Transhumanity's Fate (Eclipse Phase, Fate RPG System)


Firewall Proxy
The Diamond Age
Your mind is software. Program it.
Your body is a shell. Change it.
Death is a Disease. Cure it.
Extinction is Approaching. Fight It.

Transhumanity's Fate is in your hands.

In Transhumanity's Fate, you play secret agents protecting the scattered remnants of transhumanity from threats that could wipe it out once and for all. You might be a crusading hacktivist, an anarchist militia fighter, a planet-hopping xenoscientist, a psychic detective, or a social networker owed favors by all the right people. You're a transhuman—a genetically modified human, an intelligent animal, a mind in a robotic shell, or even a bodiless artificial generalized intelligence (AGI). Your body is heavily upgraded, and your mind can communicate with every electronic device around it. You need every advantage, because you're up against mutants infected with an alien virus, WMD dealers, corrupted AGI god-minds, shifty amoeboid alien merchants, rampaging alien wildlife, and the ultimate threat: transhumanity's own self-destructive capabilities.

You will change bodies, because bodies are disposable now. They are tools, not who you are. You will change your mind - your soul, if you like - to suit the mission, because minds are malleable. You will accept death to achieve your objectives, because death is only an inconvenience, nothing more. You will stop at nothing, because the alternative is extinction.

Welcome to the future, sentinel. Welcome to the war.

So, what is this about? What is Eclipse Phase?
It's an RPG, obviously. Eclipse Phase is the setting; it takes ten years after Earth was (barely) evacuated after being lost to renegade artificial intelligences known as the TITANS. The RPG itself is under a creative commons license (that is, free to distribute as long as you don't charge money for it). They can be downloaded from here, if you want, and I highly recommend them. There's also the thread for Eclipse Phase on SV, which you can find here.

What's the "Fate" part about, then?
Fate is a roleplaying game system. It, too, can be downloaded for free, here, and has a system reference document here. Fate doesn't have a specific setting, but a specific style. It's more narrative - players have more freedom to make up details as they go along, and the dice rolling reflects story mechanics more than any concern for 'realism'. Characters are assumed to be competent, proactive, and dramatic, and the system supports this.

"Transhumanity's Fate" is an adaptation of this game system to Eclipse Phase. It is available on DriveThruRPG, but is also CC licensed and should be available through this finely crafted link here.

What do I need to read to play this game?
It'd be good to read at least the intro to Transhumanity's Fate, so you have some idea of the setting, and maybe the intro to Fate Core so you know what you're getting into. Beyond that? I'm mostly looking for creativity and willingness to dive in.

So, what's the basic premise? How do I apply and make a character?
See...I don't actually know yet. That's something we, as a group, will create together. My inclination is to play a Firewall (secret organization defending transhumanity) game or maybe a law enforcement game, probably on Mars, but that's not really set in stone; it depends on what other players want, and what they bring to the table. Fate, more than many other RPGs, asks that players have a creative agenda. get started, post that you're interested. Ask questions if you have them. Talk about what sort of genres you want to involve, ideas you'd like to explore, characters you'd like to create or to meet, situations you'd like to engineer. Comment on what others have said, what's interesting and exciting to you. There are other elements to bring in. One thing I think would be neat to do is to bring noir elements in, but that might require dropping Firewall. Other possibilities include greater levels of political intrigue and ideology, or more espionage/secrets. Game creation and character creation are collaborative, and we'll build on each other's ideas.

It's up to you. Who wants to save what's left of transhumanity?
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Posting for interest. I'll edit this when I'm not falling asleep on my feet. Vaguely interested in some sort of social intrigue gameplay, semi-hopefully focusing on rep as a major part of gameplay.
Posting for interest. I'll edit this when I'm not falling asleep on my feet. Vaguely interested in some sort of social intrigue gameplay, semi-hopefully focusing on rep as a major part of gameplay.

One of my main complaints about Transhumanity's Fate is the lack of changing reputation/favors as a gameplay element. Depending on what other interest looks like, you might just incorporate that into your character with stunts, or I might break out my homebrew version of rep.

