
[X][Tempo] Advance orbital (requires >50%)​
[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo until reaching our birth orbit then
-[X][Tempo] Retire from planethood to become a biosphere instead (requires >90%, min. 3 votes)​
[X][Orbital] Move to a lower orbit​
[X][Orbital] Move to the next lower orbit and do not overshoot​
[X][Orbital] Solidify the arrangement of our Rings​
[X][Orbital] Increase axial tilt​
[X][Orbital] Move to higher orbit​
[X][Orbital] Collect more ice (difficult!)
-[X] put in rings/gas torus​
[X] [Orbital] condense the gas torus more.​
[X][Orbital] Accrete Gas to
-[X] gas torus​
[X][Atmospheric] Countervote any increases or decreases in atmospheric gas​
[X][Atmospheric] Collect more gas x0.5
-[X] put in gas torus​
[X][Atmospheric] Adjust our weather so that it better encourages the development of life​
[X][Atmospheric] Storm Day! Storm Day! Storm Day!​
[X][Atmospheric] create protective Atmospheric layers to help out life, maybe an ozone layer or something to reduce radiation​
[X][Geological] Find out if you captured a weird, contaminated dust grain (3 turns at >50%)​
[X][Geological] Reinforce Magnetic Coils to reduce vulnerability to fluctuations in core heat output​
[X][Geological] continue to increase pressure on random chunks of materials​
[X][Geological] Increase weathering (smoothens terrain, decreases atmospheric CO 2 )​
[X][Geological] Reduce the minor radius of gas torus to half our radius or less​
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Something else? (specify)
--[X]Develop shielding for the Nucleus to protect it from UV radiation. Mostly using Carbon nanostructures, as they show some pretty neat UV shielding capabilities. The material is very abundant, more so as it is an easy to get for them due to it being a byproduct from their photosynthesis.​
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Make pigments (easy)​
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency
-[X] Check for genetic damage more often (moderate)​
[X][Observation] Consider our status with the system, with emphasis on our orbit compared to other orbits.​
[X][Life] Increase mutation rate​
[X][Life] Implement ammonia oxidation to nitrites
-[X] Do this in Plagiarismonadotes lineage​
[X][Maidarus Origin] Ancient Maidarus are the origin point for a newly emergent lineage!​
[X][Anankae] Develop new feature
-[X] Longer structure and finer control to increase movement ability​
[X][Maidari] Maidari are Plagiarismonadotes​
[X][Maidarus] Develop new feature
-[X] Longer structure and finer control to increase movement ability​
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage
-[X] Fix the damage more efficiently (difficult)​
[X][Anankae] Develop photosynthesis
-[X] Continue with these proton pumps (slow)​
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage
-[X] Make pigments (easy)​
[X][Anankae] Arms race
-[X] Continue pursuing explosions (extremely difficult)​
[X][Anankae] Develop photosynthesis
-[X] More redox! (moderate)​
[X][Anankae] Develop new feature
-[X] Increase ability to survive extreme heat, allowing species to get even closer to the thermal heat vents that provide their primary life source and survive.​
[X][Klotho-Kea] Develop new feature (varied difficulty, specify feature and target)
-[X] Attempt to develop the creation of several flagella such that the flagella can be used for movement deeper into the hydrothermal vents, and the explosives used for carving out more space within the rock.​
[X][Anankae] Arms race
-[X] Something else? Klotho-Kea Sqores evolve cone shaped hulls that can be used for piercing through the rocks, away from their own waste.​
[X][Klotho-Kea] Arms race
-[X] Something else? Klotho-Kea Sqores evolve cone shaped hulls that can be used for piercing through the rocks, away from their own waste.​
[X][Lifedetails] Norðrljós, a branch of Alquaria that has specialized into long periods of dormancy, allowing it to survive outside of water for an extended period of time. With this ability, it has spread across the land into otherwise isolated rivers and lakes. A gold coloring helps to shield them from the sun.​
6 ZeV Proton threw 17 6-faced dice. Reason: Find out Total: 53
2 2 4 4 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 4 1 1 4 4 6 6 3 3 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 3 3 4 4
6 ZeV Proton threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Pinch! Pinch! Total: 6
6 6
6 ZeV Proton threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Nordh/check Total: 10
3 3 4 4 3 3
6 ZeV Proton threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Maid/long+motile Total: 11
3 3 4 4 4 4
6 ZeV Proton threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Plag/proofread Total: 16
5 5 5 5 6 6
6 ZeV Proton threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Maid/H+ pumps Total: 10
6 6 1 1 3 3
6 ZeV Proton threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Plag/pigments Total: 15
5 5 5 5 5 5
6 ZeV Proton threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Anan/expl Total: 12
5 5 5 5 2 2
6 ZeV Proton threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Anan/phot Total: 9
2 2 3 3 4 4
6 ZeV Proton threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Anan/heatres Total: 14
3 3 6 6 5 5
6 ZeV Proton threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Anan/klotho/flagella Total: 8
1 1 5 5 2 2
6 ZeV Proton threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Plag/nitr Total: 18
6 6 6 6 6 6
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Ngl with these numbers we have a significant chance of accidentally slamming ourselves into or through Pixelle? :V
That should be somewhat counteracted by the other two votes for orbits:

