To Topple a Kingdom


Still in Statis
So...It's settled then.

He towers above you, the boiling flames failing to scour away the hard, writhing shadows that make up the god's ethereal form. Before the burning pit, you cower, your ghostly forms small to the infinite rock and flame of the underworld and nothing compared to the divine form before you. Demons chitter in the darkness as the Dark God smiles.
Perrrfeeeccct...heh...haha...AH HAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHA

The underworld shakes, and your forms begin to dissipate before what feels all the world like galeforce winds. A variety of demons swirl around you, chitinous clawed things, horned monsters with flaming wings, beautiful ones with skin of obsidian and marble. A pair of beautiful Fey, nigh identical despite their different genders, laugh in tune with the Dark God with sound like jingling bells. Even a gold burning Celestial in billowing white robes is visible, busy writing something down on a slate as she watches you from under her stained glass wings. The hell flames suddenly shrink as all grows suffocatingly dark, leaving the Lord of Shadows illuminated only by a halo of flames and his titanic figure shudders with laughter that could shatter cities.

Then he coughs.

Right, sorry about that. Force of habit. Anyway, let's keep this on the downlow. I want it to be a surprise to my wife. Plus she miiggght get a little peeved at me letting you go without asking first.

The god shrugs, brushing his claws together with a sound like a thousand simultaneous thunderclaps and the screams of a dying country. The light returns, and world stills.

Much faster than the last lot that came through, that's for sure. I just about threw them into the nearest fiery pit of torment and despair. Ah, good times, good times. Anyway, first things first...Paperwork. Deepest apologies. I hate the stuff myself, but I can't just raise you from the dead without having an excuse for the other divines. Have to make sure you do the whole disclaimer and 'of my own free will' signature stuff, because apparently my bloody word isn't good enough that I'm not corrupting your souls to evil and what-not. As though I'd risk my Wife's wrath on that, the pompous bastards. Just because I love to….heh 'play' with their little plans at times... Well, I could always ignore the paperwork, annoying them is always fun, but my Wife would probably be annoyed at me. And that would defeat the point of this whole endeavor…

I promise on my dark heart that you don't have to sell your soul for this. Not aiming to trick you mortals, as much fun as that would be! Not that my Wife lets me collect souls anymore…So let's begin! Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth! Over here! The Dark God shouts with a voice that shakes the ceiling in the clouds above. A horrible demon thing comes out of nowhere, its body crab like and covered in a thick shell dotted by maws and tentacles, with burning clawed hooves for feet and tentacles for hands. It glares at you all with its six burning eyes, its vicious serrated mandibles pulling into some facsimile of a grin before it...Promptly pulls out a quill and an obsidian slate, covered in burning writing that is strangely in ordinary 'Common'. A moment later, it slides a trio of reading monocle over its right eyes and taps the quill on the slate.

"'Tis simple tongue, sirrahs, with just as simple purpose and wording. Merely disclaimers to confirm thou art not being coerced and taking this contract is of thy own free will, and that all evil deeds thou perform in thy new undead forms art of thine own free will, that thou concur wholly to all parts of our contract, ect. ect. Dost not bother looking for fineprint and hidden loopholes and the ilk. Sadly, 'tis part of mine contract that I'm not permitted to attempt such."

As much fun as it is, it'd slow down the process too much if every mortal was looking for it. I mean, sure, you mortals already go 'Oh, Demons, better double-check everything for fineprint!' but hells, Demons are just too good a source of employees to pass up. Most Fey are too flighty and Celestials tend to be pricks-No offense! He calls out, the few Fey and Celestials mostly continuing on without a care, save the one Celestial with burning gold hair who just gives a thumbs up. Also, don't call us, we'll call you. This doesn't mean I'm your patron, so don't expect me to answer your prayers unless I have a bloody good reason to.

"Indeed. Alloweth us to proceed to business." The Demon utters.

God and the Snake
"The 'honorable'-" The Demon begins, tentacles waving in the quotation gesture. "Duke Lucius de Montechiaro de Caito de Racalont the Third. Scion of the depress'd line of Racalont who once hath served the most wondrous Dark Lord as bannermen and-

Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth? Can you cut it out with the Archaic Common, it's giving me a headache."

The Demon quirks its head. "Ah, but thy highness it maketh me sound so much more respectable."

Arx'Vrak'nralnar' just makes you sound silly. Just get on with Duke Lucius de long name, please.

The Demon sighs. "Yes, your shadowyness. Well...Duke Lucius, it is a dark pleasure to meet you. Your father was a famed bureaucrat in our circles. I hope that his skills have passed onto you." The Demon says with a respectful nod, handing his obsidian plate over. Strange, wispy pieces of paper appear on it. "Sign here, here and here your lordship. You may write in your own blood if you wish, but hellfire script is also acceptable."

Ah, bureaucrats. Truly there is no more evil profession than that. Though, being an assassin is quite a bit more entertaining to watch as a god. And Silvertouch? Nothing like a good ol' rivalry between assassins! Seems she's straight up angry you up and got yourself killed by someone else-how inconsiderate of you! Oh, you'll be fun indeed. If you prove fun enough...I might even let you add my name to my resume and not send a plague of locusts to strip the flesh from your bones for doing so.

"Truly, your generosity knows no bounds, your most diabolicalness. Hrmph." He takes the slate back in claw. "Everything in order. Good luck, sir duke. And try not to explode next time."

Try not to get killed by any Assassins! Have fun toppling the kingdom!

With that, the god slams his foot into you with force enough to rip a hole in the veil of reality. You fall, screaming back into life.
You wake up to the the noise of meat tearing and animals growling. You also wake up in pain, because it's your meat tearing as a pair of hungry wolves chew on your left leg. Reacting with swift, well honed training you bop them in the nose and make growling noises back. The surprised wolves quickly run off.

Picking yourself up, you try to reorient yourself. The moon sits high above in the sky, and you seem to be on a forest covered hilltop overlooking the scorched remains of a castle. Seems you got blown straight up the mountainside from the explosion. And you really didn't fare too well, looking at your body. Your wounds are slowly sealing before your eyes, but your skin is charred, insides are visible and...You're pretty sure all your bodyparts are currently attached with some strange form of gray material covered in script reading 'Demon Tape'.

Well, you were in a lot of pieces from that explosion.

Below, you hear barking. Through the brush, you hear voices.

"Oh shite, wolves!" "Ach, don't worry! They're clearly hunting dogs!" "Whew! And here I thought we were about to die. Seriously, who has hunting dogs out when the Royal Inquisition is patrolling?" "Well, there's that Assassin-Oh wait a sec-GRK." "Where the burning hells did tha-URK!"

You hear two very loud sounding thuds from the brush. Well, that's ominous.

"Loremaster Logren Longrow."

Absolutely awesome alliteration, mortal.

"Sixth son of the highly virile Longrow line, a graduate from Vexir's Academy for the Ambitious-Not a bad choice, though I think Amacia's University for the Unusually Gifted was superior. Still, my respects to Headmaster Vexir. In any case, graduated with high grades but no particular honors, and served as a Loremaster for the Dark Library where he-"

Ahem. The Dark God coughs politely. I already know their history, Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth. I don't need to hear it.

"You never let me have any fun, your omniscience." The Demon sighed. "Still, Maleficus made a good choice in you, Longrow. World conquest requires dedicated minions alongside the occasional fool to execute for incompetence. Sign here and here and here please."

Y'know Longrow, Maleficus actually mentioned your name in our conversations. He was quite complimentary, and especially thankful for your help in researching Dark Elven courting rituals. A pity that little relationship ended with those sudden and unexpected cases of decapitation.

"Almost as frequent an ender of evil romantic relationships as betrayal. Accursed Adventurers." The Demon comments as you sign the slate. "Lich fits you well, but take care. True liches will have nothing but hatred for you. And you'll have to keep your amulet away from people who want to sell it at the local pawn shop. You may want to brace."

Have fun toppling the kingdom!

And with that, you're kicked creaming through the ethereal veil.
You wake up at the outside of an open grave, a pile of freshly moved dirt lying alongside it. A simple wood plank sits before it, inscribed. "Ser Logren Longrow. Servant of darkness, teacher of forbidden knowledge, but a noble nonetheless. May the Light cleanse his accursed soul so his family may see him in the next life."

How nice of them to actually dig you a grave, though you're confused on how you got ou-
Well, it'd be useless to revive you if you got stuck in a hole in the ground. As amusing as your panic would be.

Ah, that explains that. You're near the abandoned ruin you were tracked down and killed in, and in the distance you can make out the town that stands at a crossroads in the region. It is currently night.

What a beautiful song you sang, ms. Duchamp. But now, you'll sing on your terms, not that of a petty fey.

"Damned Fey. Stupid plant loving bastards. Too flighty to be of actual use. No offense you two!" The Demon calls out to the male and female Fey twins flying about the field.
"Much taken!" The two giggle in perfect unison, disappearing behind a plume of smoke.
"Alright mortal, sign the contract. Try not to waste a second life by being screwed with by some half-plant that gets off on murder."

Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth, you also get off on murder.

"Well, yessss...But I do it professionally. There's a style-a discipline to murder and mayhem, your obscureness. Fey are just so random about it. It's disgustingly amateurish." The Demon states.
A fascinating rant, my friend, but our little songbird is more interested in filling out her contract than hearing it. A banshee...Ah, yes, that fits. Sing well for me, good little girl. And show those Light pricks you're the best in all the world.

"Yes...Knock them dead, as they say." The Demon says, pointing out where to sign. "I suppose that you won't have to worry about breaking legs as a ghost." He adds, taking the slate back. A moment later, it disappears from thin air and he pulls another out of nothing.

Well, everything in order? Good. Now...Let's test your screaming voice.

As it turns out, your screaming voice is just as good as it used to be, judging by how loud it is as the god kicks you through oblivion and out the other side, back into life.
It is a dark and stormy night that you find yourself on the peak of a cliffside on the Alvarian coastline. A tad cliche, but still quite appropriate for a soul as artistic as your own.

"Suffer not the witch to live." Comes the all too familiar voice of Sir Nicolas Maes from nearby. You twirl about, your ethereal form beginning to shimmer in the moonlight, and you are greeted by the consuming flames of a fire so hungry, even the drenching downpour cannot stop it. Lightning flashes as you look upon your own body, lopped into dozens of pieces, pierced through with consecrated blades burning upon the stake.

Multiple men, knights and men-at-arms and even a pair of what looks like clerics, stand about the fire as your mortal form burns. Though they shiver in the drenching downpour, and flinch as thunder booms in the distance, they do not leave. They do not even seek shelter in the church just down the path a little. B

"Is this truly necessary?" One Knight calls out over the sound.
"We all saw how much killing this Witch took! We must ensure she never threatens the realm. On this consecrated ground, the Witch's spirit will be put to rest forever more." Knight Maes replies, his eyes burning with nearly as much intensity as your pyre. You shudder, feeling faint. He is not wrong that this is holy ground.
"You have dishonored yourself, Maes. After this, we part ways...But in this, I am agreed. Let her burn." A knight replies, to muttered assent.

Then, Maes' gaze begins to turn from the fire, scanning the twinkling moonlight that for the moment. Half-blinded by the lightning and flame, he does not see you immediately. But after just a moment, his eyes begin to narrow, and-
A faint whistle, like a bird song echoes from the bushes behind them. The knights all twirl around, drawing swords in a nervous rush.

"The burnin' hells? No way a bird would be out in this weather, would they?" You hear one ask.

Wade Garret
Agatha Malloch?
The Dark God utters with a voice that sends lava spurting from the fiery pits of torment and despair. Splashes of it sizzle on the ground around you. Oh, this is wonderful! It's my favorite nun!

"Bloody Agatha." The Demon chuckles. "You are quite the talk of the Burning Hells. A blind religious zealot who murders countless in the name of Lady Nightsong? Big fan of your work. I don't suppose I could get your autograph?" He asks with a wry twitch of mandibles as he presents the burning slate. "Just sign, here, in triplicate here, and here Mother Flaywell. Make sure to dot the pentagrams."

Aggy-can I call you Aggy? Ol' Lady Nightsong had so much to say about you over tea on Theoretical Tuesdays-what? Don't give me that look. Granny Nightingale's my mother in law, of course we have tea. She always brings these delicious little conceptual cookies and says such amusing stories. Nice lady, when she isn't glaring at you disapprovingly and makes me feel bad for being a Dark God. Ugh. Always feel like I need to set up a charity after tea with her.

"Well, the only charity this one will raise will be founded on blood and pain. Delicious." The Demon slithers, tasting the air. "Have fun out there, young gir-Wait whoops, humans get wrinkles and die before their first century. My bad." The Demon coughs, glancing over the slate. He gives a firm nod to the Dark God.

"I'll tell Lady Nightsong hi for you! Have fun toppling the kingdom!" The Dark God shouts, before punting you straight out of the afterlife.
"This really doesn't feel right." You hear a young masculine voice say as you slowly return to consciousness.

"Look, better safe than sorry, alright? Someone so utterly Evil has a habit of getting resurrected by Dark Gods or evil necromancers and such." Another voice, hard and feminine replies. You seem to be in some sort of pit. And there's a number of other bodies around. You seem to have been stripped of everything save a surprisingly intact robe, and your skin is thoroughly decaying at this point. For some reason, the stench doesn't bother you. The maggots on the other hand, just might.

"But she worshipped Lady Nightsong?" The first voice replies. "It isn't right to steal her from the Order's graveyards, even if she was a rotten monster."

"Worshipped burnin' Lady Nightsong and murdered that many people? Are you a nitwit? It was obviously just a cover. Besides, it's not graverobbing if we have a writ from the Inquisition."

Cracking open an eye, you look up. There's a pair of knights in full plate harness at the edge of a small rise above the pit you're stuck in. You also see a pair of men-at-arms in mail toss a body into the pit before striding off. All are wearing tabards bearing the heraldry of the Silver Drake Holy Templars.

"I guess...And I mean, fire always consecrates anyhow, right?" The first knight says.

"Correct." The second, older female one replies as the two men-at-arms return with tankers of oil, and promptly star pouring the flammable liquid over the corpse pile. That is probably not a good sign.

Ugh. Hanging is no way for a proper hero to die. I mean, you didn't even get a dramatic fight either. Such a waste...Well, let's change that. You deserve a better tale than being hung by peasants, my greenskinned friend. Let them rue the day they thought they could cut a hero's tale so dreadfully short!

"Ugh. Gruk the Masked Knight. Your mother would be so disappointed in you. A disgrace to the Sinester name." The Demon comments dryly. "Still...The best villains also make the best heroes. Perhaps you'll come around to your heritage one day, Gruk."

Now Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth, no corrupting the poor innocent souls I'm raising as unholy undead as part of my devious plot to bring down the Light gods blessed Kingdom of Eternal Light as a gift for my Wife the Goddess of Death! I mean, that extra step of evilness is just unconscionable.

"Your sense of irony is noted, your deep blackness. Sign please, Gruk."

I think you might be using irony wrong, Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth. Anyway, Gruk, good meeting you. Want me to tell your parents you said hello-actually, you might not want to. They'd be a little annoyed you didn't give them any grandchildren.

Well, either way...Show those fools what an Orcblood can do, Gruk. You have it in you, I know you do. Have fun toppling the kingdom!

He does a running start before he kicks you, the flickering, every changing shadows that may represent legs sucking the light from the fiery pits of torment and despair with every step. Then, he kicks you so hard the ceiling of the underworld cracks and you fly shrieking back to your body.
The first thing you notice as you come to is a disconcerting feeling of weightlessness. The second is the realization your neck shouldn't be at that angle, and that you have a rope around your neck. Your third is there are flies buzzing around you.

The forth is that you can still feel some sense of pain, judging by the arrow that just tore into your side. (Take two wounds).

"Ugh, bad shot that. I'll never get accepted as a yeoman at this rate." You hear a young voice complain as you twirl around in place. As you turn, you creep your eyes open slightly at three lads, probably eighteen or so, standing down the hill from the tree you're hanging from. Illuminated by the silver light of the moon, two string bows while a third sharpens a spear. Behind them and down the hill, you make out the village.

The shorter of the two bowmen, a boy with straw colored hair strings his bow and fires. This one strikes you dead in the chest with an agonizing *thud*. (take five wounds). You shake back and forth on the noose.

"Hah! Beat your shot!"

"Luck." The older boy with black hair comments. "Remember who the sergeant-at-arms complimented at the competition. Just got to get a little better at this and they're sure to pick me up."

The young lad snorts, sticking his tongue out. "Yeah well...Why are we even shooting this ugly monster? Thing's already dead, and it smells horrible."

The one in the back talks. From his voice and start of a beard, he's older than the other two. "Because we men-at-arms sometimes have to fight the undead. It makes good practice-aim for the heart and head and all that. You never know when some dread spirit may raise evil creatures from the grave."

"How do we know this evil creature isn't going to come back then?" The younger chap asks.

"There's not a necromancer in a hundred leagues of here. And nothing else would bother raising an Orc from the dead, Nobody gives a shite about Greenskins. Not even the Dark Gods."

The Dark God looks down upon you.

You are an idiot.

The Demon pauses, considering, then nods. "He is an idiot. An unlucky idiot. It is a surprise that he did not die younger."

Well, he is at least good at magery. Surprising, really. Usually fools screw up the math and then dramatically explode.

"Ahhh...So many fond memories." The Demon states. "Sign here, here, here, in triplicate here, and upside down here mister Edolas Blackhazel. Don't ask why. It'll break your feeble mortal mind with truths it was not meant to know."

