Ultimate Hangman's Gambit III - La Pasión del Amor y Muertes (Pueblo Victory)

It was a useless death given cop.
Not really it gave us the list that turned out to be right baring one Innocent being caught in the crossfire, and again it allowed Lost to check Tenfold that night, allowing us to kill the SK before they could kill more Townie which could have very well fucked us.

If we hadn't killed him and thus confirmed the Masons, Lost would have had to spend what could have potentially been his only night action on confirming the Masons and not searching for Threats.

In terms of Opportunity cost, killing TFA was very helpful and that's also why the Cop also voted for that, because they understood that.
On the other hand, lynching a mafia right off the bat would have confirmed the Mason anyway.

Oh well, those are 'what-if'. Plenty could have happened.
Actually, if we'd have gotten Icarus Day One, we'd have gotten the roleblocker.
I'm just waiting for the game's post-mortem at this point. Wanna read the mason chats and see the night action record and such.
I mean, most of the Mason chat was me making incredibly off-base speculations, so that should hopefully be amusing :V
Ah yeah reasonable people can disagree about the D1 Lynch. Some people think lynching the Town Mason was the right choice, and some like me think it's better to lynch the Mafia Roleblocker in such a situation ;) :V

In all seriousness I think I certainly could have played a lot better, I didn't do a good job of pushing my ideas and convincing people I was right. I clearly have a lot I can improve, and I feel like I learned a lot this game. Definitely let myself get a bit too hoodwinked by Generic_Generica at the end there, who apparently was making up the salt. I really bought it, I got duped—that factored in in part to why I was more intransigent about lynching Icarus first. Of course, be the final day there wasn't really anything Gen_gen could do because of Mega and LDJ doing very good jobs as their roles. I can't really give myself credit for getting anything right there, but LDJ and Mega played great.
Honestly I'm finding it incredibly hilarious because tfs had immunity and we targeted him lmao.
Ah yeah reasonable people can disagree about the D1 Lynch. Some people think lynching the Town Mason was the right choice, and some like me think it's better to lynch the Mafia Roleblocker in such a situation ;) :V

In all seriousness I think I certainly could have played a lot better, I didn't do a good job of pushing my ideas and convincing people I was right. I clearly have a lot I can improve, and I feel like I learned a lot this game. Definitely let myself get a bit too hoodwinked by Generic_Generica at the end there, who apparently was making up the salt. I really bought it, I got duped—that factored in in part to why I was more intransigent about lynching Icarus first. Of course, be the final day there wasn't really anything Gen_gen could do because of Mega and LDJ doing very good jobs as their roles. I can't really give myself credit for getting anything right there, but LDJ and Mega played great.

50% of the salt was fake.

The other 50% was me channeling my pent up anger and rage from having to deal with shitposters and trolls all the time. :V

rl fucking me up the ass was actually a thing though. :p
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Honestly I'm finding it incredibly hilarious because tfs had immunity and we targeted him lmao.
Tfs and I were talking about you guys making good kill choices after we both died.

Tenfold on Night 1
Me on Night 2
Nani on Night 3

Pretty good, though I'm glad I was able to bait you guys into killing me instead of trying to reach out and kill a power role, if you guys had gotten Mega it could have been pretty bad without him protecting LDJ.
Honestly I'm finding it incredibly hilarious because tfs had immunity and we targeted him lmao.

50% of the salt was fake.

The other 50% was me channeling my pent up anger and rage from having to deal with shitposters and trolls all the time. :V

rl fucking me up the ass was actually a thing though. :p

:o Real anger mixed with fake! I'd never be able to tell it apart in such a situation.

I'm glad I managed to turn that around after my fumble day 2.

It wasn't a perfect Day 2, but with the Doctor alive I think it was fine. TBH Mafia had their work cut out for them, trying to find that Doctor. And even in the situation with no Doctor... I mean, it wasn't required, your final check. It helped, but it primarily helped because it made you innocent, not because it made Gen guilty (it marked Gen as innocent, after all). And Mafia making sub-paroptimal night kills didn't help. Of course, they were forced into one of those by the Masonry... just a tough situation all around really.
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And Mafia making sub-paroptimal night kills didn't help. Of course, they were forced into one of those by the Masonry... just a tough situation all around really.
Honestly considering their situation I think they made the right calls.

