Voided Warranty [PMMM/Warframe] [AU] [Witch SI] [RP]

Hyvel, the Witch of Isolation - Hyvelic
Hyvel the Witch of Isolation

The Nature of Self Loathing and

Despairing Loneliness

Isolation, Disparity, Shadows

A blasted hellscape stands before all who enter. A city stands before those who take the plunge, but instead of a land of a stereotypical madness and insanity, there are broken buildings towering above all things, shattered and twisted at unnatural angles while seeming to be only held together by a thread. The ground ash and cinder and there is only grey. The ashes do not seem to be disturbed in any way no matter what happens. The edges of the barrier are blocked by a wall of fog, inside it, one could hear screaming, sobs, and misery. The world seems bare and barren, and those who enter find themselves alone, no matter how many friendly faces are around them.

Ether Generation:
Ether: 1000/1000
Ether Crystals: 0



Loaavhun, Elite:

Forlorn, Boss-aides: 100/100
  • Knights in size and shape but rarely working together. They actively attempt to separate the strongest of teams apart. Never truly dying when brought down, only waiting to return to their duty after breaking free from their former bodies, weaker than they were before. They travel rapidly using shadows to sneak past the alert and surround the unsuspecting.

Alterity, Grunts: 500/500
  • They are simple creatures of life yet death, a small four-legged creature with razor-sharp teeth and seems like a crap of sorts. They burrow into the ground and into the environment of the barrier. They subsume creatures and take on the properties opposite of the creature they devoured.

Penumbra, Pests: 1000/1000
  • There is no inherent set shape for these creatures, they take on the form of blobs of shadows until they kill something. From there they take on a form made to specifically hunt that single creature until they die or are replaced.

Total: 0/3000


Universal Witch Abilities:

-Create a Barrier: Create a Witch's barrier to take up residence in. (100 Ether)
Move Barrier: Move your place of residence. (0 Ether)
Sense Ether (0 Ether)
Send Void and Grief (0 Ether)
Understand and Create Witch Runes. (0 Ether)

The Witch's Kiss: A normal person so they have a Witch's Kiss, allowing the player to control them. "Normal people" includes unremarkable civvies and the lowliest of Grineer and Corpus grunts. Infested and Robots require further development of this ability to be valid targets. Sentients are all but immune to even the highest reaches of this ability, only the weakest, most damaged of them being able to be influenced to any noticeable degree. The Tenno are completely beyond the grasp of this ability. (10 Ether)

Transformation: You may switch between your Witch form and a Humanoid, however, your magic is harder to use. (All Ether costs are multiplied by 4) This human form severely dampens their Ether signature, ensuring nothing but the most powerful Void-energy field sensors and Tenno within room distance can detect their presence unless they start throwing Ether around.

Lure (Free): the cousin of Witch Kiss. This toggleable spell entrances the weak-willed in a city block-sized radius, drawing them into the Barrier entrance which will allow them entry. Its greatest strength and danger is that even those it cannot properly enthrall will have their curiosity piqued and find themselves able to easily track down the Barrier entrance, which will allow them entry all the same.

Unique Witch Magics:

The Forest:
Forces the environment to change into a foggy forest that slowly isolates everyone from each other, no matter how vigilant you are you will lose your way in these woods, only to be hunted down by the creatures who haunt the bubble. (5 Ether)

Tier 0- Shadow-Kin: The lifelong shady companion of the target for the brightest days, their very shadow, betrays the target and comes to life for their blood. It slits the target's throat before attacking the shadows of anyone nearby, whether they are objects or entities. The damage dealt with the attacked shadow is reflected by the damage done to the shadow's owner. (10 Ether)

Tier 1 - Shadow-Kin: The lifelong shady companion of the target for the brightest days, their very shadow, betrays the target and comes to life for their blood. It slits the target's throat before attacking the shadows of anyone nearby, whether they are objects or entities. These shadows come to life to also destroy their source before leaving to attack more shadows. This continues for an hour or until everything with a shadow nearby is dead. (30 Ether)

Mirror World: Forces everything in the selected area to switch places with the opposite of what they are currently dealing with. Where there is heat, there is cold, where there is Life there is Death. Damage done to anyone in the mirror world is reversed onto the attacker. (20 Ether)

Signature Attack! - Black Marble:

