Underrail Station Builder

[1][Task] Set up a system of governance
[4][Task] Scout the Upper Underrail
[5][Task] Scout the Middle Underrail
[2][Task] Set up farming and housing
[3][Task] Repair and reboot

This is how we vote right? Been a while since I saw the number vote type request, so I don't remember what to do for that.
[1][Task] Set up a system of governance
[4][Task] Scout the Upper Underrail
[5][Task] Scout the Middle Underrail
[2][Task] Set up farming and housing
[3][Task] Repair and reboot

Looks like a good enough order to me.
[2][Task] Set up a system of governance
[4][Task] Scout the Upper Underrail
[5][Task] Scout the Middle Underrail
[3][Task] Set up farming and housing
[1][Task] Repair and reboot
[1][Task] Set up a system of governance
[4][Task] Scout the Upper Underrail
[5][Task] Scout the Middle Underrail
[2][Task] Set up farming and housing
[3][Task] Repair and reboot
[1][Task] Set up a system of governance
[4][Task] Scout the Upper Underrail
[5][Task] Scout the Middle Underrail
[2][Task] Set up farming and housing
[3][Task] Repair and reboot
[1][Task] Set up a system of governance
[4][Task] Scout the Upper Underrail
[5][Task] Scout the Middle Underrail
[3][Task] Set up farming and housing
[2][Task] Repair and reboot
[1][Task] Set up a system of governance
[4][Task] Scout the Upper Underrail
[5][Task] Scout the Middle Underrail
[3][Task] Set up farming and housing
[2][Task] Repair and reboot

Yeah. Running the university with their need to rush, you're probably going to regret putting scouting at such a low emphasis.

1: Setup a system of governance
The way you see it, there's a few ways you could set up governance.

One is simply to take control of everything as a military commander.

Or you could set up a separate military/civilian command structure and focus on taking care of the military needs of the station while the civilian structure takes care of the other needs.

You could also select a group of people with different skills and put them in charge of different aspects of the nation, an oligarchy.

If you wanted to, you could experiment with the old democratic system of governments, using an elected oligarchy (a republic?) or even direct democracy where choices are voted on by residents of the station

[][Government]Military dictatorship
[][Government]Military/civilian split
[][Government]Full Democracy

2: Repair and reboot

This goes well. In no time at all the station is generally up and running. Worryingly, you can't find the generator, so you don't know how long you have until it fails, nor how often it needs to be rebooted. The archives refer to the power as 'solar and wind'. That means it's located on the surface, and thus not user serviceable. You will need to put a plan in place to handle it's possible failure.

Other than that, you get a pretty good catalog of the blueprints and manuals you have available. Noone's trained in them, though, and it's hard to learn without an expert... books can carry only so much information. The labs are functional, which should help. Experimentation and hands on effort is a good way to learn.

There's a few lorries and forcklifts here, which you quickly press into usage transporting materials for your other important duties.

3: Farming and housing

The biolabs have a small stock of edible seeds. You quickly order them planted, under the growlights. Other than that, you clear out the dorms, and find that there's plenty of space for your entire contingent. When the scouts come back from the middle passages, you determine which of the natural caverns is good for hunting and mushroom farming, and send some people there to set up an outpost.

4: Scout the upper under-rail
You find a train, an important part of stratigic mobility. Unfortunately, it's already claimed. It seems that a rather large gang of savages are living in the train. You're uncertain of their social structure, or if it's possible to negotiate with them, but it's clear that they don't understand that the train can move. The whole train is the center of their small village, with leantos built against it, and shacks on the tracks.

You also find your nearest neighbors, a small switching station that likely contains a generator to electrify the tracks and some storage for oil, sand, and water. It's walled off with couple of corrugated aluminum walls, and low concrete barriers. The community that lives there apparently has access to some source of resources.

Lastly you mark the position of the entrance into the caverns, and use the forklifts to set up an impromptu checkpoint.

5: Scout the middle passages
It's difficult to scout without trains. Your people need to travel on foot, and occasionally through their limited supply of light vehicles. Mostly you find collapsed tunnels that lead into the unstable and ever-changing network of natural caverns. They could be useful, or they could be a threat.

