When Might and Magic Work As One... (Worm/Yin Yang Yo! Crossover)

I loved this story. I just read all the chapters in one go. I missed the Yin Yang Yo fandom so much, but didn't even know it.

Thank you.

That's nice to hear and means a lot to me.

You got any feedback you'd like to share?

This is writing practice for me for a larger project I have planned.

Hmm THAT is indeed a tricky question for sure.

I mean bet no short if scum (Personally hoping we'll see the rabbits castrate a certain heartbreaker) and we know Coil already on Yin shit list.

But as Brockton bay gangs that piss them off the most it's tough call

We've got the drug peddlers who likely forcefully addict people to the product sometimes after kidnapping them.

The ABB who are sex slavers (though wouldn't put it pass other gangs to dabble there.) plus Lung would likely come across as egotistical prick.

The empire...hmm actually does racism exist in YYY world like Earth? I mean it sadly make sense if it did but at same time considering how diverse their population is could see it being a rare if not out right foreign concept.

Honestly all the gangs would piss them off and disgust them to different degrees especially if they target kids on Yin watch. God have mercy if she finds anyone trying to sell drugs to kids

But while tough call I think I'll go with the classic safe bet in the empire. Because come on they're nazis and everyone hates Nazis ~

I was leaning towards the ABB because of the sex slaving thing.

Yin's a drop-dead gorgeous young woman who'd be a prime target for their Farms, in her human form at least, if she wasn't a powerful Kung-Fu Sorceress who would fucking destroy anyone who dared try, so that plus the fact I imagine plenty of their victims are underage would be a huge sore spot for her that would make her really hate the ABB.

Yang, meanwhile, would probably be triggered because he wouldn't be able to help but imagine Yin or Lina being subjected to the Farms despite how astronomically unlikely that is, so that's a reason for him to especially hate the ABB.

On the other hand, @Pinklestia has argued that the E88 would piss the Twins off the most because of their dog fighting rings since Lina's a dog and she's Yang's girlfriend and basically a sister-in-all-but-blood to Yin at this point.

So there's that.

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The empire...hmm actually does racism exist in YYY world like Earth?

Well... we have certaim Hamster that hates anything and anyone unclean to the point of wanting to destroy/kill it.

Fastidious wanting to kill the Elementals may be racism? But he wants to kill them because they are dirty.

Eh, close enough I guess?
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I think what I must say is how weird reading angry Yin was. No matter what I couldn't really see her going that far in front of the kids. Maybe if they were alone, but I think she would have restrained herself to keep from traumatizing the kids.

That was sort of the intention.

She made a mistake she wouldn't normally have because of Smoke and Mirrors tapdancing on her Berserk Button coupled with her festering anxiety about wanting to become a mother.

We were also going for a "Mom, Dad, please stop fighting" feel there with the kids.
That was sort of the intention.

She made a mistake she wouldn't normally have because of Smoke and Mirrors tapdancing on her Berserk Button coupled with her festering anxiety about wanting to become a mother.

We were also going for a "Mom, Dad, please stop fighting" feel there with the kids.
I'm not saying I didn't understand what you were going for, I just couldn't picture it myself.
Thank you.

That's nice to hear and means a lot to me.

You got any feedback you'd like to share?

This is writing practice for me for a larger project I have planned.

I was leaning towards the ABB because of the sex slaving thing.

Yin's a drop-dead gorgeous young woman who'd be a prime target for their Farms, in her human form at least, if she wasn't a powerful Kung-Fu Sorceress who would fucking destroy anyone who dared try, so that plus the fact I imagine plenty of their victims are underage would be a huge sore spot for her that would make her really hate the ABB.

Yang, meanwhile, would probably be triggered because he wouldn't be able to help but imagine Yin or Lina being subjected to the Farms despite how astronomically unlikely that is, so that's a reason for him to especially hate the ABB.

On the other hand, @Pinklestia has argued that the E88 would piss the Twins off the most because of their dog fighting rings since Lina's a dog and she's Yang's girlfriend and basically a sister-in-all-but-blood to Yin at this point.

So there's that.


"Burn it all .." Yin said summoning a mystical flame

"But.." Taylor weakly protested only for a blue hand to be placed on her shoulder, "No she's right there's no saving it." Yang said with a solemn voice

But in seriousness made some good pints hmm but still tricky to decide who'd they hate more. Perhaps could do s thing where not even Yin and Yang can figure out which gang disgusts and enrages them more the more they learn about them

Either way a lot of bad guy butt is going to get kicked big time and it ain't going to be pretty ~
A Meeting With Muffin
Author's Note:

*Hey everyone.

Just checking in to let you know things are still going pretty well.

Chapters 6-8 are already done and currently awaiting editing, but things are going a bit slow because my editors have been busy lately.

So I made up this little Canon side story to tide you all over until then.

Feel free to ignore it if you wish, you won't be missing anything important.

It's just a hopefully entertaining little filler chapter I pit together.

Thank you all for reading, and don't worry.

We're on the home stretch of the Introductory Arc and will be back to the Worm stuff after the next two Chapters.

Best regards.*

A Meeting with Muffin:

Yin and Yang both sighed tiredly as they looked up at the building in front of them with dread.

"Come on bro, let's get this over with," the sorceress said in a resigned tone as she looked wearily at her brother, who gave her a truly epic pout in response.

"Do we really have to do this now, sis? Can't we come back in a few days after we've had a chance to decompress? Dealing with that insufferable old goat is bad enough even when we're not both totally exhausted…" the warrior whined petulantly as he eyed the building in front of him with dread.

The pink rabbit groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

So much for his responsible streak, she thought irritably to herself before giving the blue rabbit a stern look.

"Yes Yang, we have to do this now," Yin growled testily at her brother, a notable warning look in her eyes not to try her patience at the moment, which he easily ignored. " I don't like it either, but you heard Dad. Trouble's coming, so we need to be on guard and make sure none of the City's villains have been making any moves lately. And like it or not, this is the fastest way to do that."

"I just don't see why we can't take a couple days off to relax after running ourselves ragged for the last two weeks!" Yang complained again in that same childishly combative voice while his sister let out an explosive sigh and silently prayed to the Ancestors for the strength not to strangle the life out of the insufferable manchild she called a brother as he continued to rant. "I mean seriously, do you really think whatever threat Dad warned us about is going to just show up out of the blue so soon after he told us about it!?! That never happens with this kind of stuff! There's always some epic quest we have to go on or a long running villainous scheme we have to unravel before we face the Big Bad Threat at the end! That's how this shit works!"

"Which is all the more reason we need to get on top of this now rather than later! For all we know, whatever threat that's coming might already be about to strike and we never would have noticed if it weren't for Dad!" the sorceress reprimanded sharply with a heated glare at her brother, who merely rolled his eyes at his sister's paranoia as he crossed his arms and grumbled sullenly under his breath, much to her irritation.

"And furthermore," the pink rabbit continued indignantly as she jabbed a stern finger at the warrior, her patience wearing thin. "Just because things have been quiet for a while now is no excuse to get complacent!"

But the blue rabbit just threw up his hands in abject exasperation at his sister's stubborn insistence, completely unmoved by her arguments.

"By the Ancestors, you are paranoid!" Yang declared with a bad-tempered glare as his sister's eyes narrowed dangerously. "You really need to lighten up some sis, before they change your name to something more fitting for your new outlook. 'Negative Nancy and Yang' doesn't quite roll off the tongue as well as 'Yin and Yang' after all, completely ruins the alliteration."

"Cute," Yin growled coldly, hands on her hips and wearing a thoroughly unamused expression as she matched her brother's glare with one of her own. "But at least I haven't forgotten to treat my responsibilities as a Woo Foo Warrior and a guardian of this land with the respect and seriousness they deserve. Unlike some lazy, irresponsible slobs I could name."

The warrior's expression darkened as his face twisted into an ugly scowl.

"Only because this 'lazy, irresponsible slob' screwed your head back on straight when you were about to commit a felony because you couldn't stop obsessing over how much you wanted to pop out a baby," he snarled back as his sister's hackles rose in shock and fury. "Otherwise, you wouldn't be the guardian of anything except your butt in the prison shower."

Both siblings stood there glaring furiously at each other for a moment, the magical pressure in the air spiking dangerously, before the sorceress let out an exhausted sigh and gave her brother an apologetic look as the anger and irritation bled out of her.

"You're right, that was out of line. I'm sorry," she said in a sincere tone as she bowed her head to her brother, who suddenly wore a guilty expression of his own at the peace offering while the pink rabbit continued. "Look, I get it. We've both had a long couple of weeks, and I'm just as tired and on edge as you are. But this is still something we need to take care of. So let's just try to get through this together as best we can, and then if we don't find anything I promise we'll take a few days off. Deal?"

The blue rabbit eyed her for a few seconds before sighing quietly and giving a reluctant nod.

"Deal. Sorry I was being such a brat back there," he replied wearily with a contrite look of his own as his sister gave him a gentle, understanding smile and inclined her head in acceptance, before a thoughtful expression crossed his face. "And I just remembered I have something else I need to take care of here anyway, so might as well kill two birds with one stone."

Yin cocked a curious eyebrow at that as she wondered what possible business her brother could have at City Hall without her, before shaking her head.

Probably something to do with that demolition job, she thought quietly to herself before putting it out of her mind as she focused back on Yang.

"Whatever it is, you can take care of it after we've finished talking to the Town President," the sorceress said agreeably before jerking her head at the Town Hall. "Now come on, let's get this taken care of so we can relax already, ok?"

"Oh no, no, no, you go on ahead Yin, I insist. Ladies first after all," the warrior replied teasingly, wearing a playful smirk as he gave an exaggerated mock bow and gestured for his sister to take the lead.

"My, my, such a gentlemen," the pink rabbit said with a wry grin as she rolled her eyes at her brother's antics in fond exasperation and started walking up the steps to the entrance, the blue rabbit following obediently behind.

In all honesty, Yin could understand and sympathize with her brother's annoyance and trepidation perfectly.

Dealing with that sleazy, egotistical old goat was taxing at the best of times, let alone after the exhausting two weeks they'd had since the incident with Smoke and Mirrors, and neither of them had had much of an opportunity to relax yet.

The two villain's scheme could not have come at a worse time for the sorceress, for with the National Book Fair just around the corner, she had already been strapped for time between her preparations for the big event, her normal work at the Library, her weekly book readings to the children, and, of course, her duties as a guardian of the Town.

The poor rabbit had been left scrambling not to fall behind after the slaver's antics had completely disrupted her carefully planned and meticulously laid out schedule, something Yin had not been happy about in the slightest.

So suffice to say that there had been several times she had been sorely tempted to march right down into the Vault to finish what she'd started, and it had only been the thought of how disappointed her brother and father would have been in her that stayed her hand.

And speaking of said brother, he hadn't had it much better.

Not only had he and his co-workers been stuck with only the most boring and thankless parts of the job thanks to Carl's interference, but the blue rabbit had been absolutely correct in his suspicions that his company's clients would try to stiff them on their pay for doing the job "improperly" despite the fact that it was technically going to be completed well ahead of schedule.

Because apparently not even being a near-universally beloved Hero who regularly saved the City and occasionally the World from the Forces of Darkness was enough to keep people from trying to screw you out of your money every chance they got.

So that had been yet more dull, tedious legal work Yang had been forced to slog through, made worse by the fact that he'd had to recruit his more studious and legally savvy sister to help him make sure he was doing everything right and that the greedy bastards hadn't managed to slip anything by him, which only cut into her already severely limited time even more.

The warrior had felt especially guilty about that, even though the sorceress had assured him that it was fine and had gladly shouldered the extra burden without a word of complaint despite her clear exhaustion, and he had made sure to return the favor and pitch in to help his sister with her preparations and Library work whenever he could.

Something he could tell the pink rabbit greatly appreciated despite her constant, stubborn insistence that it was unnecessary.

But in all honesty, it was probably only because of their mutual support of each other that they both managed to pull through at all, and about the only bright spot in the entire fiasco was that Yin had gotten to use the bastards trying to cheat her beloved brother and his friends out of their hard earned pay for some much needed stress relief while the blue rabbit in question looked on in glee.

No matter how many times Yang witnessed it, it was always a treat to see just how quickly the smug look on a corporate stooge's face would turn to shock and horror when they realized all too late just how legally savvy his sister's constant clashes with Greedco. and working with all manner of dangerous and devilishly worded spells, curses, and magical texts had made a mere "Librarian".

The sight of the sorceress viciously tearing into those fat, cowering businessmen and their scum-sucking lawyers while she exposed and countered every dirty trick and legal loophole they'd used to try and justify not giving him and his co-workers their due was one that the warrior would cherish for a long time to come.

Unfortunately for the twin Masters, a heavy workload and dealing with a bunch of greedy, tight-fisted assholes was far from the end of their troubles.

Evil never took a holiday after all, and in addition to needing to keep up their usual patrols to keep the City's criminal element in check, the pink and blue rabbits had also had to do many follow-up interviews with the police and the DMMA about the battle with Smoke and Mirrors in order to both help build the case against the two villainous siblings and ensure that their argument and the Yin's near-miss remained a secret.

And then there was the media...


Yin sighed tiredly as she continued to organize, catalog, and reshelve the huge swarm of books swirling around her, a sour look on her face as she once again cursed Smoke and Mirrors to the darkest depths of the underworld for setting her back so much.

The sorceress had definitely seen better days.

There were heavy bags under her eyes, her normally vibrant and meticulously cared for fur was shaggy and unkempt, and her ears and shoulders both had a noticeable droop in them.

Under normal circumstances, the pink rabbit would have never been caught out in public in such a state, proud as she was of her ordinarily gorgeous looks.

But between the Book Fair just around the corner, her poor, beautiful schedule being reduced to tatters thanks to the interference of those two lunatics, and all her other responsibilities, Yin scarcely even had time for eating, catching a modicum of sleep, and attending to her basic hygiene, let alone for all the care she normally put into maintaining her appearance.

The frazzled sorceress let out another resigned sigh as she finished reorganizing this section of the Library and began hurrying over to the next, when she suddenly froze as she passed by a window and her exhausted expression swiftly morphed into a ferocious scowl before she whipped her head around to murderously glare at the presence her Woo Sense had detected hiding in a pair of nearby bushes.

There was a startled squawk before a green skinned man wearing an elaborate camouflage suit holding an expensive looking camera suddenly scrambled out of the foliage and hurried away from the pink rabbit's livid gaze.

Yin watched him flee for a moment before exhaling explosively in long-suffering exasperation as she furiously massaged her temples to relieve her pounding headache.

While the paparazzi had always been an ever-present thorn in her and her brother's sides ever since they had truly established themselves as Heroes and Protectors of this land, the press had been especially insufferable lately.

Every reporter in town was desperate to be the first to get an inside scoop on both the biggest villainous scheme seen in years and the dramatic, if brief, return of two villains long thought retired, and the sorceress and her brother had both been harassed day and night by the relentless journalists ever since word of their battle with Smoke and Mirrors had first gottten out.

There had already been many,
many close calls where the already frazzled rabbits had come dangerously close to losing their tempers and doing something that would have seen them both in jail right alongside the villainous siblings, and both feared that if this continued much longer such an incident was all but inevitable.

Yang quickly lost count of how many times he and his co-workers had to drive away some nosy reporters snooping around the demolition site so they wouldn't get themselves injured or killed by the various hazards and heavy equipment scattered throughout the work area before Mike finally caved and allowed the warrior to set up some basic protection spells to keep them at bay, and his sister's Library had fared only a little better.

While Yin's status as the sole proprietor of the Library fortunately meant that she
did, in fact, have the right to decide who could and couldn't go there despite it technically being a public place, something the sorceress had firmly explained in no uncertain terms to the protesting journalists before unceremoniously banishing them from the premises, she could do nothing to stop them from skulking about just outside the property line, lying in wait to ambush her, her brother, or anyone else who might know something about what happened at the fake campgrounds at the slightest opportunity.

The vultures had even had the gall to try and corner any kids visiting the Library for "interviews" on what had happened at the camp, something neither the children, their parents, or the pink rabbit had appreciated in the least, and they had all made their displeasure known loud and clear many,
many times already.

Yet despite that the reporters were far from discouraged.

If anything, being chased away by angry parents and the increasingly irate Librarian over and over again seemed to somehow make the stubborn bastards even
more determined to dig up info on what had happened that day, convinced that there was something truly juicy just waiting to be uncovered, and between their nonstop badgering and the enormous workload she'd been saddled with, the poor spellcaster was just about at her wits end.

Fortunately for her sanity, and the journalist's health, Yin was abruptly snapped out of her dark musings when she felt a sudden tug on her pant leg and frowned slightly as she looked down to see a small group of children lead by a familiar bear club eagerly smiling up at her, before letting out a small sigh and schooling her face into a slightly strained smile while setting down the books still swirling around her so she could address them properly.

"What is it kids?" she asked wearily, struggling to keep the irritation out of her voice as she kneeled down and gave them a tired look. "You know I love you all very much, but your Auntie Yin is very busy right now."

The kid's smiles all slid off their faces at her exhausted tone as they really stopped and looked at the state the frazzled sorceress was in for the first time, and worried frowns and sheepish looks swiftly replaced them.

"We're really sorry for bothering you right now Miss Yin," the bear cub said apologetically with a slightly guilty expression before his face immediately brightened. "But we've got something we'd really like to show you and we all think you're going to love it, honest!"

"Yeah! It's super funny!" a little cat girl chimed in wearing a very self-satisfied expression. "It'll cheer you up for sure!"

"And it might even be able to help you with one of your problems!" the beaver boy from the camp piped up hopefully before giving the pink rabbit a pleading look. "Please let us show you Miss Yin!"

Yin eyed them for a moment as the rest of the children all let out loud sounds of agreement with the beaver's statement and eagerly begged her to let them show her their big surprise with their best puppy dog eyes, before finally sighing in resignation and relenting with an indulgent smile.

Truth be told, the sorceress was more than a little tempted to tell them that she was just too busy for this right now and that their surprise would have to wait, but looking at just how much they wanted to help her and cheer her up and thinking of their crestfallen expressions if she denied them, the pink rabbit found she just didn't have it in her to say no.

"All right, little ones, all right, I suppose I can spare a few minutes," she agreed softly, her tone warm despite the weariness in her voice as she watched the children all cheer in triumph and excitement with a fond look. "What's this big surprise then?"

The kids all snickered mischievously as they gave each other evil looks before the bear cub stepped forward wearing a huge, malicious grin on his face.

"Well, you know all those nosy reporters outside that won't stop trying to get us to break our promise to you and Mister Yang?" he began in a smug voice as Yin stiffened and a furious look crossed her face.

"Great Ancestors Above! Are those wretched buzzards
still bothering you!?!" she snarled in rage as she shot to her feet and ignited her magic, ready to really give those damnable scavengers a piece of her mind this time, only to stop dead in her tracks in surprise as all the children frantically waved their arms at her.

"Wait Miss Yin! You'll ruin everything if you go out there and chase them off again!" the cat girl pleaded as the older woman gave her a bewildered look.

Confused, the sorceress extinguished her magic and kneeled back down again.

"What are you talking about honey?" she asked in puzzlement as the kids all breathed a sigh of relief and hastened to explain, eager smiles returning.

"Ok, so, you know how you and our folks would always chase away those pushy jerks whenever they tried to corner us and ask us questions?" the beaver boy asked and, at the pink rabbit's hesitant nod, gave a very self-satisfied smile as he proudly continued. "Well, it seems like they
finally realized that wasn't going to work, so they tried something new today. Something really stupid, and boy are we going to make those big dummies regret it! Isn't that right guys?"

The children all snickered at each other again as Yin gave them all a concerned look.

"Kids..." she said slowly, a worried frown on her face, "what did they do?"

Smiling in triumph, the kids all reached into their pockets and each pulled out a fistfull of cash as the sorceress gasped in shock and her eyes bugged out of her skull.

"Kids!" she exclaimed, aghast, hand over her mouth. "Where did you get all that money!?!"

"Those dumb old journalists gave it to us!" the bear cub answered with a huge grin, completely oblivious to the mortified look the pink rabbit was giving him. "When they realized that we weren't going to talk, they offered to pay us if we could convince you to give them an interview instead! Half now, half once the job's done!"

"Convincing them to give us a partial payment was my doing," the cat girl added smugly as she haughtily inspected her nails and all the other children gave loud sounds of agreement and praise while Yin looked on in horror and disbelief.

"Bribes!?!" she asked with a thunderstruck expression, unable to believe what she was hearing, "They offered you all
bribes to try and get me to talk!?! And you accepted them!?!

"Yep! Pretty smart huh, Miss Yin?" the beaver boy replied proudly, eyes closed in satisfaction as he somehow failed to notice the sorceress's rapidly darkening expression. "Now you'll finally be able to get rid of those nosy dumb-dumbs for good and they'll stop bothering us all the time!"

The pink rabbit scowled deeply and opened her mouth to loudly reply that
no, it was not smart.

It was in fact, the single
dumbest thing she had ever heard and she was more disappointed than she could put into words that they had ever thought that this was a good idea, before the last part of the little kit's statement registered and stopped her oncoming tirade in it's tracks before it could begin, her anger being replaced by confusion.

"Wait, 'get rid of them'?" she parroted in bewilderment as she looked down at the still grinning tykes with a baffled expression. "You took those bribes... to help me
get rid of those reporters?"

"Yep!" the bear cub answered cheerfully as he beamed at his stunned guardian. "We figured that if we pretended to accept their offer and then told you what they did, they'd all get in big trouble and would have to leave us all alone!"

"Yeah! And the best part is, not only are we going to be able to get those jerks to stop bothering you and Mister Yang, we're going to get paid for it! Everyone wins!" the cat girl added enthusiastically as they all cheered and ran their hands through their newly acquired Kachings eagerly.

"Well, except for those dumb old journalists, but who cares about them?" the beaver boy finished as an afterthought, tone dismissive as he idly waved an airy hand while all the other children nodded in agreement before going right back to admiring their Kachings.

Yin gaped at them for a few moments, mind blank and expression dumbstruck as she struggled to figure out how these sweet, innocent kids that were always so polite and well-mannered to her could come up with something so underhanded and devious, and all to
help her no less, before she frantically slapped a hand over her mouth and began making odd choking noises.

Her shoulders trembled and shook as she desperately fought the inevitable until, with a final, explosive snort, the sorceress broke and collapsed into hysterics, baying and howling with laughter as tears flowed down her face and the children looked on in glee.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! AHAHAHA... and... and they really bought that!?!" the pink rabbit wheezed out between laughs as she desperately tried to catch her breath while all the children nodded and gave her supremely self-satisfied looks.

"Hook, line, and sinker," the cat girl replied smugly, puffed up like a bullfrog as Yin finally managed to get her laughter under control again.

"Oh you cheeky, clever little
rascals! Yang is going to love this!" she chuckled as she shook her head in amusement before gracing them all with a radiant smile. "Come here you!"

The sorceress swept them all up in an enormous hug and the kids all laughed happily at the warm embrace and gentle kisses they received, overjoyed at seeing their beloved guardian in good spirits once again.

"There's the Miss Yin we all know and love!" the bear cub said in delight as he beamed at the pink rabbit's brighter demeanor. "It's so nice to see you happy and smiling again! We were all getting worried about you always being so tired and grumpy all the time!"

Yin laughed and smiled softly at that, touched at the children's concern for her as she rubbed the cub's head affectionately.

"It's good to
be happy again," she said sincerely as she gave them all a kind and grateful look. "Thank you for this kids, truly. After the week I've had... I really needed this."

They all beamed at her.

"You're welcome Miss Yin!" the cat girl exclaimed joyfully, relief and happiness in her voice as she clasped her hands and leaned forward eagerly. "Does that mean we helped!?! Will you finally be able to get rid of those nosy jerks thanks to our plan!?!"

The sorceress chuckled darkly at the question, a mischievous smile growing on her face.

"Oh yes honey. You and your friends helped me alright. You've helped me a
lot," she confirmed as she gave the children an evil look of her own that they all enthusiastically returned before she beckoned them closer. "Now, listen closely my little minions. Here's what we're going to do..."


"Are you sure this was a good idea? They've been in there a really long time..." the green skinned man from earlier asked nervously as he eyed the Library with a wary expression, still jumpy after his encounter with the irate Master, and his fellow reporters all rolled their eyes at his paranoia.

"Oh will you relax already Nick?" a chicken woman with vibrant blue hair scoffed as she shot him an annoyed look. "It's only been 15 minutes since you made sure they went to talk to her."

"But what if this doesn't work Bianica? What if they squeal!?!" Nick stubbornly insisted as he frantically chewed his fingernails while the other journalists let out explosive sighs.

"Well, they wouldn't get the rest of their money then, now would they?" Bianica snapped at the green skinned man with an irritated glare, her patience thoroughly spent. "Now will you quit your bellyaching already!?! Everybody knows kids will do anything for a quick buck, there's no way they'll risk their payday and getting into trouble by letting Yin know about our little deal!"