Tier 0:
Area of Effect. The Witch of Isolation forces everything inside the barrier, and slightly outside to forget the faces of everyone they know. They know the names but cannot put them together. Beyond this, they lose all contact with everything outside the range while instilled with paranoia that will cause them to attack their fellows. There is a resistance by those with stronger wills. (5 Ether)

Tier 1: Area of Effect. The Witch of Isolation forces everything inside the barrier, and slightly outside to forget the faces of everyone they know. They know the name but cannot put them together. Beyond this, they lose all contact with everything outside the range while instilled with paranoia that will cause them to attack their fellows. From here on shadows begin to attack them from whatever direction they are not looking, cutting them deep. There is a resistance by those with stronger wills. (20 Ether)

Tier 2: Area of Effect. The Witch of Isolation forces everything inside the barrier, and slightly outside to forget the faces of everyone they know. They know their names but cannot put them together. Beyond this, they lose all contact with everything outside the range while instilled with paranoia that will cause them to attack their fellows. The longer they are influenced by the more their own body changes slowly from their original forms into a statue made of a strange material radiating an aura grief and misery that can only be picked up by stronger beings and technology. There is a resistance by those with stronger wills. (50 Ether)

Tier 3: Area of Effect. The Witch of Isolation forces everything inside the barrier, and slightly outside to forget the faces of everyone they know. They know the names but cannot put them together. Beyond this, they lose all contact with everything outside the range while instilled with paranoia that will cause them to attack their fellows. The longer they are influenced by the more their own body changes slowly from their original forms into a statue made of a strange material radiating an aura grief and misery that can only be picked up by stronger beings and technology. These statues will now only move when not being looked at and hunt down anyone, not like them. Should they come across anyone who is not a statue, they will try to ambush them and kill them. They can be damaged with heavier weapons or armor piercing ones and should they be damaged critically they will fall into pieces that break down into dust. When the spell ends or after five minutes after becoming a statue they will solidify permanently. Only the strongest can resist this effect. [Minibosses, PC, Elite/Boss-Aides, Bosses, Warframes] {Range: Entire Area inside of} (100 Ether)

Status Effects:
Isolated Monster:
Cannot take Human Form until no longer Isolated from others.




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First off, I think there was a slip with the name right there.

So long as the Tier 3 copies (especially the spells) are single use and that "and even Signature Spells depending on their nature" means only spells based on compatible themes to her own, this is fine as a Signature Spell.

Tier 1 20 Ether/use. Strong enough to one-shot run of the mill infested and corrupted so long as the latter doesn't have armour on top of a drone boosting their shields.
Tier 2 50 Ether/use Strong enough to severely damage heavily armoured units such as Corrupted Heavy Gunners and certain types of Ancient Infested.

No Tier 3 without Ether Crystal investment.
No Tier 4 without some significant Ether Crystal investment.

Doesn't affect the Corrupted. They are little more than remotelly controlled puppets of the Neural Sentry.

Doesn't affect the Infested. Hivemind and all.

Doesn't affect the Tenno. They no-sold the Void's insanity inducement, they no-sell this.

Doesn't affect the Sentient. Too alien a mind.

At the initial level it isn't enough to compel Corpus or Grineer. The former due to heavy indoctrination courtesy of the Profit Temples. The latter due to hard-wired hate for anything not Grineer and complete and total devotion to the Grineer Queens.

It will, however, help rally Familiars and allies, while creating the occasional opening in the enemy ranks due to hesitation on their part.

It will also help during negotiations with the sane factions, although the success may be short lived if they find out they were being influenced in such a way.

Tier 1: 25 Ether/use. At the same level of power as Golden Rays Tier 1.
Tier 2: 75 Ether/use. Same level of power as Golden Rays Tier 2, but benefits from a far larger area of effect.
No Tier 3 without Ether Crystal investment.

Due to being bombing runs, colateral damage is a guarantee. It would be ill advised to use this while there are allies on the field.
The name slip was because I'm reusing a character I didn't get to use in another RP.
Anyway, thanks. Corrected everything.
- The area becomes saturated with Machina's power, pulling any materials to her and adding onto her form, making basic weapons, armor repairs, and agility enhancing gadget upgrades. (Tier 0 - Free)
- These form entirely new, improved weapons, adding armor to already existing layers, and add shield boosters as well as other such attachments. This burst can be applied to any one area mentioned for a far greater improvement to that area or it could be applied to all of them for a more mild boost in ability. (Tier 1 - 20 Ether)
Make Tier 0 be "anything in reach of her limbs" (since this includes wings and tail, it is not as big a nerf as it sounds). Anything useful (and that Machina wishes to use. Wouldn't do to accidentally incorporate some valuable piece of tech she was keeping in storage for some other purpose) that enters the range will be magnetically lifted and clamped on the nearest part of Machina, and be moved through the same means to wherever it is needed.