[X][Orbital] Move to the next lower orbit and do not overshoot​
[X][Orbital] Move to higher orbit​
Turn 54: You are a boiling hot super-Earth with a fragile biosphere, liquid water on most/all of your moons, and desperate need for cooling! New
Time controls said:
[X][Tempo] Advance atmospheric (requires >50%): 285.7% - PASSED!
[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo: 200.0%
[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo -[X][Tempo] Retire from planethood to become a biosphere instead (requires >90%, min. 3 votes): 28.6%
[X][Tempo] Advance orbital (requires >50%): 14.3%
[X][Tempo] Maintain current tempo until reaching our birth orbit then -[X][Tempo] Retire from planethood to become a biosphere instead (requires >90%, min. 3 votes): 28.6%

Concordance: 86.3% (raw: 32.7%)
Astronomical controls said:
[X][Orbital] Move to a lower orbit: 618.2% - Snapped to birth orbit (raw: 36.4%)
[X][Orbital] Move to the next lower orbit and do not overshoot: 45.5% - Snapped to birth orbit (raw: 9.1%)
[X][Orbital] Solidify the arrangement of our Rings: 18.2%
[X][Orbital] Increase axial tilt: 9.1% (augmented: 45.5%)
[X][Orbital] Move to higher orbit: 27.3% (raw: 9.1%)
[X][Orbital] Collect more ice (difficult!) -[X] put in rings/gas torus: 45.5% (raw: 9.1%)
[X] [Orbital] condense the gas torus more.: 36.4% (raw: 9.1%)
[X][Orbital] Accrete Gas to -[X] gas torus: 9.1% (augmented: 18.2%)

Concordance: 88.3% (raw: 39.6%)
Atmospheric controls said:
[X][Atmospheric] Countervote any increases or decreases in atmospheric gas: 633.3%
[X][Atmospheric] Collect more gas x0.5 -[X] put in gas torus: 33.3% (augmented: 366.7%)
[X][Atmospheric] Adjust our weather so that it better encourages the development of life: 22.2%
[X][Atmospheric] Storm Day! Storm Day! Storm Day!: 11.1% (augmented: 55.6%)
[X][Atmospheric] create protective Atmospheric layers to help out life, maybe an ozone layer or something to reduce radiation : 22.2%

Concordance: 92.2% (raw: 51.9%)
Geological controls said:
[X][Geological] Find out if you captured a weird, contaminated dust grain (3 turns at >50%): 1723.1%
[X][Geological] Reinforce Magnetic Coils to reduce vulnerability to fluctuations in core heat output: 300.0%
[X][Geological] continue to increase pressure on random chunks of materials: 7.7%
[X][Geological] Increase weathering (smoothens terrain, decreases atmospheric CO 2 ): 7.7% (augmented: 38.5%)
[X][Geological] Reduce the minor radius of gas torus to half our radius or less: 15.4%

Concordance: 95.4% (raw: 72.8%)
Observation targets said:
[X][Observation] Consider our status with the system, with emphasis on our orbit compared to other orbits.: 1
Life controls said:
[X][Life] Increase mutation rate: 85.7% (augmented: 2142.9%)
[X][Life] Implement ammonia oxidation to nitrites -[X] Do this in Plagiarismonadotes lineage: 28.6% (raw:14.3%)
Concordance: 96.0% (raw: 78.5%)

[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency -[X] Something else? (specify) --[X]Develop shielding for the Nucleus to protect it from UV radiation. Mostly using Carbon nanostructures, as they show some pretty neat UV shielding capabilities. The material is very abundant, more so as it is an easy to get for them due to it being a byproduct from their photosynthesis.: 1050.0%
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency -[X] Make pigments (easy): 175.0%
[X][Alquaria] Improve efficiency -[X] Check for genetic damage more often (moderate): 175.0%
Concordance: 93.9% (raw: 64.6%)