Good luck finding your old pirate friends, 'Captain'. Ah...A pirate. It's too bad we never did allow gunpowder to exist in this universe. Pirate fights aren't as much fun without pistols and cannons and explosions.

The Demon pauses, tentacles scratching its head carapace. "...What's gunpowder?"

Nevermind that. It would break your feeble immortal mind with truths it was not meant to know.

"...Touche, your voidness."


You find yourself buried in a fancy church crypt. How nice. Though it's rather discomfiting to realize that you are missing all of your skin. And meat. And organs. And everything else fleshy.

You try not to think too hard about how you're still able to walk around without muscles, see without eyes, smell without a nose, or any of the other things. You do think for a moment too long, however, and a finger falls off. You very, very quickly stop thinking entirely as you reattach your finger. You can hear the faint muttering of prayers though the walls and smell the faint scent of incense.

Well. You're in a church crypt. As a skeleton. That is pretty bad. Really unlucky, really. But hey, at least it can't get worse, right?

That's when the Church bell starts frantically ringing.

"PIRATES!" Comes the bellow. Somehow, you have the sinking feeling they aren't going to be your crew.

OOC: I was originally going to have you emerge from the crypt, and based off my rolls, you ran into the Bishop(literally), who proceeded to easily catch you. But I facepalmed and realized that'd be taking control away from you-still, I found it amusing enough to share.


Ahhh, deja vu, Sir Tarkus. Good to see you, though I'll miss that Dark Elven rival you had. Anyway, so rare to get a proper dragonblood! We really do have a lot of interesting sorts dead today, don't we Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth?

"Indeed your shadowship. Though, today is a bit of a misnomer given time does not flow in the planar realms as it does in the-"

Stop correcting me, Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth. Anyway, mortal...My, you really are a strong one, aren't you? A real hero you. I'd say that makes accepting the deal of a Dark God surprising, but we've already had a few of those today. Still, happy to have you. I've always loved dragons and dragonbloods. In fact, I used to be the Patron God of dragons. No, really I was!

"Well, yes, you were. But that was primarily because your first portfolio had you as the patron god of 'Kidnappers of fair maid-" The Demon begins, before the Lord of Shadows lightly pokes the Demon with a divine claw, causing the demon to split in twain and sending both halves flying into a nearby fiery pit of torment and despair. "I REGRET NOTTTTHHHHIIING!" The top half screams before it disappears into the flames.

Myself damn it, how many bloody times do I have to say don't bring up my burning early portfolios. Ergh. Worst idea I ever had. Ever. You mortals do not want to know the types of creeps that pray to you with a portfolio like that. I just thought it'd be cute, what with princesses always getting kidnapped in the fairy tales. The Lord of Shadows shivers. Bloody fairies and their half truths. None of you get to talk about this ever again, or I swear by Myself and My Wife I'll remove you from existence. It's bad enough the planar creatures know about that, not letting that spread amongst the mortal realms. Burnin' hells, worst portfolio for a divine internship ever.

"Sir Tarkus. Please, sign here mortal." A demoness says as she suddenly appears in front of you, handing the slate and quill over. You pause, surprised at what looks all the world appears to be a Succubus is wearing practical and simple black robes. Then, you sign the slate. "Much obliged, sir knight." The Demoness tilts her head at the Dark God. "And we are set, your lordship."

Good, good. Go out and do your dragoning in my glorious name, mortal! Go and avenge your people's betrayal and all that loveliness. And don't mention a single word about my first portfolio or else. Good luck toppling the kingdom mortal! He says a mere moment before his divine foot connects with your ethereal body, and you're sent screaming through the barrier between realms…
The first thing you awaken to is a first hand experience of what it's like to be pecked on by a bird. You shake the animal off, and it flutters away with a loud squawk. Luckily, nothing attacks you immediately thereafter. Your armor is stripped, your sword gone, and somebody even up and stole your pants. Bodies, still rotting surround you. Most are dragonbloods-the humans seem to have buried their own. Scavengers lurk among the dead, corpses shifting as animals feast...And mortal men seek wealth.

"Oh, this one had some gold in his boots!" "I'm more interested in the boots, honestly. Nice and comfortable looking, and just my size." Voices echo from nearby, and slowly you try to pick yourself up-but several bodies are laden upon you. "Oh! Hey, he's still alive. Get me my knife."

"No...Please..." You hear a familiar draconian voice gurgle, though you don't recall the name. Forcing the bodies off of you, you're about to move when more words break out.
"Hey! Back off lady! His boots are ours!"

Several more screams echo out, only to end just as quickly.
"Thank...You." The Draconian voice rings out again.
"I would hold your thanks. I'm not here to save you." A voice like song echoes through the night lit valley of death. A second later, you make out the dearth rattle of another of the Dragon Knights.

A faint whistling tune echoes as Yuriel Bladewind, resplendent in silver armor, strides right past where you lie, smoothly wiping the blood off her beautiful blade.

Heaven Canceler
Oh good, another Dragonblood and more deja vu. Well, hopefully I'll actually get to see a fight with a werebear to completion this time. Pretend you didn't hear any of what Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth said and only remember the 'used to be a patron of dragons' thing. You say anything, and I'll hear it. And I'll remove you from existence-well, probably just kill you again for my Wife's sake. Just wish to make that clear.

"...Oh you're kidding me. You're that wizard that prat Ayaka'razaly'furzu'muzur is...Grr. Do you know what that burning stereotype cost me?" The demoness in front of you asks, though you can only stare in confusion at what you can clearly tell from experience is a rather beautiful succubus wearing perfectly ordinary and unflattering black robes. "I almost made it in with the Archdemon Vrelsh'naralx've-"

With all due respect, I'm sure our good mortal here is completely unaware of his demonic companion's activities that involved screwing you over.

"What! I would never-"

Metaphorically, I meant my dear, terrible, terrible excuse for a succubus and excellent excuse for a secretary.

"Oh. Right then." The demoness coughs, smoothing her surprisingly mundane robes.

But my oh my, aren't you an interesting one wizard? Dragons don't breed with many mortals, that Cinigrad place hardly counting, and an Orc of all things…? There's a reason they're known as the slave goons of the Dark Armies, so that is truly an impressive curiosity. And you...A powerful wizard despite your orc blood, a respected member of society despite being an orcish, dragonblooded wizard, with a loving and caring family, and even managing to avoid becoming the slave of that Succubus and gaining her...Uh, friendship? Without even becoming evil! Oh, I do think you will be most interesting mortal...You're breaking so many of the classics. I just love it!

"Sign the burning slate mortal. Pun unintended. Here, here, octuplet here..." The demoness mutters, and you quickly fill out the slate. "It's in order, your lordship."

Good, good. Then, to our last soul of the day...Have fun, and good luck toppling the kingdom! He says a mere moment before he slams his divine foot into your, sending you flying into the air. You pass through the crowds, crash through the roof of the underworld, and fall screaming back up into the land of the living.
"Well, well, well. Unlive after all, and by the grace of a divine too?" Rings the ever familiar voice, your eyes blearily opening to the rather fine form of the demoness you are well acquainted with.

"And here I was about to go to all the effort of tracking your soul down in the Planar realms. Went to trouble of dragging your corpse to this crypt to make sure the Pallies didn't decide to turn around and burn it, and have to run all over avoiding all those angry lightlovers searching for the body and then you just go and get yourself raised by a divine. How'd you manage that?" She asks, as you look about the barren and dusty tomb. Looking at your form, it's similar to your old one, but wrapped in shadow. And you are, rather noticeably, naked save for a few scraps of cloth.

"Don't look at me. You're the one who got set on fire by lightning and had everything burn off you. I'm not a necrophiliac. Well, except for Vampires." Aya sighs. "And of course, the only dead here are zombies and skeletons, of course. Do you have any idea how many useless rotters I took to get you here?"
Then, Maes' gaze begins to turn from the fire, scanning the twinkling moonlight that for the moment. Half-blinded by the lightning and flame, he does not see you immediately. But after just a moment, his eyes begin to narrow, and-
A faint whistle, like a bird song echoes from the bushes behind them. The knights all twirl around, drawing swords in a nervous rush.

"The burnin' hells? No way a bird would be out in this weather, would they?" You hear one ask.

Anastasia felt she ought to have shivered at the chill of the tempest lashed rain, but it was hard to muster even the pretense of fleshy habits when she could see the unspeakable affront that was her cremation. What had they done with her! She was stuck together like a pincushion, and no consideration seemed to have been given in the slightest for her appearance. They could have at the very least sewn her in to that nice orange gown she'd been planning on wearing to the after party, maybe done her hair so it wouldn't be crackling and whipping around...

A floating tendril of her own rather insubstantial and off-color locks shook the girl out of her spiral of obsession. She...that wasn't her. It was meat. They were all meat. She was something else now, thanks to that sweet Lord of Shadows and his charming crab-thing, something better. Let the knights play their silly little games, whatever little birdie had their interest for the moment would let her make good her exit and then on to darker paths and a future full of such wonderful music!