Tier 1 is fine, just clarify that it is the choice between focusing the burst on a single area or distributing it across the board for a smaller boost in all areas. The wording you use is a tad awkward.
Tier (0-Free)Allows her to make targetted objects/enemies more conductive, on a case to case basis.
Just make the air (or water. Or mist. Whatever's around you, really) in a room-sized area more conductive.
Tier (1) Like a fullbody joy buzzer, completely non-lethal.
Tier (2) The electrical strength and affect of a full body taser. Non lethal but will make you wet your pants, and muscle spasms, pain the whole shebang.
Tier (3) High voltage currents of electricity, the kind that can fry people if not careful.
Tier (4) Lightning. Hotter than the sun, loud, and massive, very much fatal and horrific.

That Tier 1 would be more at home as part of the Tier 0. Touch range only.

Tier 2 becomes Tier 1, Tier 3 becomes Tier 2, and you're not getting a Tier 3 outside of your Signature Spell without crystal investment.

Able to create an explosive blast of flame and heat from either limbs or with her mouth.
Tier (0-Free) Creates an atmosphere of warm heat around her in a set area.
Tier (1) Can make balls of fire with the size and heat of something you would get from a lighter.
Tier (2) Stove top fire sized, balls and blasts of flames.
Tier (3) Explosions that range from grenades going off, to massive bonfires, anything in a relatively large and very hot range. Expect metal welding heats at this tier.
Tier (4) BOOM. As if a volcano had gone off, now that city block or two are just burnt ash and molten materials...including a few things in their surroundings.
Same as above.

Tier 1 merged into Tier 0 as a "can coat melee attacks with fire for free". Tier 0's aura of warmth is room-wide.

Tier 2 becomes Tier 1. Tier 3 becomes Tier 2. And you're not getting a Tier 3 outside of your Signature Spell without crystal investment.
Make Tier 0 be "anything in reach of her limbs" (since this includes wings and tail, it is not as big a nerf as it sounds). Anything useful (and that Machina wishes to use. Wouldn't do to accidentally incorporate some valuable piece of tech she was keeping in storage for some other purpose) that enters the range will be magnetically lifted and clamped on the nearest part of Machina, and be moved through the same means to wherever it is needed.

Tier 1 is fine, just clarify that it is the choice between focusing the burst on a single area or distributing it across the board for a smaller boost in all areas. The wording you use is a tad awkward.

Thanks for that, these should be fixed with my new edit.
Golden Rays of Heavenly Authority: Amriel can summon from the sky Golden Beams that strike her enemies to dust.
-Tier 1 (10 Ether/Use): In the first tier, Amriel can target individual targets with a small concentrated golden beam.
-Tier 2 (20 Ether/Use): In the second tier, Amriel's Golden Rays are now an AoE attack that can reach multiple targets and so just as much if not more damage than the first tier.
You forgot to update this.

Tier 1 20 Ether/use. Strong enough to one-shot run of the mill infested and corrupted so long as the latter doesn't have armour on top of a drone boosting their shields.
Tier 2 50 Ether/use Strong enough to severely damage heavily armoured units such as Corrupted Heavy Gunners and certain types of Ancient Infested.
Quiesco, The Witch of Relaxation - Wind-Up Citrus
Quiesco, The Witch of Relaxation

Her domain is towards more peace, ease, and grit. Her Barrier is a seemingly endless beach of neon sands and waters, peppered with coconut bearing palm trees set to a perpetual evening.


ETHER: 1000/1000

An endless beach of neon sands, a violet sky set in a perpetual evening. Edible flora and fauna reside underneath the waters. The Waves have an unusual property in that those who drown or are swept up by the deceptively powerful riptides are taken out of the Barrier without warning.

Stash: Sands of various colors, water of rainbow colors and wind chimes of relatively worthless metals. Said chimes produce different sounds depending on the weather.