After Day 2 they absolutely had to kill me because I was the one most openly on their tracks.

Nani and Joe were confirmed towns for everyone so by killing them they had a chance of muddying the waters in terms who could be the suspects.
Honestly considering their situation I think they made the right calls.

After Day 2 they absolutely had to kill me because I was the one most openly on their tracks.

Nani and Joe were confirmed towns for everyone so by killing them they had a chance of muddying the waters in terms who could be the suspects.

Yeah you did a good job of drawing the shot off of any potential doctor. Also with you around I am sure that D3 would have gone better, and perhaps there would be more than 4/9 votes down. D3 almost went really badly, actually, so maybe that was the optimal shot.
I'm also glad I managed to avoid being killed. Maybe because mafia needed someone to accuse late game, but I was bullshitting having a self-protect, by the way.
Roles & QuickTopics

@Generic_Generica as El Político:

The mastermind behind the Simpáticos Cartel, you have decided that simply receiving money from behind the scenes and pulling the strings of government is not enough. You've bribed yourself into elected office, been signed in as the newly appointed Governor of El Estado de País. Now all that's left is to win the upcoming election; if a businessman can do it in America, you think, then there's no reason you can't either. After all, you're a businessman of a sort yourself, aren't you?

The only problem left is that nagging hometown of yours. You can't just say no to their invitation to visit, but that fuddy duddy little mountain town is beneath you now. You'll make them regret taking up your valuable time, and come out of it looking like a brokenhearted victim.

You are a member of Los Simpáticos. You win when there are no threats to your Cartel.

Communication: You can communicate with other members of your cartel [here].
Night Kill: Once per night, you can kill another player. Your kill flavor is [Committed Suicide].
Faction Leader: You decide who lives and who dies. Each night, send a PM saying "Kill [Player] with [Cartel Member]". This power transfers on death to the next Cartel member.
Clean Record: It wouldn't do to have your inequities publicly accessible. You've doctored your history and show up as Innocent to investigation.

@Icarus as La Gorila:

Every leader needs some pure muscle to back them up. For you, it's been your entire life. As a child, you protected the scrawny kids who had the cash to buy you lunch. In school, you kept the guys from doing anything to the head of your clique. When you found yourself on the streets, scrounging for the meagerest amount of anything, you sold your strength to the highest bidder - and now their investment is paying dividends. You used to have to smash and crush to kill a man, but now you can end their life with two hand movements and not break a sweat. A life of luxury is a cheap price for your loyalty.

Now, though, your boss has taken you out to the sticks. This isn't luxury; it's not even average. It's just back to where you were before you met them. The sooner you can finish this job, the better.

You are a member of Los Simpáticos. You are Guilty. You win when there are no threats to your Cartel.

Communication: You can communicate with other members of your cartel [here].
Night Kill: Once per night, you can kill another player. Your kill flavor is [Neck Snapped].
Proactive Prevention: Trained in hand-to-hand combat as you are, it's a simple thing for you to restrain someone without being seen. Once per night, if you make no other action, you may restrain another player. To do this, send a PM saying "Roleblock [Player]".

@LupineVolt as El Diputado:

You're fed up with your pay, you're fed up with your job, and you're fed up with your life. Once upon a time, you thought you wanted to be a hero, but that was when you were young and naïve. There's no such thing as heroes in this world, you thought; only people who lie to themselves to let them sleep better at night. Then, why not embrace your foulness, and become that which would let you earn real money? You knew that if you worked your way up the ladder at the police department long enough you would earn the right to be bribed - and now you have. Hell, it's about time too, isn't it?

All you need to do is doctor a document here, murder a nosy person there, and you're set for life. Maybe you'll even get promoted.

You are a member of Los Simpáticos. You are Guilty. You win when there are no threats to your Cartel.

Communication: You can communicate with other members of your cartel [here].
Night Kill: Once per night, you can kill another player. Your kill flavor is [Shot].