"Yeah, and besides, it's not like she'd ever push them that hard anyway," a small, green elf with red hair in a purple suit wearing an enormously oversized elf hat chimed in with a nonchalant wave of the hand. "Everyone knows that rabbit's a total pushover when it comes to kids. That's the entire reason we came up with this plan to begin with, remember?"

Nick nodded slowly at the elf man's words.

"Yeah... I... I guess you're right Felf," he said hesitantly, slowly beginning to relax as the elf scowled furiously.

"Oh for the love of...! How many times do I have to tell you, my name is F.L. Smelfman!" Felf shouted in profound irritation at someone getting his name wrong
yet again despite it clearly being displayed on both his name tag and in all his news broadcasts that were viewed by millions of people each day.

"Whatever," both of his fellow journalists deadpanned with half-lidded eyes and dismissive waves as the green elf's face turned an alarming shade of red.

"Why you two...!"


The reporters all shrieked and jumped a foot in the air at the unexpected voice as they whirled around in a panic to see Yin suddenly standing there, glaring at them with crossed arms and an unimpressed expression on her face, her foot tapping impatiently.

"Um... how long have you been standing there?" Nick asked fearfully, looking just seconds away from bolting as the sorceress's eyes narrowed in irritation.

"Long enough to see you three clowns making fools of yourselves, as usual," she growled as the three journalists all flinched at her angry tone before she let out an explosive sigh and rubbed her face tiredly. "By the Ancestors, you all just don't know when to quit, do you? First, you harass my brother and I nonstop everytime we set foot outside our home and workplaces,
then you won't stop bothering the children no matter how many times I or their parents chase you off, and now you've somehow convinced them to badger me for you despite all the trouble you've caused them! Do none of you vultures have any respect for other people's privacy or personal space at all!?! Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourselves!"

"Well... we wouldn't have to be so pushy if you and your brother would just talk to us!" Bianica shot back feebly, wincing under the pink rabbit's heated glare but somehow managing to find the courage to stand her ground. "This is the biggest villainous operation the City's seen in years! The people deserve to know the Truth about what almost happened to their kids and whether or not they'll be able to sleep safely at night now that Smoke and Mirrors are back and deliberately targeting children!"

spare me the melodramatic heroic reporter act!" Yin snapped with a disdainful snort and a roll of the eyes. "If this was really just about 'the Truth' then you would wait until the press conference that's been scheduled to ask your question instead of hounding everybody that went through that ordeal nonstop! You just want to be the first ones to cover the story so you can get all the credit and prestige!"

The three reporters all glanced at each other awkwardly at the accusation and rubbed the back of their heads sheepishly.

"Well... I mean... that is our job madam," Nick protested weakly, coughing into his fist as the sorceress put her hands on her hips and glared a hole through him. "Going out and finding interesting stories to sell...

"Indeed," the pink rabbit hissed coldly, her voice full of contempt as the three vultures all gulped. "And you all are
quite dedicated to your jobs. Far more so than anyone in any other profession I've ever seen. It's quite admirable really, all three of you should be top picks for Employee of the Month. Everyone should strive to follow your example on what it means to be a truly devoted worker."

The journalists all flinched once again at the acidic sarcasm dripping off the spellcaster's every word as she glared at them for a few more seconds before finally sighing in resignation.

"Well, come on then, let's get this over with," Yin said in a defeated voice as she reluctantly,
very reluctantly, bade them to follow her into the Library, much to their shock.

"Wait, really? You're seriously going to give us the interview after all that!?!" Felf asked incredulously, excitement and wariness warring in his tone as the sorceress looked at him bitterly.

"I don't really have a choice now, do I?" she groused in helpless frustration as hungry and eager expressions immediately crossed the reporter's faces at her admission of weakness. "I still can't for the life of me figure out how in the world you buzzards managed to con the kids into helping you after all the shit you put them through, but now they won't stop following me around begging me to 'give you another chance' because you're 'not so bad after all' no matter how many times I try to shoo them away. They're relentless."

The journalists all glanced at each other smugly as the pink rabbit grumbled under her breath in disgust, Bianca in particular sporting an insufferable "I-told-you-so" look at Nick, who looked away with a huff.

"And as much as I might be tempted to, I can't just kick them out of the Library like I did with you jerks. I love them too much for that," Yin continued morosely with another sad sigh before leveling a smoldering glare at the reporters as they desperately tried to hide their triumphant grins. "So congratulations, you win. I'll give you your stinking interview. I hope you're proud of yourselves."

relax Madam Yin!" the blue haired chicken said in a cheerfully reassuring voice with an airy wave as the Librarian scoffed. "There's no need to get so worked up about this! Now that you've finally seen reason, I promise we'll do our best to make this interview as quick and painless as possible so we can get out of your hair. Isn't that right guys?"

The sorceress merely snorted and raised a skeptical eyebrow as Bianica's companions both made eager sounds of agreement, thoroughly unconvinced by the journalists newfound politeness and cordiality now that they were finally going to get what they wanted.

"Whatever," she grunted as she looked away petulantly. "At least once this is over you damn scavengers will finally leave my brother and I in peace."

The pink rabbit's eyes narrowed dangerously and lit up with an ominous glow as she turned back to the reporters, who all stiffened at her foreboding glare and began to sweat at the sudden pressure in the air.

"Isn't that right?" she asked coldly, her tone making it absolutely clear there was only one acceptable answer as the three journalists all gulped and nodded fervently in agreement. "Good. Now follow me."

The reporters started as the spellcaster did an abrupt about face and began marching back to the Library without so much as a backwards glance and scrambled to follow her.

"We'll do the interview in my office, if that's acceptable," Yin said curtly as they entered the building, eyes still fixed firmly ahead while the journalists all looked around and took note of the Library's somewhat messy and unorganized state, a far cry from the usually neat and orderly appearance it's patrons were used to.

"Oh that's perfectly fine Madam Yin! Like we said, we want to make this as easy as possible for you!" Bianica assured the sorceress with a nervous laugh and smile as she gingerly stepped around some discarded books on the floor, not wanting to anger the Librarian further by treading on her precious texts.

"Yes, it uh, certainly looks like you're dealing with a lot right now," Felf concurred as he looked around at the messy Library. "We certainly don't want to make things any more difficult for you now do we?"

"Indeed," the sorceress replied icily, her tone cold enough to send a chill down the reporter's spines as she still did not deign to look back at them. "Between the National Book Fair coming up and the constant distractions I've had to deal with ever since my battle with Smoke and Mirrors, I've hardly been able to get any work done at all."

The reporters all flinched and fidgeted nervously in discomfort as they continued to follow her until they stopped at a door labeled 'Backroom: Employees Only' and the pink rabbit finally turned around to face them with crossed arms and a cool look.

"First things first," she said tersely as she gestured at her dishelved appearance. "If we're going to do this, then I'm going to take a few minutes to clean myself up before we start. I'm already embarrassed enough as it is being out in public looking like this, so there's no way I'm going to allow myself to be filmed until I've had a chance to pull myself together. Understand?"

"Of course madam! We all know better than anyone else how important it is to look your best when you're on camera! Isn't that right guys?" the green elf agreed amicably as the others nodded in understanding while Yin huffed.

"Good," she replied in that same terse tone before her eyes narrowed and she continued sternly. "And furthermore, while I'm taking care of that, I think there's some people you should all be thanking. They're the only reason I'm even giving you the time of day, after all."

The sorceress pointed sharply and the journalists all turned to see the children standing off to the side, watching the adults with eager smiles and expectant looks at the three newspeople, who immediately nodded.

"Oh right you are, Madam Yin!" Bianica said with a cheery smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Definitely need to let those little darlings know just how much we appreciate them giving us this amazing opportunity!"

The pink rabbit just snorted and rolled her eyes yet again at the thinly veiled attempt at flattery before giving them a flat look.

"Just go tell them thank you and be ready to start when I come to get you after I've finished cleaning up," she instructed dismissively before abruptly turning and marching through the door, slamming it shut behind her as the reporters' plastered smiles immediately fell to be replaced by annoyed scowls.

"Damn, what a bitch," Felf growled angrily as Bianica and Nick both nodded in heartfelt agreement, all of them completely failing to notice the kids standing nearby stiffen in shock and outrage at the insult to their beloved guardian before giving the journalists murderous glares.

"Yeah, but unfortunately, bitch or no bitch, she's still a Big Time Hero and a hot commodity to the public, which means we have to put up with her bullshit for now if we want that Big Scoop," the chicken woman grumbled before glancing at the waiting children and letting out a sigh. "But before that, we've still got a deal to close, I'm afraid. Come on guys, let's go give those brats the rest of their money."

Nick and Felf both grumbled petulantly before reluctantly following her over to the kids, who were still giving them cold looks as the cat girl stepped forward to meet them.

"We got you your Exclusive with Miss Yin, now where's the rest of our Kachings?" she demanded frostily as the reporters scowled at her tone but nonetheless pulled out the second half of the children's payment, causing the kitten's eyes to light up as she eagerly snatched the money out of their hands and began counting it up.

"Looks like it's all here," she said in satisfaction as she began dividing it up among the other children before turning back to the sour-faced reporters with a smug grin. "Pleasure doing business with you all."

"Speak for yourself, you little hairball," Nick growled with a smoldering glare as the cat girl's grin only widened. "You drive a hard bargain."

"Benefits of being the daughter of a successful businessman," she replied cheerfully as she and the other children safely stashed away their newly-acquired Kachings before giving the journalists a serene smile when their scowls deepened. "Good luck with your interview with Miss Yin!"

The three news people opened their mouths to deliver a scathing retort, only to be interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing behind them and everyone turned to see Yin leaning against the doorway staring at them with half-lidded eyes.

The sorceress had used the opportunity to freshen herself up well, and she was once again back to her usual pristine and stunningly beautiful looks, which only made the supremely grumpy and sour expression she was wearing as she gazed coldly at the trio of reporters stand out even more.

"I'm ready," she said blandly as she gestured the journalists into the back room with cool, stone-faced politeness. "Let's get this over with."

The reporters all immediately brightened, annoyance at the surprisingly business savvy little kitten instantly forgotten as they all hurried into the back room with eager, hungry expressions while the pink rabbit watched them rush by her with barely concealed contempt.

"Make yourselves at home in my office," she called after them with an expression like she was sucking a lemon as she forced the words out. "I'll be with you shortly once I've had a quick word with the little ones."

Yin shut the door behind her and cast a subtle silencing spell just to be safe before her cold, stoic expression immediately broke into a darkly satisfied smile as she chuckled evilly to herself at successfully ensnaring her prey before turning to the beaming kids with a warm expression.

"Did we do good Miss Yin!?!" the bear cub asked excitedly as he and the other children all ran up to the smiling rabbit woman. "Do you think they fell for it!?!"

The sorceress laughed lightly as she playfully tussled the cub's hair.

"Yes sweetie, you all played your part perfectly! I got everything I needed and those dolts don't suspect a thing," she confirmed happily as she gave them all a pleased smile and they cheered at their success. "I'm very proud of all of you. Now you all run along now, I'll take it from here. But before you go..."

The pink rabbit snapped her fingers and bags full of candy and other goodies suddenly appeared in all the kids hands, and their eyes lit up in delight as they cheered once again at the unexpected reward while she looked on with a radiant expression.

"Wow! First we get to help Miss Yin get rid of those pushy jerks, then we get paid for getting them in trouble, and now we get free candy!?! This is officially the Best Day Ever!" the beaver boy proclaimed joyfully as he looked up at his guardian with adoration in his eyes. "Thank you so much Miss Yin!"

Yin chuckled warmly and gave them all a fond smile as the other children all clamored around her shouting thanks of their own.

"All right, settle down kids, settle down," she chided lightly as she gently shooed the overeager tots away before giving them a kind look. "I'm glad you're all enjoying your gift so much, but your Auntie Yin needs to go take care of those dumb old journalists before they start to suspect something. So you all run along and be good now, and thank you again for your help. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it."

The sorceress sighed in contentment as the kids all happily said their goodbyes and dispersed, eagerly tearing into their treats, before once again schooling her face into a cold, expressionless mask as she walked into the back room and entered her office where the reporters were waiting for her.

"Sorry for the wait," the pink rabbit said in that same coolly polite voice as she sat behind her desk and folded her hands in front of her, careful to keep her face and tone impassive and businesslike while she gazed at the eager reporters with well-hidden malicious glee. "Are you ready to begin?"

"Absolutely Madam Yin!" Bianica replied cheerfully, that hungry look still in her eyes as she and her fellow newspeople readied their cameras and microphones. "We've all been waiting for this for a really long time!"

So have I, Yin thought darkly to herself as she fought down an evil grin before letting out one last feigned sigh and looking at the journalists with a stony expression.

"Excellent," she said blandly, voice and face as flat as a board before springing her trap with a subtle smirk. "Just tell me which one of you will be doing the interview and we'll get started."

The sorceress suppressed a chuckle as all the reporter's faces instantly went from eager and triumphant to shocked and confused at her question, silently thanking her wonderful little minions once again while the three journalists struggled to articulate a response.

"...pardon?" Felf asked at last, still looking as hopelessly bewildered as his fellow newspeople. "'Which one of us?' I'm sorry, I don't quite follow..."

The pink rabbit raised an unamused eyebrow at the green elf's question, the corners of her mouth twitching minutely as she gave him a cold glower.

"Please do not waste my time anymore than you already have," she growled in annoyance as all three journalists shrank back nervously. "The children were badgering me for an
Exclusive interview, and the three of you each work for entirely different media outlets. So I'll ask one more time, which one of you is doing the interview?"

The green elf's face paled as he finally grasped her meaning, and the spellcaster had to suppress another gleeful chuckle at the subtle looks of panic that crossed the three vulture's faces as they realized their mistake.

"O-Oh, of course! How silly of me!" Felf said with a nervous laugh and strained smile, beads of sweat rolling down his face as he stared down the irritated Librarian before him. "Can't be an
Exclusive if you're giving the story to multiple news outlets now can it? Ah ha ha..."

Yin only narrowed her eyes dangerously in response.

"I'm waiting," she replied icily, a definite note of warning in her voice as all three reporters gulped.

"Y-Yes, best not to waste anymore time, huh?" the green elf said shakily before taking a deep breath and drawing himself up as he continued in a more professional tone. "In any case, I will be the one conducting the interview Madam Yin. Sorry for the confusion. Now, let's start with..."

"Hey, now wait just a minute!" Nick interrupted forcefully as he and Bianica both shot looks of outrage at their tiny companion. "Why do
you get to be the one that does the interview Felf!?!"

Felf scowled furiously at both the interruption and at the green skinned man getting his name wrong

"First of all,
for the last time Nick, my name is F.L. Smelfman!" he shouted at the top of his tiny lungs at his hard headed compatriot with a heated glare. "And second of all, obviously I'm doing this interview because Elves Talking About People More Popular Than You is the largest news outlet in Town! Millions of people tune into our channel every day to hear the latest stories, so clearly I should be the one to do this so as many people as possible will see it! Duh!"

Nick and Bianica both let out enraged growls at the green elf's haughty proclamation as he smirked at them smugly.

"Which is all the more reason why one of
us should get to do the interview instead!" the green skinned man shot back at Felf with an angry snarl. "You and the rest of those pint-sized blabbermouths working at that over-glorified gossip mill already get more than enough attention as is! Let somebody else cover a big story for a change!"

"Pfttt! As if! If we let the rundown tabloid you work for run this story it'll be old news by the time anyone actually gets around to reading it!" Felf countered spitefully with a dismissive wave as Nick's hackles rose in indignant rage.

"Why you little...!" he began furiously, only to be cut off by a seething Bianica.

"Oh please! You
both should get lost!" the chicken woman sneered contemptuously as she gave both her fellow reporters a scornful glare which they defiantly returned. "I'm the only reason we're even here in the first place! It was my idea to... ask those kids for help remember!?! That means I'm the one that should get to do this interview, not you two leeches!"

"Yes, because you did
such a good job "convincing" those kids to help us Bianica," the green elf growled bitterly as he and Nick stared at her with half-lidded eyes, both of them astutely feeling just how much lighter their wallets were as the blue haired fowl snorted.

"Well if this job is too difficult for your pampered little ass,
Felf, then maybe you should go back to the cookie factory with the rest of your obnoxiously singing little friends," Bianica savagely replied with a nasty smile as Felf gasped in shock and outrage and Nick laughed his head off behind her.

"THAT ONE WAS ON PURPOSE!" the green elf roared as he pointed a damning finger at the chicken woman, who merely smirked as she leaned forward smugly, hands on her hips.

"Coulda been," she said in a cheery sing-song voice as the diminutive journalist's eyes bulged out of his sockets.

Felf screamed in rage and long-suppressed frustration before he shot at his fellow reporters like a green and purple missile, tackling them both to the ground and the three journalists started rolling around Yin's office in a tangled ball of struggling limbs, shouting all manner of horrifically vulgar insults and expletives as they kicked up dust and filled the air with the sound of fists and feet striking flesh over and over again.

And all the while, the sorceress in question watched the scene with malicious glee, her stoic facade finally cracking into a vindictive grin as she watched the fighting and cursing reporters, completely uncaring of the fact they were tearing up her office in their struggle.

I'm getting gold, here! she thought happily to herself as she watched Felf use his small size to score a particularly low blow on Nick, only to be immediately punished as Bianica seized the opportunity to grab him and start strangling the life out of the vicious little elf with a furious "Why you little...!" before the green skinned man re-entered the fray with an enraged, if high-pitched, shout and tackled them both to the ground yet again.

The pink rabbit let this continue on for a while longer, her head propped up on her fist as she deeply enjoyed the show, before frowning when things eventually escalated to the point where the journalists started reaching for broken glass and various heavy objects to use as improvised weapons and let out a disappointed sigh as she stood up and raised a glowing hand.

All good things must come to an end, I suppose, she thought morosely before she reluctantly enveloped the reporters in her magical aura and finally wrenched them apart.

The three bruised, battered, heavily breathing vultures alternated between shooting murderous glares at each other and fearful looks at the Librarian as they floated there helplessly suspended in her psychic grip.

"I think that's
quite enough, you three," Yin chided in a reproachful voice as she sat back down at her desk and folded her hands once again before giving the paralyzed journalists a stern glare, thoroughly enjoying the way they squirmed at her unamused gaze. "I am a very busy woman and I do not have time for this nonsense. You may see yourselves out."

The sorceress waved a hand and the reporters all crashed to the ground in a heap as they were suddenly released from the magic binding them before they all desperately scrambled to their feet.

"But Madam Yin! Our interview...!" Bianica started to protest, a pleading look on her face, before being abruptly cut off by a raised hand and a sharp glare from the pink rabbit.

"Do you honestly think that
anyone would ever give you an interview after that little display?" Yin asked coolly, a flat expression on her face as she looked around meaningfully at her trashed office while the three news people flinched in embarrassment at the blunt question, before a dark smirk crossed her face. "Besides, you three buzzards never had a chance at an interview to begin with."

"Huh?" the journalists all blurted out in shock as, with a triumphant grin, the sorceress snapped her fingers and a small tv monitor appeared on her desk in a flash of light and began playing a video.

"Did you
honestly think that I wouldn't find out about the little deal you tried to make with the children?" she asked smugly, a vindictive smile on her face as she watched the reporters jaws all hit the floor at a security recording of the kids telling the pink rabbit of the bargain the three news people had tried to strike with them, which was swiftly followed by another recording perfectly positioned to show them giving the children the second half of their payment. "Or that those sweet little kids would ever choose to help you over me? Fools."

"Why...those double crossing... LITTLE SNAKES!" Bianica roared in a towering rage as Nick and Felf both let out vicious snarls beside her. "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THOSE LYING LITTLE BRATS I'LL-...!"


The incensed chicken woman immediately froze stiff at the echoing voice, breaking out into a cold sweat at the sudden pressure in the air bearing down on her as she and her companions all looked to see Yin glaring darkly at them with ominously glowing eyes, face a pitiless mask of stone.

"...Nothing," Bianica said shakily as she and her fellow journalists all slowly raised their hands while the Librarian continued to stare daggers at them. "We won't do a thing. Isn't that right guys?"

Nick and Felf both nodded frantically in agreement and the sorceress continued to glare at them with a scrutinizing gaze for a few more seconds before she finally relented and extinguished her power.

"Good," she said simply as the three newspeople sighed in relief, only to immediately tense up again as her impassive expression morphed into a nasty smile. "After all, it would be
quite a scandal if these videos ever made it out to the public, wouldn't it? I mean, a bunch of dedicated, hard working journalists such as yourselves stooping to bribing children just to get a story and then fighting like a pack of starving dogs over a scrap of meat because you couldn't learn to share?"

The pink rabbit shook her head in mock mortification as, with another snap of the fingers, the tv began playing a video of the reporter's childish brawl and the news people in question all paled in horror at the sight.

"Shameful," she continued in a faux-disappointed tone as she shot another cruel grin at the paralyzed buzzards before her. "Utterly shameful. You'd never find work with any news outlet in this Town again. And after seeing just how much you three
love your jobs and how far you're willing to go in pursuit of 'The Truth', it would be such a tragedy for your careers to be cut short over something as silly as this, wouldn't it?"

"N-N-Now wait just a minute here!" Felf protested desperately as his indignation temporarily overcame his fear. "You can't just release those videos however you please! None of us ever consented to having those conversations recorded!"

"Y-Yeah! That's a violation of Wire Tapping Law!" Bianica agreed loudly as she grasped onto the green elf's statement like a lifeline and glared furiously at the spellcaster, who simply looked back with a serene smile. "If you release those videos we could all sue your butt off or have you thrown in jail!"

But Yin merely chuckled as she continued gazing at the fuming reporters with that serene smile.

"Come now," she said jovially as she wagged a chastising finger at her incensed "guests". "Do you
really think I'm stupid enough to forget something like that? After all, like you vultures kept trying to tell me when I kicked you out the first time, this is a public place, and there are signs warning you you're being recorded everywhere. You three all gave up your right to privacy the second you walked through that door."

The sorceress pointed to the side too illustrate her point, and the journalists faces all fell in despair as they looked at where she was indicating to see that, true to her word, there was a noticeable sign under the security camera in her office warning patrons that they were being recorded, and there were doubtlessly more scattered around the Library.

Realizing that the cunning rabbit had them well and truly cornered, the three reporters all slumped in defeat as they turned back to her with resigned sighs.

"What do you want?" Bianica asked wearily, bitterness dripping off every word as the Librarian smiled in triumph.

"Why I think that should be obvious Bianica," Yin replied matter-of-factly as she got up from her desk to regard the sulking news people with a cheerful look. "I want the same thing I've always wanted. The same thing my brother and I have been telling you buzzards for
years now ever since you started heckling us nonstop after we finally grew into our own as the Guardians of this land. All I want... is a little peace, a little quiet, and for people to respect my and my brother's privacy and personal space. You would think this wouldn't be too much to ask, especially considering all we've done for this Town, but apparently not, so here we are."

The journalists all scowled darkly at her thinly-veiled accusation, but she only gave them another serene smile before she continued.

"Lucky for you all," the sorceress continued as she adopted a pleasant, businesslike tone. "I am not an unreasonable woman, and despite the
considerable amount of irritation and frustration you three have caused me and my brother over the years, I have no desire to ruin your lives and render you destitute unless you leave me absolutely no other option. So here's what we're going to do: I want you three to promise me that you'll back off, leave my brother and I in peace, and respect our privacy and right to say 'No' from now on. Furthermore, I also want you to do what you can to keep all the other reporters off our backs as well. And in exchange, I will keep these videos locked up tight and promise that I will not release them to the public unless you break our agreement first."

"So," the pink rabbit finished brightly as she held out her hand expectantly to the stone-faced reporters. "Do we have a deal?"

Yin and her brother were not bothered again after that.


Yin smirked and chuckled at the memory as she and Yang walked through the door to Town Hall, causing the warrior to look at his sister with a knowing grin.

"You're totally thinking about that con the kids helped you pull off, aren't you?" he asked cheerfully, his grin widening at his sister's enthusiastic nod as she beamed at him.

"Ohhhhh yeah!" the sorceress replied with a radiant laugh, her mood brightening considerably as she thought of how her beloved little minions had somehow managed to help her solve a problem that had plagued her and her brother for years, at least for the time being. "I'm so proud of them Yang!"

The blue rabbit gave a hearty laugh at that as they continued walking down the halls.

"You're not the only one sis," Yang said with a warm smile of his own as his eyes glazed over in fond remembrance.

Just as his sister had predicted, the warrior had been over the moons with glee when he'd found out just how thoroughly those wonderful little scamps had given those pushy bastards the runaround, and he could honestly say he'd never laughed so hard in his entire life.

The blue rabbit quickly lost count of how many times he'd watched and rewatched those videos and had insisted his sister give him copies of his own.

Something the pink rabbit had happily agreed to because, hey, she wasn't releasing them to the public and she hadn't said anything about not giving Yang access to them, though she'd still extracted a promise from her brother to be careful with them, which he consented to easily.

Things had started calming down pretty quickly after that.