Warframe: Pharos, currently looking for Hydroid


Karkinos, Pest-tier, 1000/1000

Small fiddler crabs that live and tend to the shores to remove debris and tidy up the various junk that sometimes washes upon the shore. They often congregate at various times to organize various things before settling in their small holes in the sands to practice their songs. Whenever someone who came in uninvited arrives they click their large claws and play a tune as a warning to those seeking to harm their master. While weak on their own, they can congregate in large numbers to dig into the sands and trap the enemies for the more combat oriented kin.

Drii, Mook-tier, 500/500

While the Karkinos tend to the land, the Drii tend to the seas and sky. They are black headed birds with white bodies who harvest the plants and animals from the waters by diving headlong into shallow depths, seemingly unharmed by the activity. When in danger and when informed by the Karkinos they grow into human sized and human shaped monsters while retaining their bird heads. Masters of the sea and sky they take all those who threaten their lands and toss them to be washed away in the waves. They are adept at both aerial and underwater combat, preferring to blind and bind their opponents rather than face them in a face on assault.

Palm Ents Boss Aide-tier, 100/100
The ones who face all threats head on with no fear. The Palm Ents themselves are the Palm Trees that dot the Barrier, uprooting themselves to reveal their massive frames. As they help give life by providing fruits to the Karkinos and the Drii, they also can take life with their crushing fists and feet. Their bark constantly peels and reveals fresh layers, enabling them to absorb small arms fire as they march towards their opponents in melee combat.

Generic Abilities:
  • Barrier Creation (100 Ether), starts empty and takes time for the Familiar population to reach full. A Witch may only have one Barrier at a time, no matter how much they upgrade this ability.
  • Barrier Movement (Free), a Witch may, once outside the Barrier, close the entrance and carry it with to relocate. This is a mildly taxing process on a Witch's stamina even if it doesn't consume any Ether, not unlike lugging around a heavy box.
  • Witch Runes (Free), the innate ability of reading and writing Witch Runes. It starts as little more than a different alphabet. However, with the right research and investments it may just become the basis of something far more useful.
  • Sense Ether (Free), as beings of Ether, Witches are able to passively sense both Ether, Grief and Void. At the initial level it is enough to know the general location of any disturbance in any of these energies within a city-wide radius, including the presence of other Witches --and their Barriers-- and Tenno --both inside and outside Warframes--. The closer the Witch gets to a source of such disturbances, the more she can pinpoint its location, reaching maximum precision at room distance.
  • Transformation (Free), by taking a human form, a Witch severely dampens their Ether signature, ensuring nothing but the most powerful Void-energy field sensors and Tenno within room distance can detect their presence even outside the Barrier so long as they don't start throwing Ether around. However, this is a mildly uncomfortable state for the Witch, not unlike pulling one's stomach inwards, on top of making their abilities require far more Ether should they not be free (x4 multiplier to all Ether use while in Human Form)
  • Witch Kiss (10 Ether), a spell where a Witch uses Ether to suppress the will of a target and take control of their actions. Initially it only works on the lowliest of Grineer and Corpus along with civvies, requiring upgrades to affect robots and Infested or stronger entities. Sentients are all but immune to even the highest reaches of this ability, only the weakest, most damaged of them being able to be influenced to any noticeable degree. The Tenno are completely beyond the grasp of this ability.
  • Lure (Free), the cousin of Witch Kiss. This toggleable spell entrances the weak willed in a city block sized radius, drawing them into the Barrier entrance which will allow them entry. Its greatest strength and danger is that even those it cannot properly enthrall will have their curiosity piqued and find themselves able to easily track down the Barrier entrance, which will allow them entry all the same.
Unique Abilities:
Empty Resolution:
  • Tier 0: Allows self to cleanse one status effect and a minor heal
  • Tier 1: Allows self to absorb damage of a stated type, growing stronger stat wise while ignoring minor levels of pain
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Albtraum, the Witch of Delirium - ForgottonFuture
Albtraum, the Witch of Delirium who has a Infectious nature.
Themes: Delirium, Luminance, Propagation.
She rules over dreams and light, and craves control over these things.