As I said, this was a mainly vanilla game. Not that it stopped you people from doubting me, but, well, I meant what I said when I said there weren't many curveballs to this game. As a good example of that, the Mafia (or the Cartel, in this case) was fairly mild, having only a Godfather and a Roleblocker, along with a powerless mook. There were no interesting powers, no Spys or anything like that. And, well, they did...okay. Icarus got heat on him for not posting, as is usual. Generic got heat on themselves for not posting, as is...well, I dunno if it's usual for them or not, but it happened. Lupine did decently. Sadly, a lack of communication during the day phase got Lupine lynched, and poor target prioritization (or just bad luck) meant that they painted themselves into a corner by the end. In the end, not even Generica's Innocent read was enough to provoke discussion by the remnants of the town, as all those who doubted their guilt were dead.

Oh well. They gave it the college try.

@TenfoldShields as La Demente:​

You love your job. You get to be on TV, all the time! Everyone on both sides of the border knows that Las Cucurachas are the Cartel to watch out for, that they're the rising stars of the criminal underworld! And it's all thanks to you. You, the enforcer who made all the criminals of La Ciudad submit in less than a month. The news calls you cold, calculating, a terrorist, someone who commits collateral damage just to make things easier for yourself - but that's not true, is it? You aren't a sociopath, you can empathize with others. You know that, deep down, they're just like you. That's what makes them so fun to kill, after all! If you wanted to kill something fake, you'd probably be one of those couch kiddos that makes your country the leader in obesity.

Really, you wonder why everyone hates you so much. After all, you give everyone you kill a fighting chance. Or, well, you untie them anyways. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair!

You are a member of Las Cucarachas. You are Guilty. You win when everyone else is dead.

Night Kill: You can't imagine getting any sleep without doing any evening activities. Each night, send in a PM saying "Kill [Player]". Your kill flavor is [Succumbed to a Fit of Passion].
Kill Immunity: You've never died yet, and you aren't going to now. They don't call your cartel Las Cucarachas for nothing, after all! You are immune to killing abilities.

Poor Tenfold got hardfucked; there's not much else to say other than that. He had nightkill immunity, as did the Serial Killer in Ultimate Hangman's Gambit I, and another game I ran elsewhere, so I don't know where Ellf got that 'no kill-immunity for SK's' thing from. In any case, adding a second killing role probably tilted the balance out of favor from the Town, but it ended up alright so I guess it's okay?

@Joebobjoe as La Alcalde:​

You don't know what went wrong. All you wanted to do was celebrate your hometown's brief relevance on the national stage by inviting the Governor back to his birthplace. Now there's all sorts of criminals everywhere, probably gunning for the man, or because they saw you on TV. Your government isn't equipped to handle this. It's hardly even equipped to handle a crime bigger in scope than a convenience store robbery! Now it's all that's between these criminals and the people.

You hope you live long enough to resign from the position, quite frankly. Being in charge of a small town isn't all it's cracked up to be.

You are a member of El Gobierno, and are Innocent. You win when all threats to El Pueblo are eliminated.

Communication: You can talk with other members of El Gobierno [here].

@TheFanficAddict as El Secretario:

What are you even doing here? This was supposed to be a stepping stone to a better job. Work as a secretary for a two-bit mayor of a tiny town off of familial connections, do a decent enough job, maybe suck a few of the right dicks and then be off on your way to La Ciudad, where you could work for someone who mattered. Be in the big city! Create a scandal! Marry someone richer than you! You had it all planned out.

Except now you're stuck here. In the sticks. With a bunch of killers, probably. You don't really care about the people who live here but it would be really good to not die, you think.

You are a member of El Gobierno, and are Innocent. You win when all threats to El Pueblo are eliminated.

Communication: You can talk with other members of El Gobierno [here].

@Nanimani as El Soldado:

It's been a long time since you were able to go home. It's not as though you had much to do, as a soldier, but moving around with the army hardly ever let you be stationed anywhere in the same state as your hometown, let alone near enough to walk. Being a soldier pays decently enough, at least; enough to keep you from being bribed by the cartels, your cynical squadmates say, but not enough to make a decent life out of. Maybe they're right, but you know that you can make a decent enough life even without money once you're discharged and go back home to the family ranch.

Well, that's what you thought, anyways. You weren't expecting to go back so soon, but personal bodyguards are hardly enough to protect the Governor, especially when there's rumors of gang activity. You were meant to work with the local government to prevent anything from happening and now, well. Here you are.

You are a member of El Gobierno, and are Innocent. You win when all threats to El Pueblo are eliminated.

Communication: You can talk with other members of El Gobierno [here].

