Yay i knew it we are blake :D. Powdered glass would have been awesome, Blake mirror monster was the best part of pact.
Some background that probably won't make it into the story itself. Also an explanation of Worm/Pact power interaction.

  • Spirits exist in the realm of Worm, but they are… stricter. Physics are laws, not exceptions, and it is much more difficult to get the spirits to notice to people.

  • Except you, because the spirits within you tell the native spirits that you're "great fun" and "should be listened to".

  • The entities do not interact with spirits directly, but manipulate the laws they govern.

  • Somehow, through hook or crook, chance or circumstance, fate or bored ROB, the Adepts found a practitioner primer that was accurate.

  • "Innocence" is dependent on self-delusion, or lack thereof, so people will have no problem seeing the "Case 53 Mermaid" and the "Master-Effect Birds". Teaching someone magic still brings the usual consequences, however.
If we find a skeleton and fill it with twigs, we could probably get an approximation of Blake's old bogeyman body.

If anything, it'd be nice having hands.
Do you have a link or title because I really want to find a Pact crossover.
No, I mean that in interlude 15.x, as she's dying of cancer, the young Rebecca/Alexandria thinks to herself that
She'd never get to read the third book of the Maggie Holt series, or see the movie they were making of the first book.
It's just a silly little Easter egg I was referencing, sorry. I want more pact fanfic as much as you do.
Vulgaris 1.2
Vulgaris 1.2

You are Blake Thorburn. You used to be a practitioner, then a bogeyman, then a possessing spirit. Now you are a bird. You have fought demons, conquered Conquest, and saved the world at the cost of your home. You think you deserve a rest. The universe, unfortunately, disagrees.


{Staring Contest} You have been touched by the Abyss, and though you broke its hold on you, you still find violent change easier than peaceful exchange. You find things go better when something is lost, even if that something is a part of you. You can also channel your natural destructive energies to erode bindings and twist workings.

{Cackles} You have claimed the Hyena as your own. It is gone for now, lost in that last great battle, but you feel that you could still use it once more, if the need was great enough. It has answered your call before.

{Wings} You can fly. You like flying. You are not as practiced at it as Evan, but it lifts your spirits all the same.


{Soul Jar} Evan acts as a container for spirits. They give him strength and fuel his abilities, but if he runs out, he dies. He requires refuels every week or so.

{An Irregular Houdini} Evan is a symbol of freedom and escape. His very nature allows him to unlock locks, open doors, and interrupt connections. He is hard to hit, easy to miss, and capable of disturbing enemies with his wake, though his tricks tend to fail the third time.

{Wings} Evan can fly. He likes flying. A master of the air, Evan is virtually unmatched within his domain.

Green Eyes

{Fish-Face} As a mermaid, Green Eyes can swim and breathe underwater. While lakes and rivers are her natural domain, she can also make a decent showing in snow, mud, or fallen leaves. As a creature of the Drains, Green Eyes is also largely inured to toxins and immune to infection.

{Pangs} With a strange sense of morality and a fierce hunger, Green Eyes can be a danger to her surroundings. Luckily, you need not worry, as you are Green Eyes' closest companion and she would follow you into the depths Tartarus itself. The "chicken nugget" is probably safe as well. Though she won't take it well if you try to leave her behind.

{Scales of Justice} Green Eyes' scales are razor sharp and capable of stripping a man's flesh from his bones. The thin layer of slime which clings to her is a mild acid and strong anticoagulant.

You stare at the feathers, obviously the focus of the ritual. They are a disturbingly accurate description of you and your companions, if filtered through a lens of symbolism. And a quick check shows that your feathers match the stained one, as if there was ever any doubt.

It is something of a surprise, being summoned like this. Being summoned at all. Mags knew enough to do it, you were sure, but you hadn't heard of any problems up in her town – none, at least, dire enough for her to call you. Paige might also be able to work it out – maybe – if Isadora survived and ordered her to. But none of the voices sounded familiar, and neither of them would have access to half a dozen well-trained chanters (besides, the idea of Mags in a robe is, quite frankly, ludicrous).

The same was true for your other relatives.

That only left Rose. Not quite a relative (where do you place your demon-created clone on a family tree), not quite an ally, and not quite an enemy. Though your last memory of her was her ripping out a chunk of your essence, enough to cripple your ability to take form, so maybe she fit into that last category these days. You had avoided thinking too much about her.

And she, of all people, should know that summoning you would leave you… displeased.

