Character Sheet
Name: Rei Konoe
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Grade: 3rd
Archetype: Prep
Traits: Ancient Bloodline and Main Character Syndrome
Drawbacks: Orphan and Rival
Hobbies: Music and Traditional Medieval Combat(Sword)
Ex or In: Extroverted
Humors: Sanguine
LV(When you 'level up' each stat gets a 70% of increasing by 1. If you crit it increases by 2): 1

HP(Your Health): 20

ATK(Physical Power): 4
MAG(Magical Power): 3
CHA(Social Charm): 7
SKILL (Chances Of Crits): 3
SPD(How fast you evade and run. If you are faster than you go first.): 4
LCK( Chances of things going right/wrong for you): 5
DEF(Reduces damage from physical atks): 3
RES(Reduces damage from magic atks): 2

Rating(Overall): 51
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Sorry I guess i was out of it last night. Anyway i'll be using Glint's appearance because the Rei plan didn't have one.
Meeting The King.
"Wait what!?" You asked slash shouted. "Whoa calm down!" Yuki said as he shook both of his hands in front of him. "Why don't you ask pops why you are here." Said Yuki. Pops? So Yuki is the 'prince' that must mean this pops guy is the 'king'. Maybe you should. "Alright I'll meet this 'pops' character." You said. "Ok, hold my arm." Yuki said. "What!" You shouted. "I have an teleportation power. It will be a lot faster if you'd travel with me." Said Yuki in a matter of fact tone. You frowned as you hold his forearm.

"Much better." He said as used his ability. It felt strange like you were going breakneck speeds for a split second. When you stopped you felt so dizzy you almost toppled over. "Remind me to never do that again." You ordered Yuki. "Huh, so we'll meet again." Yuki said. "I didn't mean it like that." You said flustered. "Well let's go."You said. You finally looked right ahead and saw massive doors that must at least be ten feet tall. Your jaw hit the floor. "What? We have giants that visit frequently that are 12 feet tall, and that's just the kids." He said. Your jaw went THROUGH the floor.

Yuki then lead slash dragged you through the doors. After the doors opened you could see a red carpet leading to a throne and you also saw banners with red and black with a gold logo skull hanging on the walls. But of course you saw the man himself sitting in the throne. The King. With his long white hair , with his smug face, his smug face, and of course the crown on his head. Yep, this guy is a villain.

"Hello, Rei i'm Akira Karasu but you can call me King or King Karasu." Said Akira." It's nice to finally meet you Rei." He said. Now, you're in his presence you need to decide how to speak to him.
[] Respectful
[] Angry
[] Questionable

Also, I like Glint's idea to vote on your appearance again. So this will be the last time you vote for appearance.
The Ritual.
"May I ask you questions Akira?" You ask. Akira seemed pissed at you calling you by his first name, but didn't say anything about it. "Sure go ahead." He said with a new calm like he knew what you were going to ask. "Why would I become a 'villain' like you and your son?" You asked. "That's an easy one. You are already one." He said with an smirk.

"What! How am I villain?" You asked deciding to keep your calm after the intentional surprise. "Let's start with your personality. Every since you were only three years old you demanded things from the lowest of the low to highest of the highs. It got worse after that 'accident' that killed your mother and father. You'd being the only child got millions of dollars at the age of five. And without supervision besides your uncle and a few others what you do with you're money." He said calmly talking about you life.

"Then things went from bad to worse. As you met Kiryu, a male bully who once upon a time was your boyfriend. You learned from Kiryu's violence, in a bad way. Learning karate you decided to not be a rich bitch. But, a rich bitch who broke a boy's nose. You still continue your rampage even after you and Kiryu broke up over Kiryu cheating. Now, little miss bitch one of two things are gonna to happen right now you can join us and learn from us. Or you could decline our help and get beaten in an inch our your pathetic life!" He yelled.

You went with the first option. "Good. Yuki!" Akira yelled. Yuki jumped into attention mode. "Start preparing for the ritual!" Akira ordered Yuki. Yuki then ran out to most likely prepare for the ritual. "What's the ritual?" You asked after he was gone. "The ritual is sort of a awakening. It gives you an magical power depending on your bloodline." He said. "Wait. Magic?" You asked bewildered. "Yes magic. But not like the ones in the Harry Potter movies or books." He said. "It's well it is better for you to found out on your own." He said.