The banshee twirled and swept away with unearthly grace--and promptly caught herself a blow on a snagging branch she'd overlooked. With a hiss Anastasia muttered in annoyance as she checked to see if the ragged facsimile of her dress was torn and felt an odd hitch in her throat...


Well. This was happening now. Milky eyes scrunched shut as the ingenue threw her head back and unleashed all of her frustration and annoyance upon the night.

He towers above you, the boiling flames failing to scour away the hard, writhing shadows that make up the god's ethereal form. Before the burning pit, you cower, your ghostly forms small to the infinite rock and flame of the underworld and nothing compared to the divine form before you. Demons chitter in the darkness as the Dark God smiles.
Perrrfeeeccct...heh...haha...AH HAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHA

The underworld shakes, and your forms begin to dissipate before what feels all the world like galeforce winds. A variety of demons swirl around you, chitinous clawed things, horned monsters with flaming wings, beautiful ones with skin of obsidian and marble. A pair of beautiful Fey, nigh identical despite their different genders, laugh in tune with the Dark God with sound like jingling bells. Even a gold burning Celestial in billowing white robes is visible, busy writing something down on a slate as she watches you from under her stained glass wings. The hell flames suddenly shrink as all grows suffocatingly dark, leaving the Lord of Shadows illuminated only by a halo of flames and his titanic figure shudders with laughter that could shatter cities.

Then he coughs.

Right, sorry about that. Force of habit. Anyway, let's keep this on the downlow. I want it to be a surprise to my wife. Plus she miiggght get a little peeved at me letting you go without asking first.

The god shrugs, brushing his claws together with a sound like a thousand simultaneous thunderclaps and the screams of a dying country. The light returns, and world stills.​

Gruk was not surprised to be dead. In fact, he wasn't even surprised to be in the Underworld (He supposed his Orcish blood or perhaps evil lineage had damned him to it). What he was surprised about was the Lord of Shadows directly addressing him and these other people. Or for said demonic divine of dark legend to be so affable. He didn't even feel compelled to offer a shout of defiance! Most out of character for the legends and lore that had been offered about this particular divinity, even in the comparatively less hateful lessons of his childhood tutors.

And it was offering some sort of deal for resurrection. If he wasn't certain the world had a dark sense of humor, he would've assumed the whole surreal scene was the result of his air starved brain hallucinating.

And yet, in this amazing situation, a chance of revenge was all Gruk could think of. A thought perhaps, unfitting of a Knight, but his Knightly Oath to that blasted Kingdom was hardly valid now. Besides he was half Orc by blood, whose blood boiled with fury and hatred, as the humans say. A dreadfully speciesist mindset, but one not entirely lacking in truth in his current situation. Perhaps the Knight Commanders had been Right-


They were wrong. His blood was not a weakness, a curse. It was a strength, and he would harness it make his wrath clear to them, to the Kingdom that had taken everything from him, and to all that stood in his way.

He after all, doubted Matthias would respond with much haste to a Strongly worded letter.

Much faster than the last lot that came through, that's for sure. I just about threw them into the nearest fiery pit of torment and despair. Ah, good times, good times. Anyway, first things first...Paperwork. Deepest apologies. I hate the stuff myself, but I can't just raise you from the dead without having an excuse for the other divines. Have to make sure you do the whole disclaimer and 'of my own free will' signature stuff, because apparently my bloody word isn't good enough that I'm not corrupting your souls to evil and what-not. As though I'd risk my Wife's wrath on that, the pompous bastards. Just because I love to….heh 'play' with their little plans at times... Well, I could always ignore the paperwork, annoying them is always fun, but my Wife would probably be annoyed at me. And that would defeat the point of this whole endeavor…

I promise on my dark heart that you don't have to sell your soul for this. Not aiming to trick you mortals, as much fun as that would be! Not that my Wife lets me collect souls anymore…So let's begin! Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth! Over here! The Dark God shouts with a voice that shakes the ceiling in the clouds above. A horrible demon thing comes out of nowhere, its body crab like and covered in a thick shell dotted by maws and tentacles, with burning clawed hooves for feet and tentacles for hands. It glares at you all with its six burning eyes, its vicious serrated mandibles pulling into some facsimile of a grin before it...Promptly pulls out a quill and an obsidian slate, covered in burning writing that is strangely in ordinary 'Common'. A moment later, it slides a trio of reading monocle over its right eyes and taps the quill on the slate.

"Well, I am of Orcish blood. I've been led to believe I entirely lack a Soul to sign over. It certainly made the religious ceremonies I had to attend as a Knight Awkward." Gruk says, immediately before realizing the stunning absurdity of making idle conversation with a God.

Ugh. Hanging is no way for a proper hero to die. I mean, you didn't even get a dramatic fight either. Such a waste...Well, let's change that. You deserve a better tale than being hung by peasants, my greenskinned friend. Let them rue the day they thought they could cut a hero's tale so dreadfully short!

"Great, the first person to acknowledge I could be a hero and a Green-skin at the same time is the literal lord of the Underworld." More for politeness sake, he immediately added "No offense intended." It would not do to anger those who had not wronged him after all. And he was speaking to a God.

"Ugh. Gruk the Masked Knight. Your mother would be so disappointed in you. A disgrace to the Sinester name." The Demon comments dryly. "Still...The best villains also make the best heroes. Perhaps you'll come around to your heritage one day, Gruk."

"Perhaps you might get your wish Demon, I am already considered a monster by most mortals. It is only a short leap from that to cackling madly and attempting to take over all the lands like my dearly departed Mother." Gruk replied sourly. He hated being reminded of his parents....flaws. Yes, let's just call it that. Loving parents, definitely, good people? Perhaps not.

Now Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth, no corrupting the poor innocent souls I'm raising as unholy undead as part of my devious plot to bring down the Light gods blessed Kingdom of Eternal Light as a gift for my Wife the Goddess of Death! I mean, that extra step of evilness is just unconscionable.

"Your sense of irony is noted, your deep blackness. Sign please, Gruk."

Gruk signs, considering the philosophical idea that if he was now thinking about revenge, perhaps he had already been corrupted into evil? No, not even the gods would spring such a hackneyed fate upon him.

I think you might be using irony wrong, Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth. Anyway, Gruk, good meeting you. Want me to tell your parents you said hello-actually, you might not want to. They'd be a little annoyed you didn't give them any grandchildren.

"Tell Mum i'm fighting against the Light like she always wanted me to. Tell father I'm avenging his death." Gruk says, as solemnly as you can ask a God to tell your parents in the afterlife things about you. Perhaps if he was lucky the perception of time down there would be such that they wouldn't recognize it took a decade for him to get around to it,

....or that he wasn't giving them grandchildren for that matter.

Well, either way...Show those fools what an Orcblood can do, Gruk. You have it in you, I know you do. Have fun toppling the kingdom!

Oh, they certainly would see what an Orcblood could do....

The first thing you notice as you come to is a disconcerting feeling of weightlessness. The second is the realization your neck shouldn't be at that angle, and that you have a rope around your neck. Your third is there are flies buzzing around you.

The forth is that you can still feel some sense of pain, judging by the arrow that just tore into your side. (Take two wounds).

Such grandiose thoughts of revenge were immediately dashed by the realization of the situation he was in. It certainly would be embarrassing if he ended up dying again on this damn rope!

"Ugh, bad shot that. I'll never get accepted as a yeoman at this rate." You hear a young voice complain as you twirl around in place. As you turn, you creep your eyes open slightly at three lads, probably eighteen or so, standing down the hill from the tree you're hanging from. Illuminated by the silver light of the moon, two string bows while a third sharpens a spear. Behind them and down the hill, you make out the village.

The shorter of the two bowmen, a boy with straw colored hair strings his bow and fires. This one strikes you dead in the chest with an agonizing *thud*. (take five wounds). You shake back and forth on the noose.

"Hah! Beat your shot!"

"Luck." The older boy with black hair comments. "Remember who the sergeant-at-arms complimented at the competition. Just got to get a little better at this and they're sure to pick me up."

The young lad snorts, sticking his tongue out. "Yeah well...Why are we even shooting this ugly monster? Thing's already dead, and it smells horrible."

The one in the back talks. From his voice and start of a beard, he's older than the other two. "Because we men-at-arms sometimes have to fight the undead. It makes good practice-aim for the heart and head and all that. You never know when some dread spirit may raise evil creatures from the grave."

"How do we know this evil creature isn't going to come back then?" The younger chap asks.

"There's not a necromancer in a hundred leagues of here. And nothing else would bother raising an Orc from the dead, Nobody gives a shite about Greenskins. Not even the Dark Gods."

Oh well, the irony of that statement certainly deserved retribution.

Grunting with the pain, he gripped the shaft of the arrow still in his side and pulled! A sharp object to cut the noose, then show these fools an actual moving target for their archery...
Logren Longrow
Ah, that explains that. You're near the abandoned ruin you were tracked down and killed in, and in the distance you can make out the town that stands at a crossroads in the region. It is currently night.
Huh, so all of...that just happened.

