Writing on the Wall (Pact/Multicross)

Wait - we can still upgrade? Oops.

[X] Magic 2

[X] The Man Behind the Mask

[X] It's Just a Flesh Wound 1
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[x] Plan to set up an Ambush. Anthony will get the guard's attention and try to led some away. Once they're out of sight of their fellows, you'll pop in and catch them by surprise.
[x] Magic 2
[x] The Man Behind the Mask
[x] Blending the Edge 1

Got to get our glamour rolls high. We can't afford to fail those.
[X] Plan to set up an Ambush. Anthony will get the guard's attention and try to led some away. Once they're out of sight of their fellows, you'll pop in and catch them by surprise.

We really don't want to get actively shot at by the full weight of guards right now. They're likely going to be rolling at +50-60 collectively (+20 Firearms +10 Rifles +20-30 Outnumber or something like that) to our current +45 with all checks passed. Let Anthony split them up and change the game a little bit first. Although, math-wise, that may actually be worse having to win over and over against a bunch of +30s rather than a single +50-60...unless mechanically it gets set up such that being split up merely weakens their Outnumber but they're still fought together.

[X] Magic 2

I did say originally I wanted Melee 2 straight up, but with enough points and fighting this many guys and a hostile practitioner it may serve us better to secure the +30 we get from passing Glamour checks rather than getting another +10 max.

[X] Over the River and Through the Woods

Key word: Interesting!

[X] Blending the Edge 1

And one of the other things that makes the engine work.
[x] Plan to set up an Ambush. Anthony will get the guard's attention and try to led some away. Once they're out of sight of their fellows, you'll pop in and catch them by surprise.

[x] Magic 2

[x] The Man Behind the Mask

[x] Blending the Edge 1
[X] Plan to set up an Ambush. Anthony will get the guard's attention and try to led some away. Once they're out of sight of their fellows, you'll pop in and catch them by surprise.

[X] Magic 2

[X] The Man Behind the Mask

[X] Blending the Edge 1
[x] Plan to set up an Ambush. Anthony will get the guard's attention and try to led some away. Once they're out of sight of their fellows, you'll pop in and catch them by surprise.

[x] Magic 2

[x] The Man Behind the Mask

[x] Blending the Edge 1
The Quiet and the Storm
[X] Plan to set up an Ambush. Anthony will get the guard's attention and try to led some away. Once they're out of sight of their fellows, you'll pop in and catch them by surprise.
Summoner Bond: +1d6 personal experience = +5 points

Persuade Check: 62(roll) Selene + 40 (Persuade 4) vs 48 (roll) Anthony = success, gain +1d6 social experience = +3 points

Anthony huffs quietly as the two of you return to your camp. A small, shaded grove on the north side of the hill, it's obscured by a collection of trees to say nothing of the brush on the ground. Burned slightly from the summoning circle which called you into this world, you glance over at the darkened ash, before staring at your summoner himself.

'He looks worn,' you decide, his shoulders hunched in his frayed, woolen coat. A young man, not quite out of his teens, his face is gaunt from recent malnutrition and his brown hair sticks up in clumps. A good man, for all that he currently looks like a crazed hobo, you find yourself barely seated on the ground, before he wants to get to work.

"The town," he begins, his hands rubbing at his shoulders for warmth. "How do you want to do it?"

How? Well, stealth isn't going to work, and while you're not opposed to a fight, a fair one seems rather foolish. You could try to call up aid - perhaps the Huntsman if he isn't too busy, but he'll likely demand compensation, and Anthony's strung out as it is.

Musing on your goal while you stare up at the stars above, you ignore your summoner's expectant gaze and finally think of something which might work.

"We'll ambush them," you reply, his expression having grown increasingly impatient. "First, we'll draw them out, and then we'll cut their numbers in half. We'll have to range farther out, so we don't tip our hand, but given the fact that time's on our side? I think we can afford to be a bit over-cautious."

"Not too cautious," he counters, while a scowl twists his lips. "I'm not leaving my sister there for any longer than I have to."

A harsh concession, and one he almost can't bring himself to concede, you sense he wants to charge forth immediately, but knows how poorly that will go. Fire; death - tragedy all around. He's seen far too many die to ever be that rash; however, for all his common sense, the thought's obviously proving somewhat tempting. What dangerous possibilities must it promise, given the power he holds in his hands? Revenge against his tormentors? A reunion with his peers? Either way, he seems to know better than to listen and ultimately agrees with your plan.