You manage, at least, to find the nearest stop. It's not a full station, and there's no way to shunt trains around one that is currently stopped, except by shunting it to the opposite direction line... but the passages to it are wide enough to carry cargo lorries, the platform is wide enough for loading and unloading.
[X][Government]Full Democracy

No reason to start off with a shitty government. Lets actually be a nice place to live in the underrail.
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I assume full democracy means everyone votes on everything?
Yes, whereas Council/Republic means that people vote on who heads which department, and the department heads make the choices about what their department does, as well as voting together on things that the government as a whole does.

Quick lore question because it'll likely not apply to quest mechanics, is the surface uninhabitable due to radiation, ice age, pathogen, etc? What's the cause, at least in terms that the common tunnel dwellers knows of. I'm fine with nothing detailed, just basic knowledge that would be easy to come by.
Quick lore question because it'll likely not apply to quest mechanics, is the surface uninhabitable due to radiation, ice age, pathogen, etc? What's the cause, at least in terms that the common tunnel dwellers knows of. I'm fine with nothing detailed, just basic knowledge that would be easy to come by.
The surface is toxic. That's what's generally known. It's also known (academically) that whatever happened was gradual and that it was worsened by a war on the surface, but the surface was already becoming uninhabitable by the time the war started.
Your character doesn't know this. Basically nobody knows this : this planet isn't earth. The surface was partially Terraformed. People started underground, moved to the surface, the Terraforming started to fall apart and they moved back underground.
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The surface is toxic. That's what's generally known. It's also known (academically) that whatever happened was gradual and that it was worsened by a war on the surfce, but the surface was already becoming uninhabitable by the time the war started.
Your character doesn't know this. Basically nobody knows this : this planet isn't earth. The surface was partially Terraformed. People started underground, moved to the surface, the Terraforming started to fall apart and they moved back underground.

Noted. Going to assume that also means we'll find more than just metro tunnels if we go far enough, especially since the surface was already going poison before conflict was even initiated.

On a side note, it does make me wonder what a side quest / same universe quest where the players basically do 'space' colonization on the surface, with or without underground connection.
Turn 2 start
You decide to set up a sort of republic. Generally speaking, you're splitting your government into departments, and specialists in each department will have a vote in the leadership of that sector... this basically guarantees that you'll continue to lead the scouts as your men (and women) are still quite loyal to you.

You've also put together a process that new sectors can be formed as necessary. The department leaders will come together and vote on whatever major actions need to be undertaken by the whole government working together. You also wrote in that a simple majority of department leaders can block the appointment of a new department head if they think that they can't work with him.

That also delineates your responsibilities pretty clearly: You're responsible for scouting and military action. Since there's no official department of diplomacy, you are currently generally the leading voice in how to handle outside threats.

It's going to be a while before the government is put together enough that you have to answer to them.

Speaking of outside threats, there are two you need to deal with right now. The train hermits, and the switching station.

Choose 4 actions

[]Scout the upper underrail.
Right now your map of the upper under-rail is very limited. Without a train, scouting further is hard, but doable.

[]Scout the middle underrail.
You've found the closest stop, now you need to find out what's near it

[]Scout the middle passages
You can keep scouting in other directions through the passageways and caverns.

[]Infiltrate/scout the Rail Hobos
More information may help, but it also may not help.

[]Infiltrate/scout the Switching station

[]Make a plan for the rail hobos
Decide what to do with the rail hobos

[]Make a plan for the switching station
Decide what to do about the switching station.

[]Improve the scouts
This can get you more actions per turn, or a bonus to certain types of action.

[]Find the electoral candidates
This will help you find out who the candidates are, putting you in a position to engage in blatent-and-less-blatent electorial interference next turn.
[X] More information
-[X]Scout the middle underrail.
-[X]Infiltrate/scout the Rail Hobos
-[X]Infiltrate/scout the Switching station
-[X]Improve the scouts

Possibly the wrong choice, instead of handling the problem this will be delaying things, or potentially allowing events to blow up in our face. Then again, anything we scout shouldn't be able to link the scouts directly to our group immediately.
[X]Improve the scouts
[X]Find the electoral candidates
[X]Infiltrate/scout the Rail Hobos
[X]Infiltrate/scout the Switching station
[X] More information
-[X]Scout the middle underrail.
-[X]Infiltrate/scout the Rail Hobos
-[X]Infiltrate/scout the Switching station
-[X]Improve the scouts