I don't really count Masons as true power roles, honestly; they're probably around 0.5 of a power role in my eyes. They have a theoretically powerful ability in unfettered communication and knowledge of each other's innocence (unless there's a Spy), but the value is so dependent on the individual players that it's not worth assigning a higher value to. In any case, the mason in this game did...surprisingly well, all things considered. I mean, the Day 1 reveal of all their members was terrible, and it was really shoddy play all around on day 1, but Nani and JBJ were pretty decent after that, and even though their power was basically neutered, they made it work. I do appreciate people who continue to use their mason rooms even if their teammates are dead, so props to JBJ for continuing to put his two cents in. It's a shame their main value was through process of elimination, but it could be worse.

@Megaolix as El Cirujano:​

You're renowned worldwide as one of the best aesthetic surgeons in the field. You're less renowned as a pretty fair hand at actual surgery, too. Working as a medic in the jungles of Súr, and then a doctor at the military base, you figured that maybe a fatter paycheck was a worthwhile trade-off for fatter patients. Sadly, many of your fatter patients ended up being more dangerous, as well.

Now, you find yourself in the small town of Pueblo, and you're not even sure why. You received a call from one of your more shadowy patients, and here you are. Still, might as well make sure nothing happens to anyone if you can. It'd make your job...complicated.

You are a member of El Pueblo, but appear Guilty due to your cartel connections. You win when all threats to El Pueblo are eliminated.

Don't Die On Me: Once per night, you may use your medical expertise to save someone who would have otherwise died. Obviously, if someone wouldn't have died anyways, this power does nothing. You cannot use this power on yourself. To use this power, send a PM saying "Save [Player]".

The doctor was the doctor. Shocking, right? Overall, he did basically what he was supposed to; protected the Cop. Had he been investigated, he would have been in pretty dire straights, considering he lied about his role and flipped guilty, but it didn't happen, so whatever.

@LostDeviljho as La Policía:

It's a hard life, being a cop in this country. Half the criminals are out to kill you, and the other half want to bribe you. When you moved to El Pueblo, you thought you'd put the fast life and high risks of La Ciudad behind you. After all, it was just some tiny mountain village in comparison, negligible crime rates, no known gang influence. It wasn't even marked on maps that went beyond El Estado del País. A nice place for a retirement in all but name, maybe pinching the butt of the cute secretary as they passed by, or seeing someone seriously again. A place to settle down.

Well, that's changed now, hasn't it? Now what was once a welcome refuge has turned into a maze of faces you don't know. All the connections you made in La Ciudad are gone, and only your hard earned detective's instincts remain.

You are a member of El Pueblo, and are innocent. You win when all threats to El Pueblo are eliminated.

A Dark Night…: Once per night, you may investigate another player and find out whether they are Innocent or Guilty. To use this power, send a PM saying "Investigate [Player]".

Another pretty bland event on this side; he investigated people. LDJ was blocked for most of the game, but he caught Tenfold, so that's something. Ironic that the only Cartel member he properly investigated was the Godfather, though; in the end he didn't get a single Guilty from anyone but the SK.

Sorry about not giving flavor to the investigations, by the way, but, well, I was pretty tired :V

@Ellf as La Señorita:

When you walk down the avenue, all the people of El Pueblo turn to look. When you go to Mass, you can tell El Padre's eyes are avoiding yours. When you snap your fingers, half the men of the town mass around to do your bidding. You've no intention of staying in this rinky-dink town, surrounded by a gaggle of farmers and mechanics. Besides, it smells like grease here, and the fact you can't tell which kind makes you want to leave even more. You dream of La Ciudad, the land of shining lights, and a passion that would let you leave your old life behind. You won't be satisfied until there's a rock on your finger that could buy half the homes on your block.

This might be your big chance, too. If you and your family (of course, you do love them, they're just so dreadfully rural) make it out of this alive...well, they say the Governor is single. He looks so handsome with his hair slicked back, too…

You are a member of El Pueblo, and are Innocent. You win when all threats to El Pueblo are eliminated.

@Shard as El Abuelo:

You've lived a nice, long life. The longest in El Pueblo, in fact. People hold you up as an example of the wonders a rural mountain lifestyle can do for one's health, except not literally because you're afraid they might drop you. They do come to you for wisdom, though; as the effective village elder, you are seen as a font of knowledge and advice, bought for the cheap price of some food and drink. You don't really mind it - it's a bit fun giving these young'uns advice about things like romance and cattle ranching.