One thing that is definitely plausible is switching up the Rep skills. By default you have Civ Rep and Eye Rep; if we're not Firewall, those might be changed into Corp Rep and @-Rep, or something similar.
So, we put out elements we like to see?
Cognite and the Lost are some of my favourite elements of the setting
Zrnby Group, simply because I've never had anything done with them and they are just a giant plot hook.
The Mercurials, especially the Synth side of them.

I'm sure I could go on further, but those are possibly the biggest sections I like.
I'm up for this. I will download the materials and have a read, best to have at least some idea of the system.
I'm interested, passingly familiar with EP, and decent at FATE. I'll take look through stuff when I have time.
I'm interested. I'm familiar with Fate and EP, though I haven't played Humanity's Fate. I'll read it over and add my character concept then.
Definitely interested. Will have more when I get some computer time.
Cognite and the Lost are some of my favourite elements of the setting
Zrnby Group, simply because I've never had anything done with them and they are just a giant plot hook.
The Mercurials, especially the Synth side of them.

In order, then.

Lost and Cognite are things that might be best to address through character creation. If you want the Lost to be part of the game, being Lost - or being someone involved in the program, or otherwise having a connection to Cognite - is probably one of the most simple and direct ways. Cognite is loads of fun no matter which way you slice it, really.

Zbrny Limited I've never found much use for. They're just sort of...there, you know? They'd need to end up tied into some other layer of conspiracy to do much with, in my opinion.

The Mercurials...I'm not sure if you mean AGI? Note that campaigning for recognition of those sleeved in synths (as the Steel Liberators do) is distinct from mercurial AGI-rights boosting, and those two factions probably don't get along very well in general. Mercurials arguing for AGI rights face a significant uphill battle, especially in the inner system.

Definitely interested. Will have more when I get some computer time.
I'm interested, passingly familiar with EP, and decent at FATE. I'll take look through stuff when I have time.
I'm interested. I'm familiar with Fate and EP, though I haven't played Humanity's Fate. I'll read it over and add my character concept then.
I'm up for this. I will download the materials and have a read, best to have at least some idea of the system.
Posting for interest. I'll edit this when I'm not falling asleep on my feet. Vaguely interested in some sort of social intrigue gameplay, semi-hopefully focusing on rep as a major part of gameplay.

Okay, so we have some interest. Probably more than I can take in a single game, and potentially more still to join (as are indeed welcome). Now, there's a couple ways of resolving this. First, attrition - I assume there's around 50% dropout rate over the course of a game's first days, so this problem might take care of itself easily enough. However, the premise of creating a game and characters together falls apart if most of them leave, so I'm trying to make sure that the weeding out happens sooner rather than later. Second - if, as we're throwing around ideas, we still have people who are committed and a lot of pull in different directions, we'll split into what are effectively two different games. Fair enough?

So, on to what we are actually doing here. We're doing game creation, Fate style (page 18 on the pdf). The setting is decided insofar as what universe we're in (Eclipse Phase), but there's a lot of places in that universe; my inclination is Mars or the Moon, at least to start. We're also deciding on the scope and nature of the game - maybe we're local to a specific city or habitat, and deal with its concerns rather than trying to save all of transhumanity (yet). Or maybe we're more interested in intrigue and spy games than the technothriller action Transhumanity's Fate tends to assume. From AI and Estro I'm already sort of imagining a game where characters are usually unable to acquire lots of heavy gear and need to rely on manipulation, psi, and favors to get things done.

We're also creating two game aspects, which are either current or pending issues. These are things that will be able to be invoked or compelled at any time. By default, Transhumanity's Fate assumes you're Firewall agents, and throws in 'making a server' as part of this process. One aspect/issue I've been toying around with is Those who play with the devil's toys... - a good Fate aspect, IMO, for showing the all-too-thin line between a very pragmatist Firewall cell, and overzealous Cognite brainhackers.