Standing in front of his own grave (now wasn't that a funny turn of phrase), Logren takes a moment to just absorb the rush of recent events. Finally, a skeletal smile makes its onto his face and the newly born lich chuckles to himself. Well, Lord Maleficus himself had praised him huh? It was always nice to have one's work appreciated. And oh yes, the whole tearing down the Kingdom of Eternal Light thing as well. Well, getting a second chance at unlife in return for destroying the dreadful fellows who had burned down his precious library seemed like a fair enough deal. Oh, and who had killed him, he mustn't forget that as well.

"My thanks, oh Lord of Shadows," Logren mutters reverently. Oh, the dark god might have said he wasn't the lich's patron, but it didn't hurt to butter him up. If there was one thing the former loremaster knew, it was that higher ups always loved getting praised. Besides, he genuinely was feeling thankful and it was only proper to show that, right?

Well in any case, enough dallying. There was only so much night time to burn away!

But first, where the hell was he? Constantly being on the run from the Royal Inquisition had left little time for Logren to keep his bearings. Staying next to his open grave was hardly a good idea, nor was heading to that town in his state that appealing either. The choice made, the lich starts to amble towards the ruins, continuing to rack his brain as he tries to recall a map. Where exactly was he? Finding a nearby graveyard or old battlefield to raise some skeletons (as liches were wont to do) would be helpful, or he could try to head towards home to see if Father was willing to lend some aid.
Ahhh, deja vu, Sir Tarkus. Good to see you, though I'll miss that Dark Elven rival you had. Anyway, so rare to get a proper dragonblood! We really do have a lot of interesting sorts dead today, don't we Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth?

"Indeed your shadowship. Though, today is a bit of a misnomer given time does not flow in the planar realms as it does in the-"

Stop correcting me, Arx'Vrak'nralnar'ralsth. Anyway, mortal...My, you really are a strong one, aren't you? A real hero you. I'd say that makes accepting the deal of a Dark God surprising, but we've already had a few of those today. Still, happy to have you. I've always loved dragons and dragonbloods. In fact, I used to be the Patron God of dragons. No, really I was!

"Well, yes, you were. But that was primarily because your first portfolio had you as the patron god of 'Kidnappers of fair maid-" The Demon begins, before the Lord of Shadows lightly pokes the Demon with a divine claw, causing the demon to split in twain and sending both halves flying into a nearby fiery pit of torment and despair. "I REGRET NOTTTTHHHHIIING!" The top half screams before it disappears into the flames.

Myself damn it, how many bloody times do I have to say don't bring up my burning early portfolios. Ergh. Worst idea I ever had. Ever. You mortals do not want to know the types of creeps that pray to you with a portfolio like that. I just thought it'd be cute, what with princesses always getting kidnapped in the fairy tales. The Lord of Shadows shivers. Bloody fairies and their half truths. None of you get to talk about this ever again, or I swear by Myself and My Wife I'll remove you from existence. It's bad enough the planar creatures know about that, not letting that spread amongst the mortal realms. Burnin' hells, worst portfolio for a divine internship ever.

"Sir Tarkus. Please, sign here mortal." A demoness says as she suddenly appears in front of you, handing the slate and quill over. You pause, surprised at what looks all the world appears to be a Succubus is wearing practical and simple black robes. Then, you sign the slate. "Much obliged, sir knight." The Demoness tilts her head at the Dark God. "And we are set, your lordship."

Good, good. Go out and do your dragoning in my glorious name, mortal! Go and avenge your people's betrayal and all that loveliness. And don't mention a single word about my first portfolio or else. Good luck toppling the kingdom mortal! He says a mere moment before his divine foot connects with your ethereal body, and you're sent screaming through the barrier between realms…
"I-" Tarkus paused as he held up a single claw, reflecting on the inherent ridiculousness of someone like him having a pleasant talk with the Lord of Shadows and moreover sympathising with him about that. Tarkus gave a shudder, after rescuing Princess Aleria van Almsbeck Yu Sharanashe nearly a century ago he made deliberate care to stay away from any other princess-rescuing contracts that had popped up since. If the harassment had lasted any longer then he would've-

Wait, what was he doing again?

He mimed slamming a door on his mouth. Nope, nope, nope, he didn't want to talk about it, the Lord of Shadows didn't want to talk about it, and that was that.
The first thing you awaken to is a first hand experience of what it's like to be pecked on by a bird. You shake the animal off, and it flutters away with a loud squawk. Luckily, nothing attacks you immediately thereafter. Your armor is stripped, your sword gone, and somebody even up and stole your pants. Bodies, still rotting surround you. Most are dragonbloods-the humans seem to have buried their own. Scavengers lurk among the dead, corpses shifting as animals feast...And mortal men seek wealth.

"Oh, this one had some gold in his boots!" "I'm more interested in the boots, honestly. Nice and comfortable looking, and just my size." Voices echo from nearby, and slowly you try to pick yourself up-but several bodies are laden upon you. "Oh! Hey, he's still alive. Get me my knife."

"No...Please..." You hear a familiar draconian voice gurgle, though you don't recall the name. Forcing the bodies off of you, you're about to move when more words break out.
"Hey! Back off lady! His boots are ours!"

Several more screams echo out, only to end just as quickly.
"Thank...You." The Draconian voice rings out again.
"I would hold your thanks. I'm not here to save you." A voice like song echoes through the night lit valley of death. A second later, you make out the dearth rattle of another of the Dragon Knights.

A faint whistling tune echoes as Yuriel Bladewind, resplendent in silver armor, strides right past where you lie, smoothly wiping the blood off her beautiful blade.
Tarkus' heart stopped.

Well, literally stopped, there were benefits to being dead if one looked at it in the right way (he didn't), especially if you had a mortal foe step so close to you that you could hear the fine ring of their perfectly oiled sabatons. Part of Tarkus still writhed bitterly at what he knew was the death of someone he knew, a comrade, but that knight was beyond saving now, and everything would be for naught if he lost himself to his passions now. With no blade, no armour (and when he finally caught up to the vile piece of shit that robbed him he was going to be slow), and no knowledge beyond his little pile of corpses, trying to attack a warrior of Yuriel's caliber would be signing a death warrant for his second death. In triplicate. And dousing it in holy oils and consecrating it at the Temple of the Flamesworn and all that good stuff.

Softly murmuring a prayer for his deceased brother (hopefully the Goddess of Death was as fair as her husband made her sound), he waited for a long moment, and then two, straining his ears for further signs of the murderous high elf. The worst part (after the whole "murdering my comrades" bit) was that he couldn't even be mad at her, he had buddies who were still pissed off at the Council about that whole affair with Arthus, especially since a fair number of them had been friends with the man before they were told to stab him in the back. He didn't think that there was another such grievous breach of the chivalric code committed by the Order in living memory. There was probably a lesson Tarkus could've pulled from this, but that would come later he reflected as he gently squirmed a bit more back into the pile of bodies around him, apologising to the shades of his friends around him in the process. Preferably when he was not at immediate risk of a highly embarrassing suicide by high elven swordmaster and he got a proper opportunity to mourn the dead.

Right now though, right now he could only afford survival.
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"Well, well, well. Unlive after all, and by the grace of a divine too?" Rings the ever familiar voice, your eyes blearily opening to the rather fine form of the demoness you are well acquainted with.

"And here I was about to go to all the effort of tracking your soul down in the Planar realms. Went to trouble of dragging your corpse to this crypt to make sure the Pallies didn't decide to turn around and burn it, and have to run all over avoiding all those angry lightlovers searching for the body and then you just go and get yourself raised by a divine. How'd you manage that?" She asks, as you look about the barren and dusty tomb. Looking at your form, it's similar to your old one, but wrapped in shadow. And you are, rather noticeably, naked save for a few scraps of cloth.

"Don't look at me. You're the one who got set on fire by lightning and had everything burn off you. I'm not a necrophiliac. Well, except for Vampires." Aya sighs. "And of course, the only dead here are zombies and skeletons, of course. Do you have any idea how many useless rotters I took to get you here?"

Marius felt like... how should he put it somewhat airy? It was a really strange feeling to no longer have a body, to just sort of float around and all that. He hadn't really expected to wake up as a Shade. He had thought he would be a Lich, or maybe a Vampire or something like that. But instead he was closer to a living shadow now. The Dragonblooded Orc wasn't sure what to expect, for he wasn't an expert on undead. But he did know some basics, one of which was that Shades disliked bright sunlight and hated fire.... which made sort of sense as they were basically sapient shadow creatures.

Of course that still left him with the problem that he now had a weakness to fire, as the son of a Dragoness.... god if his mother ever heard of that he would never live it down.

"Well you know how it goes Aya, there was that action for free resurrections as an undead in exchange for destroying the current leadership of the Kingdom of Light and... why am I feeling like I have said this before?" There was a strong sense of de ja vu hanging in the air.