You wonder how much longer you'll hold that Village Elder title now that all this trouble has started. You want to get rid of these pesky, new-age intruders and let the town continue on as it always has. Change is good, sometimes, but not this change.

You are a member of El Pueblo, and are Innocent. You win when all threats to El Pueblo are eliminated.

@Deadly Snark as La Gringa:

Is this Guadalajara? You're in Guadalajara, right? You looked at the map, and like, there was totally a spot here that said Guadalajara. But, like, everyone is calling things by generic noun names, and not actual names? Also, like, this is way smaller than Guadalajara is supposed to be. And in the mountains. No one will use your name, either. They keep calling you Gringa? Like, that's totally rude, right? If they want to call you attractive they could at least use a word you understand, like, caramba. Or maybe even pinche?

Also, there's supposed to be like, gang wars or something happening, right? Do you get to take pictures of them? Or are you supposed to like, watch from behind the hotel fence while they fight? You, like, totally don't get it.

You are a...member...of El Pueblo, and are Innocent. You win when all threats to El Pueblo are eliminated.

@Blazinghand as El Ranchero:

It's been so long since you've seen your beloved, you can feel your heart aching. You don't understand why her father won't let you see her, can't he understand? She doesn't need La Ciudad, she needs love! Your hermosa, she needs el amor of un hombre que tiene una herencia estable. Ella y tú, casaron en una celebración feliz, puedes pensar la escena en el ojo de tu mente. Necesitas tu hermosa, tu mejor hermosa! No puedes vivir menos de ella y su amor!

Qué? Los carteles? Tu no necesitas preocupar con los carteles. Eres la protagonista de este telenovela, te entiendes? Bien, ándale!

You are a member of El Pueblo, and are Innocent. You win when all threats to El Pueblo are eliminated.
And these are the Vanilla roles. I guess they are technically outnumbered by the power roles, but if you count the masons as .5 of a power role, it's more like 3.5 power roles to 5.5 vanillas.

That makes sense, right? :V

Next: Night Actions!

(Fucking SV not letting me embed 13 youtube videos)​
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I'm reading the logs now.

To clarify, I actually did have trouble posting, I was on vacation all last week. Half my week was spent in a car or on a plane out in the gulf of Mexico. Went to South Padre Islands for vacay. Literally the only things I did were post some shitty fanfic over on QQ at one in the morning at hotels when I had internet access and that was kinda all my internet activity during vacation.

Also lol at this comment because I don't debate at all the most I've done is post in VS which is like, slap-fight tier at best. There were other tidbits in the logs that made me chuckle but this one stood out lmao.

11:30 AM ET (US)
You know, one interesting thing I find about Mafia is that it should, in theory, have players debating, to put in under SV terms - In Bad Faith.

Maybe that's why GG is struggling? :p
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And for those of you who were wondering why Tenfold and I were getting along so well in those days.

Well honestly we were just sucking each other's dicks for stress relief because we were getting PTSD Flashbacks to the Thing Game. That's all there was, so that one was not us playing mindgames on you all.
08:24 PM ET (US)
By the way, postgame Blazing, the 100% certainty was part of the act, wasn't it?

Yes. Obviously I wasn't 100% certain you were Mafia for example.

D1 I was quite certain lynching TFA was a terrible idea and moderately certain Icarus would flip scum—but not entirely. That being said, Icarus was clearly a better lynch in my view than TFA at the time.

On D2 I wasn't certain about TFS, but we had to go for him anyways since LDJ claimed cop. Also he did himself no favors.

On D3 I was certain Ellf was a terrible bad lynch, and LupineVolt was likely mafia. You won't believe how angry I was in the final hour.

On D4 it was clear to me that Icarus was mafia based on his various lies and inconsistency.

On D5 I was certain that Gen was mafia, but this was only doable because LDJ and Mega played well.
Honestly, on Day 1, I was 90% certain that there was no point in lynching TFA. If he'd managed to get on in time to hammer Icarus, we'd have saved ourselves a load of trouble. I would also have recommended that LDJ _doesn't_ investigate the masons.

As for why I thought about SK with night-kill immunity was unlikely... in every game prior to this that I've played with a SK, they didn't have Night-kill immunity at all.