The Book Fair came and went, lightening Yin's workload significantly, and with the media no longer hounding them at every turn the twin Masters were finally able to focus on catching up on their work and getting their personal lives back on track.

They'd still had to take care of Kevin for a few days while Carl and Gabby went off on a trip for some "alone time" like they'd promised, but honestly, neither of them had minded all that much despite the rough patch they were currently going through because despite how weird he could be, the little oddball often had a way of brightening up their days.

Not only did Yang think Kevin's antics were a riot most of the time, but his sister loved and adored her godchild like he was her own, and the bond the two shared was truly something to behold.

Of course, it also helped that they were getting paid rather handsomely for their efforts as well.

Poor Carl nearly had a heart attack when he'd seen the sorceress's bill when he'd come to pick up his son, though any complaints were swiftly withdrawn when she'd rather forcefully reminded him of all the trouble she and her brother had gone through thanks to his little "practical joke".

All in all, things were finally starting to return to some semblance of normalcy, which only made the two siblings all the more eager to complete this final errand so they could at last relax some as they stopped in front of some large doors being guarded by a pair of burly rhinos.

"Can we help you Madam Yin? Mr. Yang?" one of the guards asked stoically, his voice polite yet stiff as he looked at the two warriors with an odd mix of respect and a bit of resentment.

"Good morning sirs," the pink rabbit said courteously with a smile and a respectful bow while her brother inclined his head beside her and the rhino's faces softened slightly at the display of good manners. "My brother and I have an appointment with the Town President today. Is he in?"

"He should be madam, let me just check to see if you two are on the list of appointments today," the rhino replied in a lighter tone as he pulled out a clipboard and flipped through the pages for a moment before finding what he was looking for. "Yep, here you are. Ten o'clock on the dot, as usual."

"My sister does so love her schedules and punctuality," the warrior chimed in blandly with an exaggerated roll of the eyes as the two rhinos chuckled knowingly and Yin gave him a mock glare.

"Now Yang," she said with faux severity as she wagged a chastising finger at her brother who merely stared at her with half-lidded eyes while the guards looked on in amusement. "I've told you this before, punctuality is important. It's how we keep things running smoothly and make sure we get our work done in a timely manner. You should know that by now, given where you work."

"Yeah, for the big stuff maybe, but you don't need to plan out your entire day with a checklist like you do Yin," the blue rabbit shot back with a teasing smirk that his sister returned as she eagerly rose to the challenge.

"Au contraire mister," the sorceress countered haughtily as she put her hands on her hips and looked at her brother with an insufferably smug little smile. "When you've got a job as busy and demanding as Town President or any other political office, planning out your day ahead of time is absolutely essential."

"Yeah, well, you're not the Town President, now are you sis? Do I have to bring up the Slumber Party? Don't make me bring up the Slumber Party."

"Oh will you hush already you lazy, disorganized slob!"

"Ok, ok, you two," the guard cut in with a laugh as he and his partner watched the two playfully quarreling siblings with a grin. "No need to cause a scene. We'd hate to have to throw you out before your big meeting with the old goat because you couldn't behave. Isn't that right Steve?"

"You bet Bob. Don't make us get rough with you now," Steve concurred with a wry smirk as Yang snorted in amusement while his sister smiled lightly and shook her head.

"Well gosh sis, did you hear that? We better behave ourselves," the warrior said in mock horror, an exaggerated expression of fear on his face as he looked to the giggling rabbit woman at his side. "We sure don't want to piss off these big, strong guards now do we?"

"No, we most certainly don't," Yin replied with a deeply amused chuckle as she curtsied to the smirking rhinos with a playfully contrite expression on her face. "A thousand pardons for our abominable behavior good sirs."

"Apology accepted," Bob said with a laugh as he and his partner moved to open the doors. "Well, we've kept you two long enough. Just let us get these for you and you can be on your wa-..."


The rhino was abruptly cut off when the doors were suddenly and violently thrown open and smacked into him and his partner with such force they were sent flying head over heels before crashing to the ground in a heap some distance away, groaning in pain as the two stunned Masters looked on in shock.


Both Twins flinched at the obnoxiously loud voice as they both scowled and slowly turned around to face the source, an old green goat in a brown dress jacket and white dress shirt with a greying brown goatee and, most oddly of all, a huge gold and red crown he'd literally glued to his head.

"Mr. President," the sorceress greeted in a coolly polite voice, face stony as she gave a stiff nod while her brother merely crossed his arms and glowered silently at the laughing politician who gave them both a charmingly fake smile.

"Oh come now my dear! No need to be so formal!" the President declared in a thick southern accent as he sidled up to them chummingly and both siblings leaned back in response. "After all, WE HAVE BEEN FRIENDS EVER SINCE YOU TWO WERE KIDS!"

That last part was shouted at the top of his lungs so that everyone in the immediate area could hear him, but all the passerbys merely gave the old goat a blank look before snorting and continuing on their way as both Master's faces darkened.

"Friends is a strong word Muffin," the blue rabbit growled coldly, getting no small amount of satisfaction as the President flinched at the hated nickname Carl had stuck him with long ago. "So is tolerate. Hate's actually looking a little weak right now."

Muffin let out an awkward chuckle as he tugged on his collar nervously before waving Yang off nonchalantly.

"Oh Yang, always the jokester!" the old goat laughed with an anxious smile as the warrior's rather flat expression somehow became even more humorless. "It's so good to see you able to maintain your sense of humor after everything that's happened these past few weeks!"

The blue rabbit snorted as Muffin turned away from him to regard his equally stoic sister with what he thought was a charming smile.

"And Yin, still just as lovely as ever I see," he said smoothly before taking her hand and planting a sloppy kiss on it, completely oblivious to the look of pure disgust that crossed the pink rabbit's face at his clumsy attempt to be a gentleman as her brother's hackles rose in protective rage. "On behalf of the Town, let me be the first to thank you for your quick and decisive action in stopping those two dastardly villains' horrific scheme. The beloved children of this City could not ask for a better guardian and caretaker, and we all owe you and your brother a great debt, madam. Rest assured, I will personally ensure that those two vile slavers are punished to the full extent of the law and that they never try something like this ever again."

"Thank you, Mr. President. That's very good to hear," Yin ground out through gritted teeth as she wrenched her hand out of his grasp and conjured several disinfectant wipes to clean the old man slobber off of it while her brother continued glaring daggers at the still obliviously smiling goat. "But the incident with Smoke and Mirrors isn't why we're here today. Not entirely at least. So if we could retire to your office for some privacy to discuss our business with you, that would be appreciated."

"Of course!" the politician replied cheerfully with a knowing look. "Got to keep these things confidential after all, less the riff raff get wind of it and start spreading it around, am I right?"

Both twins' faces darkened at that as Muffin did an about face with another careless laugh and bade them to follow him.

"Well, come along now you two!" he said as he started walking down the hall to his office. "Don't want to keep such distinguished guests waiting any longer than we have to, now do we?"

The sorceress huffed in irritation at the blatant brown nosing as Yang rolled his eyes so hard it was a miracle they didn't pop out of their sockets before they both reluctantly moved to follow him, when a sudden groan caught their attention and they both turned to see Bob and Steve painfully picking themselves off the ground nursing black eyes and freshly laid goose eggs.

"Oh my. Are you two alright?" the pink rabbit asked with a worried frown as the two rhinos opened their mouths to answer her, only to be cut off with a dismissive scoff.

"Oh don't worry about those two imbeciles Yin," the old goat said with a contemptuous look at the two guards as their shoulders slumped and both siblings looked at him in shock. "Honestly, I don't even know why I still keep them and the rest of their pals around anymore. Damn waste of taxpayer money..."

"Mr. President!" Yin reprimanded sharply as she planted her fists on her hips and glared furiously at the unrepentant politician while her brother's face twisted into an ugly scowl. "Shame on you!"

"Yeah dude, what the hell!?!" the warrior beside her snapped angrily as he gave a concerned glance at the two downcast rhinos. "These guys are constantly risking their lives to keep your sorry butt safe, remember!?!"

"And they suck at it son," Muffin replied as he gave the two fuming rabbits a flat, half-lidded stare. "Why do you think I always hire you two or the rest of your Woo Foo Associates to guard me whenever there's a big event or an important meeting I have to attend? It's because you all have proven yourselves reliable, unlike some incompetent buffoons I could name."

But the twin Masters were having none of it as they both crossed their arms and glared into what passed for the suddenly sweating goat's soul, their eyes lighting up ominously while the air suddenly became heavy.

"Apologize," they snarled coldly, a foreboding echo in their voices as the politician gulped and gave a shaky smile at their demand.

"Y-Yes, I suppose that was a bit harsh, now wasn't it?" Muffin said with a awkward laugh as he nervously rubbed the back of his head. "You'll have to excuse me, sometimes I speak without thinking in my old age. My patience isn't what it used to be. Anyway, I'll make sure they get a nice bonus or a coupon or something, how does that sound?"

Yin and Yang's glowing eyes only narrowed in response as the old goat awkwardly tugged at his collar at their ominous silence, still sweating at the pressure in the air crushing down him.

"W-Well we've dallied long enough! Best get this meeting over with!" the politician continued with a faux cheery tone and smile as he continued to anxiously eye the impassive rabbits before him. "I'm sure you two have important business elsewhere today, so I wouldn't want to keep you! I'll be waiting in my office when you're ready!"

And with that, Muffin hurried away as fast as his aging legs would carry him as the sorceress and the blue rabbit watched him flee with icy looks, their eyes boring a hole into the back of his head, before they both let out explosive sighs and turned to the two guards with much softer expressions.

"We are so sorry," the pink rabbit apologized profusely as she and her brother both bowed deeply to the two rhinos, who grunted in response.

"It's fine," Bob replied curtly as he waved them off, clearly trying not to sound petulant while he and his partner looked away. "Just... go to your meeting with the President you two. We'll stay out here and make sure nobody interrupts you."

Yin and Yang sighed at his once again coolly professional tone before giving him and Steve sad nods and glumly started walking to Muffin's office, glowering bitterly at the huge assortment of self-portraits the old goat had filled the hallway with.

"Remind me again why nobody's ripped that damn Crown off his head yet?" the sorceress spat with a disgusted look as she resisted the urge to set the tactless paintings on fire and wondered for the millionth time who's bright idea it was to make it a Sacred Law that whoever wore the "Crown of Civic Authority" would automatically be the Town ruler.

"Because everytime someone tries either we or one of our friends always stops them," the warrior answered morosely as his sister grumbled beside him. "It's our 'civic duty', remember?"

The pink rabbit scoffed and muttered darkly under her breath as she crossed her arms petulantly before her brother suddenly put his arm around her and gave her a wry smirk.

"Now, now sis," the blue rabbit chided his irritated sibling lightly as his grin turned mischievous and his sister looked at him curiously. "Don't be like that, it's not so bad. True, Muffin might be a crooked, narcissistic old fraud who's only still in office because of that Crown, but he still has his uses."

Yin snorted incredulously at that as she shot him a disbelieving look.

"What possible use could that miserable old wretch have over a new President that actually cares about this Town?" she growled in profound annoyance, long buried frustration rising to the surface as she looked away petulantly, only for her brother to chuckle maliciously and give her an evil look.

"You'll see," Yang assured her with a conspiratorial wink as his sister cocked a questioning eyebrow and waited for him to elaborate further, but the warrior merely shook his head with a grin and said nothing more as he opened the door to Muffin's office and walked inside, his sister following a moment later with an exasperated sigh at her brother's antics.

The workspace was every bit as needlessly extravagant and hedonistic as the two siblings remembered.

Not only were there yet more self-portraits plastered all over the walls, including an absolutely massive one situated right behind the politician's desk ensuring it would be the first thing visitors saw when they walked in, there were also several busts of Muffin scattered throughout the office as well.

And the cherry on top of this utterly shameless display of self-indulgence was the absurdly huge and ornate solid oak desk that absolutely dominated the center of the room, the pleasantly smiling goat sitting behind it looking comically small in comparison.

Great Ancestors Above, the sorceress swore to herself as she and her brother looked around at the monument to the politician's ego with thinly-veiled contempt. It's even worse than I remember! And that crooked old bastard has the gall to call those poor guards a waste of taxpayer money!?!

Taking a deep breath to center herself and soothe her fraying nerves, the pink rabbit carefully schooled her face into a neutral expression as she and her brother approached the smiling goat, who appeared far more at ease now that he was back in his place of power.

"Come in, come in! Make yourselves at home!" Muffin said jovially while he leaned back in his enormous, cushy chair and gestured to two far more plain looking ones at the foot of his desk, which the twin Masters pointedly ignored as they gave him blank looks.

"Thank you, Mr. President, but that won't be necessary," Yin declined in a coolly polite, businesslike tone while her brother remained stonily silent beside her. "This shouldn't take too long, we just need you to arrange and authorize a few things for us and then we'll be out of your hair."

"Of course, of course. I know you two are very busy, what with your constant battles against the Forces of Evil and all that jazz," the politician replied amicably with an airy wave before straightening up and regarding the two rabbits with a far more calculating gaze as he folded his hands. "So, what can I do for you today, Yin and Yang?"

"We need Search Warrants," the blue rabbit replied bluntly, getting straight to the point as the green goat raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Search Warrants son?" Muffin asked in a confused voice as the sorceress took over for her brother.

"Yes, Mr. President," she confirmed with that same stone-faced politeness as she hastened to elaborate so they could leave as soon as possible. "We received a tip from a trusted source that trouble could be coming, and with the recent incident with Smoke and Mirrors on top of that we thought it would be prudent to check on as many of the City's Villains as possible to make sure they're not planning something big."

The old goat's face paled at that and both Masters subtly smirked as he began sweating slightly and nervously tugging at his collar yet again.

"I-I see. Thank you for bringing this to my attention," he said shakily before swallowing and giving the twins a slightly pleading look. "You uh, you wouldn't happen to have any idea what might be coming, would you?"

"No. If we did, we'd be out there dealing with it instead of talking to you," Yang replied flatly, the unspoken "dumbass" at the end of his sentence hanging in the air loud and clear as the politician flinched in embarrassment while his sister looked away to hide her vindictive grin.

"Yes, well... just making sure son," Muffin said with an awkward cough before giving them a worried look. "It's not... him is it?"

The warrior's face dimmed as he shared a dark look with his sister at the old goat's question before turning back to him.

"It could be," the pink rabbit answered slowly as the politician sucked in a breath, before she decided to take pity on him for once and hastened to reassure him, "But I doubt it. After the wounds Yuck sustained in our last battle with him, that monster shouldn't be in any condition to pull anything big anytime soon."

Muffin let out a breath before giving the two warriors a surprisingly sincere looking smile.

"Thank the Ancestors for that," he said, sounding actually genuine for once. "After last time I wasn't sure this Town would survive another battle between you three."

Both rabbits grimaced at his words but nodded in understanding nonetheless as the old goat drew himself up and gave them a questioning look once again.

"But if it's not Yuck, then who could it be?" he mused, half to himself and half to the Masters in front of them before giving them a concerned look. "You... don't think it's a new Night Master, do you?"

"Again, possible but unlikely," Yin replied with crossed arms as she frowned in remembrance. "After Eradicus was defeated my family and I as well as the rest of the Woo Foo Army were very thorough in making sure his powerbase was shattered and his remaining resources, servants, and artifacts were all destroyed or sealed away. While it's unfortunately inevitable that a new Night Master will rise to take his place one day, it shouldn't be anywhere near this soon, not after the last one was defeated so soundly."

The politician once again let out a sigh of relief and gave them another one of those rare sincere smiles.

"Good, good, that's certainly a relief to hear," he said cheerfully before frowning as he stroked his goatee. "But if it's not him or a new Night Master then who else could it be? Up until Smoke and Mirrors showed up again you two had all the rest of the two bit, good-for-nothing thugs and Villains in this City too scared try anything big, and after what happened to those two slavers they haven't put so much as a toe out of line yet. So who else would be stupid enough to try picking a fight with you?"

The sorceress shrugged.

"We don't have the slightest clue yet," she admitted with a note of frustration in her voice before she reached into her pocket. "But I have put togeth-"

"I'VE GOT IT!" Muffin interrupted dramatically as the pink rabbit jumped and her brother raised an eyebrow before pointing a triumphant finger at the two siblings. "It must be that filthy cockroach! He's the only Villain in Town that's still always cooking up schemes and trying to beat you two, so it has to be him, it makes perfect sense! That crafty bastard might have fooled everyone else into believing he's just a Villain for show now that he's got a wife and kid, but I always knew he was still the same disgusting, black-hearted little vermin he's always been! And they all called me crazy, well who's laughing now huh!?! HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Nice try Muffin," the blue rabbit cut in flatly as he and his sister gave the cackling goat thoroughly unimpressed expressions, causing him to deflate like a balloon.

"Awww, are you sure it's not him?" the politician whined petulantly, earning himself heated glares from the two warriors.

"Yes, Mr. President, we're sure," Yin growled in profound annoyance at both the interruption and the blatant attempt to throw her friend under the bus.

"Drat," Muffin said irritably as he scowled and snapped his fingers in defeat before sighing and turning back to them glumly. "Well what about that Pondscum feller?"

"Actually, I have a-..." the sorceress began, only to be cut off yet again by her devilishly smirking brother.

"No, he's still doing community service after his Pawn Shop fell through and we were forced to arrest him when he went on that massive gold stealing spree," Yang answered with a mischievous grin as his sister shot him an outraged look before shaking his head sympathetically. "Poor guy, I actually feel really bad for him, he tried so hard to go straight. It's just a damn shame he has absolutely no idea how to live without stealing mounds of gold to pay for everything."

"Oh right," the old goat muttered distractedly, completely oblivious to the pink rabbit's irritation, before trying again. "Well, what about that fancy schmancy obsessive compulsive hamster that's always trying to violently clean up the Town and everyone in it?"

"Fastidious? No, he's doing community service right now too. He tried to destroy the Kingdom of the Stink Aardvarks again not too long ago, remember? Melodia was ranting about it for days afterward," the warrior replied cheerfully, once again cutting off his sister before she could get a word in edgewise as her normally pink fur began to turn an alarming shade of red.

The politician shuddered at the memory of the truly epic verbal tongue lashing he'd gotten from the young queen over the phone at his inability to control that damn rodent, the verbal tirade still seared into his brain months later.

"Yeah, I remember. Thanks for reminding me son," he grumbled sarcastically with a smoldering glare at the innocently whistling blue rabbit before opening his mouth to try again. "Well, what about..."

"MR. PRESIDENT!" Yin exploded, her patience thoroughly spent as Muffin jumped a foot in the air in fright at the sudden shout while she glared daggers at her snickering brother, silently daring him to interrupt her again. "I have. A list."

She slammed the paper down on his desk as the elderly goat clutched his chest and desperately tried to get his heart rate back under control, before snatching it up and looking it over with a grumble and an annoyed glare once he'd managed to do so.

"All right let's see here... yeah I should be able to get you warrants for all of these," he said agreeably after he'd finished reading over the list. "Just let me make a few calls and then you two should be able to head down to the Justice Orb's place to pick them up lickety split."

"Excellent," the sorceress replied, face and tone cool and businesslike once more as she gave the politician a begrudgingly thankful nod before turning to leave. "Well, I believe that concludes our business here. Thank you for your time, Mr. President. Come on Yang, let's go."

"Now hold on there sis," Yang said suddenly as he put his hand on his sister's shoulder to stop her from leaving and gave her a playful smirk. "I still have some business of my own with Muffin here I need to take care, remember?"

The pink rabbit hesitated for a second then frowned as she remembered their earlier conversation, having forgotten in her haste to get away from the insufferable old bureaucrat, before sighing in resignation and wearily biding her brother to continue, earning herself a conspiratorial grin and wink while he turned to face the Town President, who was giving him a curious look.

"Now then," the warrior said cheerfully as he suddenly waved a glowing hand and cast several silencing and privacy spells on the room, causing his sister to look at him in alarm, before turning to Muffin with an expectant smile and lowering his voice. "I do believe it's that time of the month again Muffin."

The old goat blinked in surprise and shot the blue rabbit a questioning look as he glanced nervously at his sister, who was eying both of them suspiciously, only to relax as Yang gave him a meaningful smile and nod.

"Yes, I suppose it is, isn't it?" the politician replied with a smile of his own as he pulled out a pen and a thick checkbook, and Yin's eyes widened and her face paled at the sight. "So, the usual amount then, son?"

The sorceress let out a horrified gasp and clapped both hands over her mouth as she whirled around to face her brother, who seemed completely unperturbed at the appalled look she was giving him.

"Yang!" she exclaimed in mortification, positively thunderstruck. "Are you taking bribes!?!"

"'Bribe' is such an ugly word darling," Muffin chimed in airily, an innocent grin on his face as he folded his hands to regard her with a pleasant demeanor. "I am merely making monthly 'donations' to you and your brother's Dojo to assist you in your heroic endeavors and as thanks for the great service you two have done for this fine City. And if my generous contributions to your cause just so happens to encourage you to make sure I'm kept safe and remain in office, well, that's only natural, now isn't it?"

"What he said, couldn't have put it better myself," the warrior concurred brightly as his sister continued to stare at him in utter disbelief.

"Yang!" the pink rabbit yelled sharply, her shock quickly giving way to anger as she furiously glared at her unrepentant sibling, "How could you!?!"

"Very easily," the blue rabbit replied matter-of-factly, smug smirk still in place as his sister's hackles rose in fury. "Where do you think I got the money to pay for the installation and upkeep of that gigantic underground Dojo and the state-of-the-art security system we have? That shit ain't cheap Yin."

"You told me you got the money to pay for all of that from your... other job!" Yin snarled as she planted her fists on her hips and leveled an accusing glare at her brother. "Are you saying you lied to me about that!?!"

"Nope!" Yang answered cheerfully without hesitation. "I was being completely honest when I said I was using the money from my 'other job' to pay for our Dojo and security system sis, and I've got the bank statements to prove it too! I just use the money I get from Muffin here to pay for the rest of the bill! Again, this shit ain't cheap Yin."

"And that's all you use it for, is it?" the sorceress said coldly with a smoldering glare as a thoughtful look crossed her brother's face.

"Well, no, not all of it," the warrior admitted with a shrug as his sister's eyes narrowed dangerously before giving her a candid grin. "I also donate some to charity, put some in our savings account for a rainy day, and sometimes I use it to take Lina out on a nice dinner."

"How very noble and responsible of you," the pink rabbit hissed venomously, bitter sarcasm dripping off every word as her brother scoffed and rolled his eyes at his fuming sibling.

"Oh will you relax already sis," the blue rabbit said with a careless wave as his sister harrumphed angrily. "It's not like I'm hoarding this money for myself or using it for some nefarious scheme. I told you, I'm mostly using it to help our Dojo and the Town, and like I said, I've got the bank statements to prove it."

"That's not the point Yang!" Yin yelled sharply with a heated glare as she jabbed a stern finger into her brother's chest. "While I suppose I'm glad that you're at least putting that money to good use, that doesn't change the fact that it's still dirty money you're getting from a lying, narcissistic old snake that's been a plague on this City for almost 20 years now!"

"You know I can hear every word you're saying Yin," Muffin chimed in blandly, only to flinch as the livid sorceress rounded on him with a furious glare, eyes glowing ominously.

"I hope you can," she spat viciously, patience with the crooked old man thoroughly spent as he shrank back nervously in his overpriced chair before she turned back to her brother, who was still giving her that infuriating grin.

"Oh come on now, Yin," the warrior said breezily as he attempted to calm his irate sister, who was still glaring at him with tightly crossed arms and a rapidly tapping foot. "Be reasonable about this. How is what I'm doing here any different to the scam those kids helped you pull on those nosy Jerks? After all, why do you think I was so proud of those wonderful little rascals when I found out about it? They're a real chip off the old block, those scamps."

"The difference, brother, is that you are a grown man and a Woo Foo Warrior sworn to protect this land from the Forces of Darkness with Honor and Integrity," the spellcaster growled sternly, disappointment clear in her tone as her brother simply rolled his eyes at the coming lecture, much to her irritation. "Not a child playing a naughty prank on a couple of jerks that don't know how to take 'No' for an answer!"

"Speak for yourself sis, I've always found that I'm very in touch with my inner child. And Muffin here can be pretty pushy when he wants to be," the blue rabbit countered with a wry grin as his sister's hackles rose at his continued flippant attitude.

"And furthermore," the pink rabbit snapped testily as she pointed an accusing finger at the old goat, who was trying very hard to remain inconspicuous. "He is not just a couple of pushy, but harmless reporters that only need to learn to respect other people's privacy. He's a hopelessly corrupt and incompetent old hick in a position of real power that could, and has, caused some real damage to this Town as long as he remains in office! Something you are actively aiding and abetting!"

"Eh, not really sis," Yang replied airily as he casually jerked a thumb to the Crown glued to the politician's head. "Like it or not, as long as he's got that Crown Muffin's going to stay the Town President, which means we'd be duty bound by our "Honor" and "Integrity" to defend him no matter what I did. I'm simply making the best of the situation, because at least this way the old goat's doing something to help the City by funding our Dojo and Hero work. Though having a little extra cash to splurge is nice too, I'll admit."