The best possible path if the two of you want to keep his sister safe, the more guards you can safely draw away, the easier phase two will be, and provided Gregor doesn't have a plan B? The rest will simply be details.


Details like the tall brush gently waving in the wind. A small, overgrown outcropping about two hundred meters from the hill, you sit on the mound's western slope where you won't be seen by the guards.

"Here," you whisper quietly, as you run your fingers through the grass. "We'll try to take them here. You'll have to move rather quickly if you want to stay ahead, but so long as you think you can manage it, this would be the best place."

Relieved and in his element, now that you're finally under way, Anthony nods his head in reply and stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "I'll be fine," he reassures you with a determined lit to his voice. "If they want to stop me, they're going to have to shoot me in the skull."

Harsh words considering his vow to never speak a lie, you don't chastise him for the oath, but only because you know he'll see it through. Between everything he's demonstrated, since he called you from your home? He'll definitely rise as a revenant to ensure the task is done. "In that case, we'd best get started. You know the way, so get a move on. I'll be here when you get back."

Plucking a hair from your head as he fades off into the night, you tie the follicle around several reeds and begin crafting a glamour. Spreading your presence through the grass and into the rest of the field, you imagine yourself as a silent ninja, or perhaps a fox waiting for a rat. A way of granting yourself skill provided the spirits buy your deception, it's not as good as the real thing, but with a bit of luck, it won't have to be.

After that? It's just a matter of patience. Coiled up in the dirt like a cobra waiting to strike, you pass the time by idly, watching a few seeds find a home beneath a rock. Eventually though, your boredom gets the better of you and your self-image slips from your mind. Losing that tentative role you entrusted to keep you safe, your glamour pops like a balloon before a pin, leaving you with nothing but the comfort of the night.

Glamour (Fake It: Stealth): 44 (roll) Selene + 10 (Glamour 1) + 30 (Magic 3) vs 91(roll) Guards + 10 (Sense 1) = failure

Stealth Check: 41(roll) Selene vs 09 (roll) Guards +10 (Sense 1) = success

'Shit,' you grumble irritably, before sinking closer to the ground. Unable to reform it, least the guards appear while you're distracted, you resign yourself to the situation and rely on your limited skill.

Thankfully, it proves to be enough as Anthony begins sprinting for your blind. Trailed by a half dozen guards, their rifles waving in the breeze, they take a few muffled pot shots at his back, but none of them come close enough to hit.

One; two; three. You let the first couple pass by, too distracted to notice your presence, and then when tail-end Charlie comes shuffling past you spring out in a silent leap.

Combat: Selene vs (6) Guards

Glamour 1
: 98 (roll) Selene + 10 (Glamour 1) + 30 (Magic 3) vs 30 (roll) Guards + 10 (Sense 1) = success, Melee (2)

Glamour (Fake It: Swords): 93 (roll) Selene + 10 (Glamour 1) + 30 (Magic 3) vs 24 (roll) Guards + 10 (Sense 1) = success, +20

83 (roll) Selene + 20 (Melee 1 + Glamour 1) + 20 (Fake It: Swords) + 5 (equipment) vs 38 (roll) Guards + 10 (Rifles 1) + 20 (Firearms 2) + 10 (Outnumber 1) = success

83 (roll) Selene + 20 (Melee 1 + Glamour 1) + 20 (Fake It: Swords) + 5 (equipment) vs 51 (roll) Guards + 10 (Rifles 1) + 20 (Firearms 2) + 10 (Outnumber 1) - 10 (1 wound) = success

81 (roll) Selene + 20 (Melee 1 + Glamour 1) + 20 (Fake It: Swords) + 5 (equipment) vs 100 (roll) Guards + 10 (Rifles 1) + 20 (Firearms 2) + 10 (Outnumber 1) - 20 (2 wounds) = dual success, you both take 1 wound (DC -6), Guards defeated gain +6d6 personal experience (4, 2, 1, 3, 6, 1) = + 17 points

"Ooof," he grunts weakly as you tackle him about the legs. Knocking him off his feet and sending him sprawling into the dirt, you give him just long enough to see your grin, before your blade carves out his throat.

A long, thin dagger about a foot and a half in length, you hide the edge with the back of your forearm, and then scamper across the ground.

"What?" another calls out, before you grab onto his back. "Someone get this..."

He doesn't finish the thought, before he collapses with a bloody gurgle. Then, having drawn the attention of his companions and the rifles held in their hands, you have to sprint amidst the turf, while they open up on full-auto.

