Wolf of Luna: Horus Lupercal Quest

[X] My true companion." You are ever by your father's side, the first among equals. You will be perfect.

Horus quest? Horus quest.
[X] A peaceful genius with the soul of an earlier era." You will bring freedom and knowledge to a world of autocracy. You will keep dreaming your impossible dream until you snap from bitterness.
[X] My true companion." You are ever by your father's side, the first among equals. You will be perfect.

it was either this or Lodgar since he Patient Zero
[X] My true companion." You are ever by your father's side, the first among equals. You will be perfect.

it was either this or Lodgar since he Patient Zero
Horus is prime Chaos target anyway, not Lorgar. But Lorgar is still the main method to corrupt Emperor's sons. But even if he failed a Primarch is still a huge asset to have (literally and figuratively :V). Though the chance to have Horus Quest is too good to pass up.
Go big or go home (jk)

Lol, that what I thought last night when I picked the option :)

[ ] An unyielding rebel, who may fail again and again but never give up."You will be found on a world choked by death, adopted by the man that made it that way. You will endure forever. Mortarion I think would be better off with some...Guidance.
... You need to do [X] as part of your vote remember
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[X] My true companion." You are ever by your father's side, the first among equals. You will be perfect.
[X] A charismatic and faithful orator."You will be the dissenting reformer on a planet of zealotry. You will be my hierophant.

this or Mortarion.
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] An unyielding rebel, who may fail again and again but never give up.You will be found on a world choked by death, adopted by the man that made it that way. You will endure forever.
No. of votes: 2
Kingspace, ebolasos

[X] A charismatic and faithful orator.You will be the dissenting reformer on a planet of zealotry. You will be my hierophant.
No. of votes: 8
Tel Janin Aman, drasky, Crowhunter, Wobulator, Dark Ness, StarkDemise, Robotninja, butchock

[X] A peerless philosopher, warrior, and leader. You will be plunged into a hellscape of torture and slavery. Yours will be the heart of the purest rage.
No. of votes: 1

[X] My true companion. You are ever by your father's side, the first among equals. You will be perfect.
No. of votes: 20
Ghostdevil, MasterDrakus, Alex pears, Terrabrand, Thor, Kingofbooks, Enthusiast#117, TalkstoHimeself, Chief18753, gladiusone, Superticus, Nix's Warden, Shard, Regency, Derek58, CyberNinja, Dark Lord Bob, Z000, moon-llama, Blues

[X] An angel, all-loving and all-beloved. You will find a world poisoned by war and show it peace. Your goodness will not allow you to stand by while innocents die.
No. of votes: 6
Night_stalker, AZATHOTHoth, EVA-Saiyajin, Variel, GhostKing 666, Delta Green

[x] An enduring master of technology.You will wander your homeworld, spreading knowledge and bringing order. You will find your flesh weak, and seek to overcome it.
No. of votes: 1

[X] A mystic who will not accept failure. You will reclaim a world of magic and make it greater than ever before. You will never accept that you cannot fix everything.
No. of votes: 3
veekie, Zaratustra, Yzarc

[X] An undying champion of the people. You will save your fiery home, and unify it in the process. You will turn against anyone, even your brothers, for the sake of the common people.
No. of votes: 1

[X] A trickster and his brother, both cunning and witty.You will find no planet, but will instead become admirals of a great flotilla. You will not be able to resist needless complexity and scheming.
No. of votes: 1

[x] A beautiful, kind man. You will arrive on a dying paradise, and make it thrive again. Your pride will be your undoing.
No. of votes: 1

[X] A peaceful genius with the soul of an earlier era. You will bring freedom and knowledge to a world of autocracy. You will keep dreaming your impossible dream until you snap from bitterness.
No. of votes: 1

Okay, the True Companion has a 12 vote lead over the closest competitor. I'm calling the vote a few hours early; Horus wins.
? Lol, you missed my vote for Horus, not that it matters. Woo! I started a bandwagon. :cool: We starting on Cthonia or when Emps finds us?
One thing we could do is try and expand the efforts to find our brothers as quickly as possible. Not sure how exactly, though.
More critically is trying to avoid the things the Emperor does that are at the root of the fall of most of the Primarchs who fell. Or doesn't do, in some cases.
oh god, super hard insane genocidal difficulty here we go. Cause damn i'd imagine persuading the EMPEROR away from doing anything he thinks is right to be ... hard to say the least :p
oh god, super hard insane genocidal difficulty here we go. Cause damn i'd imagine persuading the EMPEROR away from doing anything he thinks is right to be ... hard to say the least :p
"Father... Not to disagree with your incredible length of experience and wisdom, but... Is it really necessary to do that? I understand the need to speed up the Great Crusade, I mean look at those fucking gigantic Orks three sectors back, but I'm fairly certain that Angron is not someone we want heading a legion. At all."

"... Father, I think Konrad needs help. What sort of help? The type our mortal soldiers tend to need after particularly strenuous campaigns... No Father, I don't think letting him deal with it will be helpful. Speaking of which, who's in charge of Nostromo and how is it doing now? Why do I ask? Because Konrad doesn't know either and it's his Homeworld now."
"Father... Not to disagree with your incredible length of experience and wisdom, but... Is it really necessary to do that? I understand the need to speed up the Great Crusade, I mean look at those fucking gigantic Orks three sectors back, but I'm fairly certain that Angron is not someone we want heading a legion. At all."

