Web of Life (Spider-Man AU)

WE have a goal to Solve The Energy Crisis, simply earnestly pursuing that alone would be far and away enough to completely solve a vast majority of mankind's problems.
Ending dependence on oil and coal changes so much of the geopolitical and ecological/climate landscape that I'm not sure the world would be recognizable. Which, on the whole, would be good.
I think once we get the pitch from Robbie (no JJJ? Wow, this really IS a different Spider-Verse) we'll still have the option to say "yeah we can do that" or "I think with homework and studying for college entrance exams and everything else I don't know that I can do it right now" or even "can I think about it and come back to you?"

The goal of Plan Ask Good Questions is to get a full pitch of "here's what it would look like", with a side item of "I'd suggest pointing me at science-related stuff" not necessarily jumping at the first thing to come our way.

EDIT TO AVOID DOUBLE-POSTING--Other possibilities I could see us being _very interested_ in:

Stark. Yes, we've seen that in MCU, but it also contrasts the "Spider is broke. Stark has $. Spider cares. Stark kinda doesn't" elements.
Oscorp. Say what you will about the Sam Raimi movies, but with Harry actually showing up on our relationships radar and with Oscorp largely being a chemistry company, that could put us in a place to develop web-tech, along with maybe some kind of suit/vest/clothing polymer that protects a person from injury.
Rand. Lots of options, also super-rich somewhat out-of-touch top boss, but not Stark. Again, contrast elements a-plenty here.
Pym. Molecular physics instead of the traditional chemistry angle for Spidey, but also the possibility of adding some more weird science to our repertoire.

I'm sure there's at least one or two others I haven't mentioned. These all have their own appeals, narrative hooks, and mechanical hooks.
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Inserted tally - And we're done. Would've closed it earlier, but was under the impression it was a tie.
Adhoc vote count started by asphaltus on Jul 22, 2020 at 5:06 AM, finished with 36 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Ask Good Questions
    -[X] Yes, I would like to give it a try. (Begin Social Conflict: Vote by Plan)
    --[X] [Intro] Wait - elaborate on this deal a little bit more. (LOGOS: (Negotiation (PRESENCE))
    - [X] [Body] Accept Gambit
    - [X] [Body] Breach into the topic of Daily Bugle. Peter wants to know more about their planning and ideas. (ETHOS: (Charm, Presence))
    --[X] [Conclusion] WRITE-IN
    ---[X] [Conclusion] You want someone who can write science articles? I can understand the original stuff and then bring it to a level your readers will actually be able to understand. (LOGOS: (Negotiation (PRESENCE))
    -- [X] [Eddie's Die] Conclusion
    [X] No, thank you.
12. Impressment (2)
39th​ Street, Manhattan

"Uh – Why me?"

"You're not the only applicant, Peter. Right now, you're not even an applicant; I don't even know if you want the job or not. Do you?"

He made up his mind and answered. "I am not against it, but I would like some clarification. First, what exactly would I be writing about? Science is too broad of a topic. And how many articles would I have to write? What would the editorial standards be like?"

"Anything science-related, that you feel teenagers would be invested in. 3 per week, 2 if they are especially long. And you don't have to write them – videos are fine as well. Editorial standards will be up to the editor in question – but as long as you get your facts right, it shouldn't pose a problem."

Peter thought about it. "You're basically paying me to run a blog? Is that it?" No, that couldn't be it. What was he missing? "How's that going to work?"

"Well, as I have said before -"

"No, wait I think I understand. You're not after science or news, you want... to launch a star, like the guys from youtube or instagram. So why not hire one of them?" He pondered. "Ah, you said you want to keep it in-house. They wouldn't have agreed… and I am guessing the pay doesn't scale with views, either?"

Robbie had the decency to look discomfited. "You haven't even done anything yet."

"Oh no, I'm not criticizing. The plan's a bit radical… but why not? The age for stardom gets lower every year. You have teenage actors, singers, dancers, even activists, sort of, I suppose. Wait – is that where you got the idea?"

"Can't speak for the publishers, I'm afraid." Robbie deflected. "But you like the idea?"

"It's new and innovative, and as such, pretty appealing," Peter admitted. "You won't get me to say yes that easily though; I like to really think over my decisions."

"Alright... But if you do accept, how would you go about it?"

"Hmm…let me think." Peter leaned back in his chair. "Right off the bat, I would say, no misrepresentation of basic scientific truths, no credibility for any conspiracy theories. No debates, no interviews – nothing except debunking such crap. Would that be a deal-breaker for you?"

"Why would that be a deal-breaker?"

He shrugged as if to say the answer was obvious. "Because it's the Bugle. Sensationalism is your bread and butter, controversy is how you earn your money, and I'm cutting all that off."

"Peter, we're already changing. And I know tabloids have a… reputation, but the Bugle isn't what you think it is. In fact, in 1991 –"

"I know what happened in 1991." Peter interrupted him. "And I know what happened in 2004. I know who you are, Mr. Joseph Robertson. I have seen your photo and read your articles. I know that the founder of the Daily Bugle, William Jameson, championed for Harry McAlpin's inclusion in the White House Press Corps. The Bugle has always shown a rare progressive streak where racial inequality is concerned. I know that fact.