Was she working through others, then, those you would not recognize? Also unlikely. She, of all people, understood exactly why you should not be trifled with, and while Conquest might push her beyond the bounds of good sense, he would also urge her towards greater control, a philosophy at odds with a hands-off approach.

You've spent enough time thinking – it's time to figure things out. Looking away from the altar, you turn back to your mysterious summoner, still standing and watching you. Seeing that he has your attention, he plants his staff on the ground (the light flares once and goes out) before addressing you. "Greetings, Green Pearl. Good tidings, Chainbreaker. Salutations, O Laughing Knight. I… was expecting someone taller."

A short hop lands you on top of Green Eyes' head. Bending over, you can hear her breathing. A glance at Evan reveals that he, too, is unharmed – if still asleep. Only then do you speak back: "Who are you? What do you wish of me?" You could ask another question, invoke the Rule of Three, but it seems best to avoid hostility for the moment. Even then, it may be advantageous to avoid revealing the true extent of your knowledge.

The leader throws back his hood, revealing a handsome face. Piercing eyes sit over a sharp-angled nose, and his chin holds a neatly trimmed hexagonal goatee. An old scar streaks up his cheek, giving the illusion of a perpetual smirk. "Good questions, all. I shall answer as best I can."

His voice is smooth and melodious, flowing into your ears like cold honey. You immediately distrust it. He goes on: "I am Epoch, Lord of the Hours, Mover of the Hands of Time. And you are the Green Herald, the Bondsman of Birch and Bone, are you not? The First Text speaks highly of you. Your ploy in assuming the form of a bird was... commendable."

Here he chuckles, and makes a motion. The fallen acolytes climb to their feet and hushed whispers rise among them. He continues: "But also unnecessary. None here mean you any harm. We went to great trouble learning the details of your legend, and greater trouble pulling you from across the void. Truth be told, we have called you here for a reason." Judging by his expression, the next part pains him – or at least that's what he wants you to think. "We need your help."

You are wary. The Broken Clock could be explained away – it could be the sigil of a Scourge, or a particularly depressing priest – but a title like "Lord of the Hours" isn't really up for interpretation. The only chronomancers you know of are either the type to hold grudges (with good reason) or follow Alister, and thus, Rose. Conspiracies once more run through your mind, and you have to fight down a fierce flash or rage. But, you note, if someone was trying to deceive you, to lure you into a deal unawares, then they would not so blatantly declare themselves a time-manipulator, unless they did not know of your past interactions with them.

And he spoke of some sort of "Text", a Text which mentioned you – something, you know, which you do not have. At least, that's what you thought.

Apparently you do, now. It occurs to you, though, that just because you didn't have legends does not mean you do not have them now. Chronomancy may be mostly show, but you have seen it used to devastating effect all the same. Even to summon forth the spirits of heroes fallen long ago. If this is the future, who knows what stories might have spread? Fairy-tales, urban myths… perhaps, years past your time, your story has spread, just like that of Bloody Mary or the Tallowman.

It might be best to hear him out. "My help is not given freely, chronomancer, save to those who deserve it. What makes you so worthy?"

Epoch's face turns grave, "It is not for myself that I ask this boon, but for the noblest of causes. The human race is dying. The Blasphemies kill unchecked, the Goblin King holds his bloody court, and the Grey Goat desecrates our fallen. The Nine play games, the Wretches slay dames, and the Herokiller, Beast of the Seas, and Fallen Angel abolish us at the merest whim. Again – the human race is dying. Has been dying for a while now. And things are just getting worse. Another danger arose not a month hence, the Mother of Monsters. She was slain only at great cost to all involved, and did not go quietly. Merlin is dead. Alexandria, too, good riddance. The greatest organization of heroes is in shambles."

The speech echoes through the room, his acolytes long since fallen silent. He holds his empty hand out towards you earnestly, seemingly close to tears, "Help us. I ask nothing of you but what you would already do – kill the monsters, cleanse our city." He takes a knee and places his staff on the floor before, though you note that he is careful to keep it outside the circle. "With your strength and our resources, we can fix this world. Will you help us?"

Epoch, whatever else he may be, is eloquent. Too eloquent, almost. His speech moves you, just as it is meant to. The "plea" sound rehearsed, and his words are far too smooth to be off-the-cuff. That is not necessarily a bad thing. Preparation before a summoning is not sinister, merely common sense.

That doesn't mean you trust him.

Green Eyes shifts minutely beneath you, as you consider. How long has she been awake? Probably long enough to catch at least part of the conversation. Evan is still out, but you need to make a decision now. Green Eyes will follow your lead.