"GAH!" Yin shouted as she threw up her hands in fury and exasperation at her brother's stubborn unrepentantance and totally-not-valid points before leveling a smoldering glare at him. "You are impossible! I cannot believe you would do something like this! And after that talk we had not long ago too! UGH! Well FINE! Keep your filthy money Yang, but I can tell you right now that you'll never see me stooping to something like this! HMPH!"

The warrior chuckled as his sister did an abrupt about face away from him, eyes closed, arms crossed, and nose stuck high in the air, the very picture of offended dignity, before a mischievous smirk crossed his face and he nonchalantly sidled up to her.

"Oh really?" he asked in a knowing voice as he casually put his arm around the sorceress, causing her to glare daggers at him and growl like a dog about to bite while he looked on completely unphased. "Are you sure there's nothing you want that can convince you to get on this? Because ensuring I'll keep someone from ripping that crown off his scalp isn't the only reason dear old Muffin here is paying me so handsomely you know."

The blue rabbit snapped his fingers and conjured a handful of photos at that statement, and the pink rabbit glanced at them for a moment before her eyes bugged out of her sockets at what she saw and she shot an outraged and scandalized look at the politician, who was nervously tugging at his collar, beads of sweat running down his face.

"Yes, quite shocking isn't it?" Yang continued smugly as his sister continued glaring a hole through the old goat, hands on her hips. "Why, if this ever got out, forget about keeping his job, old Muffin here would never be able to show his face in this Town ever again, Crown or no Crown."

"Shame," Yin hissed furiously, a demonic echo in her voice as she pointed a damning finger at Muffin, who looked like he wanted nothing more than for the earth to open up and swallow him whole as he desperately shrank back from the incensed spellcaster. "Shame. On. You."

"Ok, ok, down girl," the warrior said with a laugh as he pulled his snarling sister away from the old goat. "Like I said, he might be a shamelessly crooked old bastard but he still has his uses, and those uses don't just extend to signing checks."

"After all," he continued with an evil grin as the sorceress eyed him with sullen curiosity and the old goat with dread. "wouldn't it be great if you finally found a way to get all those reforms you made to improve the City pushed through? You worked so hard on them, and I've seen you lamenting many a night how difficult it is to get any support or approval for them even though you're a big town Hero. It would be just wonderful if you happened to find a way to... expedite the process, wouldn't it?"

The pink rabbit blinked for a moment before a shadow fell over her face and her expression morphed into a predatory smile as she turned to regard the trembling politician with a hungry look in her eyes.

"Why yes, dear brother, yes it would," she replied in a serene voice that was completely at odds with the vicious smirk on her face as she snapped her fingers and conjured a stack of papers that she roughly shoved into Muffin's shaking hands.

"Read it," Yin ordered coldly as she crossed her arms and glared down at the terrified goat, who hastily nodded and moved to follow her command, his eyes rapidly moving back and forth before suddenly bugging out at what he read.

"Increased budget for the Police and Defense Force? More money allocated for schools, the park, and playgrounds!?! Building houses for the poor!?!" the politician roared in incredulous rage, his voice rising with every item he read before he shot to his feet and glared bloody murder at the two smuggling grinning warriors. "Now wait just a minute here son! This wasn't part of the deal!"

"I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further," the blue rabbit countered in an exaggeratedly deep voice, a shit eating grin on his face as his sister let out a short bark of laughter and Muffin scowled furiously at him, before his face suddenly paled as the Yang held up the incriminating photos. "That is, unless you want these puppies to show up on the 6 o'clock news after an 'anonymous' tip?"

"You just couldn't resist, could you bro?" the sorceress asked wryly as she shook her head in fond amusement while her brother looked back at her with a shameless smile.

"Nope!" the warrior answered cheerfully before turning back to the glowering goat. "So what's it gonna be old man? You gonna actually do your job for once or am I gonna have to blow the whistle?"

The politician gave him one last smoldering glare before sighing in defeat and collapsing back into his chair.

"Fine, damn you," he growled in helpless rage as he pinched the bridge of his nose and the twins grinned in triumph. "I'll see what I can do to get your blasted reforms implemented."

"Excellent," the pink rabbit said happily as she flashed him a megawatt smile. "I'll be sure to drop by periodically to check in on your progress. Pleasure doing business with you Mr. President."

Muffin stared at her flatly.

"Get the fuck out," he snarled bluntly as Yin's smile widened and the blue rabbit let out a mock gasp of mortification.

"Why Mr. President! Such language!" Yang admonished in a faux scandalized voice as his sister giggled beside him and the old goat somehow became even more stone faced. "Is that any way to speak to a lady? And such a 'distinguished guest' at that! Especially when you still have business with them you need to complete? What would your 'adoring public' think of you?"

The politician grumbled darkly as the warrior gestured meaningfully at the blank check still on his desk before grabbing a nearby pen and roughly filling it out.

"Here," he said coldly as he petulantly shoved the check into the grinning rabbit's waiting hands with a heated glare. "Happy now?"

Yang looked the check over for a moment before giving an affirming nod.

"Yep, looks like everything's here," he replied cheerfully before suddenly incinerating the check and giving the startled bureaucrat a tight, nasty smile. "Now double it."

"WHAT!?!" Muffin yelled in outrage as he sprang to his feet once again, "Are you out of your Ancestors damned min-... eep!"

The old goat abruptly cut himself off as, faster than the eye could see, he suddenly found the tip of a flaming bamboo sword mere inches from his throat, and paled as he looked up to see that the warrior's face had twisted into a ferocious scowl, all traces of smug humor gone as he glared murderously at the sweating bureaucrat.

"H-Hey now! What's the big idea!?!" the politician sputtered in terror as he slowly raised his hands in surrender and the blue rabbit's blazing eyes narrowed into fiery slits.

"You touched my sister," he answered bluntly, voice cold enough to freeze hell over as the pressure in the air spiked and Muffin swallowed heavily.

"Oh come on now son! I didn't mean anything by it! I was only trying to be a gentlema-AAHH!" the old goat attempted to defend himself meekly, only to squawk and lean back desperately as the sword's tip drew closer at his attempted excuse.

"You. Touched. My sister." Yang snarled in protective rage, voice echoing ominously as the sorceress in question looked at him with hearts in her eyes and a joyous smile on her face. "Double it. Now. Or it won't be me you'll be dealing with you disgusting old bastard. It'll be Coop.

What little color remaining in the politician's face drained at that statement, and with a frantic nod, he filled out a new check so fast it was a miracle the paper didn't catch fire before holding it out to the fuming warrior with a trembling hand, who snatched it up with a contemptuous snort.

"Good boy," he growled in that same frosty tone before giving the check a quick once over and nodding sharply in satisfaction as the magical pressure returned to normal.

"Looks like it's all here," the blue rabbit said blandly as he gave the hyperventilating Muffin a cool look. "Well, I believe that's everything we came for. You've got a busy day ahead of you, Mr. President, so don't let us keep you any longer. Come on Yin, let's g-oof!"

Yang's backhanded farewell was suddenly cut off when his absolutely radiant sister swooped in out of nowhere to envelop him in a bone crushing hug as the pink rabbit planted an enormous kiss on his cheek.

"By the Ancestors, you are the sweetest thing ever Yang!" Yin proclaimed in wondrous delight, her eyes shining with joy as she watched her struggling brother choke and gasp for air with a warm smile. "I love you so much you big dork!"

"Sis... air..." the warrior choked out desperately before he was finally released by his laughing sister and glowered at her in annoyance as he tried to catch his breath.

"Whatever," he grumbled irritably as his sister just shook her head and flashed a knowing smile. "Let's just get out of here already so we can go check on those villains and get this over with."

"Ok, Mr. Grumpypants, ok," the sorceress said cheerfully, a playful smile on her face as the blue rabbit scowled and looked away petulantly. "Let's go get this taken care of so we can get you home and you can take a nap, alright?"

Yang huffed at his sister's good natured teasing but couldn't quite hide the twitching corners of his mouth as he walked out the door, something the infuriatingly perceptive pink rabbit did not fail to notice, giggling to herself as she followed close behind.

"Well it was just wonderful to see you again Muffin!" Yin tossed over her shoulder with one last serene smile at the old goat, who glowered back at her bitterly as she shut the door behind her. "Good luck with your new reforms, and don't forget about Bob and Steve's bonus! Bye!"

Muffin groaned and planted his head on his desk as the sorceress's laughter echoed down the hall.

"This deal is getting worse all the time," he muttered darkly to himself.
Chapter 6 New
Chapter 6:

Deep in the bowels of one of the biggest toy factories in the City, a large assortment of animals, monsters, and mythical creatures of all shapes and sizes were hard at work on an assembly line, diligently putting together countless GreedCo products one piece at a time to be loaded onto waiting trucks and shipped out to eager children.

Yet despite the wide variety of races on display on the factory floor, one thing they all had in common was how much of a miserable, downtrodden lot they were.

All of them to a man had a rugged, malnourished, or down-on-his-luck look to them, and each and every one of them was wearing an utterly dejected expression on their sweat-soaked faces that plainly said for all to see that they'd rather be anywhere but where they were right now.

But not a single one of them made a move to leave despite how clearly unhappy they were, for they all knew they had nowhere else to go.

Whether it be because of a shady past, poor decisions, or simply an unfortunate streak of bad luck, GreedCo were the only ones left in Town willing to hire them, something the higher-ups gleefully took advantage of to cut corners wherever they could.

While things were admittedly a lot better than they used to be thanks to the efforts of a certain pink rabbit, that still wasn't saying much.

It simply meant that, under increased scrutiny and no longer able to bribe officials into silence, GreedCo was now being forced to meet the absolute bare minimum set forth by labor laws.

The pay was still awful, the hours sucked, the work was hard and unforgiving, benefits were bare bones basic, and Ancestors help you if you were even a second late getting back from lunch or your break.

This last fact was clearly running through the minds of two workers, a tiger and a hippo, as they both kept periodically stealing nervous glances at the empty workstation between them while they continued their own work.

"...Psst. Hey, Gloria," the tiger whispered to the hippo at last, unable to stand the rising tension any longer but still making sure to keep his voice down as he glanced around anxiously. "You got any idea where Hathi is? His break's almost over, if he doesn't get back soon..."

"I know, Ryan," his co-worker whispered back with a fearful look at the clock on Hathi's workstation that was ominously ticking down to the end of his break. "But there's nothing we can do. If we stop to call him our butts will be on the chopping block too. We're just going to have to hope that big lummox can get his butt back here in time."

Ryan grimaced at Gloria's words, but couldn't refute them.

He gave her a reluctant nod before refocusing on his work, continuing to steal increasingly nervous glances at the clock along with the hippo as it slowly continued ticking ever downward, until...


The tiger's ears perked up at the frantic shout and he let out a small sigh of relief as he looked to see a large elephant running to the empty workstation as fast as his trunk-like legs could carry him, his clothes soaked with sweat.

Good, he made it. And not a moment too soon, Ryan thought quietly to himself as he shared a quick smile with Gloria.

A smile that instantly vacated his face as the huffing and puffing elephant suddenly bumped into a passing skelewog worker in his haste to get back to work, sending both massive men crashing to the ground in a dazed heap.

The tiger's stomach dropped as he and his hippo co-worker stared at their groaning colleagues in horror for a long moment before his eyes quickly darted to the clock again, and he cursed at what he saw before throwing caution to the wind.

"HATHI HURRY UP!" Ryan bellowed as several other nearby workers and a white-faced Gloria turned at his shout. "YOU'RE ALMOST OUT OF TIME!"

Hathi's own face paled and he desperately scrambled to untangle himself from the still dazed skelewog as the last few seconds started ticking down.


The elephant shot to his feet as he finally managed to separate himself from his co-worker and took off at a dead sprint to his workstation as everyone watching looked on in terror.


Hathi frantically fumbled in his pocket for his employee key card as he ran, once again cursing his large, clumsy hands and fingers as he desperately prayed to the Ancestors that he would make it in time.


But it was not to be, for just as the elephant finally reached his workstation and managed to wrench his key card out of his pocket to swipe it, his time ran out.


Hathi froze mid-swipe as a shrill alarm began blaring out of the clock on his workstation.

He stood firmly rooted to the spot in terror and soul-rending dread as red lights flashed and the alarm shrieked, before a booming voice suddenly rang out.


The massive elephant gulped at the furious question and began shaking like a leaf, his sweat-soaked skin pale and clammy as loud, metallic footsteps started echoing throughout the factory floor.

He slowly turned to see a massive, menacing shadow looming on a nearby wall, its owner rapidly approaching.

"Oh no, it's him," Gloria whimpered in fear before she quickly turned back to her workstation and desperately tried to ignore what was about to happen while her tiger colleague gave Hathi a sad look.

"Been nice knowing you big guy," he said quietly before he also turned away from the whimpering elephant.

Closer and closer the footsteps drew, their metallic clacking growing louder by the second as the shadow loomed larger and larger until, finally, just as poor Hathi was about to faint, their owner rounded the corner...


...to reveal a tiny, foot-high action figure pointing a damning finger at the enormous, terrified elephant.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Zarnot sir! I promise, it'll never happen agai-..." Hathi attempted to apologize profusely, bowing so low his head nearly touched the floor, only to be cut off with an angry scoff as the little black and dark purple robot marched up to him.

"'It'll never happen again!' 'It'll never happen again!' Bah!" Zarnot sneered contemptuously as his huge, grinning teeth, which were supposed to be locked into a permanent smile, somehow morphed into a frown that lit up while he talked. "That's what you always say Hathi! And yet here we are again!"

"But... sir... this is only the first time I've ever been late getting back..." the elephant protested weakly, only to shrink back in fear at his boss's cold glare, the tiny action figure's angry demeanor making him look for all the world like the stereotypical evil robot overlord he was modeled after.

It would actually be quite intimidating... if he wasn't so tiny.

Hathi was plenty intimidated though, especially when Zarnot suddenly activated a pair of jet boots and shot into the air to hover menacingly over the scared elephant.

"And now you're backtalking me! Unbelievable!" the robot shouted as he glared down furiously at his cowering underling with crossed arms. "This might be the first time you've come back late Hathi, but it is far from the first time you've screwed up. And frankly, I'm getting tired of it!"

Hathi meekly opened his mouth to try and defend himself again, only to once more be cut off as the action figure continued his rant.

"I mean, it's been months since you've started working here, and not only are you still constantly missing your weekly quotas, now you can't even be bothered to look at your Ancestors-damned watch!?! Just what is it going to take for you to get with the program you lazy, clumsy oaf!"

As the poor elephant flinched and shrank in on himself under the harsh beratement, several of his nearby co-workers glowered surreptitiously at their boss.

While it was unfortunately true that Hathi often missed his work quotas, it certainly wasn't because of laziness or a lack of trying.

Quite the contrary, the elephant was one of the hardest workers on this floor, and all of his colleagues admired both his strong work ethic and his ceaseless attempts to stay positive despite their lackluster work conditions.

It certainly wasn't his fault that GreedCo's quotas were always so high, or that his large size unfortunately meant Hathi often had to struggle with certain... deficiencies.

"But sir, I really do try my best to meet my quotas. That's why I always work late so much," the elephant said meekly, once again mustering his courage in a valiant attempt to defend himself against his irate superior. "It's just... these big hands of mine make it difficult to fit all the little pieces together sometimes..."

He trailed off with self-directed bitterness as he held out his massive hands and thick, pudgy fingers for his boss to see, only to get a dismissive scoff for his troubles.

"More excuses! I don't care how fat and clumsy your hands are, you big lummox!" the robot growled with a contemptuous glare as Hathi dropped his hands and hung his head dejectedly. "We hired you to do a job, and we expect that job to be done on time Hathi, and the fact that you have to constantly stay over just to keep up with everyone else does not help your case!"

"I understand sir," the elephant answered morosely, head still bowed as the action figure somehow let out a dismissive snort despite lacking a nose.

"I don't think you do," he said acidly with crossed arms as he shook his head in mock disappointment. "Considering you can't even be bothered to make it back from your break on time. Honestly, it's like you don't even appreciate the second chance GreedCo gave you. You don't see me wasting the opportunity this wonderful company gave me when they pulled me out of the gutters after my last defeat by the Hated Yang, now do you?"

"No Mr. Zarnot sir," Hathi replied timidly before he looked up at his boss with pleading eyes. "But I really do appreciate the opportunity GreedCo has given me, honest! That's why I work such long hours to keep this job! I never would have fallen asleep otherwis-..."

The elephant's eyes widened and he clapped his hands over his mouth in horror at what he'd just revealed as his coworkers all gasped in dread and Zarnot froze stiff.

"You were late because you fell ASLEEP!?! THAT'S IT!" he roared in rage as Hathi frantically waved his arms at the incensed action figure.

"N-n-not on purpose I swear!" he choked out desperately as his superior glared down at him murderously, eyes lighting up from a cold blue to a deep, crimson red. "I was just resting my eyes a bit in the break room and nodded off because I was so tired from working late all the time! I would never intentionally sleep on the job, honest!"

"Enough of your pitiful excuses you fat tub of lard!" the robot shouted angrily as he pointed an accusing finger at the huge man, whose face was growing whiter by the second. "I am tired of dealing with your constant whining and I am done trying to make something out of a lazy, ungrateful, pathetic excuse for a worker like you! Now pack your things and get out!"

"No, please, Mr. Zarnot you can't!" the elephant begged pitifully, tears running down his face as he implored his boss for mercy. "I'm barely making the rent as is! If I lose this job I'll starve!"

"And that sounds like it's not my problem!" Zarnot replied coldly as he glared down at the massive man without an ounce of pity in his voice. "If you wanted to be able to keep stuffing your face so badly you should have thought about that before you decided your beauty sleep was more important than your work! Now get out before I have security throw you out! YOU'RE FIRE-...!"


The action figure froze mid-sentence at the familiar voice before whirling around towards the entrance to see two very familiar, and very hated, rabbits glaring at him disapprovingly.

"YOU!" he yelled in outrage as pointed a dramatic finger at the twin warriors.

Yin's eyes narrowed in challenge while Yang merely rolled his.

"Me," the sorceress hissed in affirmation, fists planted firmly on her hips as she gave the enraged robot a disgusted look. "Just what in the Ancestors' names do you think you're doing to that poor man you little-..."

"MY HATED RIVAL! THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE! YANG!" Zarnot shouted over her as he flew right past the blinking spellcaster and got right up in her brother's face, the blue rabbit leaning back slightly as he gazed at his former favorite toy with half-lidded eyes.

"Hello Zarnot," he said casually as he nonchalantly pushed the little robot out of his personal space without a care in the world. "You're looking much better, I see."

"No thanks to you, you overgrown rodent!" the action figure growled accusingly as he glared into the warrior's eyes while the latter just looked back at him blandly. "I spent months as nothing but a head with a single working eye because of you and that blasted girlfriend of yours! I couldn't even scratch my Ancestors-damned nose and everyone in the prison TV Room wouldn't stop sitting on me whenever there was a game on! It was torture!"

"Um, excuse me, did you just completely ignore me?" the pink rabbit asked in a highly offended tone as her brother snorted dismissively at the toy's woes.

"Yeah, well, that's what you get for ruining our big date," Yang shot back coolly with narrowed eyes and crossed arms. "An entire day of nothing but glorious Gopher Beating with my girl, ruined because of that little trap you tried to spring on us. Seriously dude, do you have any idea how difficult it is to set these things up while Lina's still studying to get her degree in Agricultural Engineering? Not cool, bro, not cool."

"Oh, enough of you and that mutt's weird obsession with beating gophers already!" Zarnot snapped in annoyance, causing both rabbits' eyes to narrow dangerously at the insult to their best friend and significant other, respectively. "At least you still have a girlfriend! I've been single ever since you smashed mine to pieces all those years ago!"

"Um, actually, that was me," Yin chimed in testily with an irritated glare at the back of the robot's head as he continued to happily ignore her.

Her brother grinned nastily.

"Girlfriend? Don't you mean your daughter?" the warrior asked loudly as he leaned forward with a savage smile on his face, and all the workers gasped and shot the action figure scandalized and disgusted looks as he started swearing like a sailor.


"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night buddy," Yang retorted smarmily, still wearing that insufferably smug smile as the robot steamed and his sister smirked.

"Oh yeah? Well... at least my Zina was able to actually make something of herself once I put her back together after you smashed her!" Zarnot countered triumphantly, a note of pride entering his voice as he completely ignored the scowl that appeared on the sorceress's face at his continued refusal to acknowledge her. "She's a doctor now! Graduated at the top of her class and is working at one of the most prestigious hospitals in the City!"

"Is that so?" the warrior replied with a quirked eyebrow, surprised despite himself at the robot's genuinely proud tone as he shared a glance with his sister. "Well, I guess it's nice to know you're not a complete deadbeat to her, unlike that damn fairy that brought you to life just to teach us a lesson about lying and then completely forgot you even existed."

"Don't remind me," the action figure muttered bitterly before rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish look. "We don't actually talk all that much because of how... awkward things are between us, but at least I still keep an eye on her and give her a call every now and then. Which is far more than I can say for you Yang! You, and only you, are the greatest and sole bane of my existence, and I will never rest until the day you finally PERISH IN FLAMES! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

The blue rabbit stared blankly at his former toy's loud declaration of eternal war and hate as his sister seethed in teeth-grinding fury behind the diminutive villain while he continued to obliviously laugh his head off.

"I am standing. Right here," the sorceress ground out through gritted teeth as she glared daggers at Zarnot while he continued his maniacal laughter, the veins in her temples throbbing dangerously.

"Really?" Yang asked nonchalantly before a wicked smirk crossed his face. "You still want to destroy me, Zarnot? Because I could have sworn you had reformed after GreedCo picked you up and had sworn off that villainous stuff forever."

The robot froze, his diabolical laughter cutting off abruptly as he slowly looked around and suddenly remembered they were surrounded by factory workers listening to their every word, before straightening up and awkwardly coughing up a storm into his fist.

"Erm... yes well... hypothetically, of course," he said sheepishly as everyone's eyes drooped before glaring at his hated nemesis once more. "Isn't that just like you Yang? Coming here all by yourself just to ruin the wonderful thing I've got going on he-..."

"WILL YOU STOP IGNORING ME ALREADY YOU MISERABLE, LOUDMOUTHED EXCUSE FOR A DOLL!?!" the pink rabbit roared at the top of her lungs, her patience finally spent as everyone jumped at her livid shout before the action figure in question scowled furiously and whirled around at the source of the noise.

"I'M AN ACTION FIGURE!" he bellowed back just as loudly before pausing as he looked down and finally noticed the steaming spellcaster glaring up at him with her fists on her hips. "Oh, it's you."

Yin bristled furiously at Zarnot's flat, disinterested tone before he shook his head and turned back to her brother, his frozen smile somehow condescending.

"Really now Yang? This is just sad," he said mockingly as the blue rabbit tensed and eyed his rapidly reddening sister nervously. "You were too scared to come face me yourself so you had to bring your sidekick along here as well? Shameful, utterly shameful."

The workers all gasped and frantically scrambled for cover at the robot's words and even the warrior winced and started backing away hurriedly as his sister's eyes bugged out of her skull.

Both of them hated being called the other's sidekick…

"Sidekick!?! Sidekick!?!" HOW DARE YOU, YOU LOATHSOME PIECE OF PLASTIC!?!" the sorceress screamed in affronted rage, her blazing eyes boring into the action figure's own, who surprisingly seemed completely unconcerned in the face of her wrath. "I AM NO ONE'S 'SIDEKICK'! YANG AND I ARE PARTNERS and EQUALS IN OUR STATUS AS WOO FOO MASTERS AND OUR FIGHT AGAINST THE FORCES OF DARKNESS, AND DON'T YOU EVER FORGET THAT! Isn't that right Yang?"

The blue rabbit in question tensed and let out a little gulp at the query as his sister glared warningly at him before quickly nodding and giving her a shaky smile, "Yessis.Whateveryousaysis.Iloveyousis.Don'tkillmepleasesis."

The spellcaster eyed him for a moment before sighing and walking over to give him a few half-mocking, half-affectionate pats on the head.

"Good boy," she said dryly, her sarcastic tone offset by the small, apologetic smile she was giving him and the reassuring look in her eyes as her brother relaxed and let out a long sigh of relief before her face hardened once again and she turned back to Zarnot, who let out a dismissive scoff.

"Please," he sneered coldly, still somehow completely unfazed as the pink rabbit's eyes narrowed into slits and she let out a menacing growl at his dismissive attitude. "The rest of the Town might consider you an equal to that accursed rabbit standing beside you, girl, but as far as I'm concerned, you and the rest of those Woo Foo Fools will never be anything but a footnote in my eternal war against the Hated Yang!"

"Dude, do you have a death wish?" Yang asked quietly with wide eyes as his sister snarled viciously beside him, a small note of awe entering his voice despite himself as he silently marveled at the balls the robot must have to continue blatantly disrespecting his sister to her face like this.