"But you're the same when the rest is concerned. The demonization of gays and HIV patients, the victim-blaming of mentally-ill people, and the constant celebrity worship – the Bugle's done that all.

"I don't particularly blame you. Times were different, and tabloids are always reflective of our trashiest population – and the Bugle's changed now. But you don't get to hold any moral superiority over other publications. The Bugle's trash, just a bit cleaner than the rest."

"Oh." Robbie intonated after a while. "I did not…I'm sorry.." He searched for words, but nothing came out.

"No, I'm sorry." Peter apologized. "I got a bit carried away."

The two sat in the monochrome office, listening to the soft hum of the air conditioner.

"You're right, of course," Robbie said. "For all the good that the Bugle's done, we're no better than the others. " He let out a long-suffering sigh. "And you're right, I was the editor for a few of those…atrocious articles. Demonization. I think you've hit the nail with that word. Back then, they used to try to paint us all with the same brush – blacks were gays, were communists, were un-American, and were evil. And as an angry young man, I wanted the world to see us for ourselves, without all the hateful stereotypes. But I was wrong… and it was prejudicial." He wavered for a moment. "Thank you, Peter."

"Uh… we've diverged a bit from the topic, haven't we?"

"No, I think I have a pretty good of what I wanted to know." He answered. "Let's go over details."


Working at the Bugle will pay 60 every event. The contract will last for 6 months (Narratively, QM fiat) at the end of which will be a review, determining the next phase. If Peter is unpopular or unproductive, he will be transitioned to strictly interning around, or shown the door.

He has to present a minimum of 12 articles per month, either spoken/written/acted on a format agreed by both him and the editor in charge of him. (Given his oratory, Robbie strongly urges on videos.) Other charges include helping around the office for 8 hours a week (in which you get to learn the ropes of reporting) – checking articles, sitting in on meetings, and working for the Teen site. Press pass for science events, or accompanying actual reporters can also be given depending on performance.

Given that he won the conflict, Peter has 4 favor points that he can cash in if he chooses this job. (If points are unspent, they work towards improving relations with Robbie).

[] Increase income by 20. (1 FP, can be taken multiple times)
[] Reduce number of articles to 9. (1 FP)
[] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
[] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)
[] Get an advance. (3 FP, +3D100 MONEY)

And the decision.

- [] I would like to work here.
- [] FP Spend Plan

- [] I would like to think about it some more. (Refusal)

QM Note

The things that I wanted to clear in this update – is what kind of job I'm looking at?

Basically, the Bugle's seen how teenagers can amass a following given the right impetus – and they sort of want to harness that power of viral rise for themselves. Whether it'll work, or how far they can take it, and if it's destined to crash or burn, is up in the air for now.
The other thing is about the difference between tabloids and newspapers, and the ideas of journalism itself, which I feel like I hadn't emphasized in the last update. The Bugle's an analogue for the Sun, (not as bad, but in the same neighborhood). They might be re-branding, but they will always have an unsavory past, and it will carry onto their transition.

The way I see it, and the way it's in this quest, is that the Bugle, and other tabloids, are sort of like the court fool. They are there to entertain the masses – shock, titillate, scandalize. At the same time, their position as the fool allows them to be radical – to speak of things that aren't so widely accepted or are considered improper. It's a paradigm that we will explore if you choose this job.

Since you critted, Peter was going to point this fact out, but every time I wrote it – it was just too technical or highbrow. Tying it up with concrete examples – that's the approach I went with.
[X] I would like to think about it some more. (Refusal)

I honestly just want more options.
However, If i had to vote for this job. I'd go for this.
[] I would like to work here.
-[] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)
-[] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
Without spoiling too much, I think I can safely say that your other job will be some form of self-employment (making apps, translating), a internship at ESU (not strictly science, will pay worse, and will have a definite deadline), and one relating to your club activity (Fashion).

These are the options I have planned, of course - if someone points out other opportunities, I'd be willing to consider them.
Without spoiling too much, I think I can safely say that your other job will be some form of self-employment (making apps, translating), a internship at ESU (not strictly science, will pay worse, and will have a definite deadline), and one relating to your club activity (Fashion).

These are the options I have planned, of course - if someone points out other opportunities, I'd be willing to consider them.
the first one interests me the most honestly, open dead-lines our intelligence and marketing is all that's needed, and with our capabilities we might be able to use our AI to act to translate our apps into various languages, and bug-fixes. This could even give us a form of an information network we can use later.
[X] I would like to think about it some more. (Refusal)

I was going to vote for this job, but the self employment option goes very well with this version of spidey.
been lookin' this quest for a while, can i join?

[X] I would like to work here.
- [X] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
- [X] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)
Peter Parker Vs Robbie Robertson

Round 1

Peter Parker
Action: Logos Arg - Negotiation 1, PRESENCE 2 - Rolls 1 Ab,1Pro, 1Diff - RESULT - 1 Success, 1 Threat
Resolving Success - Strain Damage (1) + 2 (Presence) = 3 - 1 = 2. Robbie = 14/16
Resolving Threat - 1/2 Cynical

Robbie Robertson
Action: Ethos Arg - Rolls ... - RESULT - Zero (All Results cancelled out).