Crack; crack; crack; crack; crack. An ear-splitting din they'd held back on up until now, you try to weave between the bullets, trusting to the dark and your supernatural skill. Finally, with a sharp click as their fear gets the best of their discipline, you hear the magazines slowly run dry and uncurl like a compressed spring.

What must go through their head as your steel cuts into their bellies? Do they know you for what you are, or do they only see a monster in the dark? If you'd planned to leave any alive, you might have to give it a bit more thought, but since few will ever hear of this performance you don't have to worry too much about your image.

Thus, after dodging around a blonde you leave to bleed out into the grass, you come across the last of the six guards, while his hand gropes for a pistol. Grimy and scratched from what looks like frequent use, it isn't enough to save his life, but it does make yours flash before your eyes.
Lighting up the night with a crack and a muffled bang, you feel the bullet graze your chest, even as your sword cuts into his lung.

"Huuu," he grunts breathlessly, the weapon planted between his ribs. Slowly sliding forward, as his legs loose what's left of their strength, you let him slip off the end of the blade, while your breath mists in front of your face.

"Phew," you laugh excitedly, shaking some blood off the edge of your sword. "Almost got me there. Good show, yeah?"

The man doesn't reply, the life already fading from his eyes. Dead in the next few minutes, if he isn't there already, you ignore the corpse now cooling at your feet and turn to Anthony sprawled up the hill.

"Good job," you tell him, before walking over to help him up. "Now, do you think you're ready for round two, or do you want a bit of a break?"

Glancing at the massacre, the pupils of his eyes blown wide, the teen shakes his head once or twice before squaring his shoulders back.. "N-no. I'm good. If they didn't notice us before, they will have by now."

Nodding along at his assessment, as you sheath your sword behind your back, you leverage the youth up onto his feet, and then begin heading towards the tents.

Phase 2; time to...

[ ] Attack Gregor, Anthony can handle the guards

[ ] Take the guards, Anthony can handle Gregor

[ ] Sneak in, if you're lucky you can duck in and out

Selene, Moon-Child of the Woods

Personal Skills
Melee 1: gain a +10 combat modifier when using a close quarters weapon.

Movement 1: gain +10 to rolls involving acrobatics, stamina and the like.

Persuade 3 (Focus Bonus to 4): gain + 30 (40) to social combat rolls.

Intimidation 1: gain +10 to rolls in which you attempt to persuade by force.
Magic 2 (Focus Bonus to 3): the ability to recognize, gather and shape mystical energy, it is the start along the lengthy road of mastering the world and the aether. You may no longer lie without consequence. (All Magic Checks are made with a +30 modifier)

Glamour 1: a field of magic which focuses on tricking the world around you; at the start of combat attempt to cast a working, if it succeeds, add one rank for each rank you have in Glamour to your lowest ranked combat skill. Gain a +10 modifier when attempting to cast a Glamour.
Bind Spirit 1: deep in the aether are the amorphous spirits which guide the world on its course. Following successful combat against a spiritual being (goblin, faerie, boogeyman, etc), you may attempt to shackle them in various ways. For example, you may deliver an order they must see fulfilled; impose future penalties on their actions; or recruit them to your side in some way, shape or form. Effects can vary. If performed, exp is rarely received.

Social Perks (0/68)
Anthony Dublain: a dark haired youth with a grim disposition, he's the type who will always follow his heart and worry about the consequences later. Your summoner as of two hours ago, you've agreed to help him free his sister in return for just compensation. Right now? That takes the form of +1d6 personal experience at the start of every post.

You Have My Sword: some practitioners have a focus - a tool to help them in their art; you don't have that, but you do have Gilyanki. A relic of your birth - that wonderful play which called you into being, you carry the blade strapped to your lower back, grateful for its aid in combat. Gain a +5 modifier to combat rolls.

From Hell's Heart I Stab At Thee: the Huntsman is a name that has long echoed in the minds of men. The grim sentinel often sent in search of a heart, this is not the creature of Grim's fable; however, he does have some claim to the title. An acquaintance, (if not quite an ally) he is willing to stoop to service, provided you can give him the name of a target. Warning: the Huntsman is able to be reflected by a sufficiently skilled practitioner; he enters combat with a +40 modifier and is relentless in the pursuit of his goal.

Karmic Skills (0/66)
Fake It Till You Make It: Humans might be surprised how far you can get on confidence alone, but you're not. During a skill check, attempt to create a glamour. If you succeed, substitute half of your Persuade modifier for one skill you're aware of, but have zero ranks in.