Her barrier is something out of a fever dream, a ruined, phantasmal, half formed, ghostly and trapped in a eternal night, yet has no shadows being cast. As if it's a ghost of a city, or made of dream stuff. You can stand on it, but if you fall asleep, then your body will slowly sink through the city to the depths below, as if it was gently placing you into the lake below. The city lies above a massive lake of inky black and cold waters. Those sleepers who fall into the lake will have only their face float above the water, no matter their weight as they dream of the witch. Misty, ghostly figures can be seen wandering the barrier, but they are not familiars, only mist, incapable of interacting with the world. The light of the moon is heavy and harsh to intruders, like the sunlight of a searing desert, only cold instead of hot. The witch herself spend most of her time sleeping in the depths below, for the city is her dream.

Ether Generation: 100/day
Ether: 1000/1000
Ether Crystals: 0


Dreamers. Pest Tier.
Purpose: Dream of the Witch
Bloated, shadowy figures that appear to be a mix of human and fish, with eyes that glow a bright and deep blue. They sleep walk through the barrier, the city being solid as stone to them, their minds eternally bound to the will of the witch and her hive mind. They attack with needle sharp teeth, and when they die they evaporate into black mist that when breathed in, causes the mind and body to numb, before with enough exposure, the target falls asleep and begins to dream of the witch.

Dream-Siren. Mook Tier:
Purpose: Send souls to the lake below.
Horned woman with the lower half of fishes, they wear clothing made of shadows, and have anglerfish lures growing from their foreheads, these lures shine a brilliant blue light. They swim in the waters below and the misty city of the barrier as easily as a fish would swim through normal water. They attack with songs that slowly numb and exhaust the mind and body, before with enough exposure, the target falls asleep and begin to dream of the witch. In addition, if faced with foes who refuse to sleep, they fight with lances or freezing light.

Nightmares. Boss-Aide tier:
Purpose: Let the Witch sleep, and keep those in the lake from leaving.
Creatures of lake water and moonlight, resembling thrashing tendrils, or perhaps a mobile colony of worms. They attack any intruders who would try to wake the witch or rescue anyone from the lake with their tendril like bodies, as they try to drown their prey. They can treat the mist-stuff that makes up the city as water, solid ground, or thin air as they will it. Skin contact with their skin causes flashes the target's worst fears, and causes the mind and body to numb, before with enough exposure, the target falls asleep and begins to dream of the witch. Robots are immune to this.

Total: 0/3000
Universal Witch Abilities:
-Create a Barrier: Create a Witch's barrier to take up residence in. (100 Ether)
Move Barrier: Move your place of residence. (0 Ether)
-Sense Ether (0 Ether)
-Send Void and Grief (0 Ether)
-Understand and Create Witch Runes. (0 Ether)
The Witch's Kiss: A normal person so they have a Witch's Kiss, allowing the player to control them. "Normal people" includes unremarkable civvies and the lowliest of Grineer and Corpus grunts. Infested and Robots require further development of this ability to be valid targets. Sentients are all but immune to even the highest reaches of this ability, only the weakest, most damaged of them being able to be influenced to any noticeable degree. The Tenno are completely beyond the grasp of this ability. (10 Ether)
Transformation: You may switch between your Witch form and a Humanoid, however, your magic is harder to use. (All Ether costs are multiplied by 4) This human form severely dampens their Ether signature, ensuring nothing but the most powerful Void-energy field sensors and Tenno within room distance can detect their presence unless they start throwing Ether around.

Unique Witch Magics:
Signature: The Dreaming Infection
Level 0: Everyone who is asleep with her barrier or within a city-sized radius of her dreams of calming light.
Level 1: Any grunts that are asleep and in a city block-sized radius of her while in her barrier or asleep and within a plaza-sized radius of her become infected with her will, and all they think and dream of is the witch. Their minds are absorbed by the witch's hive mind, allowing her to use their knowledge as she sees fit. The eyes of the infected glow blue, and their strength and speed are doubled. If focused on as the sole target, common special units such as seekers can be infected. The Infested cannot be infected . The infected die after 3 days, but an imprint of their minds stays within the hive mind. The process takes time, with stronger wills taking longer to absorb, and the process taking longer the more targets are targeted. Beings with a strong enough will or enough power can claw their way back to wakefulness, and such cases may even cause the Witch suffer mental backlash.
Level 2: As Tier 1 but the radius inside her barrier is all of her barrier, and the radius outside is the size of a city block. Common special units can be infected. Uncommon special unit such as a Napalm can be infected if focused on as the sole target. Non-Ancient Infested can be infected only if they are inside the barrier. The infected die after 3 weeks.
Level 3: As tier 2, but the radius outside her barrier is the size of a city. Uncommon special units can be infected. Infested, including ancients can be infected outside of the barrier. Boss Tier targets can be infected if they are focused on as the sole target, but this requires the witch to invade their mind and defeat the boss their. Basically a palace from persona 5. Sentients, Tenno, and Infected Bosses are immune.

