[Worm-verse, Madison] Lords of the Flies

Albert coughed a couple times. "ugh, is what hangover feels like?" he paused, blinking as he took a look around.

"Woah, everything is so clear, I guess that meant it worked? Nah it definitely worked." He got up.
"I feel... Something, like an extra limb, or something that wasn't there before."
He picked up an empty can nearby and threw it away from everyone, pulling on his new "limb". He felt his eyes track the can mid air, and he felt like time slow down. Without thinking, he pulled up his hand and...
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Can sailed through air and Albert felt the first beam surged out of his outstretched hand. Near invisible and lavender-white. It hit the can, without altering it trajectory in the slightness or damaging it. Can landed and started to roll away.

Albert switched to the second power and this time the beam was bright-red laser.. that blasted the can to pieces.
"Woah, ok, laser hands cool." He turned to the rest of the group."anyone can figure out what was with the first beam? Looked spooky." He then perked up.
"Oh dear I hope that didn't draw any attention." He walked towards the window.
"...Right then. Bottoms up it is." The nurse seems interested in the Tinker vial while the thuggish in the Blaze vial, so -

Asher took the vial labeled 'Menace'; frankly, the name is the most intimidating - obviously, he thought, he's the appropriate person to handle it.

Unless he's interrupted, he'd down it in one go.
Mouth open and arm bent, Asher paused and turns to look at the nurse. The liquid sloshed around in the vial innocuously.

"Good point" He conceded, moving to a clear area and sat down, taking care to avoid walls, furnitures, or debris.

He drank.
Asher struggled to swallow full content of the container. He held the chalky liquid as the vision of otherworldly and
Asher was in what appears to be a garden. There were living things, teeming, pouring over one another, crawling through each other, expelling spores.

In a distant place his body seized. Albert blacked out, falling to the floor.

The images changes.

The lifeforms... Asher couldn't comprehend them, colonies of crystal extending elsewhere, over planet, many planets that were one, but altered and diffrenent.

A heartbeat sounds, deep inside the planet. It is time.

The cold planet swells—

The vision ends.

Young diplomat lied on the floor. And when you watch he see the heads of three people wretched in smoke-like apparitions, greyish halos. The unconscious Albert didn't have one.
"of course previous use makes you sensible to it... Yo asher, talk and move your extremities to check for damage! albert please don't get up for now."
Lily shuddered. Who knew what she was letting herself in for if she took this stuff?

Then again, it was a pretty obvious bet what would happen if she didn't.

She had things to do, a life to live. She couldn't let herself be stuck here.

She found a clear spot, put her knapsack down as a pillow, lay down and -

Simon settles down against the base of a wall, some distance from everyone else and with a silent toast downs his vial.
Answering the nurse dutifully, he start, voice trembling minutely. He's affected by the implications, more than he thought he would. At least he didn't become a Case 53.

"I'm fine. No pain, no aches. I -saw strange things. Aliens, like bugs but also like fungi, releasing spores. A collection of planets. It reminded me, like, like a carnival's funhouse - similar but different as well. Something happening. Something big.

He turn to regards the others trying to see if their "silhouettes" change with movement. He concentrates as they drank from the vials.

"And finally... you guys have something around you, an aura-

He kept the fact that he can't see silhouette to himself for the moment. A detection power against non-capes? He noticed that his liasons all had combative power, this can't be it.
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Simon and Lily downed their vials. The situation did repeated, but only Simone was left conscious this time - and the screams lasted way longer as far as she was concerned. Lily stopped first and her eyes remained closed, but she her breathing stabilized..

Simon screamed, and went on screaming and as the tall man trashed on the ground .—where the screaming turned quickly into hoarse bellows of agony and fear, only to re-double in force as he opened his eyes and his leg.. combusted. His clothes caught on fire in the instant. His skin and hair remained untouched as the fire-like strands, hundreds of them that replaced his legs, spread flames on everything touched.

The office carpet and nearby chair started to burn.. and the three other new parahumans were still unconscious.
Grab my jacket and try to stop the spread of the flames by using it to smother them, not the origin as not to interfere with whatever juju is happening.
Jacket from rock concert was not precisely best tool to extinguish flames.. but the real troubles were strands composing lower body of shocked Simon. He just stood - or at least his torso was up-right.. but the strands appeared to react with their own volition and two of them curled around to grab the jacked and wrestle it from Simone's hands. The jacket imminently started to burn..

Simon's whole body become obscured by rising smoke and the office's fire sprinkler system didn't seem to work. But on the small positive note in all that horror, Simon's breathing was unaffected by the smoke.
Simone grabbed Albert to drag him away, which was enough for him to awake. He rolled his head and seen that one corner of the office was on fire.. and the smoke drifted on the ceiling, filling the room.
Getting my things and walking anyone that is near them.

"Bert! Throw something at him. Maybe that will be enough to wake up!"
"Agh what even?!" Albert panics, and shoots a lavender beam at Simon.
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