Lost and Cognite are things that might be best to address through character creation. If you want the Lost to be part of the game, being Lost - or being someone involved in the program, or otherwise having a connection to Cognite - is probably one of the most simple and direct ways. Cognite is loads of fun no matter which way you slice it, really.
Cognite have formed the basis of litterally every game I've run. Too much fun. Best one was when they used the neo-synergists link on a group of several thousand infomorphs and accidentallied another TITAN.
Zbrny Limited I've never found much use for. They're just sort of...there, you know? They'd need to end up tied into some other layer of conspiracy to do much with, in my opinion.
Fair enough.

The Mercurials...I'm not sure if you mean AGI? Note that campaigning for recognition of those sleeved in synths (as the Steel Liberators do) is distinct from mercurial AGI-rights boosting, and those two factions probably don't get along very well in general. Mercurials arguing for AGI rights face a significant uphill battle, especially in the inner system.
Yeah, the AGI Mercurials. And I've usually had them with a Dente with the Steel Liberators and the like when they cross paths as the upper echalons view it as a waste of time being idiots against each other while the LLA still exists.
So, on to what we are actually doing here. We're doing game creation, Fate style (page 18 on the pdf). The setting is decided insofar as what universe we're in (Eclipse Phase), but there's a lot of places in that universe; my inclination is Mars or the Moon, at least to start. We're also deciding on the scope and nature of the game - maybe we're local to a specific city or habitat, and deal with its concerns rather than trying to save all of transhumanity (yet). Or maybe we're more interested in intrigue and spy games than the technothriller action Transhumanity's Fate tends to assume. From AI and Estro I'm already sort of imagining a game where characters are usually unable to acquire lots of heavy gear and need to rely on manipulation, psi, and favors to get things done.
Hmm. I like mars more than the moon, personally, and... oh, City level? Maybe Olympus Mons? And I love playing Asyncs. Need to check how Fate has changed them, tho.

We're also creating two game aspects, which are either current or pending issues. These are things that will be able to be invoked or compelled at any time. By default, Transhumanity's Fate assumes you're Firewall agents, and throws in 'making a server' as part of this process. One aspect/issue I've been toying around with is Those who play with the devil's toys... - a good Fate aspect, IMO, for showing the all-too-thin line between a very pragmatist Firewall cell, and overzealous Cognite brainhackers.

Those who play with the devil's toys could be the tag line of the entire Fall, tbh. Fits so well with the overall theme of EP, so Ill go with that.

The other? Hmm, perhaps... something to do with the underclass that indentures form?[/QUOTE]
Count me as another vote for Async/Lost themed campaign. I like playing Asyncs and writing their very non-standard outlook, but it might also be interesting to play as a therapist/handler/foster parent who's trying their best to keep their charge from going off the deep end and taking everyone with them.
Interested in the game, though undecided about specifics and unfamiliar with the material. If that is not a problem then count me in.
Well, I`m just reading through the material and the world is sounding interesting so far, I would be interested, but I`m not sure if I can point out any themes yet, have to continue reading first~

Edit: But what made me stop was the article over Scum Barges, playing as inhabitants from one of those, instead of a more shinier group, might be interesting.
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Or maybe we're more interested in intrigue and spy games than the technothriller action Transhumanity's Fate tends to assume. From AI and Estro I'm already sort of imagining a game where characters are usually unable to acquire lots of heavy gear and need to rely on manipulation, psi, and favors to get things done.
Noir and thriller are things that FATE can do well, existential horror not so much.

I'm a bit confused on the rules for Morphs as far as cost and stunts work.

I'm not sure if I could do an Async properly.
Those who play with the devil's toys could be the tag line of the entire Fall, tbh. Fits so well with the overall theme of EP, so Ill go with that.

The other? Hmm, perhaps... something to do with the underclass that indentures form?
Count me as another vote for Async/Lost themed campaign. I like playing Asyncs and writing their very non-standard outlook, but it might also be interesting to play as a therapist/handler/foster parent who's trying their best to keep their charge from going off the deep end and taking everyone with them.

I think the biggest question is: to Firewall, or not.

The upside of Firewall is diversity. Anyone can join. It also makes handling character exits and entrances graceful. Why are a Jovian intelligence officer, an uplifted octopus, and a Titanian professor working together? Because Firewall, that's why. It also provides obvious mission structure and justification. Why are you trying to infiltrate Cognite? Because you're trying to fish for x-risk info.