After a moment of careful deliberation, you make your choice.

[ ] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.

[ ] Refuse. Your hero days are over. Provide advice, recommend someone better for them to summon, and then convince them to send you home.

[ ] Escape. You will not be caged. Their binding isn't quite up to snuff and they aren't expecting you to refuse. Wreck the circle, grab Evan, and get out of here.
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[X] Escape. You will not be caged. Their binding isn't quite up to snuff and they aren't expecting you to refuse. Wreck the circle, grab Evan, and get out of here.

{Staring Contest} You have been touched by the Abyss, and though you broke its hold on you, you still find violent change easier than peaceful exchange. You find things go better when something is lost, even if that something is a part of you. You can also channel your natural destructive energies to erode bindings and twist workings.

{Cackles} You have claimed the Hyena as your own. It is gone for now, lost in that last great battle, but you feel that you could still use it once more, if the need was great enough. It has answered your call before.

{Wings} You can fly. You like flying. You are not as practiced at it as Evan, but it lifts your spirits all the same.


{Soul Jar} Evan acts as a container for spirits. They give him strength and fuel his abilities, but if he runs out, he dies. He requires refuels every week or so.

{An Irregular Houdini} Evan is a symbol of freedom and escape. His very nature allows him to unlock locks, open doors, and interrupt connections. He is hard to hit, easy to miss, and capable of disturbing enemies with his wake, though his tricks tend to fail the third time.

{Wings} Evan can fly. He likes flying. A master of the air, Evan is virtually unmatched within his domain.

Green Eyes

{Fish-Face} As a mermaid, Green Eyes can swim and breathe underwater. While lakes and rivers are her natural domain, she can also make a decent showing in snow, mud, or fallen leaves. As a creature of the Drains, Green Eyes is also largely inured to toxins and immune to infection.

{Pangs} With a strange sense of morality and a fierce hunger, Green Eyes can be a danger to her surroundings. Luckily, you need not worry, as you are Green Eyes' closest companion and she would follow you into the depths Tartarus itself. The "chicken nugget" is probably safe as well. Though she won't take it well if you try to leave her behind.

{Scales of Justice} Green Eyes' scales are razor sharp and capable of stripping a man's flesh from his bones. The thin layer of slime which clings to her is a mild acid and strong anticoagulant.
Nice. So we're still a kinda-bogeyman bird, Evan and Green Eyes are awesome as always.

Does the hyena form as a bird-sized sword, or to we just have the ability to summon the thing and presumably drop it on people?
The speech echoes through the room, his acolytes long since fallen silent. He holds his empty hand out towards you earnestly, seemingly close to tears, "Help us. I ask nothing of you but what you would already do – kill the monsters, cleanse our city." He takes a knee and places his staff on the floor before, though you note that he is careful to keep it outside the circle. "With your strength and our resources, we can fix this world. Will you help us?"
Well someone's making big boasts. Probably fairly inexperienced if he said that despite preparing his speech. We now have a decent case for calling the guy forsworn if he demands something we're not okay with as part of the help he asks for, and if he fails now, he gets screwed over for promising he can win.

[X] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.
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[X] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.

Good catch on that. I was in the Worm mindset, not the Pact one, so I wasn't checking for hard statements.

Kinda wish bonsai won now. This is still cool, though. XD :p

[X] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.

If this is a trap, I'll take it!
[X] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.

Although we aren't quite sure how hard Epoch/Bet actually cleaves to Pact rules, if any rules at all still apply it'll be honesty.

Epoch's speech mentioned "the Grey Goat" and "the Wretches" — I caught the more explicit references to S-classes, but I don't know who these two are. Is the Grey Goat Sleeper?
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Vulgaris 1.2

You are Blake Thorburn. You used to be a practitioner, then a bogeyman, then a possessing spirit. Now you are a bird. You have fought demons, conquered Conquest, and saved the world at the cost of your home. You think you deserve a rest. The universe, unfortunately, disagrees.


{Staring Contest} You have been touched by the Abyss, and though you broke its hold on you, you still find violent change easier than peaceful exchange. You find things go better when something is lost, even if that something is a part of you. You can also channel your natural destructive energies to erode bindings and twist workings.

{Cackles} You have claimed the Hyena as your own. It is gone for now, lost in that last great battle, but you feel that you could still use it once more, if the need was great enough. It has answered your call before.

{Wings} You can fly. You like flying. You are not as practiced at it as Evan, but it lifts your spirits all the same.


{Soul Jar} Evan acts as a container for spirits. They give him strength and fuel his abilities, but if he runs out, he dies. He requires refuels every week or so.