Round 2
Robbie Robertson - Gambit - Rolls... - RESULT: Despair, 2-Threat + Gambit Fail(2Fail, 2Threat)
Resolving Despair - Strain Damage (3) + 2 (Presence) + 2(Gambit) = 7 - 1 = 6. 8/16
Resolving Despair - (Threat) 2 + 2 (Gambit) = 4
Half Damage... Does he want to continue?

Nope. Robbie Robertson Concedes.

I think with this conflict it shows how swingy gambits can be, especially at high levels, when you are rolling 2 Proficiency Die + 2 Ability Die. Also, Robbie isn't going to force a Knowledge Gambit anytime soon.
Self-employment in early phases will be difficult. You are going to need money in order to make money, and... you have very little money at the present. And the antagonist already has a leg up on you - but you'll see that soon enough.

PS Even more SPOILERS - Money wouldn't have that much of an issue if you had chosen Osborn as a friend. he wouldn't have minded handing you one of his credit cards. Of course, guy didn't even receive a single vote. Poor Harry.

@UNKNOWN01 All are welcome. Feel free to @ me with your ideas as well.
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[X] I would like to think about it some more. (Refusal)

I'd rather make apps, or do actual science stuff instead of writing about science stuff. Really, I'm not fond of the reporter trope in superhero fiction.

[] I would like to work here.
- [] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
- []Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)

But if we do, pick this. Maximum benefits.
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I think with this conflict it shows how swingy gambits can be, especially at high levels, when you are rolling 2 Proficiency Die + 2 Ability Die. Also, Robbie isn't going to force a Knowledge Gambit anytime soon.
Self-employment in early phases will be difficult. You are going to need money in order to make money, and... you have very little money at the present. And the antagonist already has a leg up on you - but you'll see that soon enough.

PS Even more SPOILERS - Money wouldn't have that much of an issue if you had chosen Osborn as a friend. he wouldn't have minded handing you one of his credit cards. Of course, guy didn't even receive a single vote. Poor Harry.
Honestly, I'm not too concerned with the initial bit. There are a lot of ways for someone to be self-employed and make money even with fairly little or no initial money.
[X] I would like to work here.
- [X] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
- [X] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)
[X] I would like to work here.
- [X] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
- [X] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)
I do have an idea for an app we could possibly make. What about an app that operates in the background to refine the energy and data usage of the phone itself?

With our intelligence, and our goal we'd actually be better suited to it.

Also, I should note that Xanatos the one that spoke up, about being against science is a sock puppet, which was banned, and they're the only one that actually spoke up.
@Totadileplayz Any app like that removing cherries from an extravagant cake. Trash removal of RAM, memory management - these sort of things are hardcoded in the OS itself. You can make an app, but it isn't going to stand out that from other apps on the market.

The better way is to actually design a custom ROM from scratch with a focus on battery life usage. Of course, it will only be on Androids (Apple requires jailbreak), and most (really, all) custom ROMs are niche products and are offered freely. So you won't find money there.

Regarding your goal, it's more aligned with actual energy production, conversion, improving battery storage capacity, space, charging, voltage - rather than improving the way the energy is used, you're more focused on getting as much of it as possible.
The better way is to actually design a custom ROM from scratch with a focus on battery life usage. Of course, it will only be on Androids (Apple requires jailbreak), and most (really, all) custom ROMs are niche products and are offered freely. So you won't find money there.
So, really we should make the information be sold to a big corporation who could make use out of it, or even sell it as a license to those companies. We'd need to make it more general of course, but it would definitely be something they could be interested in, and i don't even mean apple, or android but anyone who has an operating system they run.
So, really we should make the information be sold to a big corporation who could make use out of it, or even sell it as a license to those companies.
this is marvel, so...
best case option - you unlock Bought the Bank trait and go about walk away happy and rich.
worst-case option - Peter Parker, (Unwitting?) Agent of Hydra.
this is marvel, so...
best case option - you unlock Bought the Bank trait and go about walk away happy and rich.
worst-case option - Peter Parker, (Unwitting?) Agent of Hydra.
So... What i hear from you is. Yes, definitely do that, no matter what it will be nice and interesting, and offer up plenty of opportunities.
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[X] I would like to work here.
- [X] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
- [X] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)

Press pass and flexible hours = get paid to get nosy
[X] I would like to work here.
- [X] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
- [X] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)

Y'all who actually want to do crime-fighting? A press pass is pretty much an automatic "in through the front door" sort of entry for a LOT of things.

We also have it from the QM that the only other jobs available SUCK. (Trying to be Tony stark without money, interning at uni, fashion police). This one gets us access to cool science things and is actually going to pay.

Robbie wants us to become Mr. "Because Science" give or take.

Besides, journalism in crime fighting is a thing that's done so much work there's definitely room for it to be deconstructed. Or reconstructed.