The downside is that it sets a specific tone and, to a degree, pace. Spy ops also sort of rule out certain types of relationships, and plays down the value of creating interconnected, self-motivated characters in the first place, which is one of Fate's strong points.

My initial inclination was Firewall. But with a strong theme (built around the Lost, asyncs, Cognite in general for example), there's a lot stronger argument for not going there (unless 'being secret agents' or x-threats in general has a high level of appeal). This also suggests that the other setting aspect might be a pending issue like Cognite Will Never Stop Searching, or Anyone Could Be Infected, or The Hypercorps Want To Brainwash Everyone (or the related Technology Will Make It Easy To Brainwash Everyone).

As we're talking about setting aspects / issues, we can also start talking about specific locations, and individuals - potential allies, and adversaries as well.

Oh, and for those posting interest, can you let me know what times you're likely be on? That's just helpful from a general communications standpoint. You can find me online from 5-10 PM, Eastern Time, with sporadic mobile phone access between those times (and maybe sometimes in the morning).
I think the biggest question is: to Firewall, or not.

The upside of Firewall is diversity. Anyone can join. It also makes handling character exits and entrances graceful. Why are a Jovian intelligence officer, an uplifted octopus, and a Titanian professor working together? Because Firewall, that's why. It also provides obvious mission structure and justification. Why are you trying to infiltrate Cognite? Because you're trying to fish for x-risk info.

The downside is that it sets a specific tone and, to a degree, pace. Spy ops also sort of rule out certain types of relationships, and plays down the value of creating interconnected, self-motivated characters in the first place, which is one of Fate's strong points.

My initial inclination was Firewall. But with a strong theme (built around the Lost, asyncs, Cognite in general for example), there's a lot stronger argument for not going there (unless 'being secret agents' or x-threats in general has a high level of appeal). This also suggests that the other setting aspect might be a pending issue like Cognite Will Never Stop Searching, or Anyone Could Be Infected, or The Hypercorps Want To Brainwash Everyone (or the related Technology Will Make It Easy To Brainwash Everyone).

As we're talking about setting aspects / issues, we can also start talking about specific locations, and individuals - potential allies, and adversaries as well.

Oh, and for those posting interest, can you let me know what times you're likely be on? That's just helpful from a general communications standpoint. You can find me online from 5-10 PM, Eastern Time, with sporadic mobile phone access between those times (and maybe sometimes in the morning).

24/7! I have a cell phone!

Well nearly 24/7. I do accidentally sleep sometimes.
Noir and thriller are things that FATE can do well, existential horror not so much.

I haven't really tried Fate with horror. I'm guessing it wouldn't work, especially not via PbP, where it's difficult to be properly oppressive and get people to panic. If anything, I imagine existential horror would work the best, since it's more cerebral, but it would require a lot of buy in that I'm not sure I have.

(That said, if I had it, I would 100% go there.)

I'm not sure if I could do an Async properly.

A game focused on the Lost or Cognite wouldn't demand that everyone be Lost, though for obvious reasons it does ask that you be okay with - well, excited about - Cognite, the Lost, and Asyncs as setting elements.
Blugh, I have read through the rules for fate but I still need to read up on the setting.

Although from what I have seen the biggest advantage of fate, as it has been said, is that characters can be self motivated and build themselves on those motivations. Its really interesting and I am surprised I have not heard of the system sooner (especially since everything seems to use it).
I haven't really tried Fate with horror. I'm guessing it wouldn't work, especially not via PbP, where it's difficult to be properly oppressive and get people to panic. If anything, I imagine existential horror would work the best, since it's more cerebral, but it would require a lot of buy in that I'm not sure I have.
The best horror game I was ever in was a game of Fiasco.

Horror is much harder to do through PbP, because you need cosmic/existential horror, and that's much harder to do than a jump scare. (It's also easier to screw up and leave people annoyed.) If you've got GURPS Horror or GURPS Mysteries, I'd recommend reading them, because their treatment of themes and how to build a game around horror or mystery and still have it be fun for everybody.