Upgrades: (Choose 1 from Personal)

Notice: sub-categories may not be leveled more than 1 rank above the main category they belong to. In practice, this means that if you want to buy Swords 4, Melee must be at least rank 3.

Notice 2: in the event that exp exceeds the cost of a desired upgrade, the remainder will be banked until your next turn.

Notice 3: cost reductions for your two foci have already been calculated.

Personal Skills
[ ]Firearms 1: gain +10 combat modifier to rolls that make use of any guns (stacks with Pistols and other guns) (0/10)

[ ] Pistols 1: gain a +10 combat modifier to rolls which involve a 1-handed firearm. (0/10)

[ ] Rifles 1: gain a +10 combat modifier to rolls which involve a 2-handed fire arm (0/10)
[ ] Melee 2: gain a +20 combat modifier when using a close quarters weapon (0/20)

[ ] Unarmed 1: gain a +10 combat modifier when using your fists. (0/10)

[ ] Knives 1: gain a +10 combat modifier when using a knife. (0/10)

[ ] Write In 1: (if you want something else like a sword or a staff, include it, and it will follow the same basic format.)
[ ] Movement 2: gain +20 to rolls involving acrobatics, stamina and the like (0/20)

[ ] Transportation 1: gain +10 to rolls involving planes, boats or other motorized vehicles. (0/10)​

[ ] Sense 1: gain +10 to rolls involving detecting hidden objects/enemies. (0/10)

[ ] Stealth 1: gain +10 to rolls in which you attempt to go unnoticed. (0/10)

[ ] Medicine 1: gain +10 to most attempts to heal a wound. (0/10)

[ ] Explosives 1: gain +10 to rolls involving incendiaries or other bombs (may stack with firearms in the case of things like RPGs) (0/10)

[ ] Traps 1: grants you a basic understanding of bombs, mines and other improvised traps. +10 to trap checks. (0/20)
[ ] Persuade 4: gain +40 to social combat rolls. (0/40)

[ ] The Long Game: gain a +5 modifier to social combat rolls against a specific character for each social combat you've won against them before. Stacks. (0/40)​

[ ] Intimidation 2: gain +20 to rolls in which you attempt to persuade by force (0/20)
[ ] Magic 3: the ability to recognize, gather and shape mystical energy with respectable skill all magic checks are now made with a +30 modifier. (0/50)

[ ] Combat Casting: you may now substitute Magic for a lower ranked combat skill. (0/50)

[ ] Chronomancy 1: a discipline of magic focused on controlling the flow of events; should you fail the first round of combat you will automatically re-roll your score with a -20 modifier. Only 1 wound is ever received for that round. (0/30)

[ ] Enchantment 1: the ability to tie together and manipulate properties; at the start of a combat encounter your opponent must attempt to resist your working or temporarily lose one rank from their highest ranked combat skill. Lasts for the duration of the encounter. (0/40)

[ ] Scourge 1: a field of magic that tries to draw the Abyss into the world, when combat is initiated, your opponent must reroll his first initial success for it to actually count. He does so with a a +30 modifier. (0/40)

[ ] Diabolism 1: a field of magic which focuses on increasing universal entropy; afflict target creature with a debilitating malediction. The next 3 rolls that creature makes are done so with a -10 modifier. Takes several minutes to cast. (0/20)

[ ] Glamour 2: a field of magic which focuses on tricking the world around you; at the start of combat attempt to cast a working, if it succeeds, add one rank for each rank you have in Glamour to your lowest ranked combat skill. (0/40)

[ ] Inhuman Constitution 1: more than a man, but less than a spirit, you do not die easily to mundane or even magical weapons. Gain the ability to survive 1 additional wound. (0/40)
[ ] Bind Spirit 2: deep in the aether are the amorphous spirits that guide the world on its course. Following successful combat against a spiritual being (goblin, faerie, boogeyman, etc), you may attempt to shackle them in various ways. For example, you may deliver an order they must see fulfilled; impose future penalties on their actions; or recruit them to your side in some way, shape or form. Effects can vary. If performed, exp is rarely received. +10 to Bind Spirit Checks (0/40)

[ ] Craft 1: a measure of your creative talent gain a +10 modifier when attempting to bind spirits. (0/10)
[ ] Sense Magic 1: by paying attention to the scents clinging to others you are able to track magical effects and connections using half of your Sense skill. In the event of an odd number round down (ex. Sense 3 behaves as if Sense 1; Sense 4 behaves as if Sense 2). (0/30)