"You mean the 'Eternal War' that's purely hypothetical, right?" Yin hissed acidly, pure venom dripping off every word as the action figure weakly chuckled and rubbed the back of his head at yet another slip-up.

"Yes, of course! Totally hypothetical, no evil plans going on here, no sir! I'm totally reformed, have been ever since GreedCo took me on with that wonderful Work Program of theirs!" Zarnot confirmed cheerfully, frozen smile fixed firmly in place as both siblings looked at him with highly skeptical expressions, before his face suddenly morphed into a frown yet again as the robot pointed an accusing finger at the warrior. "Which is why I won't let you ruin what I'm trying to accomplish here Yang! I've come too far and put too much work into this to let you and your sidekick screw everything up for me now!"


"Wait, I'm confused," Gloria said as she watched the enraged sorceress hurl a truly staggering amount of abuse and colorful insults at the smug action figure, who was somehow managing to endure the ferocious onslaught with a serene smile on his face. "Isn't she the leader of the P.A.T.J.M.? That activist group that's been a huge thorn in GreedCo's side for several years now?"

"Yeah, she is. Madam Yin's the main reason things here aren't any worse than they already are," Ryan confirmed with a nod of respect towards the pink rabbit. "You'd think the boss would be a bit more concerned about mouthing off to her like that, even if she couldn't kill him or make him wish he were dead in a thousand different ways each."

"Oh, I don't concern myself with stuff like that Ryan," Zarnot chimed in suddenly with an airy wave as the two workers jumped in fright at the unexpected reply, the robot's advanced audio sensors having detected their conversation despite the distance between them and the considerable volume those sensors were being subjected to. "I'm just an engineer. I let our illustrious CEO and incredible legal team worry about such matters."

Yin paused her tirade to glare at him suspiciously for a moment, before a very loud, very familiar, and very hated voice suddenly reached her sensitive ears.


Everyone froze at the furious, craggly shout, the workers all whimpering in dread as both rabbits' faces darkened and they scowled at the action figure.

But he merely gazed back at them smugly, arms crossed.

"Well, well, 'speak of the devil, and he shall appear,'" he chuckled in dark satisfaction as the twin masters' scowls deepened. "Took him long enough, I signaled the alert as soon as I saw you two. Though I suppose it can't be helped, old Mammon's getting on in years."

"You were stalling," the blue rabbit growled angrily, hands balling into fists. "Trying to rile my sister up so she'd do something you could pin on her in court."

"Duh, of course I was," Zarnot confirmed with a contemptuous snort while both siblings narrowed their eyes at him dangerously. "I've picked up more than a few tricks during my time here, Yang. Besides, do you honestly think I don't hate your sister as well after fighting the two of you for almost 15 years now? Your brother might still be my most hated enemy Yin, but I can assure you, sidekick, that you are a close second, and one day, I'll make you pay as well."

"Good to know," the sorceress snarled back in an ice-cold voice while she furiously berated herself for letting Zarnot of all people play her like a fool. "It's such a shame your clever little ploy didn't work though Zarnot, because now, I promise you that this will never happen again."

The robot's frozen smile only widened.

"We'll see about that," he replied ominously, chuckling to himself as the two warriors reluctantly turned away from him to face the approaching CEO, a small, elderly, red-skinned demon with a pair of prominent horns and a sharp business suit.

He was flanked by two thin, shady-looking dragon lawyers and a pair of burly, thuggish rhino guards.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS, SOME KIND OF FAMILY GET TOGETHER!?! WHY ARE ALL YOU JACK-OFFS JUST STANDING AROUND!?! GET BACK TO WORK NOW!" Mammon roared at the top of his lungs as he furiously looked around at the frozen workers, who all jumped and frantically scrambled back to their workstations. "LAZY, UNGRATEFUL, GOOD-FOR-NOTHING SLACKERS! I OUGHT TO FIRE EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU FUC-..."

The old demon's tirade was abruptly cut off as he finally spotted the twin warriors and his smugly grinning engineer, and his eyes bulged out of his sockets as his skin somehow turned an even redder shade than it already was.

He glared so fiercely at the two siblings it was a wonder they didn't disintegrate into atoms right then and there.

"You..." the businessman snarled ferociously, eyes laser-focused on the pink rabbit.

"Me," Yin snarled right back, voice filled with derision and pure, utter contempt as she locked gazes with the elderly tycoon and began slowly walking towards him as well, the air between them so thick with hatred and barely restrained violence it was a wonder lightning wasn't crackling back and forth from their eyes.

Mammon's guards and lawyers slowly backed away from the two approaching enemies, and in all honesty, despite his own contempt for GreedCo, Yang couldn't blame them as he trailed behind his sister and eyed her with apprehension.

The sorceress had been locked in a grueling war with the old demon and his company for years now, fearlessly leading the charge along with the rest of the P.A.T.J.M. as they tirelessly worked to bring his wretched company down, and her battles with the businessman were legendary.

While Mammon was far from the most powerful or dangerous opponent the pink rabbit had ever faced, even accounting for the vast resources at his disposal, he was undoubtedly the one she despised the most for how he ruthlessly exploited the luckless, the downtrodden, and the children she loved so much without an ounce of shame or remorse, all to line his pockets as much as possible.

As far as she was concerned, getting rich on the broken dreams and backs of children and those that had nowhere else to go was unforgivable, and the fact that the old demon and his company had once tried, and nearly succeeded, to turn her beloved brother into another one of their soulless, money-grubbing spokesmen had not helped matters.

Ever since the day they had first thwarted the businessman's scheme to use the warrior to milk the Town's children dry all those years ago, Yin had sworn that she would do everything in her power to bring Mammon and his corrupt business down and see him behind bars, and while it might have taken a while, by all accounts she had made significant progress in making good on that promise.

When, as a kid, the sorceress had first tried to start her group in an ill-advised attempt to both take a stand against GreedCo and bring her brother to his senses, Mothers Against That Jerk Yang had been nothing more than a loose collection of well-meaning but scatter-brained mothers more concerned with coupons, gossip, and picking a better name than actually taking the fight to the company that was selling hilariously dangerous toys to their kids.

Now though, thanks to the hard-earned respect, experience, and wisdom the pink rabbit had gained since then, along with the support of her brother, Parents Against That Jerk Mammon had grown into a formidable, well-respected, and well-organized activist group of concerned parents passionately fighting against GreedCo's corruption and constant attempts to exploit their children, even if the group still could probably use a better name.

Ever since the twin rabbits had truly grown into their own as world-renowned Heroes and guardians of the land, Yin had ruthlessly exploited her and her brother's newfound goodwill to draw people and popular support to her cause, and her fierce intelligence, studious nature, experience with trickily worded spells, and sheer, bloody-minded determination had made her more than a match for even the most highly-paid and underhanded of GreedCo's lawyers in the courtroom.

A fact that was readily apparent as the two snakes at the old demon's side were regarding her with looks that were both fearful and begrudgingly respectful.

The sorceress had used her formidable gifts and glowing reputation to great effect in exposing GreedCo's more blatant corruption and forcing them to at least kowtow to basic safety and labor laws to avoid being destroyed by an endless stream of fines and lawsuits.

Unfortunately, that was where the pink rabbit's success had ended.

While her and her brother's status as near-universally beloved Town Heroes, her surprising legal savviness, and their immense power meant it was almost impossible for the businessman and his lawyers to frame or "dispose of" the two siblings or sway the public against them, the elderly tycoon and his legal team were still crafty and well-connected opponents with a lot of money to throw around.

Nothing the P.A.T.J.M. tried had ever managed to truly stick, resulting in a bitter stalemate that left both sides incredibly frustrated.

Not helping matters was the fact that Mammon's bottomless greed combined with the sheer, bullheaded stubbornness that came with old age gave him a level of determination that easily rivaled Yin's own, and whenever the old demon's unparalleled selfishness clashed with the sorceress's raging Maternal Protectiveness in Court, the resulting arguments were so fierce and violent they shook the courthouse to its very foundations and left even the hardened, centuries-old Justice Orb quaking in fear.

So much so that, after one particularly ferocious battle between the two, the High Judge had decreed in no uncertain terms that the blue rabbit was to be present at any and all Court Hearings involving the businessman and the pink rabbit from that moment forth, for he was the only one that had any hope of actually restraining his sister if she ever lost control.

This was something Yang had happily agreed to, not only for everyone's safety and to give his sister moral support, but also because he found her verbal duels with the elderly tycoon fucking hilarious, to the point he treated them like one would a major sporting event.

Every time he was summoned to a Court Hearing he would gather up as many of his buddies as he could and gleefully take advantage of the fact the Justice Orb couldn't actually throw them out to bring snacks, drinks, T-Shirts, Foam Fingers, and the whole nine yards so they could enjoy the show and cheer Yin on as she and her allies went into battle against Mammon and his lawyers whilst simultaneously booing and jeering at his sister's opposition.

It annoyed the High Judge and the old demon to no end, of course, which was part of the fun, and the sorceress herself was always torn between exasperation and being legitimately touched by her brother and her friends' enthusiastic, if strange, support.

Especially when Coop was there.

The chicken always cheered the loudest alongside the warrior himself, and it was no coincidence that those were also the times the pink rabbit tended to fight with the most fire in her heart.

Still, as fun as those hearings were for him, the blue rabbit still couldn't deny how bitter and intense his sister's arguments with the businessman got, or how much the two absolutely despised each other, and there had been more than a few times he had actually almost had to step in during some of their battles.

Which unfortunately meant that he once again had to be the responsible one today, and so as Yin and Mammon came to a stop a short distance away from each other, Yang let out an annoyed sigh, steeled his face, and quickly stepped forward to put a hand on his sister's shoulder.

He returned her quizzical look with a concerned and questioning gaze, nodding his head slightly in the fuming demon's direction.

A silent conversation passed between them before the sorceress's face softened and she inclined her head to him, a promise in her eyes.

The warrior gave her a satisfied nod in turn and stepped back as the pink rabbit once again turned to regard the businessman like a particularly disgusting bug she'd just found under her shoe.

"What the fuck are you doing in one of my factories you filthy little skank!?!" Mammon hissed furiously, getting straight to the point as the blue rabbit bristled and his sister's nostrils flared at the shamelessly vulgar insult. "I thought I made it clear that you and that worthless, empty-headed brother of yours were banned from ever setting foot on any of GreedCo's properties? I'll have your hides for this if you two don't have a very good excuse to hide behind."

"Mammon, charming as ever I see," Yin replied frostily as she put her hands on her hips and glared down at the old demon with disdain. "You can insult me all you want, but please do not insult my intelligence or my brother. You should know by now that I'd never show up to one of your disgusting factories without coming prepared."

She snapped her fingers and an official looking document with the Justice Orb's signature appeared in her hands and she held it out for the businessman to see.

"We have a Search Warrant. Signed by the High Judge himself," the sorceress said smugly, letting out a dark smirk as the elderly tycoon snatched it out of her unresisting hands and started swearing up a storm as his eyes flew over the paper in enraged disbelief.

"AGAIN!?! How the hell do you damn brats keep getting these fucking things!?!" Mammon yelled furiously as he glared at them and gripped the paper so tightly it nearly crumpled into a ball.

"You're not the only one with connections you old goat," Yang chimed in with an insufferable smile as he and his sister shared a knowing look and the old demon scowled.

"Cute. And you two have the balls to call me a hopelessly corrupt hypocrite," he growled in annoyance before shooting the still-grinning warrior a dark look. "Though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, since you can't even be bothered to honor your contracts, boy."

The blue rabbit opened his mouth to respond, only to freeze as his sister suddenly whispered something in his ear, talking behind her hand so her hated enemy and his snakes couldn't lip read what she was saying, and a confident smirk crossed his face as he gave her a thankful nod.

"Ok, first of all, I was just an idiot kid when I agreed to advertise for you. Second of all, that contract wasn't even worth using to wipe my furry blue ass with since I was a minor at the time and Master Yo never signed it," he countered matter-of-factly as his sister giggled and smirked at the businessman who narrowed his sickly yellow eyes. "And finally, I told you before, your last check bounced, and I don't tell corporate lies for free. Would you ever do anything for free Mammon?"

The elderly tycoon snorted at the question.

"Touche, you little shit, touche," he replied in begrudging acknowledgement before glaring at his former spokesperson once again. "Don't think that'll get you off the hook though. I'll still get you for walking out on your contract one of these days, mark my words. Nobody breaks a deal with me."

"Yeah, assuming you don't croak first," Yang shot back with a roll of the eyes before giving him an incredulous look. "Seriously, you were already 90 friggin years old when we first met 14 years ago. How the hell are you even still breathing, let alone walking around and running a company? You're no Night Master, and you're certainly no Woo Foo Warrior."

"SHEER WILLPOWER, BOY!" Mammon shouted triumphantly as he pointed a dramatic finger at the two siblings, who both quirked highly skeptical eyebrows at him. "When I was just an imp I swore that I'd one day become the richest man that ever walked this planet, and not even Death itself will stop me from keeping that promise! HAHAHAHA!"

The old demon continued laughing maniacally for a bit while the twin warriors watched him silently with half-lidded eyes, before he suddenly froze as he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see a shadowy, wraith-like figure with a business suit and briefcase giving him an expectant look.

"...Ahem. Well that, plus diet, exercise, and the wonderful health care provided by my friends here," the businessman said with an awkward laugh before nervously pulling out a fat wad of cash that the wraith snatched up before disappearing.

The old man turned to give the thoroughly unimpressed rabbits an innocent smile.


The spellcaster ignored the lightning-fast disclaimer as she continued boring a hole into Mammon's skull, her disapproving gaze actually succeeding in making the usually tough-as-nails demon sweat a little this time, before a wicked smile suddenly crossed her face and she shared a darkly amused look with her brother.

"Whatever," she said with a contemptuous snort as she turned back to the businessman, face once again schooled into an expressionless mask even though her eyes still held that same malicious glee. "Your 'health insurance' is no concern of mine, Mammon. My brother and I are here today to investigate this facility for evidence of any crimes or wrongdoing, nothing more."

Mammon and his lawyers eyed the pink rabbit warily, suspicious that their bitter rival had not gleefully pounced on the opportunity to make them look bad and tear them a new one, before the old demon snorted and put it out of his mind.

"Well, I can't stop you because of that thrice-damned Search Warrant, but you're wasting your time! You'll find no wrongdoing at this fine, upstanding facility! Especially not after all the reforms I've implemented!" he declared confidently, flashing a smug smirk as Yin and the warrior's eyes both narrowed. "And furthermore, I'll not have you two brats harassing my Chief Engineer and disrupting my workers!"

The blue rabbit snorted in disbelief.

"Oh please! Us harass him!?! That guy's a-...!" he began hotly, only to cut himself off as his sister frantically whispered in his ear once again, and he let out an explosive sigh before giving her a disbelieving look.

"Oh, come on Yin!" Yang whined petulantly as he glared sullenly at Zarnot, who merely looked back smugly. "He's a genius with robots and tech that used killer toys all the time in the past! And now he's working as the Chief Engineer at a toy factory for the scummiest company in Town! How could he not be...!"

The sorceress cut him off with a stern look and a finger to his lips before whispering in his ear a third time, and her brother listened with a stone-faced expression before letting out another explosive exhale and giving a begrudging nod at her words.

"As per the terms of the Search Warrant, we have the legal authorization to question the employees of this facility. However, Zarnot's history as a former villain will not factor into our choosing to question him. I apologize if I gave that impression," the warrior said in a dull, monotone tone of voice, glowering sullenly at the robot, businessman, and their stooges as they all gave him insufferably self-satisfied smiles.

"You bet your keister you better apologize boy!" Mammon crowed in savage delight as the blue rabbit's scowl deepened and he crossed his arms with a huff. "Zarnot here is one of the finest engineers that's ever worked at this company! We're lucky to have him!"

"Thank you sir!" the action figure said cheerfully as he preened like a peacock.

Yang's face darkened even further and he opened his mouth to deliver a scathing retort, but he snapped it shut and let out a defeated sigh as he remembered his sister's words.

"Of course," the old demon continued in that same smug tone as both warriors turned and glared at him once again. "I'd expect nothing less from our incredible Villain Rehabilitation Work Program! GreedCodoesnotguaranteethesuccessfulrehabilitationofanyvillainsandisinnowayresponsibleforanycrimestheymayormaynotcommitwhiletakingpartintheworkprogram."

Snorting disdainfully at yet another one of the businessman's lightning-fast disclaimers, the pink rabbit stepped forward with a severe frown on her face.

"Be that as it may," she said icily as she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at Zarnot in open contempt. "I do believe you might need to give your 'incredible work program' a few revisions Mammon. While it's true that we cannot, by law, hold your Chief Engineer's past actions against him, that does not mean he is exempt from our questioning. Especially if we find probable cause to suspect him of any further wrongdoing, and the behavior we witnessed from him upon entering this facility was... disturbing to say the least."

"What are you talking about you brat?" Mammon growled with a challenging glare as Yin huffed and glared right back.

"What I am talking about, Chief Executive Officer, is how your 'reformed' Chief Engineer was abusing and humiliating this poor man in front of all his co-workers!" she snapped furiously as she pointed at Hathi, who had thus far been attempting to remain as inconspicuous as possible.

He paled at the sudden attention before, noticing his distress, both rabbits stepped protectively in front of him, much to his visible relief as the spellcaster continued. "That hardly seems like the behavior of someone who's truly repented and left his villainous ways behind!"

But the robot merely laughed at the sorceress's accusation before giving her a mocking smile.

"Seriously? Is that really the best you can do, sidekick? I expected more from the 'feared leader' of the P.A.T.J.M.," he said with a dismissive wave as the pink rabbit's eyes narrowed dangerously. "If you had been putting up with that oversized screwup as long as I have you wouldn't be acting any different."

"I highly doubt that, Zarnot," she hissed venomously, hands on her hips and eyes flashing as she gave the action figure a murderous look that had the two lawyers nervously tugging at their collars. "But please, do enlighten me on how you justify that disgusting display we saw earlier."

"Simple, he sucks at this job!" Zarnot replied cheerfully as he pointed a damning finger at the elephant, who flinched violently and hung his head in shame at the accusation. "Not only was he late getting back to work because he fell asleep, he also has the worst job performance of anyone on this floor! He's been having to constantly work late for months now just to meet his quota, and frankly I'm tired of dealing with his piss poor work performance. I was just doing what I should have done a long time ago!"

The twin rabbits' faces fell at that as the old demon began cackling in glee and Hathi shivered in terror at what he knew was coming.

The businessman turned toward him with a savage smile.

"Is that so? Excellent work, Zarnot!" The demon laughed maniacally as the robot one again preened at the praise before Mammon's face suddenly twisted into an ugly, hateful look.

He glared at the cowering elephant like he was the most loathsome, disgusting thing the elderly tycoon had ever laid eyes on. "Well, if that is indeed the case... THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL DOING ON MY PROPERTY YOU FAT TUB OF LARD!?! PACK YOUR THINGS AND GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!"

"STOP RIGHT THERE, MAMMON!" Yin roared just as loudly as she shot poor Hathi a reassuring look before locking eyes with the old demon and matching the intensity of his hateful glare with a murderous look of her own. "I demand to see proof of Zarnot's claims before you go one step further!"

"Coming right up!" the action figure replied cheerfully as he flew away for a few moments, leaving the sorceress and the businessman locked in their furious staring contest, neither moving so much as a muscle, before the robot returned with two neat stacks of paper. "Here you go, sidekick. Read it and weep!"

Angrily snatching one stack with a growl at the insult, the sorceress rapidly flipped through them, her eyes flying over the pages as Mammon did the same, before her face darkened into a ferocious scowl as she viciously crumpled the papers and looked up to glare bitterly at the triumphantly grinning demon.

"Damn you..." she snarled, a foreboding echo in her voice as her eyes lit up ominously and the magical pressure in the area spiked while she trembled in impotent rage. "Damn both of you..."

"Now, now, there's no need for that," Zarnot admonished in that same cheerful tone as he fearlessly stared down the livid spellcaster with barely disguised glee. "I'm just doing my job, after all."

"Indeed you are Zarnot. You've done your job to the letter, unlike this useless lump of flesh." The businessman turned to the fuming pink rabbit with a wicked grin. "Which means this time, you have no leg to stand on, girl, Search Warrant or no Search Warrant."

"Dude, what is wrong with you?" the warrior cut in with disgusted disbelief as he gazed at the elderly tycoon with pure, unrestrained contempt on his face. "If you fire him he's probably going to starve to death or get shanked in an alley somewhere, and you're happy about that!?! Just so you can get a cheap shot at my sister!?!"

"One less worthless fatass to worry about," Mammon scoffed cruelly with a dismissive wave as Hathi burst into tears and the blue rabbit gave him a sympathetic look. "Honestly you should be thanking me. With the amount of food that'll be freed up once that lardball bites it you could probably feed a family of five."

Yin's hands balled into trembling fists as the elephant's sobbing grew even louder.

"You foul, loathsome, evil little beast," she ground out through clenched teeth, shaking with anger as the old demon somehow managed to stare into the burning, hellish pits that were her eyes with nothing but a cocky smirk. "With the Ancestors as my witness, I swear that one of these days I will see you rotting behind bars for the rest of what little remains of your wretched, pathetic excuse for a life if it's the last thing I do!"

But the businessman merely snorted and rolled his eyes at the spellcaster's dire promise.

"You've been spewing those same old empty words for years now girl, they've gotten even more ancient than I am. And yet, I'm still here," Mammon countered in a bored voice before flashing a wicked smile at the incensed rabbits. "And I promise you, both of you, that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

Both warrior's eyes narrowed dangerously at the elderly tycoon as he chuckled darkly before turning to the still sobbing Hathi.

"Please, don't...," the elephant began to beg pitifully, only to be immediately cut off by a sharp gesture and a cruel glare.

"Save your breath boy. You're done, and there's nothing your precious little heroes can do to save you," the old demon spat, his face twisting at the word "heroes" as if it were the most disgusting word he'd ever heard, before lighting up with malicious glee as he threw one last smug look at his furious enemy before sealing the elephant's fate. "Pack your things and get out of my building. You're fired."

Hathi hung his head and all the life and color drained out of him at the businessman's words as if he'd just announced the elephant's execution.

He slowly began making his way to the exit like a man about to face the gallows, robotically putting one massive foot in front of the other with his dead, soulless eyes staring straight ahead, before he suddenly felt a small, but incredibly strong grip take hold of his massive hand.

Looking down, he saw the sorceress smiling up at him with a kind, reassuring expression before her face hardened once again as she turned to face the elderly tycoon.

"That's where you're wrong, Mammon," she corrected, before favoring him with a smug, vindictive smile of her own, echoed by her brother's grin behind her. "For it just so happens I'm currently searching for someone to help me with my work at the Library, and I think Hathi here would make a wonderful Assistant."

Hathi's jaw dropped as Yang laughed his head off at the enraged and incredulous look on the old demon's face.

The elephant turned to stare at the spellcaster in disbelief.

"R-Really Madam Yin? You'd actually hire someone like me?" the elephant asked in hopeless confusion, unable to comprehend why one of the City's and world's greatest Champions would ever bother to employ a worthless pile of fat like himself.

But the pink rabbit merely gave the massive man another one of those kind smiles as she nodded in affirmation.

"Absolutely," she answered in a warm voice with zero hesitation. "For the longest time I've thought that I'd be able to run my Library all by myself thanks to my magic, but recent events have shown me that it would probably be a good idea to hire an extra pair of hands to have around just in case. And seeing just how hard you worked to keep this job despite your... 'difficulties' with it, I can tell you're someone I'd be able to rely on to keep things running smoothly whenever I have to go take care of other business, Hathi. You'd be perfect for the position."

Hathi stared at her for the longest time, tears welling in his eyes as he was overwhelmed by her kindness, before cold, hard reality crashed down on him yet again and his face fell as his shoulders slumped in despair.

"You're very kind Madam Yin, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate your offer," he replied earnestly as he wiped his eyes clean before giving her a sad look as he stared at his massive, clunky hands bitterly. "But it wouldn't work. I'm just too damn big to be working in a Library handling books and documents and all that jazz. I'd probably be constantly knocking over bookcases just trying to get around, and I certainly don't want to be causing you that kind of trouble. Please understand, it's not you, it's me, my size..."

"Will not be a problem," Yin interrupted with a reassuring look as the elephant looked at her in surprise and more than a little skepticism. "Contrary to what you might believe, I know exactly what you're going through Hathi."

Hathi blinked as he slowly looked over the comparatively tiny and slender rabbit woman.

"...You do?" he asked finally, clearly trying very hard to keep the blatant disbelief out of his voice as the sorceress merely chuckled in amusement and nodded her head.

"I do," she answered earnestly with a wry grin. "Paige, one of my oldest and closest friends, is an elephant just like you. She's like a sister to me, and she struggled with many of the same issues you're going through now."

The elephant's face cleared at that and he nodded in understanding as the pink rabbit's grin widened.