A fundamental element of horror is that something is subtly wrong. And as much as I'm a fan of EP, subtlety of themes ain't something EP does. (I heard that they mellowed out in the later books and allowed some nuance in.)
Horror is much harder to do through PbP, because you need cosmic/existential horror, and that's much harder to do than a jump scare. (It's also easier to screw up and leave people annoyed.) If you've got GURPS Horror or GURPS Mysteries, I'd recommend reading them, because their treatment of themes and how to build a game around horror or mystery and still have it be fun for everybody.

TBH, jump scares don't really work in IRL games, either. You need to be oppressive, without making the players disengage, call bullshit, or stop taking it seriously. Taxing their resources and making them willing to run, but not so obviously screwed that they give up. Having them open the door and find a monster doesn't do anything. You need to do things like have them hear the monster before they can see it, to feel unsafe even when you have absolutely no intention of attacking them, etc. Pacing and description are both vital.

There's an art to it, but I haven't mastered it, and PbP doesn't really do it so well anyway.

A fundamental element of horror is that something is subtly wrong. And as much as I'm a fan of EP, subtlety of themes ain't something EP does. (I heard that they mellowed out in the later books and allowed some nuance in.)

Eh. I think subtly of themes (and politics) is orthogonal to subtle wrongness on a visceral level. While I don't think Eclipse Phase supports or emphasizes horror nearly enough, I recognize that EP doesn't have a specific style of horror to support, and for everyone what works and doesn't as horror is very different.

EP's biggest problem with horror is sometimes that there's so many ways to fuck with your players, that it's too easy for players to be cynical about it.

Like I said, it requires some buy in here. But if we were going to do something existential horror related, there's some setting aspects I'd throw out there. The Universe is Vast, Cold and Uncaring is an aspect that can be invoked whenever the fact that the universe is vast, cold, and uncaring can make your day worse. Pawns of Inhuman Intellects, can emphasize loss of control to alien and human-made gods. Humanity Is A Weakness can be used all sorts of Wattsian ways. The Truth Would Destroy Us hints at great secrets we were not meant to know (but players will pursue anyway). You Are Not Who You Think You Are can be taken very literally...or not, depending.Not to mention consequences, location and situational aspects that can be thrown in there, from Cosmic Anxiety Disorder, to The Walls See Everything and Judge You, to An Icy Tendril Grips Your Mind.
Still room for those interested?

For what I'm into, I want to see you give your best stab at horror because I enjoy the suffering of others. Maybe that weird crater on Mercury could be a good destination!
Still room for those interested?

Only four people have really expressed more than passing interest at this point. If everyone who has shown interest starts contributing, we'll need to split this into two or more games, but we're not quite there yet.

I have actually never set a game on Mercury. Mercury and Neptune are the only planets I've never done something in EP on/around. I'll look into it again.
I'm on Eastern European Summer Time right now (jeez, just typing that makes it look really stupid) which is 7 hours ahead of Eastern. I get a couple of hours of computer time about 10-12 pm or so, so that works out to 3-7pm Eastern. Also on sporadically throughout the day on mobile, and if I'm lucky an hour or so during the rugrat's nap time, generally 1-3 pm EEST or 6-8 am ET.

I'd say with the Async/Cognite link there's no need for Firewall. I find Firewall a little annoying anyway, it's the EP equivalent of "you start in a tavern...." And it narrows down the scope of PC motivations because well, you have to want to work for Firewall.
I think the biggest question is: to Firewall, or not.

This is still the biggest question, the one that informs all other planning considerations at this point. This is something everyone who is actually interested in playing should weigh in on. Where this has been going in my head thus far is a Lost/Cognite game of @Kensai, @Estro and others (@Amorous Intent ?), and a Firewall game with @samdamandias , @Iron Wolf, and others.

(Again, somewhat tentative because the bandwidth of communication here is so low.)

If I don't have your name, it's because you haven't told me anything about what you're interested in. Fate runs on players having narrative authority - it's not about me telling a story to you. Creating the game is playing the game, and in the absence of input, I can only assume indifference. While I don't want to push people before they've had a chance to read the setting and system, I also don't want to let this sit for too long and lose interest before we've even gone anywhere.