"... Father, I think Konrad needs help. What sort of help? The type our mortal soldiers tend to need after particularly strenuous campaigns... No Father, I don't think letting him deal with it will be helpful. Speaking of which, who's in charge of Nostromo and how is it doing now? Why do I ask? Because Konrad doesn't know either and it's his Homeworld now."
Well, ideally we start by going "father, please do not separate Angron from his trusted companions and leave them all to die. If he's anything like either of us, he won't take that well".
Cthonia 1
Chapter I: Cthonia

You're woken up, by the sound of it, in the middle of a tornado. That's odd, you think. Father's lab was deep under... Your eyes widen as your remember your circumstances. Immediately, you peer out of the pod's viewport. Your vessel is wreathed in fire, and you can see the ground only a few kilometers below. Instinctively, you tuck yourself down and brace for landing. About thirty seconds later, you hear a loud tearing sound as you hit the ground. However, as you prepare to try and kick open a damaged door, the pod lets out an immense groaning noise, and you go back into freefall. Once you land again, you cautiously wait for a few minutes. Once you're convinced it's safe, you get up, smash open a door, and see exactly where you've found yourself.

Immediately, you can tell what caused the delay in your fall: you punched through the ground into a giant cavern. You can still see the hole your pod made, about a kilometer up. It appears that you have landed in the middle of someone's living room. Judging from the fact that no one is investigating, the owner is either out of the house or very unlucky.

Once you get out and catch your breath, you try to remember something, anything of what happened to you. You catch a few glimpses of a hellscape of terror before your mind shocks you out of it. From what you can gather, you and your brothers were being scattered across the universe. However, your father damaged your pod, and whoever took you was forced to drop you into realspace after only a short time. That means if you can get to the surface, it's possible you could get to Earth, and your father.

With that resolved, you put on some clothes from a mostly intact dresser, walk out the ruins of what was once this apartment's front door, and start trying to find which way is up in this warren of tunnels. You walk for about twenty minutes before you finally encounter someone, which is good because you have no idea where you are. What isn't good is the situation you wander into.

Your attention was first caught by the staccato blasts of what sounded like a few dozen autoguns, coupled with the roars of a bolter. Quickly but quietly, you advanced down an alleyway until you found the source of the disturbance. Directly in front of you, a blue and white gravcar is turned sideways, blocking off the mouth of the alley and providing cover to two men in black leather uniforms. They're pinned down by the source of the autogun fire you heard earlier: a huge mass of pale, wildly dressed men and women whooping and firing autoguns seemingly at random. Beyond the mob, a two and a half meter tall behemoth of a man is slowly walking toward the gravcar. He's in heavy black armor that covers his entire body, and he menacingly brandishes a gauntlet with meter long claws, crackling with electricity.

As you skulk down the alleyway, you step on a bottle, shattering the glass beneath your foot. Immediately, one of the uniformed men whips his head around. "Get out of here, kid!" he shouts. "These scum already killed Al, but I'll be damned if I let them take anyone else!" You assume Al must be his partner, who you can now see is unconscious.

One of the reavers overhears what the uniformed man is saying and screeches, "Fresh meat for the pot!" They all cackle at that, before redoubling their efforts to overcome the barricade.

The man yells, "GO! I can't hold them off forever!"

As he says this, you make up your mind.

[ ] You listen to him and run. You're a Primarch, but you're young and there's dozens of them. You are the Emperor's child, and you will not let these thugs go, free to kill more innocents.
[ ] You'll sneak away to flank them. You'll let them focus on the uniformed man, and then ambush them from behind. You will not leave someone who seems like a good, honest man to die.
[ ] You will pick up his partner's bolter and take everyone out. It doesn't matter what kind of armor the giant has, no one is immune to a bolt shell in the eye. Ballistics comes as easily as breathing to you.
[ ] One of the nine madmen who had been gunned down charging the car had a power sword. Once you get to it, you know you will be able to cut down the giant and his gang without breaking a sweat. You can flow like a willow and hit like an elephant in melee combat.
[ ] There's a gravcar right there. If you redline it, you could pin the giant to the far wall. After he's taken out, you can't imagine his minions lasting too much longer. You can improvise and turn the battlefield to your advantage, winning without firing a shot.
[ ] You came up with a plan the moment you saw what was going on. You'll disorient the enemy, take out the giant advancing on you, and rout them without any casualties on your part. It's all just leveraging your forces, and a commander like you is a significant multiplier to that force.
[X] You came up with a plan the moment you saw what was going on. You'll disorient the enemy, take out the giant advancing on you, and rout them without any casualties on your part. It's all just leveraging your forces, and a commander like you is a significant multiplier to that force.
[X] One of the nine madmen who had been gunned down charging the car had a power sword. Once you get to it, you know you will be able to cut down the giant and his gang without breaking a sweat. You can flow like a willow and hit like an elephant in melee combat.
[X] You came up with a plan the moment you saw what was going on. You'll disorient the enemy, take out the giant advancing on you, and rout them without any casualties on your part. It's all just leveraging your forces, and a commander like you is a significant multiplier to that force.

Warmaster'd :cool:
[X] You will pick up his partner's bolter and take everyone out. It doesn't matter what kind of armor the giant has, no one is immune to a bolt shell in the eye. Ballistics comes as easily as breathing to you.
[X] You came up with a plan the moment you saw what was going on. You'll disorient the enemy, take out the giant advancing on you, and rout them without any casualties on your part. It's all just leveraging your forces, and a commander like you is a significant multiplier to that force.