"She also happens to be the Head Chef at one of the most high profile restaurants in town. I always get a nice discount whenever me and Coop go on a date there," she continued casually, letting out a good-natured giggle at the gobsmacked expression on Hathi's face as his jaw hit the floor.

"T-The Head Chef!?!" he sputtered with wide eyes, unable to believe what he'd just heard. "But... that's impossible! A job like that would require a lot of..."

"Dexterity?" Yin finished knowingly, a gentle smile on her face at the elephant's hesitant nod. "Exactly. Like I said, Paige struggled with the exact same problem you are now, but she didn't let that stop her. She worked day and night to improve her fine control and learn how to manage her size so she could follow her dream of one day becoming a Master Chef, and look where she is now. And if she can do it, then so can you Hathi, and I'm sure she'd be more than happy to show you some of the tricks she's learned."

"And even if she can't," the warrior cut in as he walked up to stand by his sister's side and give the stunned elephant a confident smirk, "I'm sure my sister will be able to figure out some other way to help you. So don't worry big guy. Yin's the smartest person I've ever known. She'll take care of you."

"Awwww!" the sorceress cooed with hearts in her eyes at her brother's words before planting a big kiss on his cheek, much to the blue rabbit's annoyance and the disgust of the businessman and his flunkies. "You are so sweet Yang!"

Yang grumbled as he furiously rubbed his cheek before a mischievous grin crossed his face as his sister's smile weakened.

"Just make sure you promise me that you'll do your best to take care of her too," he continued casually as he addressed the still frozen Hathi with a knowing smirk. "She has a really bad habit of trying to do everything herself and can be as stubborn as a mule sometimes. Me and the rest of our friends have been trying to convince her for ages to hire a damn Assistant for the Library and it's only now after the fiasco with Smoke and Mirrors that she's finally caved. It can be really annoying to deal with, so make sure you're prepared and call me if it ever gets too bad. I'll set her head back on straight."

The pink rabbit's smile became much tighter at that, a noticeable twitch in her eye as Mammon and his stooges all snickered despite themselves and even the elephant had to fight down a laugh before she took a deep breath.

"Thank you, Yang, it's always nice to see how much you care," she forced out through clenched teeth, that painful-looking smile still in place as her brother smirked at her, before she turned back to address Hathi, her face softening considerably in the process.

"So, what do you say Hathi?" Yin asked as she held out a hand to the elephant, tone kind and gentle once more. "Would you like to come be my Assistant at the Library?"

The massive man stared at the appendage for a long while, still unable to believe this was happening to him, before slowly, tentatively, as if afraid it would disappear if he moved too fast, he grasped her hand in his own, completely enveloping it, and gave a hesitant shake.

"If you'll really have me," he began slowly, gaining more speed and confidence as the sorceress gave him a smile and a firm nod, "then I would be honored to come work for you, Madam Yin."

The spellcaster beamed at the elephant while her brother threw another mocking smirk at the fuming demon and his underlings, before she pulled out her cell phone.

"Excellent," she replied cheerfully as she motioned for Hathi to take out his own phone. "Just give me your number and I'll call you as soon as I can for an interview so we can get you started, ok big guy?"

The elephant nodded and eagerly did as he was told before giving the grinning rabbit woman a radiant smile of his own.

"Thank you Madam Yin," he choked out happily, tears of joy flowing freely down his face as he desperately searched for the words to properly convey his boundless gratitude through the overwhelming torrent of emotions assaulting him. "Thank you so much. I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you for this..."

But Yin merely shook her head and gave the massive man a warm smile as she floated up to put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"There's no need to thank me Hathi," she said graciously as she looked deep into his eyes with a kind look. "I'm a Woo Foo Warrior, so it's my job to help others in need in any way that I can, and not just by beating up bad guys either. Besides, I'm still going to expect you to work hard and be able to take care of the Library in my absence. I run a tight ship, after all."

"Understatement of the century. I hope you like checklists, big guy," the warrior quipped behind her, earning himself a confused look from Hathi and yet another stink eye from his sister, before flashing a more genuine smile and thumbs up at the elephant. "But hey, after seeing how hard a worker you are, I'm sure that if anyone can learn to deal with my sister's 'quirks' it's you."

Still slightly confused, the elephant nonetheless gave a small smile and nod at the blue rabbit's encouraging words while his sister grumbled petulantly.

"I'll keep that in mind Mr. Yang," Hathi replied with good-natured amusement before giving the grumpy sorceress a grateful smile. "Thank you again for the wonderful opportunity Madam Yin. I promise I'll do everything I possibly can to be the best Assistant you could ever ask for."

The pink rabbit's face softened considerably at that and she returned the elephant's smile with one of her own.

"I'm sure you will Hathi," she replied warmly before glancing at the still steaming businessman and giving a slight frown. "But I'm afraid I still have business with your former 'employer' I need to attend to, so you go on and get out of here and I'll get back to you soon."

Hanthi nodded in understanding.

"Of course, Madam Yin," he replied agreeably with a bow towards her and her brother. "I look forward to working with you and hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye, and good luck dealing with that miserly old geezer."

Mammon bristled at that, but the elephant merely gave him a cheerful look before he walked away laughing, a merry spring in his step as he flipped the old demon the bird while Yang chuckled and Yin cracked a smug, vindictive smirk.

"Damn you to the darkest pits of the Underworld you bitch," the businessman snarled in a quiet, utterly livid voice as he glared bloody murder at the sorceress, whose grin only widened at the furious insult. "You deny me even this small victory?"

"You got that right Mammon," the pink rabbit answered with vicious cheerfulness before her face twisted into an ugly scowl and she glared back at her hated rival with an equally scornful look. "I told you before, whether it be in matters big or small, I will never stop opposing you until my dying breath if necessary. Never."

Mammon's face darkened even further at that promise as his eyes narrowed into slits, before he let out a disdainful huff and waved contemptuously at the twin warriors.

"Just conduct your damned investigation already and get out of my factory," he growled coldly as Yin narrowed her eyes at him.

"Gladly," she hissed as she and her brother both ignited their magic in preparation to cast the strongest searching and detection spells they knew.

Unfortunately for the twin rabbits, despite their powerful magic and steadfast determination in sweeping the factory from top to bottom, neither of them were able to find anything incriminating of note, and their questioning didn't go much better.

Not only did Mammon, Zarnot, or anyone else of note in the company's ranks stonewall them at every turn, giving only what information was legally required of them and not a word more, but trying to coax answers out of the ordinary rank-and-file workers also unfortunately proved to be a largely fruitless endeavor.

Because as much as most of them admired the two warriors and as much as they clearly hated both their jobs and their bosses, the vast majority of the factory workers were far too terrified of the old demon and losing their only source of income, meager as it was, to give much information in spite of the sorceress's constant assurances that the businessman could not legally retaliate against them for cooperating with her and her brother's investigation and that she would happily skin him alive in court on their behalf if he did.

Even when they were able to find someone brave enough to say something bad about the company, it was of no use, for as miserable and lackluster as the pay and work conditions were, they were all within perfectly legal boundaries and thus useless in court.

So, as much as it saddened and infuriated them to let such injustices go unpunished, the twin Masters had no choice but to concede defeat, and it was with a heavy heart that they bade the beleaguered workers goodbye and good luck before turning around to face the smugly grinning businessman and his stooges.

"I told you two you were wasting your time," he crowed in immense self-satisfaction as the two siblings glowered furiously at him. "There's no way GreedCo would ever allow any wrongdoing to occur at any of our fine establishments! Especially at one of our largest and most advanced facilities!"

The pink rabbit narrowed her eyes and growled angrily at the elderly tycoon's faux-sincere tone and hilariously fake smile of innocence while her brother snorted explosively in utter contempt and disbelief.

"This isn't over, Mammon," she hissed coldly, pure venom dripping off every word as she stared down her hated foe. "Remember, I will never stop hunting you. One of these days, you'll slip up, and when you do, I'll be there waiting to drag you kicking and screaming into the deepest, darkest hole we can find to rot for the rest of your sad, miserable life. I swear it on my honor as a Woo Foo Master."

"And I'll be right there alongside her," the warrior beside her chimed in ominously with an ice cold glare of his own at Mammon, who let out a dismissive scoff, thoroughly unimpressed by the dire threats.

"Sticks and Stones, you little brats. Sticks and Stones," he countered smarmily, that infuriatingly smug smile still in place as both twins bristled, before his face morphed into an ugly scowl as he matched their cold, hateful glares with one of his own. "Now, I do believe your investigation is over and that we've satisfied all legal obligations your Search Warrant requires of us. So get the fuck off my property, and don't let the door hit you on the way out."

Yin and her brother glared at him for a moment longer before, with one last disdainful huff, they both teleported away in a flash of light and the old demon snorted in satisfaction.

"About damn time they left," he growled in annoyance before dismissing his lawyers and guards with a wave and motioning for Zarnot to follow him. "Walk with me Zarnot."

The robot nodded and fell in line beside his superior as they walked away from the factory workers to a more inconspicuous area of the factory.

"I apologize for any delays this might cause sir. I'll make certain the quotas are met, even if I have to work those useless slackers to the bone in order to do it," he promised the businessman, who merely waved him off absent-mindedly.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Zarnot. You're not the one who barged in here uninvited and wasted everyone's time with useless questions," Mammon assured him airily, before suddenly giving him a dark look that had the action figure metaphorically sweating. "Nevertheless, I still expect those quotas to be made on time. I don't care what you have to do to make that happen as long as it's not something that thrice-damned harlot can use against us in court, just get it done. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir," Zarnot replied nervously with a shaky salute as the old demon continued staring into his soul for a few seconds longer before finally nodding in satisfaction and turning away, much to the robot's relief.

"Good. Now that that's settled, tell me, how goes the progress on Project Birthday Surprise?" the businessman asked lightly, voice casual once more as the action figure brightened up considerably at the question, his frozen smile growing wider.

"Outstanding sir!" Zarnot answered cheerfully, his voice full of dark enthusiasm as his boss let out a sadistic little chuckle beside him. "Admittedly it was a challenge setting up the facility in secret and establishing a secure supply line, but now that we have things have been progressing smoothly and the project should be completed on schedule."

A truly savage, evil smile split Mammon's face and he gave a cruel laugh at the news.

"Excellent!" he crowed in malicious glee as he turned to give his Chief Engineer an approving nod. "You've done well, Zarnot. With any luck, once Project Birthday Surprise is completed I'll finally be rid of that accursed little harpy once and for all! And, as promised, once his sister is dead, the boy will be yours to do with as you please."

The robot let out a menacing chuckle of his own at that as his frozen smile widened cruelly and he retracted one of his hands to be replaced by a vicious hooked prong.

"Oh trust me sir," he said wickedly as the prong began to crackle and spark with electricity, casting an ominous light over both their faces. "I've had a long, long time to plan out my 'reunion' with Yang. It'll be just like old times! Except now, it'll be my turn to play with him instead."

Both villains cackled maniacally as they walked deeper into the factory's depths, thoughts of power and revenge filling their heads as they could practically taste the victory that had been denied them so long.

One thing was for sure.

Yin and Yang both had a very big Surprise waiting for them in their future.


Elsewhere, Yin and Yang reappeared in a flash of light and began walking to their next destination, the sorceress angrily stomping her way forward while muttering a vicious stream of foul curses and dark promises under her breath.

The warrior at her side eyed her in concern.

"Take it easy sis," he said finally after letting his sister vent for a bit, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I know it sucks that we weren't able to find any dirt on Mammon, but we always knew it was going to be a long shot. That old bastard hasn't lasted this long against you by being stupid, after all. And hey, we still got some contact information from a few of them! So… maybe they'll have something good for us when we can talk to them without old Mammon and his attack dogs breathing down their necks?"

The pink rabbit just stared at her brother sullenly for a long moment as the weaponsmaster coughed into his fist and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly at her flat gaze.

"You're right, that is a pipe dream," he muttered awkwardly as his sister let out an explosive sigh as all the anger and irritation seemed to bleed out of her to be replaced by a deep sadness.

"I knew it was a long shot, Yang," she finally replied in a quiet, mournful voice, her expression full of sorrow and worry.

She hugged herself while she walked, and her brother put his arm around her to give his sibling some much needed comfort as the spellcaster continued. "It just breaks my heart and infuriates me to the core of my being to see that curmudgeonly old fucker keep getting away with exploiting those poor people to make his damnable products so he can keep milking the sweet, innocent children of this City dry. It makes me so angry I can hardly think straight! I hate him, Yang! I hate him so much!"

The blue rabbit just sighed and shook his head as his sister let out another ferocious growl, her eyes lighting up in fury, before he gave her a gentle squeeze and a sympathetic look.

"It's ok sis, you'll get him one day," he said with absolute confidence in his voice as he flashed a cocky grin at his sister, who gave him a small, appreciative smile in return. "Like you said, he's going to slip up eventually, and when he does we'll be right there waiting to take him down once and for all. And if we can't, then I'm sure Katie and the rest of the P.A.T.J.M. will happily do it in our place."

Yin let out a chuckle and a fond smile at the thought of her right-hand woman in her fight against Mammon and his company.

Katie might not have had the raw power and prestige that the spellcaster enjoyed, and she might still only be a lawyer-in-training at the moment, but the lioness had still proven herself to be every bit as fierce, intelligent, and passionate as her surrogate sister in the courtroom, and an invaluable asset to the P.A.T.J.M.

She was still a loving mother defending her child from those who would seek to do Sarah harm, after all, and Katie's ever-growing knowledge of law and constant tutoring was another big reason the sorceress had grown so legally savvy herself.

There was absolutely no doubt in the pink rabbit's mind that if something were ever to happen to her, the lioness would be more than capable of leading the organization in her stead, and the thought finally made her relax as she let out a long, deep sigh and gave her brother a confident smile and nod.

"You're right, bro," Yin conceded warmly, a grateful look in her eyes. "We'll get him one day. And if we don't, then Katie will."

Yang smirked and gave his sister an approving nod before his face fell as their destination came in sight.

"Right," he groused as he dragged his hand down his face in long-suffering annoyance at the stereotypical old mountain lair before them. "Let's get this over with."

The sorceress laughed lightly at her brother's distress and flung her arm around him with a gently teasing look on her face.

"Don't worry bro," she said with a cheeky grin, amusement dancing in her eyes as her brother looked at her sullenly. "I'll protect you from the Big Bad Witch."

The warrior snorted at that and his sister's laughter only grew as they made their way to the crystal mountain.


Deep inside the lair, a small, purple demon kitten with dark, reddish-violet hair and light green eyes wearing a white and reddish-violet dress was glumly staring at a computer screen, a supremely grumpy expression on her face as she typed away at the keyboard.

"Ok, let's see if we got any hits today," she muttered to herself in a grouchy tone as she scrolled down the list of items she had for sale, her face falling at the results. "Plunger Wand no, Maid Wand no, well, no surprise there, I guess. But what about the others? Sword Wand no, Mascara Wand no, Princess Wand no... seriously!?! Those are all really high quality magical items!"

The demon kitten growled bitterly to herself, frustration written all over her face, before her expression suddenly lit up as she reached the last item on the list.

"Oh! I've got a hit for the Snow Wand! And a really good offer for it too!" she exclaimed giddily as she clapped her hands in delight. "Things are finally looking up! I better call them right awa-!"


The little girl jumped in fright at the sudden shout, her hair standing on end, before her face twisted into a demonic snarl as she recognized the voice and whirled around to face Yin and Yang, both of whom were glaring at her sternly.

"YOU!" the demon kitten shrieked like a banshee as she leapt from her chair and pointed a livid finger at the two warriors, eyes crazed and spittle flying from her mouth in rage. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE YIN!?! AND WHY DID YOU BRING MARK WITH YOU!?!"

Both rabbit's faces instantly dropped and they let out loud, long-suffering groans at the question.

"For the last time Saranoia!" the sorceress exclaimed in profound irritation as she furiously rubbed her face and glared at the steaming little girl. "This is not your brother! He's mine!"

"And my name is Yang!" said brother added hotly as he crossed his arms with a petulant look while the demon kitten scoffed.

"WHATEVER!" Saranoia snarled angrily, that crazed, demonic look still in place as she pulled out a large, purple handbag and brandished it threateningly at her two unwanted guests. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I THROW YOU BOTH IN THE NIGHT PURSE OF ETERNAL OBLIVION!"

Hellish flames and screams erupted from the purse at the demon kitten's threat, but the warrior merely gave her a thoroughly unimpressed look before sharing a glance with his sister and nodding in assent.

The pink rabbit stepped forward with narrowed eyes.

"Really Saranoia?" the weaponsmaster asked with a confident, mocking smirk at the witch, who growled at him furiously. "Are you sure you want to challenge my sister, the most powerful sorceress in the land, to a Magical Duel? Especially looking like that?"

Saranoia's expression faltered and she shot a nervous glance at the spellcaster in question, who ignited her magic at her brother's words and glared daggers at the demon kitten as the pressure in the air spiked to almost unbearable levels and her eyes blazed with unearthly power.

Flinching at Yin's foreboding expression, the witch reluctantly put away her cursed handbag and gave her and her brother a seething look instead.

"Why are you two here? You're trespassing," she hissed coldly, eyes still furious.

The sorceress huffed and extinguished her magic before conjuring another Search Warrant.

"We got a tip that something big might be going down so we're questioning all the Villains in Town to see if they know anything. And we've got Search Warrants, signed by the Justice Orb himself," she answered coolly as she held out the document for Saranoia to see, who bristled in enraged disbelief.

"What!?! But that's completely ridiculous, I haven't done anything villainous in years!" she shouted indignantly before stalking forward with angry steps, only to freeze as she found the blue rabbit's flaming sword suddenly pointed in her direction.

"Ah Ah Ah, Saranoia! Remember the rules, no closer than fifty feet!" he chided with a mocking smirk as he placed himself 'protectively' in front of his sister, who giggled in amusement behind him while the demon kitten's eyes bulged out their sockets in rage.

"THAT'S NOT HOW RESTRAINING ORDERS WORK YOU BASTARD!" she roared at the top of her lungs, her face a crimson red as she glared murderously at the smirking weapons master. "I SHOULD KNOW! I'VE BEEN UNDER ONE FOR THE LAST 14 YEARS BECAUSE OF THAT UNGRATEFUL LITTLE HARLOT BEHIND YOU!"

The pink rabbit scowled at that as she stepped forward, planted her fists on her hips, and matched the witch's hateful look with one of her own.

"Oh yes," she growled furiously, venomous sarcasm dripping from every word as she continued to stare down her old rival. "I should be so grateful to you for constantly trying to kidnap me, bind me to you using illegal, forbidden magic, and murder my brother and Master for the crime of being born with a Y chromosome so you could turn me into another bitter, sexist lunatic like yourself. How could I possibly show how sorry I am for such shameful ingratitude?"

But Saranoia just scoffed and rolled her eyes at the spellcaster's tirade before giving her a half-mocking, half-pitying look.

"Of course you'd say that after how hopelessly corrupted you've become because of those two," she countered with a disdainful sneer as Yin bristled and furiously opened her mouth to respond, only to be cut off as her brother put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

"Let it go sis," Yang said blandly as he glanced at the glowering demon kitten with half-lidded eyes. "There's no arguing with crazy, and we've got a job to do, remember?"

The sorceress regarded him for a moment before sighing and giving him a firm nod as she turned back to the witch with a stony expression.

"I'm not here to argue with you about what happened in the past, Saranoia," she told her old rival in a coolly professional tone as she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at the demonic feline suspiciously. "I only care about what you're doing now. Why are you selling your wands and other magical artifacts online? What do you need all that extra money for? And why have you turned yourself into a child again?"

Saranoia huffed at the pink rabbit's accusing inquiries as she crossed her arms and glowered right back.

"Well, if you must know," she replied in a resigned tone as she gave the Search Warrant a bitter look before letting out a forlorn sigh. "It's because of what happened to me a few days ago..."


"So let me get this straight," a duck man therapist whose name tag read 'Dr. Horatio Quentin Quack' asked with an incredulous look on his face. "You're having trouble at your job as a spokeswoman for Repulsix... because your bosses... don't think you look good enough for the camera?"

"Yes Doctor. They want me to get plastic surgery because I'm 'getting too old for the role without it' and am 'unfortunately starting to show my age on camera'. Can you believe the
nerve of that!?!" the stunningly beautiful middle-aged demon cat woman lying on the couch cried in rage and despair before letting out a little sob as she pulled out a little flip mirror and began dejectedly poking at the tiny, almost unnoticeable age lines on her face.

Dr. Quack stared blankly at his patient for a few moments before he very slowly and deliberately began running his gaze down her toned, athletic body, taking in her long, shapely legs, her well-endowed chest, gorgeous features, and nearly flawless and meticulously cared for fur and skin, before finally looking back at her with the flattest expression he could muster.

"No," he replied bluntly, his rather frank assessment getting an amused and flattered chuckle out of Saranoia as she gave him a fond look.

"Thank you Doctor. You're sweet," she said with a genuinely touched smile while the duck man simply shrugged his shoulders and cracked a grin of his own.

"I'm honest," he corrected with a smirk as his patient continued to chuckle. "If you told me you were 10-15 years younger than you actually are, I'd probably believe you, Saranoia. Most women your age would kill to have your looks. You're certainly a damn sight easier on the eyes than the old bat I'm stuck with."

The demon cat threw back her head and laughed uproariously at that, wiping a tear from her eyes while the therapist grinned in self-satisfaction and gave himself a mental pat on the back.

stop it you old charmer," she said warmly with an airy wave before sighing forlornly as she glumly looked at her reflection once again. "I just wish my bosses felt the same way. But you know what they say, 'women aren't allowed to age on camera' and I never realized just how true that saying was until now. And if I don't do something about this soon, I'll lose my job."

Dr. Quack frowned at his patient's darkening mood before wracking his brain for a solution.

"Can't you just use your magic to whip up a solution?" he suggested as the witch looked at him sourly. "I can understand not wanting to do something as drastic as plastic surgery for a job, especially for a reason like this, but surely a former sorceress like yourself should know some spells that could help?"

But Saranoia just sighed and shook her head sadly.

"If it was that easy, Doctor, then I wouldn't be worrying about it," she replied in a slightly admonishing tone as the duck man coughed awkwardly into his fist. "All the spells I know of that could help with something like this are Dark Magic that involves things like stealing youth from other people or other such unsavory acts. And even if I wasn't trying to keep on the straight and narrow, using Dark Magic to try and cheat Death has...
consequences when the Reaper finally catches up with you."

She shuddered, and the therapist looked away uncomfortably at the sudden chill that went down his spine at his words.

"And besides," the demon cat continued in a more embarrassed tone as she looked around nervously, cheeks flushed, before she beckoned Dr. Quack forward and whispered quietly in his ear,
"to tell you the truth Doctor, despite my reputation I'm actually not all that good at magic. I know the theory well enough I could teach it, but when it comes to raw magical power or talent I suck. That's why I relied so much on magical items and artifacts before I gave up being a Villain."

"Ah," the duck man said in realization as he leaned back before his brows furrowed. "Shit."

"And it's also why..." the witch began in a dark, quiet voice, her hands balling up tightly as she started to shake and tremble in rage while the therapist tensed and braced himself for what he knew was coming, "that GOOD FOR NOTHING

"Saranoia," Dr. Quack tried to cut in sternly, only to be hopelessly drowned out as his incensed patient continued to scream at the top of her lungs in rage and bitterness.




SARANOIA!" the duck man roared at the top of his lungs, patience finally spent as the raging demonic feline jumped in fright and blushed furiously as she realized what she'd done.

"Oops. Sorry Doc, I did it again didn't I?" Saranoia said with a sheepish laugh and smile as she awkwardly rubbed the back of her head at the therapist's flat stare.

"Indeed," he replied blandly before letting out a put-upon sigh and giving the demon cat a concerned look. "Honestly, Saranoia, I know magic and your family are a sore spot for you, but you have
got to get these outbursts of yours under control. You were doing much better than when you first started here and I'd hate to see you backslide after all the progress you've made."

The witch nodded contritely again as Dr. Quack let out another sigh before cracking a small grin.

"At least you're still keeping the sexism to a minimum," he joked wryly, and the two shared a laugh at the memory of their disastrous first session before the duck man sobered up once more.

"But to get things back on track," he said with a sympathetic look as his patient's shoulders slumped slightly, "have you considered maybe getting another job? With the way your bosses have been treating you it doesn't sound like this one has the healthiest work environment. Especially for someone who's still trying to work through some issues like you are."

Saranoia grimaced at the question as she crossed her arms thoughtfully.

"I have thought about it," she admitted reluctantly before sighing in frustration and sadness. "But who else is going to hire an aging ex-villainess with a history of mental illness?"

The therapist frowned at the demon cat's tone and all the self-directed bitterness and hatred in it before an idea suddenly struck him and he gave her an encouraging smile.

"Well, how about becoming a teacher?" he suggested airly, chuckling in amusement as the witch gave him a flabbergasted look.

"...I beg your pardon?" she asked dully after a long silence, still too shocked to say much else as Dr. Quack continued to chuckle.