[X][Lifedetails] Norðrljós, a branch of Alquaria that has specialized into long periods of dormancy, allowing it to survive outside of water for an extended period of time. With this ability, it has spread across the land into otherwise isolated rivers and lakes. A gold coloring helps to shield them from the sun.: 500.0%
Concordance: 83.3% (raw: 0.0%)

[X][Maidari] Maidari are Plagiarismonadotes: 1571.4%
[X][Maidarus Origin] Ancient Maidarus are the origin point for a newly emergent lineage!: 28.6%
[X][Maidarus] Develop new feature -[X] Longer structure and finer control to increase movement ability: 28.6%
Concordance: 94.5% (raw: 68.3%)

[X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage -[X] Fix the damage more efficiently (difficult): 385.7%
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Develop photosynthesis -[X] Continue with these proton pumps (slow): 257.1%
[X][Plagiarismonadota] Reduce radiation damage -[X] Make pigments (easy): 257.1%
Concordance: 91.2% (raw: 58.0%)

[X][Anankae] Arms race -[X] Continue pursuing explosions (extremely difficult): 800.0%
[X][Anankae] Develop photosynthesis -[X] More redox! (moderate): 412.5%
[X][Anankae] Develop new feature -[X] Increase ability to survive extreme heat, allowing species to get even closer to the thermal heat vents that provide their primary life source and survive.: 25.0%
Concordance: 93.3% (raw: 66.9%)

[X][Klotho-Kea] Develop new feature (varied difficulty, specify feature and target) -[X] Attempt to develop the creation of several flagella such that the flagella can be used for movement deeper into the hydrothermal vents, and the explosives used for carving out more space within the rock.: 250.0%
[X][Klotho-Kea] Arms race -[X] Something else? Klotho-Kea Sqores evolve cone shaped hulls that can be used for piercing through the rocks, away from their own waste.: 300.0%
Concordance: 84.7% (raw: 0.0%)
System names said:
Sun: Pixelle
Small scorched planet: Doom
Evaporating greenhouse planet: Marathon
Boiling wet planet: Bomber
Rocky asteroid belt: Tetrimino Asteroid Belt
You: Pacworld
Gassy terrestrial planet with two major moons: Mobius

Small gas giant with one major moon: Mario
Gas giant with many major moons and big rings: Ralph
Ice giant with two major moons: Zebes


It's a good day for lots of storms, but then again, when isn't it a good day for a storm? It's probably also good for the development of life. In any case, violent cyclones rip through from the sea and scour your lands again and again, somewhat equalizing moisture between the thirsting latitudes and the hurricane alleys. Combined with an increase in weathering, the majesty of your terrain once again moves a step closer to average after having increased quite nicely last turn. You also try installing some sort of protective atmospheric layer to help life out a little but ultimately decide against adding or removing anything from your atmosphre, besides which you don't (yet?) have enough oxygen to generate ozone in your relatively reducing atmosphere.

You put some work into locking your rings in place to avoid them getting cannibalized or fed, but a little hard-won ice manages to get in anyway. Luckily, this doesn't change the mass of your rings all that much.

You add a fair amount of gas from your surroundings to your torus even as you try pinching it further to bring its thickness down to half of your own diameter or smaller. Astonishingly, this succeeds without incident, and for another turn or two, your torus of wayward gas and deadly radiation is tame and fairly dense (relative to interplanetary gas anyway). To keep this work from being undone by accidents related to tampering with your coils, you reinforce and place them in a less potentially crashy layout with the result that it'll take slightly more one-sided coil alteration (>33%) to damage them.

In a highly contrived success after scouring high and low and even probing your moons and rings, you manage to locate a strange dust grain embedded in a ring particle below the orbit of Inky. It has an unusual amount of gold, a lump of spicy lead, a few spines, and a free-standing crater of some sort. Should you choose to do so, you can feed it to something, expel it, attempt to study it now, or wait for the improved precision of advancements to kick in before studying it.

Your atmosphere has advanced, and collecting/expelling gas is now less effective. Unluckily, good prevailing wind simulations taking your rotation speed and atmospheric composition into account aren't available yet pending an engine for modeling exactly that; in the meantime, a placeholder with northeasterlies in the tropics, westerlies in the mid latitudes, and polar vortices near the poles will be used together with a fairly basic circulation model for your oceans.

With all that done, you tilt to around 35 degrees and return to the orbit you formed in so long ago. Things heat up a lot very quickly on you and your moons. Rain stops being much of a thing on you in particular because it's rather too hot for that, and your oceans are in danger of boiling if things don't change quickly. Drastic times may call for drastic measures...