After a moment he shrugged his ethereal shoulder and decided to leave it be.

Then he noted the Demoness other words and chuckled. "Well, I guess if you stop making sex-jokes at my expenses due to my new status of unliving, at least one good thing is coming out of this." A smirk appeared on his face as he looked at Aya, obvious amusement in his voice. Then he turned his face to get a closer look at everything. And yes, he had no clue where they were except that it was probably a random cave somewhere around the city. It was only with one ear that he listened to the Succubus complaints about Zombies and Skeletons.

"Eloquent as always my dear, truly your suffering is the work of legends." He said with a twinkle in his eyes before smiling. "Thank you." There was nothing else to say, for although the women was a source of corruption and perversion, she was still his best friend.

He wondered what that said about the state of his immortal soul?

With a thought, he concentrated and put a simple illusion over his body. Nothing notable, not even real clothes, just general shadows to cover him and make sure his modesty remained. He thought about everything... if there were still Paladins here then that meant either that he had only died a short time ago or.... a deep worry filled his heart.

"Aya.... have they started plundering the city yet?" For the first time in years Marius felt an inkling of the deep anger of a dragon wronged. His wife was dead and his daughter on the run and now there was the thought in his mind.

Were they plundering his remaining holdings? There wasn't much, he had used a lot of it to bribe people into selling books, scrolls and more about summoning when the plague went around. But he still had a "worst case cache" of a sort. He was planning to use it to pay for his girl's tuition if she ever wanted to go to a magic school....

There was a strange serene danger in his voice as the wizard spoke.

"Aya, do you by chance know a way to get whatever remains of my worldly possessions without either of us dying horribly... again for me?" He would be very unhappy if there was no way to get his things... but he could probably bring himself to leave anyway..... probably... had to think about his girl scared and without parents wandering through the land....
For a moment, everything, everything, the unnerving sensation of grave worms writhing in her stomach, the smell of corpses and lantern oil, the sound of the grave desecrating interlopers, Agatha is numbed to all of it, distracted by the unaccustomed feeling of Doubt shoving its metaphorical foot into the allegorical doorway of her soul.

The Lord of Shadows praising her? Congratulating her for her efforts? Could this mean...could it be that she was...wrong?

And then the allegorical door is slammed with enough force to leave Doubt's (metaphorical) foot a crushed nub protruding from the doorframe, soon to be hacked off by a figurative meat cleaver and nailed up as a warning for the next uninvited guest.

Grandmother Nightingale's son by marriage is a cunning creature, fiendishly clever in his wicked plots. Clearly, he knew that if he mocked her efforts and tried to tempt her from the righteous path, she would have scorned him, so he has been archfiendishly clever in his latest plan to undermine her faith, by feigning praise for her.

Well, unfortunately for him, she knows that he knows she cannot be swayed by conventional schemes, so now she can plan around his plan. That is to say, ignore all his blathering do what she knows is right. Just as she has always done.

Grandmother Nightingale, your daughter Agatha. I have cast aside your shiftless son-in-law's manipulations, and I shall return to the task you set for me post haste. Amen.

Her existential crisis resolved, Agatha sat up, tumbling bodies as she did so.

"Well, well. What have we here? Desecrators of sacred ground, defiling the bodies of those laid to rest under the auspices of Our Lady Of Evening. Cloaking your sacrilege under a royal writ, as if that will keep the stain from your souls."

Agatha sniffed, the very image of an elderly nanny upbraiding a child covered in crumbs and smeared chocolate stubbornly denying they had been in the cookie jar. (Albeit a nanny with grayish green flesh tinted with various species of gravemold.)

"In the name of the Grandmother, you will cease this blasphemy at once, fall to your knees, and beg for her forgiveness." She continued, rising to a standing position and putting her hands on her hips as she glowered at them sternly. "And you, young man, will take that finger out of your nose. The gods granted us kerchiefs for a reason."
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The Dark God looks down upon you.

You are an idiot.

The Demon pauses, considering, then nods. "He is an idiot. An unlucky idiot. It is a surprise that he did not die younger."

Well, he is at least good at magery. Surprising, really. Usually fools screw up the math and then dramatically explode.

'How rude! I'm not stupid, just unbearably unlucky! Wait what was that at the end? What do you mean EXPLODE?!'

"Ahhh...So many fond memories." The Demon states. "Sign here, here, here, in triplicate here, and upside down here mister Edolas Blackhazel. Don't ask why. It'll break your feeble mortal mind with truths it was not meant to know."

'Dont worry, I don't need to ask. Paperwork is universal apparently.'

Good luck finding your old pirate friends, 'Captain'. Ah...A pirate. It's too bad we never did allow gunpowder to exist in this universe. Pirate fights aren't as much fun without pistols and cannons and explosions.

The Demon pauses, tentacles scratching its head carapace. "...What's gunpowder?"

Nevermind that. It would break your feeble immortal mind with truths it was not meant to know.

"...Touche, your voidness."

'Gunpowder? What's that? Wait what? We do have pistols and cannons and explosions! That's what makes piracy fun!'

You find yourself buried in a fancy church crypt. How nice.

Okay Edolas, now where exactly am I? Crosses here. Statues there. Why exactly am I buried in a Church crypt? Though I must admit it's a bit comfortable here.

Though it's rather discomfiting to realize that you are missing all of your skin. And meat. And organs. And everything else fleshy.

You try not to think too hard about how you're still able to walk around without muscles, see without eyes, smell without a nose, or any of the other things. You do think for a moment too long, however, and a finger falls off. You very, very quickly stop thinking entirely as you reattach your finger. You can hear the faint muttering of prayers though the walls and smell the faint scent of incense.

I raised my hand near my eyes as I examined my bones. My disturbingly picked clean of meat bones which were apparently white. Wait, I don't have any clothes so does that mean I am naked? I should find clothes first. Let's see.....

Nope. Too big.

Nope. Too small.

Nope too.....these are clothes for a prostitute!

This is a dominatrix.....

You my dear sir, must have been one heck of a masochist.

Ah, this is nice! Pardon me dear sir, but I must acquisition your clothes to cover up my nudity.


Well okay then!

That's when the Church bell starts frantically ringing.

"PIRATES!" Comes the bellow. Somehow, you have the sinking feeling they aren't going to be your crew.

Well that's not good. Time to get out of here.

Not this way.


Oh a dungeon! Wait....that's.....ah! It's THAT kind of dungeon.

Dead end.

Aha! This is the way!

I smiled as I opened the door to the backyard. Such a big crypt for a port, but okay. As I took in a breath of fresh air (figuratively of course), I listened to my surroundings carefully. The sounds of battle was all around me even though I couldn't see it. The screams and shouts of people, the screech of weapons clashing for domination, the explosions roaring, and the fires raging. It was something I became used to during my days as a Pirate.

Right, time to find some weapons.

I carefully-Plop.....


I reattached my forearm and watched with fascination as bone seemed to just stick together.

That's interesting.

I kept to the shadows and cover as I made my way to the sounds of battle.
Oh well, the irony of that statement certainly deserved retribution.

Grunting with the pain, he gripped the shaft of the arrow still in his side and pulled! A sharp object to cut the noose, then show these fools an actual moving target for their archery...
With one swift movement you reach up and tear the arrow from your rib cage before sliding its still sharp point across the badly worn rope. The strands, already weak, snap with ease.

The onlookers eyes practically bulge out of their heads as they witness you, and are too shocked to do anything before you're charging down the road at you.
"You just had to open your mouth!" The black haired one shouts at the one with a beard before firing off a hasty shot.

Hasty, but not entirely inaccurate. The arrow takes you straight through the eye. You guess the lad really is professional archer material. But then, this is hardly the first time you've been shot by an arrow in the eye. (-1 HP, Half Blinded).

The younger archer's arrow flies past entirely. The older lad steps forward with a snarl, presenting a spear. "Bloody Dark Gods and their burnin' sense of irony!"
You parry the first strike aside, sending him stumbling back. A hasty second swipe lightly stabs you in the gut (-1 HP) but the main effect was arresting your charge. "Get the soddin' guard!" The spearman shouts. Surprisingly, the two archers listen and sprint off toward town.

The Spearman tries to ward you off with his spear. Then you shrug, smack the spear aside, and shank him in the face. He thuds to the ground pretty much instantly. Well, that's over with.

"MONSTER! MONSSSTER!" You hear from the distance as the two archer youths run into town. Maybe it isn't over with after all.
"I-" Tarkus paused as he held up a single claw, reflecting on the inherent ridiculousness of someone like him having a pleasant talk with the Lord of Shadows and moreover sympathising with him about that. Tarkus gave a shudder, after rescuing Princess Aleria van Almsbeck Yu Sharanashe nearly a century ago he made deliberate care to stay away from any other princess-rescuing contracts that had popped up since. If the harassment had lasted any longer then he would've-

Wait, what was he doing again?