Moonlit Beams: The witch conjures a beam of freezing light that pierce through mooks like they're not even there.
Tier 1 20 Ether/use. Strong enough to one-shot run of the mill infested and corrupted so long as the latter doesn't have armour on top of a drone boosting their shields.
Tier 2 50 Ether/use Strong enough to severely damage heavily armoured units such as Corrupted Heavy Gunners and certain types of Ancient Infested.

Dream of the Light: The Witch can launch a mental attack on as many targets that are within a plaza sized radius of her. If the target's will is unable to withstand the attack, they are hurled into a deep slumber if they are average grunts, with anything stronger than that getting fatigued and sluggish, with the effect being weaker the stronger the target. 30 Ether/use. Infested and corrupted cannot be put to sleep.

Radiant Steps: The Witch can teleport to any location within her line of sight if she is within her barrier. Outside the range is a city block, and still requires a clear line of sight. 150 Ether/use.

Status Effects:




Unique Abilities:
> Howling Horde:
-Tier 0(Free):
Letting off a rather bellowing wail, surrounding familiars go into a frenzy attacking both allies and foes.
-Tier 1(-5 Ether): Aiming her head, Velka can call upon a horde of 12 Raggart's onto her intended targets.
-Tier 2(-50 Ether): Howling in desperation, Her Variant squad appears as a distraction while Velka retreats.

> Corrupted Bloodline: -10 Ether
-Tier 0(-10 Ether): Used on an immobile target(not Tenno) Velka can transfer blood to her victim corrupting it(they are notably weaker then her own creatures)
-Tier 1(-20 Ether): Giving her blood to her chosen familiars they gain an extra oomph when physical activities are called into play.
You need a third regular spell plus a Signature Spell.

and it's weapon of choice
That's a skin. It if fine to use for the looks of the weapon, but choose an actual weapon I can look up in the wiki.

Unique Abilities:
Empty Resolution:
  • Tier 0: Allows self to cleanse one status effect and a minor heal
  • Tier 1: Allows self to absorb damage of a stated type, growing stronger stat wise while ignoring minor levels of pain
You need another 2 regular spells and a signature spell.
Vitreus, Witch of Crystalline Light - grubleafeater
Sheet still in progress. Looking for quick feedback.

Vitreus, Witch of Crystalline Light

(Scaled down to 7-9 feet tall, and a lot shinier.)

Human form is a tall, ruby-red-haired, pale-skinned girl with a LOT of prominent piercings and jewelry, all of which is actually part of her body.


ETHER: 1000/1000


Location: About 3/16ths of the way down the tower.

Description: A beautiful, scintillating cave full of what seem to be precious gemstones...all of which have razor sharp edges. Most of them are incredibly reflective, and the ceiling is full of blindingly bright glowing stones.


Warframe: Prime Excalibur, Vectis Prime


Light-Bearers--Warrior/Black Mage, Boss-Aide, 100/100:
This pair, while seemingly two separate beings, is actually a communal being, one of whom uses powerful physical strikes and the other of which uses devastating magic, at least relatively speaking. The latter is physically frail, but also wields a wicked knife. Beware stabbings. Behavior wise, they will seek out another 2 different Light-Bearers to bond with, then avoid all Light-Bearers besides those it has bonded with, making encounters within the barrier less swarms and more random encounters. Each carry a crystallized shard of light, though Black Mage tends to use its mainly for stabbing and the Fighter doesn't touch it...
Light-Bearer--Red Mage, Boss-Aide, 100/100:This 'Light-Bearer' is a little smarter than the paired variant, and uses a combination of restorative and destructive magic, casting in rapid succession. In addition, it also carries a shard of light, which it focuses spells through on occasion to deadly effect.
Light-Bearer--Thief, Boss-Aide, 100/100:This 'Light-Bearer' is...well, greedy is the only word for them. Capable of stealth, and phasing through matter for a few moments in order to retrieve valuables...or rip out organs. Does not come with law-ninja...Yet. Greedily hoards crystallized light-shards, giving them up only momentarily to Red mages in order to amplify their magic.