[ ] Craft Implement: the tool through which one interacts with the supernatural, Craft Implement is a one-time use ritual that helps shape a spellcaster's growth and development. Roll 3 1d100s and add any Magic or Craft related modifiers. The result will be a unique item based upon your success. Effects vary. (0/40)

[ ] Craft Demesne: the ability to lay claim to the world around you, you may delineate a stretch of land no more than 100 square meters to serve as your Demesne. Once initiated you will immediately begin social and regular combat against all local spirits. If successful the claim is held. Can only be done once. Gain experience every round based upon your success. Gain a +20 modifier to any checks which occur within the demesne. (0/40)

[ ] Bind Familiar: the ability to strengthen oneself by drawing upon the power of another, once a target is located the individual may then begin a one-time only ritual to bind that spirit as a familiar. Enter social or physical combat to determine success or failure. Gain a unique perk. Effects vary. (0/40)

Social Perks: (Social Perks frequently appear and vanish depending on what is going on in the quest. If at any of the time you dislike the options available you may choose to hold on to your reservoir and save them for something else.)
[X] The Man Behind the Mask: Anthony's an enigma for all that he's summoned you for aid. If you want, you can attempt to peel back those layers and satisfy your own curiosity. (18/25)

Karmic Skills
[X] Blending the Edge 1: you are a performer, an actor - someone who tricks the world and makes it stick. Add half of your Persuade modifier to attempts to cast a Glamour. (16/40)
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Combat: Selene vs (6) Guards

Glamour 1
: 98 (roll) Selene + 10 (Glamour 1) + 30 (Magic 3) vs 30 (roll) Guards + 10 (Sense 1) = success, Melee (2)

Glamour (Fake It: Swords): 93 (roll) Selene + 10 (Glamour 1) + 30 (Magic 3) vs 24 (roll) Guards + 10 (Sense 1) = success, +20

83 (roll) Selene + 20 (Melee 1 + Glamour 1) + 20 (Fake It: Swords) + 5 (equipment) vs 38 (roll) Guards + 10 (Rifles 1) + 20 (Firearms 2) + 10 (Outnumber 1) = success

83 (roll) Selene + 20 (Melee 1 + Glamour 1) + 20 (Fake It: Swords) + 5 (equipment) vs 51 (roll) Guards + 10 (Rifles 1) + 20 (Firearms 2) + 10 (Outnumber 1) - 10 (1 wound) = success

81 (roll) Selene + 20 (Melee 1 + Glamour 1) + 20 (Fake It: Swords) + 5 (equipment) vs 100 (roll) Guards + 10 (Rifles 1) + 20 (Firearms 2) + 10 (Outnumber 1) - 20 (2 wounds) = dual success, you both take 1 wound, Guards defeated gain +6d6 personal experience (4, 2, 1, 3, 6, 1) = + 17 points
Wow, those were good rolls. Just goes to show, you shouldn't play the games that the Fae want to play with you.
Those fucking rolls. Geez.

Wow, those were good rolls. Just goes to show, you shouldn't play the games that the Fae want to play with you.
We were very fortunate. Getting the bonuses stacked up was reliable due to taking Magic 3 but it meant we were still rolling a +45 vs a +40 only. That goes pretty much either way.

It galls me to pick it given it'll become outdated as soon as we pick up Combat Casting but Melee 2 solely for the sake of Not Dying in the coming combat has some appeal.

We shouldn't sneak in, we're not skilled out for Stealth and a +20 vs +10s or +20s if Gregor has Sense 2 is a bad contest.
@violetshadows What effect did passing the stealth check in this update have? I don't see any bonuses or maluses attributed to it, so it just meant we were starting neutral? If we had failed it would they have gotten a free round or a bonus against us?

Either way I think we should go after the guards, since I imagine Gregor would have a better Sense score and have a higher chance at beating our Glamours.
@violetshadows Sorry, follow-up: Would Diabolism 1 hamstring an entire group of guards for its -10 modifier collectively or is it only usable against single targets? And in this scenario, would it be castable against either target (is there enough time) or even against both sets of targets?
[X] Sneak in, if you're lucky you can duck in and out

[X] Stealth 1: gain +10 to rolls in which you attempt to go unnoticed. (0/10)

Let's see if we can be sneky liek.
@violetshadows Sorry, follow-up: Would Diabolism 1 hamstring an entire group of guards for its -10 modifier collectively or is it only usable against single targets? And in this scenario, would it be castable against either target (is there enough time) or even against both sets of targets?