He mimed slamming a door on his mouth. Nope, nope, nope, he didn't want to talk about it, the Lord of Shadows didn't want to talk about it, and that was that.

Tarkus' heart stopped.

Well, literally stopped, there were benefits to being dead if one looked at it in the right way (he didn't), especially if you had a mortal foe step so close to you that you could hear the fine ring of their perfectly oiled sabatons. Part of Tarkus still writhed bitterly at what he knew was the death of someone he knew, a comrade, but that knight was beyond saving now, and everything would be for naught if he lost himself to his passions now. With no blade, no armour (and when he finally caught up to the vile piece of shit that robbed him he was going to be slow), and no knowledge beyond his little pile of corpses, trying to attack a warrior of Yuriel's caliber would be signing a death warrant for his second death. In triplicate. And dousing it in holy oils and consecrating it at the Temple of the Flamesworn and all that good stuff.

Softly murmuring a prayer for his deceased brother (hopefully the Goddess of Death was as fair as her husband made her sound), he waited for a long moment, and then two, straining his ears for further signs of the murderous high elf. The worst part (after the whole "murdering my comrades" bit) was that he couldn't even be mad at her, he had buddies who were still pissed off at the Council about that whole affair with Arthus, especially since a fair number of them had been friends with the man before they were told to stab him in the back. He didn't think that there was another such grievous breach of the chivalric code committed by the Order in living memory. There was probably a lesson Tarkus could've pulled from this, but that would come later he reflected as he gently squirmed a bit more back into the pile of bodies around him, apologising to the shades of his friends around him in the process. Preferably when he was not at immediate risk of a highly embarrassing suicide by high elven swordmaster and he got a proper opportunity to mourn the dead.

Right now though, right now he could only afford survival.
Being undead has many advantages for stealth. No need to breath and no heartbeat or other bodily functions means you can actually lie perfectly still-no pesky bodily functions giving you away! It also means you can place your head facedown in the mud and gore and who'd expect that from somebody still alive? And among all the corpses, well, you blend right in.

Unfortunately, all these advantages can't help you if you have about as much experience with stealth as your average god of war. It isn't long until you make the amateur mistake of moving to see if she's up and gone. Unfortunately, she was just busy picking through someone's pockets a ways over and her head near instantly snaps in your direction.

You still immediately, trying as hard as possible to look like an actual corpse as she strides over. Her armored boots never find the mud, gliding effortlessly across the backs of fallen bodies, piles of equipment or sunken rocks and trees.

"Hrm...Now what did I see...?" She mutters, stepping beside you. And then promptly stabbing her blade down.
Into the body beside you, luckily enough. It does nothing but shift a little. She shakes her head, a little disappointed, then starts checking the other bodies with little kicks and pokes with her blade. None move, though she does spook a fox from its hiding place.

Finally, she turns to go. "Must have been a scavenger." She mutters turning on her heel. Then she turns around and kicks you hard enough in the ribs you flop over onto your back with an audible crack.

And you stay still. The pain is almost negligible, and once she makes out the rot beneath your scales, she's on her way immediately. You watch her walk about for a long time, before she finally disappears into the underbrush. You're about to breath a sigh of relief (before realizing you didn't actually hold your breath) when all the scavengers emerge from nowhere.

"Scary as hell lady." One with a tall hat mutters.
"Yep. Poor Jimmy and Bob. Didn't stand a chance." Another replies, shaking her head.
"Damn shame. Damn shame." A third agrees, before pointing a finger at one of the bodies. "Dibs on his boots."

And then the scavengers promptly begin doing what they're best at. At least the Elf is gone...Though you have the feeling she's still in the area.
Marius felt like... how should he put it somewhat airy? It was a really strange feeling to no longer have a body, to just sort of float around and all that. He hadn't really expected to wake up as a Shade. He had thought he would be a Lich, or maybe a Vampire or something like that. But instead he was closer to a living shadow now. The Dragonblooded Orc wasn't sure what to expect, for he wasn't an expert on undead. But he did know some basics, one of which was that Shades disliked bright sunlight and hated fire.... which made sort of sense as they were basically sapient shadow creatures.

Of course that still left him with the problem that he now had a weakness to fire, as the son of a Dragoness.... god if his mother ever heard of that he would never live it down.

"Well you know how it goes Aya, there was that action for free resurrections as an undead in exchange for destroying the current leadership of the Kingdom of Light and... why am I feeling like I have said this before?" There was a strong sense of de ja vu hanging in the air.

After a moment he shrugged his ethereal shoulder and decided to leave it be.

Then he noted the Demoness other words and chuckled. "Well, I guess if you stop making sex-jokes at my expenses due to my new status of unliving, at least one good thing is coming out of this." A smirk appeared on his face as he looked at Aya, obvious amusement in his voice. Then he turned his face to get a closer look at everything. And yes, he had no clue where they were except that it was probably a random cave somewhere around the city. It was only with one ear that he listened to the Succubus complaints about Zombies and Skeletons.

"Eloquent as always my dear, truly your suffering is the work of legends." He said with a twinkle in his eyes before smiling. "Thank you." There was nothing else to say, for although the women was a source of corruption and perversion, she was still his best friend.

He wondered what that said about the state of his immortal soul?

With a thought, he concentrated and put a simple illusion over his body. Nothing notable, not even real clothes, just general shadows to cover him and make sure his modesty remained. He thought about everything... if there were still Paladins here then that meant either that he had only died a short time ago or.... a deep worry filled his heart.

"Aya.... have they started plundering the city yet?" For the first time in years Marius felt an inkling of the deep anger of a dragon wronged. His wife was dead and his daughter on the run and now there was the thought in his mind.

Were they plundering his remaining holdings? There wasn't much, he had used a lot of it to bribe people into selling books, scrolls and more about summoning when the plague went around. But he still had a "worst case cache" of a sort. He was planning to use it to pay for his girl's tuition if she ever wanted to go to a magic school....

There was a strange serene danger in his voice as the wizard spoke.

"Aya, do you by chance know a way to get whatever remains of my worldly possessions without either of us dying horribly... again for me?" He would be very unhappy if there was no way to get his things... but he could probably bring himself to leave anyway..... probably... had to think about his girl scared and without parents wandering through the land....
"City is a little bit of an exaggeration, isn't it? More or a few hovels amid mud, really. Though I'll admit, the flowers are pretty." Aya replies. She looks at her nails. "Believe me Marius, looting before you've even up and cleared out everything is basic human nature. First thing the men-at-arms did when they got into town was make a beeline toward the tavern for the ale, the alchemist's for the potions, and the chapel for the gold. I can just imagine the look on the ol' priest's face."

"Worldly possessions...Well, if I had a crack team of thieves, five-hundred feet of rope, and a greased pig I could do it in a night-though really, anything with the makings of a dramatic heist would work. But as you are now?" She says, quirking an eyebrow at your illusion clad form "You really want to try sneaking past a small army when you don't even have actual pants?"
Logren Longrow

Huh, so all of...that just happened.

Standing in front of his own grave (now wasn't that a funny turn of phrase), Logren takes a moment to just absorb the rush of recent events. Finally, a skeletal smile makes its onto his face and the newly born lich chuckles to himself. Well, Lord Maleficus himself had praised him huh? It was always nice to have one's work appreciated. And oh yes, the whole tearing down the Kingdom of Eternal Light thing as well. Well, getting a second chance at unlife in return for destroying the dreadful fellows who had burned down his precious library seemed like a fair enough deal. Oh, and who had killed him, he mustn't forget that as well.

"My thanks, oh Lord of Shadows," Logren mutters reverently. Oh, the dark god might have said he wasn't the lich's patron, but it didn't hurt to butter him up. If there was one thing the former loremaster knew, it was that higher ups always loved getting praised. Besides, he genuinely was feeling thankful and it was only proper to show that, right?

Well in any case, enough dallying. There was only so much night time to burn away!

But first, where the hell was he? Constantly being on the run from the Royal Inquisition had left little time for Logren to keep his bearings. Staying next to his open grave was hardly a good idea, nor was heading to that town in his state that appealing either. The choice made, the lich starts to amble towards the ruins, continuing to rack his brain as he tries to recall a map. Where exactly was he? Finding a nearby graveyard or old battlefield to raise some skeletons (as liches were wont to do) would be helpful, or he could try to head towards home to see if Father was willing to lend some aid.
You happen to be in the lower Kingdom, near the Badlands and various rebelling fiefdoms It was a good place to hide, because there were more monsters and brigands and such things to distract the royal armies. It was a bad place to hide, because there were more royal forces there.

In your case, the latter ended up outweighing the former. Poor luck.