The vast majority of the ice on Inky, Blinky, and Pinky melts fairly quickly, and Clyde is really only an exception because its rocky crust has recently formed and is collecting water. Comparing your orbit with that of the other planets, you find that you're situated almost twice as far from Pixelle as Bomber, almost three times as far away as Marathon, and close to five times as far away as Doom most of the time. As for the outer planets, Inky used to be almost twice as far away from Pixelle as you, and the Tetrimino Belt, Mobius, and Mario were spaced at similar ratios. Ralph and Zebes are where the pattern breaks down, and they're closer to the previous planet than they would be if the ratio covering the Belt, Mobius, and Mario were extended to cover them as well.

Mutation rate increases dramatically! Maybe this has something to do with the much stronger radiation and greatly increased temperature?

Fueled by your earthy boost, it emerges that the Alqaria are capable of taking up and working with various carbon nanostructures, some sheets of which are put to the task of providing UV shielding for their genetic material. Of course, the very sheets that protect them from harsh UV also protect them from a lot of photosynthesis as well, and it takes some time for a winning topology of light funnels concentrating sunlight on photosynthetic components to emerge and spread throughout the population. Along the way, most populations also manage to develop fairly simple pigments to quench incoming UV, and a few that have managed to be dispersed to high altitude lakes by your storms have taken to the rather expensive option of checking for genetic damage more often.

Speaking of Alquaria dispersed on the land, a significant branch has emerged that possesses the ability to lie dormant until conditions are once again right for growth. Distinguished by their gold coloring, the Norðrljós phylum Alquaria find themselves expanding upstream and into isolated bodies of water.

The Maidari turn out to be highly divergent Plagiarismonadota after all, and some populations appear to be under significant pressure to be motile in an efficient way. Of course, a lot of them are still doing well for themselves passively feasting on the nutrients left behind by mainline plagiarismonads and the like even without having to invest in motility, so they may well be in a successful enough niche they don't have to worry about this..

As for the plagiarismonads at large, the general thrust of their development seems to be concentrated in the populations growing near shallow vents, where developing some measure of photosynthesis is feasible. This quickly runs up against your rapid descent drastically increasing irradiation without enough time to adjust, and the shallow water plagiarismonadotes fail to develop better DNA repair mechanisms at this time. As if that's not enough, the glimmerings of pigment generation to take the edge off of UV damage fall apart, when the most easily accessible products turn out to be phototoxic with the intensity of the sun in your new orbit. On the bright side, at least the efficiency of their proton pumps improves enough that the sun-loving varieties aren't as tightly bound to the immediate vicinity of a vent. Still, it would be nice for fewer cells to die of DNA damage early.

Nitrification unfortunately goes exceptionally poorly for the plagiarismonads, and instead of developing ammonium oxidation capabilities, they've acquired the ability to reduce nitrogen gas to ammonia. The upshot of this is that ammonia is still a vastly more useful and accessible form of nitrogen than dinitrogen, and perhaps the increased abundance of ammonia in plagiarismonad-populated waters will make future work on nitrification easier.

The Anankae continue pursuing explosions, and efficiency improves a fair bit but far from enough to make them a practical mode of motility; it may very well be a signal that a different strategy is needed when you're a microbe dumping most or all of your precious energy reserves on a jolt that moves you a few centimeters in calm open water. Of course, it's not all bad news, and the best performing batches in this direction are those that manage to synchronize their explosions to within a few milliseconds through the use of species-specific electromagnetic signal patterns. This does manage to pick away at the anomalously hard cavern walls much faster than ambient erosion (but still over the course of months and at the expense of some fraction of the colony each blast).

As for the progress on developing photosynthetic methods, an interesting side-effect of various ongoing metabolic refinements is that many if not most nanowire-expressing populations can now invest energy into acidifying volumes of water tiny even by Anankae standards at the tips of their nanowires to corrode surfaces. Given the prevalence of carbonate rock, this is a pretty important development and one that can potentially affect the global carbon balance.

Surprisingly given their mineral-heavy origins, not much movement toward heat resistance manages to happen, and most Anankae continue to live out their life cycles out of the direct path of the life-giving vents (but still around them). Since Anankae tend to live in flooded or underwater caves with fairly constant average temperatures almost independent of surface conditions, he exact reason for why heat resistance wouldn't immediately spread far and wide is a bit of a mystery.