{An Irregular Houdini} Evan is a symbol of freedom and escape. His very nature allows him to unlock locks, open doors, and interrupt connections. He is hard to hit, easy to miss, and capable of disturbing enemies with his wake, though his tricks tend to fail the third time.

{Wings} Evan can fly. He likes flying. A master of the air, Evan is virtually unmatched within his domain.

Green Eyes

{Fish-Face} As a mermaid, Green Eyes can swim and breathe underwater. While lakes and rivers are her natural domain, she can also make a decent showing in snow, mud, or fallen leaves. As a creature of the Drains, Green Eyes is also largely inured to toxins and immune to infection.

{Pangs} With a strange sense of morality and a fierce hunger, Green Eyes can be a danger to her surroundings. Luckily, you need not worry, as you are Green Eyes' closest companion and she would follow you into the depths Tartarus itself. The "chicken nugget" is probably safe as well. Though she won't take it well if you try to leave her behind.

{Scales of Justice} Green Eyes' scales are razor sharp and capable of stripping a man's flesh from his bones. The thin layer of slime which clings to her is a mild acid and strong anticoagulant.

You stare at the feathers, obviously the focus of the ritual. They are a disturbingly accurate description of you and your companions, if filtered through a lens of symbolism. And a quick check shows that your feathers match the stained one, as if there was ever any doubt.

It is something of a surprise, being summoned like this. Being summoned at all. Mags knew enough to do it, you were sure, but you hadn't heard of any problems up in her town – none, at least, dire enough for her to call you. Paige might also be able to work it out – maybe – if Isadora survived and ordered her to. But none of the voices sounded familiar, and neither of them would have access to half a dozen well-trained chanters (besides, the idea of Mags in a robe is, quite frankly, ludicrous).

The same was true for your other relatives.

That only left Rose. Not quite a relative (where do you place your demon-created clone on a family tree), not quite an ally, and not quite an enemy. Though your last memory of her was her ripping out a chunk of your essence, enough to cripple your ability to take form, so maybe she fit into that last category these days. You had avoided thinking too much about her.

And she, of all people, should know that summoning you would leave you… displeased.

Was she working through others, then, those you would not recognize? Also unlikely. She, of all people, understood exactly why you should not be trifled with, and while Conquest might push her beyond the bounds of good sense, he would also urge her towards greater control, a philosophy at odds with a hands-off approach.

You've spent enough time thinking – it's time figure things out. Looking away from the altar, you turn back to your mysterious summoner, still standing and watching you. Seeing that he has your attention, he plants his staff on the ground (the light flares once and goes out) before addressing you. "Greetings, Green Pearl. Good tidings, Chainbreaker. Salutations, O Laughing Knight. I… was expecting someone taller."

A short hop lands you on top of Green Eyes' head. Bending over, you can hear her breathing. A glance at Evan reveals that he, too, is unharmed – if still asleep. Only then do you speak back: "Who are you? What do you wish of me?" You could ask another question, invoke the Rule of Three, but it seems best to avoid hostility for the moment. Even then, it may be advantageous to avoid revealing the true extent of your knowledge.

The leader throws back his hood, revealing a handsome face. Piercing eyes sit over a sharp-angled nose, and his chin holds a neatly trimmed hexagonal goatee. An old scar streaks up his cheek, giving the illusion of a perpetual smirk. "Good questions, all. I shall answer as best I can."

His voice is smooth and melodious, flowing into your ears like cold honey. You immediately distrust it. He goes on: "I am Epoch, Lord of the Hours, Mover of the Hands of Time. And you are the Green Herald, the Bondsman of Birch and Bone, are you not? The First Text speaks highly of you. Your ploy in assuming the form of a bird was... commendable."

Here he chuckles, and makes a motion. The fallen acolytes climb to their feet and hushed whispers rise among them. He continues: "But also unnecessary. None here mean you any harm. We went to great trouble learning the details of your legend, and greater trouble pulling you from across the void. Truth be told, we have called you hear for a reason." Judging by his expression, the next part pains him – or at least that's what he wants you to think. "We need your help."

You are wary. The Broken Clock could be explained away – it could be the sigil of a Scourge, or a particularly depressing priest – but a title like "Lord of the Hours" isn't really up for interpretation. The only chronomancers you know of are either the type to hold grudges (with good reason) or follow Alister, and thus, Rose. Conspiracies once more run through your mind, and you have to fight down a fierce flash or rage. But, you note, if someone was trying to deceive you, to lure you into a deal unawares, then they would not so blatantly declare themselves a time-manipulator, unless they did not know of your past interactions with them.