"Well, you said it yourself Saranoia, you know magical theory well enough to teach it," he reminded her with a smile as her eyes widened in realization. "So why not make a career out of it? At least then you'll actually be able to get something out of all those lessons your father forced you to go through and your childhood won't have been completely wasted."

Saranoia bit her lip and looked away, unsure.

"But... after all the trouble I went through learning magic, would I really be able to
teach it to others?" she asked, seemingly more to herself than to the duck man, her voice full of doubt.

"You'll never know until you try," he answered anyway with a soft smile as his patient looked back at him. "And besides, you've always wanted to make sure that no little girl ever goes through what you did, right?"

At the witch's hesitant nod, the therapist's smile widened.

"Well," he continued with a self-satisfied smirk, "maybe this could be a way for you to accomplish that
without having to resort to crazy and creepy supervillain plans."

Saranoia's eyes widened at that and she bowed her head and pursed her lips, deep in thought as she seemed to be seriously considering it, before her face fell as she once again remembered one huge problem for such a plan.

"But Doctor," she said with a voice full of despair as she looked at him sadly, "even if I did decide to try something like that, what school would ever hire someone like me?"

But Dr. Quack's self-satisfied smile only widened at the question as he reached into his desk and pulled out a folder.

"Come now Saranoia," he chided jovially as he handed her the folder, "we've been seeing each other for a long time now. You should know by now that I'd never suggest something if I didn't think there was a chance it would work."

Grumbling at the duck man's good-natured teasing, the demon cat opened the folder and flipped through the pages within, her eyes widening and her jaw going slack as she read what was on them.

"...Is this real?" she finally asked in stunned disbelief as she looked at her grinning therapist.

"Real, reputable, and totally legitimate," he confirmed with a smug smirk. "I only get the best for my patients after all."

The witch stared at the pages for a while longer before taking a deep breath and giving her doctor a genuine, grateful smile.

"Thank you Doctor," she said, voice warm as she tucked the folder under her arm and held out a hand. "I'll definitely keep this in mind."

"My pleasure Saranoia," Dr. Quack replied with a smile of his own as he shook her hand before his grin turned wry. "Always nice to show you that not all men are selfish, misogynistic jerks."

Saranoia laughed lightly at the good-natured jab before checking her watch.

"Well, looks like our time today is up," she noted idly before standing up and giving the duck man a grateful bow. "Thank you again, Dr. Quick. I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done for me. I'll see you again next Thursday."

"Oh great, it's finally over? I'm not interrupting your therapy session anymore?"

"No, I'm just about... done?" the demon cat answered absent-mindedly while she gathered her things before she suddenly froze in realization and her face paled at the familiar voice as she whirled around to see a demonic looking gnome in a dark purple suit with a matching pointy hat smiling maliciously at her.

"Great! That means I won't be inconveniencing someone else while I have my revenge!" the gnome cackled in glee, his hands lighting up with crackling red energy as the witch screamed in fright and her therapist shot to his feet in outrage.

"OH NO NOT YOU AGAIN! I'M SORRY I WAS SUCH A BAD BOSS TO YOU ALRIGHT!?! I'M SORRY! PLEASE, NO MORE!" she begged pitifully as she hid behind Dr. Quack, tears streaming down her face.

"Yeah? Well you, uh, you should have thought about that before you denied me that raise and, uh, kept turning me into all those embarrassing forms!" the demon gnome shot back spitefully, looking down at his trembling former boss pitilessly. "So now, uh, for being such a cruddy boss, I, uh, shall have my, uh, REVENGE! AGAIN! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

Saranoia's sobbing only grew louder at the gnome's cruel laughter as the duck man scowled furiously and fearlessly stepped forward to confront the powerful being.

"NOW SEE HERE YOU PINT-SIZED, INDECISIVE LITTLE WRETCH-...!" he began to bellow in rage, only to get zapped by a bolt of crimson lightning that sent him flying back to crash into the ground in a groaning heap for his troubles.

"Sorry there doc," the demonic gnome quipped as he nonchalantly blew on his finger and the demon cat cried out in fear and concern. "But, uh, I've decided I'm going to, uh, be really evil today since the coin, uh, landed on heads. So… SILENCE FLUNKY! HAHAHA! Man I, uh, never get tired of that!"

The gnome turned back to the witch, who whimpered in fear as his cruel grin widened.

"So, Saranoia, you're uh, having trouble with your job because you're getting old and uh, wish your childhood hadn't been wasted huh?" he began conversationally before a malicious smile split his face. "Well, uh, I think I know the perfect solution to your little problem there. So, uh, TAKE THIS!"

Saranoia screamed as the demonic gnome's red magic engulfed her and she felt her body warp and change while he cackled in delight before giving a satisfactory nod at his handiwork when it was over.

"There. That, uh, should be enough revenge for now," the gnome said before he floated up and gave a cheery wave to the quivering demon cat and fuming therapist. "Well, uh, I've got a bunch more evil pranks to get to today, so uh, bye!"

And with that awkward farewell the demonic gnome vanished in a flash of light as Dr. Quack rushed over to his trembling patient.

"Saranoia! Are you... alright?" he asked frantically before he trailed off as he saw what had become of the witch. "Uh..."

"DOCTOR WHAT IS IT!?! WHAT DID HE DO!?! HOW DO I LOOK!?!?" Saranoia wailed in a blind panic while the duck man continued to stare at her, stunned.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to the demon cat, her therapist finally managed to regain his wits as he coughed awkwardly into his fist and gave her a nervous smile.

"W-Well, on the bright side Saranoia," Dr. Quack said shakily with forced cheerfulness as he rifled through her discarded bag, "at least you won't have to worry about those age lines anymore."

He finally managed to pull out her portable mirror and handed it to her with a trembling hand as she snatched it out of his grip to gaze upon her reflection.

And screamed.


"So yeah. Because of that damn gnome I'm stuck like this now, lost my job, and have basically been reduced to selling all these magical items I no longer need because I'm not a villain anymore to make ends meet until I can find a new one." Saranoia finished with a bitter, petulant look at the twin rabbits as she crossed her arms testily. "Happy now, princess?"

Yin and Yang both shared a dark look at the revelation of just who had been behind the demon kitten's transformation.

Ever since he had gained immense, reality-bending magical powers that made him "all-powerful" after accidently absorbing the energies of a powerful dark artifact, Fred the Gnome had gone from merely being Saranoia's much put-upon lackey to one of the most dangerous foes they'd ever faced.

Some of the time anyway.

Back when he had first gotten his powers, it had been practically impossible for the two warriors to face him head on, and only the gnome's extreme indecisiveness and constant flip-flopping between whether to be good or evil had allowed them to outwit him and foil whatever half-baked scheme he'd come up with, though he'd nonetheless remained a constant and very dangerous thorn in their side thanks to his sheer power.

Of course, that had been back when they'd still been a couple of snot-nosed little brats in-training, and needless to say Fred was quite a bit less "all-powerful" these days.

Something the two Masters had proven rather decisively in their last battle with the demonic gnome as the sorceress had used her peerless mastery of the mystic arts to flawlessly counter every twisted change he'd tried to enact on the environment while also simultaneously shielding the townsfolk from his wrath, thereby freeing up her brother to engage Fred directly and display quite clearly why relying on raw power alone in combat was a bad idea.

The gnome had kept his head down ever since then, limiting his acts of evil to petty crimes and malicious pranks while also always making himself scarce before the twin guardians could show up.

Nevertheless, the pink and blue rabbits always kept a sharp eye out for him and always got their guard up whenever they got confirmation of his handiwork because despite his defeat the demonic gnome was still one of the very few villains still around powerful enough to actually threaten them.

"Do you have any idea where Fred is or what he's doing now?" the warrior asked briskly, eager for the chance to finally catch the elusive pest and put him away once and for all.


"For the last time Saranoia, MY NAME IS YANG!" the warrior shouted heatedly as he glared at Saranoia, who glared right back. "By the Ancestors, I thought we'd gotten over this already! You're backsliding, you crazy old bat."


Yang's face paled as the witch burst into tears at that last statement and awkwardly rubbed the back of his head as he wracked his brain for a way out of this predicament while his sister gazed at the sobbing demonic feline with a surprisingly cold and impassive expression on her face.

"Well, I mean, maybe you could still try out that teaching gig Doc Quack set up for you...?" the warrior tried hesitantly as Saranoia looked up at him in surprise at his clumsy, yet well-meaning attempt to comfort her, only for his sister to clear her throat loudly.

"It's time for us to go, Yang," the sorceress cut in coolly as her brother looked at her in surprise while the demon kitten glowered at her with red, puffy eyes.

"Yin?" the blue rabbit questioned cautiously, still rather befuddled as his sister huffed and gave him a flat stare.

"Saranoia's personal issues are not our concern, Yang. We are here to ascertain whether or not she is implicit in any other crimes. No more, no less." the pink rabbit declared in that same ice cold voice as Yang's eyes widened before he scowled as the witch's face hardened into an expressionless mask.

"Yin, what the hell?" he demanded harshly with an unamused glare, only for his sister to pointedly ignore him as Saranoia cut in before he could say anything else.

"And I've told you all I can," she said crossly, her own voice becoming chilly and businesslike as she crossed her arms and locked gazes with the rival spellcaster, neither moving a muscle. "So what now, Yin? You gonna arrest me?"

Yin's eyes narrowed briefly before she let out a disdainful huff.

"Unfortunately, no," she grumbled with a disapproving stink eye at the demon kitten, who merely snorted in response. "Selling powerful magical artifacts online is incredibly irresponsible... but not illegal. So you're in the clear... for now."

"But mark my words, Saranoia," the sorceress continued ominously as she pointed a stern finger at the witch, her eyes lighting up with a foreboding blue glow. "If any of those artifacts wind up in the hands of Villains or someone gets hurt because of them, you and I will be having words. Am I clear?"

"Crystal," Saranoia spat with one last hateful glare before turning away in clear dismissal. "Now, I've got a sale to attend to and job searching to do, so unless you're going to undo this curse, kindly take your brother and get off my property."

The pink rabbit huffed in contempt before turning around to do just that, only for a firm hand to clamp around her shoulder as she looked to see her brother still staring at her disapprovingly.

"Sis," the warrior said with a stern expression as he nodded meaningfully at the demon kitten. "Don't you think we should do something about that curse? We are Woo Foo Warriors after all. Duty Bound to help those in need in any way we can, right?"

Yin narrowed her eyes at her brother's unsubtle accusation before glancing back at the witch for a moment and letting out an explosive sigh as she finally managed to dredge up some small measure of pity for her old enemy.

"Yes, I suppose we are," she conceded begrudgingly before turning to the ex-villainess and giving her a short bow. "I… apologize for my behavior, Saranoia. It was unbecoming of a Woo Foo Master."

Saranoia blinked in surprise at the sorceress's admission as the pink rabbit walked over to the demon kitten and held a glowing hand over her.

"Hold still," the spellcaster commanded as she closed her eyes in deep concentration, the demonic feline growling at the instruction but nonetheless obeying.

After a few moments of searching, Yin frowned at what her detection spell had found and pulled back.

She opened her eyes and shook her head at her waiting brother.

"There's nothing I can do for her," she told him briskly as the blue rabbit's eyebrow arched upwards and the witch's shoulders slumped. "She's actually been physically reverted to the age she looks and being young again technically isn't a curse, which is probably why Fred chose to do this in the first place. And all the methods I know of to age her back to normal are Dark Magic, which I refuse to use for obvious reasons. I'm sorry Yang, but she's stuck like this."

Yang eyed her searchingly for a moment before sighing and giving Saranoia an apologetic look.

"She's telling the truth," he revealed to her glumly as his sister shot him an offended look at the implication that she might have been lying. "Sorry, I tried."

"Just... get out and leave me be. Both of you," the demon kitten replied in bitter disappointment as she turned away from them once more.

The warrior's shoulders slumped and his sister huffed.

"Come on bro, we're finished here," the sorceress said coldly as she marched out of the mountain lair with her scowling brother in tow, eyes fixed firmly ahead.

The witch watched them go with a bitter look before she began furiously rifling through her desk until she found what she was looking for.

I'll show you, you bitch, Saranoia thought angrily to herself before she gave the folder in her hands a determined look. Just you wait


"Ok, what the hell was that, Yin?" Yang demanded hotly with a disapproving glare at his sister as soon as they were back outside.

Yin huffed and glared right back as she crossed her arms over her chest defiantly.

"Don't start, Yang," she growled warningly as she gave her brother a cold look. "While I admit that I probably could have conducted myself better back there, the fact remains that Saranoia's personal problems are not our concern. Besides, don't tell me you actually fell for those crocodile tears?"

"They looked pretty real to me, sis," the warrior shot back angrily, still giving her that infuriating look of disapproval. "She's going through a really tough time right now, you could cut her a little slack."

"No, Yang. I really, really can't," the sorceress snapped.

The blue rabbit 's scowl deepened at her stubborn refusal to budge.

"What in Foo's name has gotten into you, sis?" he asked as he shook his head in disbelief, unable to comprehend what he was hearing come out of his normally compassionate sibling's mouth. "You're usually all for redemption and rehabilitation, especially after what happened the last time we treated one of our villains like this."

The pink rabbit grimaced at the memory before shaking her head and giving her brother another defiant glare.

"I am," she replied testily before narrowing her eyes at him. "When the person in question truly shows an earnest desire to change. But I think that after that little display back there, it's more than safe to say that Saranoia is the same sexist, cold-hearted, batshit insane witch she's been for the last 14 years. Not only is she selling powerful and dangerous magical artifacts completely out in the open where anyone could get their hands on them, but she's still calling you Mark and saying that I've been corrupted by you for Ancestor's sake! She hasn't changed one bit!"

But Yang's scowl only deepened as he crossed his arms and continued to glare at her, completely unmoved by his sister's arguments.

"You know that's not fair, Yin," he countered heatedly as Yin just scoffed in disbelief that they were still having this argument. "You heard her, the only reason she's still having so much trouble making any progress is because she keeps getting tortured by an evil, reality-warping demonic gnome! If Fred would just leave her alone she'd probably be fine by now!"

Yin snorted skeptically as her brother's eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"That's still no excuse for her behavior," she insisted coldly as the warrior threw up his hands at her bullheadedness. "Just because she's had a hard life and a history of mental illness doesn't mean I'm obligated to forgive her or go out of my way to help her with her problems. And it certainly doesn't mean I should trust her around the Town's children! I already have more than enough first-hand experience with her to know how bad an idea that is."

"So I suppose that means if she really had been cursed by that damn gnome you would have just left her out to dry, is that it?" the blue rabbit asked in a low, accusing tone as his sister bristled furiously at the insinuation.

"Watch it, buddy," the sorceress growled warningly, jabbing a finger at her brother for good measure as her eyes lit up with a foreboding glow. "Of course I would have done something if she had truly been suffering under an actual curse. I'm not heartless. But for something like this? She's on her own."

Far from being intimidated, Yang instead merely let out an explosive sigh before giving his sister a stern look.

"What is this about, Yin?" he demanded, his tone making it absolutely clear to his sister he wasn't going to let this go until he had answers. "It can't be because of all the times she tried to off us because all the rest of our villains tried to do that too, and you've always encouraged them whenever they've tried to go straight, even if it doesn't work out. Hell, Carl tried to do us in more times than the rest of them combined, and not only were you able to forgive him, you're the godmother to his son for Foo's sake! So what is it about Saranoia that's got your panties in a twist? And don't try to stonewall me on this either. We had an agreement not to hide things from each other and bottle them up anymore, remember? Now spill."

The pink rabbit continued glaring at him defiantly for a few more seconds before finally sighing in resignation as a deeply troubled expression crossed her face.

"...She tried to take me away from you and Dad, Yang," she admitted in a quiet, fearful voice as she hugged herself and her brother's eyes widened. "She tried to take me away from you two so she could push her issues onto me and infect me with her hatred so I'd become just like her. A bitter, crazed, sexist maniac forever wallowing in her own hatred and self-pity that hates all men for the actions of just a few."

Yin looked up, and the warrior blanched at her wide, terrified, tear-filled eyes.

This was definitely not the reaction he was expecting.

"Don't you understand, bro?" she continued as she gently took her still frozen brother's hands in her own, a pleading expression on her face. "She tried to make me hate you. You and Dad. My family. The only family I've ever had. And if Saranoia had had her way, I'd have happily helped her murder the two of you for the crime of being born with a Y chromosome and for 'abusing' me. All because she couldn't learn to deal with her issues without forcing them onto other people."

The sorceress shuddered in fear at the thought before her face firmed and she gave her brother a piercing look.

"And I will never forgive her for that," she declared with utter finality as she shot one last hateful look at the castle behind her. "Never."

The blue rabbit coughed and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly at that dramatic declaration as he desperately searched for a way to voice his thoughts in a manner that wouldn't get him banished to Lina's couch for the foreseeable future.

"Don't you think... you're being just a little harsh sis?" he ventured forth hesitantly, flinching at the dangerous way his sister's eyes narrowed before hastening to explain. "I mean, I get what you're saying, but Saranoia never really succeeded in turning you over to her side. Or even came close, for that matter, because of how damn insane and creepy she came off. And like I said, she has been making an honest attempt to do better and actually get the help she needs, so shouldn't that be worth some consideration?"

"I'm giving her plenty of consideration, Yang," the pink rabbit replied testily with crossed arms. "So long as she stays on the straight and narrow and doesn't bother us, I'm more than happy to leave her in peace. But aside from making sure she stays out of trouble I still want nothing to do with her. Because everytime I see her I'm reminded of what could have happened if she'd been more competent and actually managed to take me away and turn me to her side. Maybe that's not the way a Woo Foo Warrior should be handling this, but it's still how I feel. I'm sorry."

Yang's shoulders slumped and he gave a disappointed nod at that, a forlorn expression on his face, and his sister frowned before sighing and adopting a much gentler expression as she put a hand on his shoulder.

"Look Yang," Yin began kindly with a small, reassuring smile, "I appreciate how much you're trying to look out for me and I'm very proud of how you always try to look on the bright side of things. But I promise you, this isn't like what happened with Smoke and Mirrors and my, ah, secret desire. I hardly ever give Saranoia any thought most of the time, and I certainly don't obsess over her to the point it turns me into a ticking time bomb. Everything's going to be ok with me, so let's just put that washed up old witch out of our minds and move on to the next person on the list, alright?"

The warrior eyed her for a moment before sighing in defeat and giving a reluctant affirmation.

There was really no point in dragging this out, after all.

Kind and empathetic the sorceress may be, but his sister could still hold one hell of a grudge if you made her mad enough, and the demon cat had apparently pushed her buttons something fierce a long time ago.

The blue rabbit supposed he shouldn't be surprised though.

If there was one thing that would get his sister angry even faster than harming children, it was trying to hurt her friends and family.

The pink rabbit smiled at her brother's nod and gave him an affectionate hug and a whispered reassurance that she would be alright before they both vanished in a flash to their next destination.



"I-I'm truly sorry Madam! I've just never really been interested in such... 'intellectual' pursuits. I much prefer regular books."


"...Because it sells well?"


Yin and Yang both stood off to the side, expressions deadpan as they watched the familiar, yet odd scene in front of them with half-lidded eyes.

An elderly hippo lady was currently in the process of furiously berating the store's proprietor for not being able to help her find a suitable gift for her young grandson.

Nothing too unusual there, it was unfortunately just par for the course for any retail worker.

What was unusual was the proprietor himself.

That is to say, he was a large, cracked, reddish-purple floating skull with crimson eyes and an aura of green flames, accompanied by two purple mittens which were currently making desperate calming motions at the furious hippo.

This was Mastermind.

Once a powerful and feared evil wizard who ruled a mighty empire spanning twelve continents on a planet that had only seven, he had somehow lost his body a few thousand years ago and been reduced to a nearly powerless joke ever since.

While still highly intelligent and determined to regain his former glory by acquiring a new body, his almost total lack of power in his current form combined with his pompous, petulant, and condescending personality afforded him absolutely no respect from the City's Villains, rendering him little more than a whiny nuisance to the twin rabbits outside of one occasion when he had almost managed to steal Yang's body by tricking him with a magic coupon.

So whenever the disembodied wizard wasn't launching yet another desperate scheme to get his hands on a new body or relive his glory days to prove that he still had it, he could be found here, managing his comic book store despite not knowing anything about geek culture and adamantly refusing to learn on the grounds that such pursuits were beneath a Genius such as himself.

A decision that had bit the old mage in his non-existent butt many times before, and was currently doing so again as the furious hippo lady continued to viciously chew him out on his poor service while the two Woo Foo Masters looked on.

"Shouldn't you do something, bro? This is your area of 'expertise' after all," the sorceress asked her brother as she looked around distastefully at all the dorky comic books and merchandise surrounding her.

He snorted and gave her an annoyed look at her dismissive tone.

As much as she disliked Mastermind and agreed with his irate customer about how stupid it was of him to refuse to learn about the products he was selling, she also couldn't blame him for preferring real books over this silly, brain-rotting trash.

"Nope," the warrior answered irritably as he turned back to regard the massacre taking place before him with pitiless eyes, not wanting to revisit the very old argument between them. "I still haven't forgotten the time old Skullface over there tried to use my body as a meat puppet to kill you and Dad. I can hold grudges too. And unlike Carl, Saranoia, or some of our other Villains, Mastermind really hasn't changed one bit. If he ever actually managed to get his Mitts on a new body he'd go right back to trying to rebuild his old Empire and reclaim his place as 'the greatest Evil Genius the world's ever seen'. So fuck him."

The pink rabbit thought that over for a moment, trying to decide whether or not that was hypocritical of her brother, before finally grunting in agreement.

"Fair enough," she conceded with an amicable nod as she continued watching the elderly hippo verbally castrate the poor disembodied wizard.

"THAT DOES IT! I AM NEVER SHOPPING HERE AGAIN YOU OLD BAG OF BONES!" she roared furiously before storming out the exit as the old mage desperately called after her.


But his cries fell on deaf ears as the hippo simply ignored him and marched right out the door without so much as a backward glance, and Mastermind sighed dejectedly as his flames dimmed.

"I should have gone with electronics," he whined morosely to himself before one of his floating mittens began snapping urgently to get his attention while the other pointed behind him frantically. "What's that Mittens? Another customer? I'm so sorry you had to see that. How may I help you tod-...?"

The disembodied wizard cut himself off and froze stiff as he finally turned around to see who his Mittens were pointing at, and he let out a roar of rage as his flames burst into a roiling inferno while the two warriors both simply raised an eyebrow.

"YOU!" he shouted furiously as both siblings sighed and rolled their eyes at the now rather tired greeting while the old mage glared at them murderously. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING IN MY STORE!?! GET OUT AT ONCE!"

Shaking her head in exasperation, Yin schooled her face into a stern expression as she stepped forward to confront the fuming skull.

"Nice to see you too, Mastermind," she greeted sarcastically, her tone coolly polite as she narrowed her gaze at Mastermind, a warning look in her eyes. "As much as I would like to leave the affront to literature and storytelling that is your store, I'm afraid I can't until our business here is complete. You see, my brother and I are conducting an investigation-..."

"I DON'T CARE WHAT BUSINESS YOU HAVE HERE YOU MEDIOCRE EXCUSE FOR A SPELLCASTER!" the disembodied wizard cut her off sharply, his hellish, crimson eyes glaring daggers at the sorceress as she bristled in fury at both the interruption and the insult to her magical prowess, before the old mage pointed a damning finger at her brother. "GET THAT EMPTY-HEADED HOOLIGAN OUT OF MY STORE THIS INSTANT BEFORE HE DESTROYS EVERYTHING I OWN!"

The pink rabbit blinked before sighing in irritation and giving the old mage a reproachful look while her brother bristled defensively.

"By the Ancestors, are you still going on about that you washed up old tyrant?" she snapped with an offended glare on her brother's behalf. "It's been over ten years since Yang and Carl accidentally wrecked your store fighting over that dorky replica hammer and he hasn't set foot inside here since! Let it go already!"

"NEVER! I LOST THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF MERCHANDISE THAT DAY AND NEITHER OF THOSE TWO RUFFIANS EVER PAID ME BACK ONE RED CENT FOR IT!" Mastermind shot back with an accusing glare at the blue rabbit, who merely stared back flatly as his sister groaned and slapped a hand to her forehead. "NO ONE MAKES A FOOL OF MASTERMIND AND GETS AWAY WITH IT! NO ONE!"

Yin growled and stepped protectively in front of her brother to give the villain an affronted glare, fists planted firmly on her hips.

"Funny," she shot back coolly as Yang cracked a smile behind her. "From where I stand, people have been making a fool of you for years now, when you're not doing that yourself that is, and yet, they're all still here. You must be slipping in your old age, Mastermind."

"Yep!" the warrior agreed cheerfully with a wide grin as the aging genius bristled in outrage. "And as for your 'repayment', I'll knock it off what you owe me for that time you tried to steal my body and kill my sister and Master. How much do you think my agency and your and Master Yo's lives are worth, sis?"

The sorceress smirked darkly.