After an hour or two Yuki entered the throne room again to inform you two that the ritual is ready. You three walked across the hall, down two flights of stairs, and entered an room that was magical. With an giant pentagram in the middle surrounded by candles and unhooked chains. "Lay down in the middle of the pentagram." Yuki ordered as Akira stared holes into your back.

You did so as Yuki chained your legs and wrists. "Are you ready Rei?" Yuki asked you. "Of course." You replied. You were as much ready as you could be. Then it begun at first the only things that happened was Yuki and Akira muttering nonsense. Then you felt an burning sensation that was EVERYWHERE. Your face, legs, torso, etc. Everything burned so much you closed your eyes to stop from crying.

Then it suddenly cooled down, as you panted you felt something crushing you. You looked down to see that you are wearing some black armor with a lot of red spikes. Then something appeared in your hands. You looked over and saw that you were holding a red katana that was longer that is only 25% shorter than your body. Even though you just got it you know how to wield like you been using since you were born.

Soon the heat returned but this time a little hotter. "Don't worry about the heat. It's the magic getting used to your body. It will be okay, soon it will be over!" Yuki yelled to you. Soon the magic was done as well the ritual. "Get up Rei." Ordered Akira. You did. "Can I look at your magic." He asked. You nodded your head.
Time to see your magical power.
1-20 is 2 in mag
21-40 is 3 in mag
41-60 is 4 in mag
61-80 is 5 in mag
81-99 is 6 in mag
100 or more is 7 in mag
Deathvon threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Magic Power Total: 19
19 19
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Rei Konoe's First Summer Job
"Not the greatest, but not the worst." He said. "Now, that's over we are gonna give you your first job." He continued. You nodded without words. "There are two boys your age who word around will settle their differences near the garbage dump at 6 o'clock." He said.You wore a questioning look on your face. "You may be wondering why I set you to this place over a silly thing like two boys fighting. Well you maay see when you get their." You nodded.

When you were about to leave the castle you suddenly heard Yuki(why does he have that name) voice calling towards you. You turned your head and saw him leaning down and panting. "Sorry, but dad told me to give this to you." He said as he handed you a bracelet. "This is a magical object that will help you in the future." He said. "What does it do?" You asked. He seemingly deflated upon hearing your question. He then picked him self up and said. "This bracelet allows you to scan nearby people and things. For example, just focus your eyes on me." He said. You did.

And you saw this:

Yuki Karasu
Geneder: Male
Age: 26
Archetype: The Prince
Traits: Ancient Bloodline and Stamina
Drawbacks: Strong Scent and Insomniac
Hobbies: Fencing and Music
LV: 21

HP: 38

ATK: 18
MAG: 20
CHA: 15
SPD: 25
LCK: 10
DEF: 16
RES: 10

Rating: 164

"That could be useful." You said. "I know right! This could help you see when you are way over your head." He said with an hint of sorrow. "Anyway... you may be wondering how you get out of this place. Well it is actually pretty simple. Just press that button." He said pointing to a black button on your bracelet. "That is also how you we contact you, change your clothes, and how you get back here. Try it." He said. You did and you immediately appeared at what appeared to be the entrance of the local dump.

Okay, now that you are here you might as well go and check this fight thing out. So after you changed your clothes to your regular attire you walked right in. You then saw what looked like one of those abandoned buildings that was probably used to be a worker's place to hangout and relax. You walked in.

You then saw a bunch of school kids ranging from first graders to high school kids. You also what seemed to look like a makeshift octagon steel chamber. Then, you saw what appeared to look like a fourth grade boy standing an makeshift podium. "Welcome to the first ever meeting of Kiryu and Takeshi." He said with drama in his voice. Kiryu? He was your former boyfriend. If you remember him correctly he is now kind of well... a bully. The other guy not so much.

Well, now that you know the two people who do you look for?

[] Kiryu
[] Takeshi
1 hour until the 'fight'.