Generic Abilities:

  • Barrier Creation (100 Ether), starts empty and takes time for the Familiar population to reach full. A Witch may only have one Barrier at a time, no matter how much they upgrade this ability.
  • Barrier Movement (Free), a Witch may, once outside the Barrier, close the entrance and carry it with to relocate. This is a mildly taxing process on a Witch's stamina even if it doesn't consume any Ether, not unlike lugging around a heavy box.
  • Witch Runes (Free), the innate ability of reading and writing Witch Runes. It starts as little more than a different alphabet. However, with the right research and investments it may just become the basis of something far more useful.
  • Sense Ether (Free), as beings of Ether, Witches are able to passively sense both Ether, Grief and Void. At the initial level it is enough to know the general location of any disturbance in any of these energies within a city-wide radius, including the presence of other Witches --and their Barriers-- and Tenno --both inside and outside Warframes--. The closer the Witch gets to a source of such disturbances, the more she can pinpoint its location, reaching maximum precision at room distance.
  • Transformation (Free), by taking a human form, a Witch severely dampens their Ether signature, ensuring nothing but the most powerful Void-energy field sensors and Tenno within room distance can detect their presence even outside the Barrier so long as they don't start throwing Ether around. However, this is a mildly uncomfortable state for the Witch, not unlike pulling one's stomach inwards, on top of making their abilities require far more Ether should they not be free (x4 multiplier to all Ether use while in Human Form)
  • Witch Kiss (10 Ether), a spell where a Witch uses Ether to suppress the will of a target and take control of their actions. Initially it only works on the lowliest of Grineer and Corpus along with civvies, requiring upgrades to affect robots and Infested or stronger entities. Sentients are all but immune to even the highest reaches of this ability, only the weakest, most damaged of them being able to be influenced to any noticeable degree. The Tenno are completely beyond the grasp of this ability.
  • Lure (Free), the cousin of Witch Kiss. This toggleable spell entrances the weak willed in a city block sized radius, drawing them into the Barrier entrance which will allow them entry. Its greatest strength and danger is that even those it cannot properly enthrall will have their curiosity piqued and find themselves able to easily track down the Barrier entrance, which will allow them entry all the same.
Unique Abilities:
  • Lumokinesis-- Signature:At her core, Vitreus is light, and thus, this spell. While it may sound harmless, control of light is anything but.
Tier 0
Vitreus has complete immunity to all light-based damage vectors, including heavy lasers; additionally, any light that strikes her is stored into her body, reflecting inside her skin until such time as she chooses to unleash it in a direction of her choice, including arcs or omnidirectional releases, making lasers worse than useless against her. With devoted focus, this can also be used to cause her to be visually invisible, though likely to be noticed outside of shadow.
Tier 1(25 ether per use)
Vitreus can, with some effort, exert some control of light within a room-sized area for a full minute, enough to create a mediocre-power laser and enough time to bounce that light between at least a hundred targets, or off the same target a hundred times. Can also blind enemies within range by preventing any light from reaching their eyes.
Tier 2(75 ether per use)
For 5 minutes, Vitreus expands her control to a plaza, increasing the potential power of the laser by a factor of 8.
Tier 3(200 ether)
For 5 minutes, Vitreus doubles her tier 2 range and adds the ability to crystallize light into a nearly weightless, ultra-hard but somewhat brittle material exceeding diamond in nearly all applications.​

  • Utgemme(Passive):Vitreus obtains a detailed mental map of the locations of all solids with crystalline structure within a plaza-sized area, and a general sense of their nature.
  • Crystal Dust(25 ether):Scatter a cloud of sharp specks of crystal. In optimal weather conditions, the crystals scatter across the entire room in a cloud of lung and eye problems centered on Vitreus. Also obscures sight. Shiny.
  • Lattice:Creates a cubic cage from crystalline light. The strength of this cage varies by the size of the cage, exponentially stronger the bigger it could have been. Lasts until broken or dismissed.
  • Tier 1(50 Ether):Up to 1/4th the size of a average room. Minimal size is just big enough for Vitreus to fit in, if she curls up into a ball.​
  • Tier 2(100 Ether):Up to the full size of a average room. Same minimum size.​
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