And he spoke of some sort of "Text", a Text which mentioned you – something, you know, which you do not have. At least, that's what you thought.

Apparently you do, now. It occurs to you, though, that just because you didn't have legends does not mean you do not have them now. Chronomancy may be mostly show, but you have seen it used to devastating effect all the same. Even to summon forth the spirits of heroes fallen long ago. If this is the future, who knows what stories might have spread? Fairy-tales, urban myths… perhaps, years past your time, your story has spread, just like that of Bloody Mary or the Tallowman.

It might be best to hear him out. "My help is not given freely, chronomancer, save to those who deserve it. What makes you so worthy?"

Epoch's face turns grave, "It is not for myself that I ask this boon, but for the noblest of causes. The human race is dying. The Blasphemies kill unchecked, the Goblin King holds his bloody court, and the Grey Goat desecrates the fallen. The Nine play games, the Wretches slay dames, and the Herokiller, Beast of the Seas, and Fallen Angel abolish us at the merest whim. Again – the human race is dying. Has been dying for a while now. And things are just getting worse. Another danger arose not a month ago, the Mother of Monsters. She was slain only at great cost to all involved, and did not go quietly. Merlin is dead. Alexandria, too, good riddance. The greatest organization of heroes is in shambles."

The speech echoes through the room, his acolytes long since fallen silent. He holds his empty hand out towards you earnestly, seemingly close to tears, "Help us. I ask nothing of you but what you would already do – kill the monsters, cleanse our city." He takes a knee and places his staff on the floor before, though you note that he is careful to keep it outside the circle. "With your strength and our resources, we can fix this world. Will you help us?"

Epoch, whatever else he may be, is eloquent. Too eloquent, almost. His speech moves you, just as it is meant to. The "plea" sound rehearsed, and his words are far too smooth to be off-the-cuff. That is not necessarily a bad thing. Preparation before a summoning is not sinister, merely common sense.

That doesn't mean you trust him.

Green Eyes shifts minutely beneath you, as you consider. How long has she been awake? Probably long enough to catch at least part of the conversation. Evan is still out, but you need to make a decision now. Green Eyes will follow your lead.

After a moment of careful deliberation, you make your choice.

[ ] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.

[ ] Refuse. Your hero days are over. Provide advice, recommend someone better for them to summon, and then convince them to send you home.

[ ] Escape. You will not be caged. Their binding isn't quite up to snuff and they aren't expecting you to refuse. Wreck the circle, grab Evan, and get out of here.
Oh, you forgot to threadmark this.
[X] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.
[X] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.

Dammit the quality of the writing is incredible, i could feel Blake talking.
Epoch's face turns grave, "It is not for myself that I ask this boon, but for the noblest of causes. The human race is dying. The Blasphemies kill unchecked, the Goblin King holds his bloody court, and the Grey Goat desecrates the fallen. The Nine play games, the Wretches slay dames, and the Herokiller, Beast of the Seas, and Fallen Angel abolish us at the merest whim. Again – the human race is dying. Has been dying for a while now. And things are just getting worse. Another danger arose not a month ago, the Mother of Monsters. She was slain only at great cost to all involved, and did not go quietly. Merlin is dead. Alexandria, too, good riddance. The greatest organization of heroes is in shambles."
For all his inexperience, I can't help but be impressed with the way he managed to mash all of this into 3 groups of 3.
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For all his inexperience, I can't help but be impressed with the way he managed to mash all of this into 3 groups of 3.
I missed that too. I agree, although it would have been a bit better if he hadn't had time to prepare his plea. Spontaneity is what turns something from a descriptive vote into a Stunt, afterall.

Stop being better than me at this, racnor! :p
[X] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.

Although we aren't quite sure how hard Epoch/Bet actually cleaves to Pact rules, if any rules at all still apply it'll be honesty.

Epoch's speech mentioned "the Grey Goat" and "the Wretches" — I caught the more explicit references to S-classes, but I don't know who these two are. Is the Grey Goat Sleeper?
Yes, the Grey Goat is Sleeper, chosen because it sounds suitable ominous. The Wretches are just a random name slapped on a random vice. Taylor didn't interact with every threat out there.
Oh, you forgot to threadmark this.
How, exactly, do I threadmark a post? I know how do it for a page.
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[X] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.
[X] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.
[X] Accept. You have never shrunk from hardship. You're going to have to keep an eye on Epoch, but this is your chance to do good in the world again.