Some Anankae identifiable by their conical hulls have split off from the rest of their kin and been named the Clotho-Kea. They've developed motility by way of flagella, and this has been successful enough that in places where active motility does provide benefits, this trait has begun spreading among the less mobile Anankae their excursions take them to.

Gauges of interest (not to scale!):

Average air temperature
Freezing 🞀––––––o🞂 Boiling

Average sea temperature
Freezing 🞀––––o––🞂 Boiling

Average asthenosphere temperature
Dead 🞀–––o–––🞂 Molten

Average surface air pressure
Trace 🞀––––o––🞂 Crushing

Land area: 40-45%​

Your sphere of influence:

Very thick, 61% CO2​, 26% H2​O, 11% N2​, 2% (CH4​, CO, He, H2​S, Ne, H2​)OceanWaterSilicatesIron
CO2​, N2​, Ne, CH4​, SO2​, COOceanWaterWater, silicatesRocky
Thick CO2​, N2​, CH4​, CO, NeWater, rockWaterSilicatesRocky
CO2​, N2​Liquid water, iceWaterSilicatesIron
Very thin CO2​, N2​Ice, waterWaterSilicatesRocky

Temporal controls (vote once):
[ ][Tempo] Maintain current tempo
[ ][Tempo] Advance! (requires 80%, task-specific advance votes count toward this threshold)
[ ][Tempo] Advance orbital (requires >50%)
[ ][Tempo] Advance geological (requires >50%)
[ ][Tempo] Retire from planethood to become a biosphere instead (requires >90%, min. 3 votes)

Orbital controls (vote once):
[ ][Orbital] Move to a higher orbit
[ ][Orbital] Move to a lower orbit
[ ][Orbital] Expel ice
[ ][Orbital] Collect more ice (difficult!)
[ ][Orbital] Expel dust
[ ][Orbital] Collect more dust
[ ][Orbital] Accrete to...
-[ ] self
-[ ] not self
-[ ] moon
-[ ] rings
[ ][Orbital] Bombard...
-[ ] self
-[ ] not self
-[ ] moon
-[ ] rings
[ ][Orbital] Do not collapse more material onto ourself
[ ][Orbital] Spin faster
[ ][Orbital] Spin slower
[ ][Orbital] Increase axial tilt
[ ][Orbital] Decrease axial tilt

Atmospheric controls (vote once):
[ ][Atmospheric] Expel gas
[ ][Atmospheric] Collect more gas
[ ][Atmospheric] Increase cloud cover
[ ][Atmospheric] Decrease cloud cover
[ ][Atmospheric] Increase albedo
[ ][Atmospheric] Decrease albedo
[ ][Atmospheric] Increase rainfall
[ ][Atmospheric] Decrease rainfall

Geological controls (vote once):
[ ][Geological] Export core heat (increases volcanism)
[ ][Geological] Retain core heat (decreases volcanism)
[ ][Geological] Increase weathering (smoothens terrain, decreases atmospheric CO 2 )
[ ][Geological] Decrease weathering (roughens terrain, increases atmospheric CO 2 )

Observation controls (vote once):
[ ][Observation] Look around in more detail (Specify target(s))

Life controls (vote for as many as you want):
General life controls:
[ ][Life] Increase mutation rate
[ ][Life] Decrease mutation rate
[ ][Life] Undergo extinction event (reduces difficulty of other actions)

Generic lineage-specific controls:
[ ][Lineagename] Implement new metabolic cycle (varied difficulty, specify inputs and outputs)
[ ][Lineagename] Develop new feature (varied difficulty, specify feature and target)
[ ][Lineagename] Name a lineage of organisms

Special lineage-specific controls:
[ ][Plagiarismonadota] Feature development target: DNA repair
[ ][Plagiarismonadota] Feature development target: Encourage pyrite utilization
[ ][Plagiarismonadota] Feature development target: Improve photosynthetic efficiency

Life bounties/plans (accepting text/image elaborations/revisions for existing life forms):
[ ][Lifedetails] Parent (required): Which lineage does this one descend from?
[ ][Lifedetails] Habitat: Where does this lineage occur? What sorts of environments could easily follow in housing them?
[ ][Lifedetails] Basic metabolism: What do they take up and how? What do they produce as a result? What unique inputs/products/pathways distinguish them from their average cousin?
[ ][Lifedetails] Isolation: Is there something distinct or different about their outer coverings?
[ ][Lifedetails] Sensing: What information can they pick up on that their cousins seldom can?
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I can't believe I didn't think to project that moving one orbit in would be enough to push temperatures to the boiling point and didn't notice until after processing all the life actions too :(
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