It'd effect the entire group of guards. You can curse multiple groups and there is enough time in the current situation. Diabolism is an aggressive ability meant for assaulting positions; the problem comes in when you don't have good intelligence or when you get surprised. It does not do impromptu well.

@violetshadows What effect did passing the stealth check in this update have? I don't see any bonuses or maluses attributed to it, so it just meant we were starting neutral? If we had failed it would they have gotten a free round or a bonus against us?

When you successfully sneak attack someone, you basically get a bonus round. In short, if you failed the first round of combat, the guards would have whiffed and you wouldn't have taken a wound.

Also, whenever you crit, you're guaranteed to do a wound; however, if you fail the overall roll, you still take one as well.
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[X] Take the guards, Anthony can handle Gregor
[X] Melee 2

I'd prefer Magic or Persuade for a long term build...but we need fighting ability now rather than later, and Stealth overlaps with Fake It
[X] Take the guards, Anthony can handle Gregor
[] Diabolism 1
[X] Melee 2

[X] Sneak in, if you're lucky you can duck in and out

[X] Stealth 1: gain +10 to rolls in which you attempt to go unnoticed. (0/10)

Let's see if we can be sneky liek.
Uh, what. I'm not sure if you're aware but that is literally an actively detrimental choice. We'll go from a +20 on a successful Glamour check to a flat +10. And then we're now rolling +10 v +10 and probably either +10 or +20, which is terrible and going to fail.

[X] Sense Magic 1: by paying attention to the scents clinging to others you are able to track magical effects and connections using half of your Sense skill. In the event of an odd number round down (ex. Sense 3 behaves as if Sense 1; Sense 4 behaves as if Sense 2). (0/30)
May I ask what exactly your goal is in picking this skill and why you want to work toward sit now instead of picking an immediately applicable skill?

[X] Melee 2

I'd prefer Magic or Persuade for a long term build...but we need fighting ability now rather than later, and Stealth overlaps with Fake It
Please consider taking Diabolism 1 with me instead. It's an equivalent bonus if we can pass Magic checks, which we have a reasonable chance of doing, and we can target both parties to help out Anthony's side as well. Further, it won't be obsoleted by Combat Casting like Melee would be.
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[X] Take the guards, Anthony can handle Gregor
[X] Diabolism 1

Uh, what. I'm not sure if you're aware but that is literally an actively detrimental choice. We'll go from a +20 on a successful Glamour check to a flat +10. And then we're now rolling +10 v +10 and probably either +10 or +20, which is terrible and going to fail.

May I ask what exactly your goal is in picking this skill and why you want to work toward sit now instead of picking an immediately applicable skill?

Please consider taking Diabolism 1 with me instead. It's an equivalent bonus if we can pass Magic checks, which we have a reasonable chance of doing, and we can target both parties to help out Anthony's side as well. Further, it won't be obsoleted by Combat Casting like Melee would be.
Traps are a bad thing, to summarize.

May I ask you if you're aware of the stigma associated with Diabolism?
'Cause I don't think we should touch that.
Traps are a bad thing, to summarize.
That's great and all, but it doesn't do us any good in the immediate next update, and if it was strictly traps then you would want something that enhanced Sense, not Sense Magic.

May I ask you if you're aware of the stigma associated with Diabolism?
'Cause I don't think we should touch that.
A useful tool is a useful tool. So long as we don't dip deep in it, it should be fine. Besides which, we're in a different verse, so things might be different enough here that who can even say.

We don't have any ranks in Sense for Sense Magic to enhance, so I don't think this will help much.


Diabolism is in itself a trap. If we use it, we will get irradiated and our Karma will tank to the point that everything will get bonuses to killing us. Pact was all about Diabolism not being worth it and as a Fairy we're running on Pact rules. Also it's a set up in advance power and I'm not so sure we'll have the time to use it properly.
So long as we don't dip deep in it, it should be fine.
This might be a good point... for literally any other kind of stigmatized magic. There was a guy, in the interludes, you know? He was a Diabolist from a church background. He blew through an entire life of good karma in a single night. Diabolism will always cost more than you're willing to give.

Let's just get more of the magic stat, like @veekie said. That's just as useful.
So about the Demesne, Familliar and Implement... We all agree that we only do them once we max out all the things that could tilt the odds in our favor right?