"'Far more than this old buffoon could ever make with this tacky comic book store," she replied haughtily with a nasty grin at said store's fuming proprietor. "I daresay you won't ever have to worry about owing him anything, dear brother of mine."

The pink rabbit shared a chuckle with her brother for a few moments before her face grew stern once more.

"But to get things back on track," Yin continued as she crossed her arms and gave the skull a strict, uncompromising look, "I'm afraid we cannot honor your 'request' until we've finished our investigation here. My brother and I received a tip that trouble might be coming, so we're checking up on the Town's Villains to make sure they're not up to any mischief, and you're next on our list."

"And I told you, girl, that I do not care about whatever business you have here," Mastermind hissed venomously in response as the sorceress's eyes narrowed and her brother straightened up beside her at the disembodied wizard's continued defiance. "You might not have caused me as much vexation as that thrice-damned brother of yours, but I still have no love lost for you either, so neither of you are welcome here."

"Be that as it may," the pink rabbit replied icily as she snapped her fingers and held up the Search Warrant for the old mage to see, "I'm afraid your consent in this matter is irrelevant, Mastermind. We have a Search Warrant, signed by the Justice Orb himsel-..."

Yin was suddenly cut off when the skull's Mittens abruptly snatched the paper out of her hands and viciously tore it to pieces while their Master gave the stunned siblings a smug look.

"I see no Search Warrant," the disembodied wizard said smarmily before his face darkened into a hateful scowl. "Now this is the last time I'm going to tell you two meddlesome pests. Get out. Now. Or I will 'escort' you from the premises myself."

The sorceress stared at the shredded remains of her Search Warrant for a long moment before she slowly looked up, her face an expressionless mask of stone as her scowling brother moved to stand beside her.

"You are playing with fire, old man," she warned ominously as her eyes lit up with a foreboding glow.

The magical pressure in the air spiked dangerously at her words.

"What she said," the blue rabbit at her side growled with a glare of his own as he summoned his flaming bamboo sword for emphasis, before letting out a dismissive scoff. "And 'escort us from the premises'? Really? As if we're afraid of some crippled old has-been that dances like a sick moose."

The old mage's eyes bulged out of their sockets.

"I DO NOT DANCE LIKE A SICK MOOSE!" he screamed in frustration and rage at the familiar, hated insult as his flames exploded out from him. "THAT'S IT! PREPARE TO FACE THE WRATH OF MASTERMIND!"

Pulling a remote out of nowhere at that dramatic declaration, Mastermind pressed the big red button in the center with vindictive glee, and klaxon alarms began blaring and red lights started flashing.

Something big started ominously rising from a previously hidden opening in the center of the room, smoke obscuring all but its imposing silhouette.

"BEHOLD, YOU WOO FOOLS!" the disembodied wizard cackled with malicious delight as the smoke cleared and the two siblings tensed at what lay behind it. "MY NEW BODY!"

It was an enormous, deadly looking metallic-gray robot in the shape of a huge, heavyset warrior with a large, open cockpit in its huge gut, which the old mage gleefully flew into, laughing his head off as the cockpit closed and the robot powered up.

"I see," the pink rabbit said coldly, a hard, unimpressed look on her face as she got into a back-to-back fighting stance with her similarly stone-faced brother, their blazing blue eyes glaring into the robot's fiery crimson ones. "You finally managed to get your filthy mitts on a decent body, one that I'm assuming is also coated in anti-magic shield polish. I'll take this as confirmation you were planning something nefarious then."


"Keep dreaming, buddy," Yang retorted with a growl as he leveled his flaming sword at the formerly disembodied wizard. "You made a big mistake revealing your little toy to us like that. Now we'll smash that shiny new body of yours to pieces and send your bony butt off to jail where it belongs. Isn't that right sis?"

"Indeed," the sorceress replied with absolute confidence in her voice as she activated her Paws of Pain and smashed her enormous fists together for emphasis, a cocky smirk on her face as a thunderous crash rang out from the impact.

But the old mage simply let out a dismissive scoff and an evil chuckle at the display as he leered down at his opponents.


"I'm hearing a lot of talking, but I'm not seeing a lot of doing. As expected of a pompous, senile old windbag like you," the warrior quipped back in a bored voice, before a savage smile crossed his face. "Enough babbling! If you're so sure of your new toy and your oh-so-brilliant plans then just shut up and attack us already!"

"AS YOU WISH YOU COCKY LITTLE BRAT!" the wizard roared in fury as one of the robot's hands retracted to be replaced by a large cannon, and both warriors smirked at seeing him take the bait.

They glanced at each other, a plan of attack being discussed and agreed upon in a single instant. "I'VE WAITED A LONG TIME FOR THIS! NOW PERISH!"

He leveled the cannon at them, and the two siblings tensed.

The pink rabbit ignited her magic and prepared to cast any one of a multitude of spells to counter and befuddle the old mage while her blue counterpart watched them like a hawk, ready to take advantage of whatever distraction his sister had planned to get in close and wreak havoc...

Only for them both to freeze in shock as the only thing to come out of the formidable-looking cannon was a large stream of soapy water.

So great was their surprise that they both completely forgot to get out of the way in time and as a result were both completely drenched from head to toe, left coughing and sputtering as the old mage looked at his sopping-wet opponents in wide-eyed shock.

"W-WHAT!?!" he shouted in disbelief as both siblings both glared daggers at him. "IMPOSSIBLE! THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A LASER! A DEADLY, DEADLY LASER!"

"Yeah, well, it wasn't," Yang growled in profound annoyance as he and his sister both dried themselves off with a sharp gesture and a flash of light, their clothes and fur now sparkling clean, before glaring at the flabbergasted skull in disbelief. "I was only trying to rile you up when I made that senile comment Skullface, but apparently I was right on the money."

"I AM NOT SENILE!" Mastermind raged with a murderous glare before he raised the robot's other arm. "I'LL SHOW YOU, YOU MENTALLY CHALLENGED BUFFOON! PLASMA BUZZSAW ACTIVATE!"

The robot's other hand retracted, only instead of a whirling instrument of metal, plasma, and death, what came out instead was an automatic circular mop like one would find at a carwash, uselessly spinning in place as the wizard stared in stunned dismay and the twin Masters just slowly shook their heads.

"Unbelievable," the warrior deadpanned, eyes half-lidded and face flat-as-a-board as his sister furiously massaged her temples at the old mage's incoherent sputtering. "Absolutely unbelievable. And this is the same guy that once ruled the largest empire the world's ever seen?"

"Apparently so," the sorceress groused as she dragged a hand down her face tiredly, only to freeze as a familiar scent entered her nostrils and she sniffed her recently cleaned fur suspiciously, groaning in realization after she did.

"Really, Mastermind?" she asked the skull incredulously, hands on her hips. "You got that robot from Fastidious of all people?"

The blue rabbit blinked as Mastermind rambled defensively before his eyes widened in realization and he slapped a hand to face.

"Yeah, that makes sense," he muttered to himself in awe at the wizard's stupidity, before a thought struck and he looked at his sister suspiciously.

"Yin..." Yang said slowly with narrowed eyes as his sister froze at his accusatory tone, "how do you know what Fastidious's shampoo smells like?"

The pink rabbit gulped and gave her brother a sheepish smile as she innocently fiddled with her fingers and he groaned as the answer hit him.

"Really sis? Really?" the warrior demanded indignantly as he crossed his arms and glared at his guilty-looking sibling. "You actually buy that obsessive-compulsive maniac's beauty care products?"

"...They work really well. And his cleaning products do too," Yin defended weakly as her brother threw up his hands in exasperated disbelief.

"And you have the stones to get on me for being irresponsible," the blue rabbit muttered petulantly as his sister flinched in shame at her hypocrisy, before he suddenly froze as an idea struck him at what he'd just said and a dark smile began creeping across his face, much to his sister's terror.

"You just wait until Melodia hears about this," Yang declared smugly, a supremely self-satisfied smile on his face as he watched the sorceress's eyes bulge out in panic as she frantically waved her arms.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, please Yang," she begged pitifully as she clasped her hands in supplication and gave her brother a pleading look. "She'll rip my hide off if she finds out!"

The warrior hummed and looked at the ceiling in apparent thought, his grin widening by the second.

"I don't know, Yin," he replied teasingly, thoroughly enjoying his sister's rising panic as he continued to string her along, "this really doesn't seem like something I should keep from a dear friend like Melodia. Especially when it concerns the safety of her entire kingdom."

The pink rabbit glared sullenly at her brother's none-too-subtle jabbing as he continued to smile serenely at her, before finally letting out a bitter sigh of defeat.

"What do you want, damn you?" she growled angrily as the blue rabbit's smile widened and he chuckled good-naturedly.

"I thought you'd never ask," he replied in a charming, friendly tone as his sister crossed her arms and huffed in irritation before stating his demands. "Here's my offer: I'll promise to keep quiet about this to Melodia... if you finally admit comic books are a valid and respectable form of entertainment instead of dorky trash. Deal?"

Yin's face twisted into a painful looking scowl, as if she was sucking on a particularly sour lemon, before she finally sighed and reluctantly shook her brother's outstretched hand after a few moments of consideration.

"Deal," she agreed in a begrudgingly impressed tone at her brother's quick and decisive haggling before sighing again at his expectant look and continuing in a dull, monotone voice. "'Comic books, are not dorky, brain-rotting trash. They are a perfectly valid and respectable form of literature and storytelling, and I'm sorry I didn't realize that earlier.' There, you happy?"

Yang smirked and nodded in supreme satisfaction.

"I am," he said smugly as his sister let out a petulant snort, only for them both to jump at a furious, unexpected shout.

"I WILL SKIN YOU BOTH ALIVE AND USE YOUR HIDES TO MAKE BUNNY SLIPPERS!" the old mage raged at the top of his metaphorical lungs, furious at being ignored.

But both Masters just scoffed and rolled their eyes.

"With what, your 'Spinning Mop of Doom'?" the warrior asked mockingly as he refocused on the aging genius and eyed said cleaning instrument in contempt. "Seriously dude, Fastidious?"


"It makes perfect sense you dumbass!" the blue rabbit shouted back angrily, thoroughly fed up with the wizard's bumbling. "Fastidious's entire existence revolves around cleaning. The only battles he ever wages are against dirt and germs! For Ancestors' sake, did you even read the instruction manual for that thing or take it out for a test drive before we showed up!?!"

"...NO." the old mage admitted sheepishly as two loud smacks echoed through the store at his answer.

"'Greatest Evil Genius the World's Ever Seen' my ass," the sorceress muttered disdainfully, her hand still firmly embedded in her face as the skull bristled at the insult.

"DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'VE WON YET YOU SMUG LITTLE BRATS!" he roared in desperate fury as he retracted the weapons and smashed the robot's massive fists together threateningly, both Masters looking on completely unfazed at the loud metallic boom. "IF I CAN'T BLAST YOU TO BITS OR SLICE YOU TO PIECES, THEN I WILL SIMPLY SMASH YOU INTO PASTE! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Yang stared at the cackling skull with a bored expression for a moment before sighing in resignation and stepping forward as the robot reared back its enormous fist.

"NOW DIE!" Mastermind shouted in crazed glee as he threw a titanic punch at the blue rabbit, the robot's huge fist moving shockingly fast for something so large...

Only for the massive hunk of metal to be stopped dead in its tracks as the warrior nonchalantly caught it, not budging so much as an inch even as the ground beneath his feet cracked and the windows in the store shattered at the force of the blow.

The wizard could only stare slack-jawed as the blue rabbit tsked and shook his head in a mocking manner before flashing a cruel smile at his opponent while his sister looked on with a satisfied smirk.

"Mastermind, Mastermind, Mastermind," he chided tauntingly as his smile grew and he gripped the robot's fist so tightly the metal warped with a hideous screech. "An accomplished genius and spellcaster such as yourself resorting to such crude acts of barbaric violence? For shame, old man, for shame. I guess I'm going to have to remind you of your manners."

And with that ominous declaration, Yang pivoted in place and took the robot clean off its feet as he slammed the screaming skull hard into the floor, shattering the concrete and crushing several shelves full of comics, action figures, and other such merchandise under the massive machine's weight as its armor warped and buckled.

"MY BODY!" the old mage screamed in despair before the maliciously grinning warrior once again hoisted him into the air. "NO WAIT PLEASE! I WORKED SO HARD FOR THIS!"

But his pleas fell on deaf ears as the blue rabbit brought him crashing down yet again.








"I don't believe you."



The pink rabbit shook her head in vindictive amusement as she watched her brother gleefully destroy Mastermind's hard-earned body, a wry smirk on her face.

"Didn't you just force me to concede that all this stuff wasn't junk, Yang?" she asked teasingly as she watched her brother bring the now sobbing wizard down on yet more of his precious merchandise, her arms crossed in amusement.

Yang winced and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Whoops, didn't mean to do that. Got a little carried away, haha," he replied sheepishly at his sister's lightly chastising tone before tossing the now badly dented robot in the air and delivering a mighty spinning back kick right to its chest, adding yet another sizable dent as it went crashing into a nearby wall.

The warrior lightly dusted his hands off as he walked over to his amused sister with a playful smile on his face before giving an exaggerated gentlemanly bow.

"Alright, sis, I've had my fill. He's all yours now," he said with a grin and teasing politeness as his sister's face lit up in delight and she giggled at her brother's antics.

"My, my, Yang," Yin responded warmly in kind with exaggerated ladylike poise, a pleased and deeply amused expression on her face. "First you let me go first at the Town Hall, then you defend my honor against that crooked old goat, and now you're offering to share your fights with me? Just when did you become such a gentleman? Lina will be pleased."

The blue rabbit chuckled as he stood back up and gave his sister a hapless shrug and grin.

"Eh, I feel kind of bad beating too much on a senile old man," he replied with a careless wave as his sister tittered behind her hand, before he gave her a dark, vindictive smirk. "And besides, he did insult your skill as a sorceress a lot, so I figured it was only fair you get a crack at him, sis."

The sorceress returned his savage smile in full as she nodded sharply and shot a chilling look at the dazed skull.

"Indeed he did. Thank you very much for your kind consideration, bro. I shall not forget it," she said graciously with a joking curtsy to her brother, who laughed heartily as she turned and marched over to their downed enemy, who was still struggling to pick himself up off the ground.

He froze as he suddenly felt Death's shadow fall over him.

"Now then," the pink rabbit said serenely with a sadistic little smile as she cracked her knuckles and loomed over the petrified Mastermind, eyes flashing with an unearthly light. "What was that about me being an amateurish, mediocre excuse for a magician?"

The wizard gulped as he stared into the cold, pitiless blue suns the spellcaster had for eyes.


"True," she conceded with a considering nod, before a wide, malicious smile split her face as she leered down at the old mage, who likely would have had a heart attack right then and there if he still had a heart. "But it'll definitely make me feel better."

Mastermind screamed.


Yang saluted with tears in his eyes as he watched the police cordon off Mastermind's wrecked store while his sister nonchalantly picked fragments of bone and metal out her knuckles beside him.

"You were a good store," he said in a voice thick with emotion as Yin rolled her eyes and snorted at the dramatic display. "Shame you had such a shit owner."

"Dork," the sorceress teased with a good-natured grin as she watched said owner, now sporting several more cracks and restrained tightly with the strongest binding spells she knew, scream and howl in rage, promises of eternal vengeance on his nonexistent lips as the police casually tossed him in the back of an armored van and drove off.

"And proud of it!" the warrior shot back cheerfully, his somber mood instantly evaporating as he turned to face his sister with a playful smirk of his own as he faux-sternly poked his amused sister in the chest. "And it's not like you can say anything about it either sis. After all, your boyfriend's the biggest dork of them all."

The pink rabbit chuckled knowingly at that as she looked away with a fond, far-off smile.

"Guilty as charged," she admitted without an ounce of shame in her voice, before she looked back at her brother with a haughty expression. "But at least my Coop's a hot dork, unlike you, Yang. Honestly, how Lina can stand to be seen in public with a shameless pig like you is beyond me."

"Lina's a proud farm girl, she's used to working with pigs," the blue rabbit countered smoothly and they both shared a hearty laugh at the good-natured ribbing before sobering up once more.

"So, you think Mastermind was who Dad warned us about?" Yang asked his sister, voice hopeful but at the same time full of doubt, which was only confirmed as Yin frowned and shook her head with a sigh.

"Unfortunately, no," she answered morosely, giving her brother a sympathetic look as his shoulders slumped. "While it's true that pompous old fool might be able to become a legitimate threat again if he was ever able to find a suitable body and restore his magical power, that tin can wasn't nearly strong enough to pose a challenge to us, even if it had been properly equipped. I'm glad we were able to catch him before he could get any evil plans underway, but Mastermind couldn't have been what Dad warned us about."

The warrior scowled before letting out a resigned sigh as he recognized the truth of his sister's words.

"Alright, who's next then?" he asked tiredly, only to blink in surprise as the sorceress let out a frustrated growl and shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

"That's just it, bro! Mastermind was the last villain I was able to get a Search Warrant for, and I'm having trouble thinking of who else it could be," she answered heartedly while she furiously rubbed her chin, deep in thought as she wracked her brain for a possible answer, before looking back up at her brother. "The Chung Pow Kitties?"

"No," the blue rabbit replied with a shake of the head as he crossed his arms with a thoughtful look of his own, "that Ninja Kitty Girl Band is on tour with their Mom and daughters at the moment. Did you know that their Mom was an Evil Ninja Rockstar before them and they're currently training their daughters to be their successors as the new CPK when they retire?"

The spellcaster groaned and slapped a hand to her face at that little bit of trivia.

"Oh great. That's just perfect," she groused with bitter sarcasm as she rubbed her face in profound exasperation. "Now we're going to have even more Ninja Kitty Rockstars constantly trying to break into our Armory just so they can fail and get bailed out by their fans to do it all over again! And the CPK are corrupting their daughters and ruining their futures on top of that! Wonderful!"

"Just thought I'd give you a heads up," Yang replied with an impotent shrug as his sister grunted in irritation.

"Thanks," the pink rabbit grumbled before sighing and getting back to the task at hand. "Well, if the CPK are out for the time being, what about Badfoot?"

Her brother snorted.

"Please, that washed up old funk singer's nothing without his Licking Stick, and I destroyed that weapon myself, remember?" the warrior countered with a dismissive scoff, though a touch of self-directed anger and bitterness entered his voice at the memory.

His sister winced.

"Right, right, it can't be him," Yin agreed in a soothing voice as she desperately tried to think of another candidate to move away from this uncomfortable topic. "Um, well then, what about the Night Master's old tailor Flaviour?"

The blue rabbit didn't even dignify that one with a response, merely staring at his sister with the flattest expression he could muster at the thought of the cowardly, foppish little cyclops ever becoming a major threat.

She fidgeted uncomfortably under his piercing gaze.

"...You're right. That is stupid," the sorceress mumbled contritely as her brother snorted in agreement before her brow furrowed in thought once more. "Hmmm... maybe we should try asking some of our friends if they've seen or heard anything odd then?"

Yang opened his mouth to respond, before a glorious thought struck him and a radiant smile crossed his face.

"That's a great idea, Yin!" he agreed brightly as he beamed at his startled sister, who blinked in surprise before narrowing her eyes suspiciously at his sudden change in attitude. "And I know just who we should start with!"

The pink rabbit didn't even have time to open her mouth before her still-smiling brother forcefully grabbed her wrist and teleported them to Ancestors know where in a flash of light.


High above the City, two ghostly figures, one huge and masculine and the other lithe and feminine, materialized out of the ether and looked down with proud, amused smiles at Yin and Yang as the two rabbits vanished from Mastermind's ruined store.

"By the Ancestors, that was great!" the large male figure exclaimed with a hearty laugh as his fellow spirit looked on with a wry grin. "I never get tired of watching those two make a fool out of that pompous, washed-up old skull!"

"They certainly are Yo's children," the slender female figure said warmly as she gazed down at where the twin Masters had been with a fond expression. "I'm so proud of them, brother."

"As am I, sister," the masculine spirit at her side agreed wholeheartedly before his face sobered up and he let out a sigh. "Still, do you really think they're ready for what's coming?"

"I know they are," the feminine spirit replied fiercely, her eyes blazing, before letting out at a sigh of her own as she adopted a concerned look of her own. "Still, even I have to admit this will be no easy task. Mighty though they have become, those two are going to need all the help they can get to stop what's coming."

"Indeed," the male figure concurred blithely as his face scrunched up in confusion and consternation. "I still cannot for the life of me understand why those girls are the ones Yin and Yang must teach. You would think they'd get pupils that wouldn't be such problem students for their first time."

"The Universe works in mysterious ways," the female figure beside him muttered sullenly under her breath before giving her brother a slightly strained smile. "Besides, don't you think you're being a bit too hard on them? True, Yin and Yang's future students might be… troubled, but none of them are outright evil, and they could all become incredible forces for good if given the proper guidance."

The masculine spirit grumbled.

"Perhaps," he allowed reluctantly before shooting his sister a severe look. "Or perhaps they could end up becoming some of the greatest villains this world has ever seen. I shudder to imagine the type of Night Master the Spider could make if she goes down the wrong path."

The feminine spirit frowned briefly in agreement before shaking her head and giving her brother a determined look.

"Then we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen," she declared in an unwavering voice before putting a hand on the male figure's shoulder and giving him a reassuring look. "You worry too much, brother. Yes, training those girls properly will be a challenge, to be sure, but Yin and Yang have always managed to rise to every challenge that's ever come their way, without fail. And they won't be alone either. We'll be here to help them as well, as will their friends, and Yo certainly won't abandon his children in their time of need. Everything will be fine, you'll see."

The masculine spirit gazed at his sister for a moment before sighing one last time and nodding his head.

"I hope you're right, sister. I truly do," he said quietly as he looked somewhere off in the distance with deep concern.

The female figure exhaled and gave his shoulder a soft squeeze.

"So do I, brother. So do I." She too cast one last worried look off to the horizon before the two vanished once again.
I'm not saying I didn't understand what you were going for, I just couldn't picture it myself.

Well in one episode Yin using magic to cheat makes her act really evil and in another dark magic corruption makes Yin almost kill her brother. Something that becomes clear in later chapters in this story is that Yin not only has been under a lot of stress but that she has been overworking herself.

Yang tends to be a positive guy, he tends to laugh and find the joys in life, he wants to laugh and make other laugh that's why he wanted to be a clowm so badly.

Yin is a perfectionist, in a way she is a bit like Twilight Sparkle from FiM ia that if things keep going wrong no matter what she does she may snap or become quite violent. Also Spoilers but there is a reason things got so bad to the point they did there.

Said reason will be revealed later on, is a canon villain from the show, one who has quite the valid reason to hate Yin and Yang.
As always the more I read the more I love! Really loved this highlight in the old rogue's gallery and his they're doing these days. Though man I'm feeling really bad for poor Saranoia she's got it hard big time.

Hmm spider...will Taylor be learning woo fu? Admit git theory that anyone from Earth bet might be alter/transform....though admittedly this comes not only from that one YYY episode where they went earth, but also the fic oogways owl.
As always the more I read the more I love! Really loved this highlight in the old rogue's gallery and his they're doing these days. Though man I'm feeling really bad for poor Saranoia she's got it hard big time.

As always, great to hear from somebody!

Thank you.

And yeah, Saranoia got it rough.

We've got something special planned for her though.

Hmm spider...will Taylor be learning woo fu?

Yes, Taylor's one of Yin and Yang's future students along with Dinah.

Admit git theory that anyone from Earth bet might be alter/transform....though admittedly this comes not only from that one YYY episode where they went earth, but also the fic oogways owl.


We figured that if someone from the YYY world transforms upon crossing dimensions the opposite would probably be true.
As always, great to hear from somebody!

Thank you.

And yeah, Saranoia got it rough.

We've got something special planned for her though.

Yes, Taylor's one of Yin and Yang's future students along with Dinah.


We figured that if someone from the YYY world transforms upon crossing dimensions the opposite
would probably be true.

I'm certainly looking forward to seeing what you git planned for Saranoia not to mention all the other villains~ I've certainly found Yuck name drop and what's been revealed there very interesting.

Also again you guys are doing brilliant when it comes to capturing everyone's character and personality.

Awesome glad to confirm Taylor won't be left out of the fun.. though what I find interesting is the fact that it sounds like there going to be more than Dinah and Taylor learning from Yin and Yang.

Also the that anyone from Earth bet will be transformed upon entering the YYY is both cool and concerning. The latter because if this goes both ways this could limit what Yin and Yang are able to do on Bet long term.
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Also the that anyone from Earth bet will be transformed upon entering the YYY is both cool and concerning. The latter because if this goes both ways this could limit what Yin and Yang are able to do on Bet long term.

Well, in the episode we are using as reference Yin, Yang and Carl started to become regular Animals (and a regular bug) because that's the closest that version of Earth had to them.

Now, even if that is the case in Earth Bet, both Yin and Yang are way better at "Transfoomation" magic nowadays.

But if you think about it for a bit; you will notice that Earth Bet is not a "Normal" Earth so you can figure out what the two of them will end looking like on Bet.
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