There were a few battlefields further south, but they were hardly safe. You were not the only necromancer competing for corpses. The nearby town would have a graveyard, but it may not be terribly safe. Your own family home is not too far, though it's rather farther to the east than you are now. As for the ruin, it was old, falling apart, and occupied. Through the doorway you can make out the flicker of firelight, and looking more closely you can make out several decapitated heads stuck on spikes and the men around the fire wearing ragged sets of hide, mail, and leather armor. Many also have bandanas.

Brigants, you note in an instant. The heads out front are a requirement of the Bandits Guild to mark official Bandit Clan territory. Very important, those Guild regulations. Judging by the painted symbols they're members of the Blood Jackals clan, named for the mysterious scavenger beasts from the Badlands and well renowned for being the end of many a wannabe adventurer.

You can't say you're surprised to see them. Old ruins like this are always havens for bandits, vampires, orcs, and all other manner of creature. As soon as one leaves, another moves in. It's so common it's generally considered polite to leave messages saying where everything is so the next group to come in can get oriented easily.
Well that's not good. Time to get out of here.

Not this way.


Oh a dungeon! Wait....that's.....ah! It's THAT kind of dungeon.

Dead end.

Aha! This is the way!

I smiled as I opened the door to the backyard. Such a big crypt for a port, but okay. As I took in a breath of fresh air (figuratively of course), I listened to my surroundings carefully. The sounds of battle was all around me even though I couldn't see it. The screams and shouts of people, the screech of weapons clashing for domination, the explosions roaring, and the fires raging. It was something I became used to during my days as a Pirate.

Right, time to find some weapons.

I carefully-Plop.....


I reattached my forearm and watched with fascination as bone seemed to just stick together.

That's interesting.

I kept to the shadows and cover as I made my way to the sounds of battle.
You attempt to be very, very sneaky as you click and clack through the dungeon-though really, considering the lack of prisoners, locked doors, or anything else dungeon like, you have to wonder why all long, expansive underground locations became known as dungeons.

You expertly pretend to be there when a group of initiate clerics run past, but it seems they're so used to bones they don't notice you. Or maybe it's one of those things where people miss really obvious things because they're distracted.

Oh well. You sneak after them, and follow them through the maze of crypts, graves, bone piles and cobwebs. Finally, you come to the door and with a smile (you can't stop smiling any more with your lack of flesh, really) you open the doorway into the moonlight-and into the middle of a conversation between two clerics and an initiate, who carries a reliquary. The Initiate's eyes bulge out of his head seeing you, but the two priests just sigh.

"I keep telling you we need to reconsecrate the lower tombs, Joseph."
The second priest rolls his eyes. "Oh come on, what's a few skeletons? It's good for the initiates to get experience with."

The initiate, on cue, screams and runs for the church after shoving the reliquary into the hands of the first priest.
"You were saying, Joseph?"
"Ugh, kids these days. In my day we had to clear out zombies from the crypt. I'll go fetch him. Just get the relic to the vault." With those words, Joseph sprints off. The other priest turns toward you, shrugs, and lightly pushes you with his left hand. You smack into the ground hard, knocking several vertebrae out of place (take 2 damage). He then calmly strides past you into the depths of the stairway, muttering about 'It's always bloody skeletons. One of these burnin' days there'll be dozens of the things again.'

You pull yourself up, to find that the sounds of battle had been imaginary. The pirate ship was spotted before it landed on this beautifully clear night, and the crew are only departing on the beach now as the townsfolk flee for shelter. How disappointing!
For a moment, everything, everything, the unnerving sensation of grave worms writhing in her stomach, the smell of corpses and lantern oil, the sound of the grave desecrating interlopers, Agatha is numbed to all of it, distracted by the unaccustomed feeling of Doubt shoving its metaphorical foot into the allegorical doorway of her soul.

The Lord of Shadows praising her? Congratulating her for her efforts? Could this mean...could it be that she was...wrong?

And then the allegorical door is slammed with enough force to leave Doubt's (metaphorical) foot a crushed nub protruding from the doorframe, soon to be hacked off by a figurative meat cleaver and nailed up as a warning for the next uninvited guest.

Grandmother Nightingale's son by marriage is a cunning creature, fiendishly clever in his wicked plots. Clearly, he knew that if he mocked her efforts and tried to tempt her from the righteous path, she would have scorned him, so he has been archfiendishly clever in his latest plan to undermine her faith, by feigning praise for her.

Well, unfortunately for him, she knows that he knows she cannot be swayed by conventional schemes, so now she can plan around his plan. That is to say, ignore all his blathering do what she knows is right. Just as she has always done.

Grandmother Nightingale, your daughter Agatha. I have cast aside your shiftless son-in-law's manipulations, and I shall return to the task you set for me post haste. Amen.

Her existential crisis resolved, Agatha sat up, tumbling bodies as she did so.

"Well, well. What have we here? Desecrators of sacred ground, defiling the bodies of those laid to rest under the auspices of Our Lady Of Evening. Cloaking your sacrilege under a royal writ, as if that will keep the stain from your souls."

Agatha sniffed, the very image of an elderly nanny upbraiding a child covered in crumbs and smeared chocolate stubbornly denying they had been in the cookie jar. (Albeit a nanny with grayish green flesh tinted with various species of gravemold.)

"In the name of the Grandmother, you will cease this blasphemy at once, fall to your knees, and beg for her forgiveness." She continued, rising to a standing position and putting her hands on her hips as she glowered at them sternly. "And you, young man, will take that finger out of your nose. The gods granted us kerchiefs for a reason."
AFter a brief start of terror from your sudden reanimation, the man-at-arms looks at you sheepishly as he swiftly blows his nose and apologizes. The others around the charnel pit hesitantly look at you, rubbing the backs of their head in embarrassment.

Then, the female veteran knight coughs. "With all due respect, Priestess...You're an insane, murderous, apparently undead lunatic sitting in a pile of corpss. The most blasphemous thing about all this is you. Also, all these other bodies are Heretics recently executed." The Knight explains, before motioning at a man-at-arms with a torch. "Throw it in."

"Huh?" The man-at-arms replies.

"The torch you fool. Give me that." She snatches the torch out of his hand, and flicks it into the charnel pit, full of flammable oil and corpses bloating with also flammable corpse gas.

Well, you think, as the torch falls. That didn't work. Though at least the man-at-arms learnt some manners.
Anastasia felt she ought to have shivered at the chill of the tempest lashed rain, but it was hard to muster even the pretense of fleshy habits when she could see the unspeakable affront that was her cremation. What had they done with her! She was stuck together like a pincushion, and no consideration seemed to have been given in the slightest for her appearance. They could have at the very least sewn her in to that nice orange gown she'd been planning on wearing to the after party, maybe done her hair so it wouldn't be crackling and whipping around...

A floating tendril of her own rather insubstantial and off-color locks shook the girl out of her spiral of obsession. She...that wasn't her. It was meat. They were all meat. She was something else now, thanks to that sweet Lord of Shadows and his charming crab-thing, something better. Let the knights play their silly little games, whatever little birdie had their interest for the moment would let her make good her exit and then on to darker paths and a future full of such wonderful music!

The banshee twirled and swept away with unearthly grace--and promptly caught herself a blow on a snagging branch she'd overlooked. With a hiss Anastasia muttered in annoyance as she checked to see if the ragged facsimile of her dress was torn and felt an odd hitch in her throat...


Well. This was happening now. Milky eyes scrunched shut as the ingenue threw her head back and unleashed all of her frustration and annoyance upon the night.

Uhm. You're really taking on a bunch of soldiers and priests and your nemesis on holy ground? Is this really a-Okay then. Go right ahead, mortal.

Your sudden howl catches everyone by surprise. Men stumble, clutching at their ears, and the four men-at-arms hit directly by the sonic shriek fall flailing to the ground. Only six of the fodder remain.

"IT'S WORSE THAN MY UNCLE'S SINGING VOICE!" You hear one scream as he twitches on the ground. How rude! Your voice is incredible!

Unfortunately, the majority of your foes are wearing helmets which help protect them from the worst of the noise. And, as your scream begins to fade, suddenly lightning flashes in the distance-Lightning with a strange, golden hue. Your throat, or at least the ethereal form of it, hurts like you'd dipped it in hot candle wax (-1 HP).

"ARe you freaking kidding me?" You hear Maes shout. "I chopped you into pieces, anointed you in holy water, stabbed you through with silver blades, and you still come back as a ghost? DIE! DIE ALREADY DAMMIT!" The Knight shouts, drawing his sword. The other knights and men-at-arms are but a moment behind. And the priests...Well.

"What monstrous evil, to persist even now! Perish murderer! In nomine Lux!" One shouts, slamming his quarterstaff into the mud. A second later, the storm is forced away by Gold and you burn. You shriek as you fall back, rain sizzling as it strikes your glowing, ethereal form (-4 HP). The other priest ignores you, holding out a simple amulet and chanting in archaic. Celestial feathers swirl around the advancing soldiers, eyes burning with hatred.

You shriek again, forcing it at the oncoming knights. The howl causes rain drops to split, the water on the ground to shake, and slams into the knights proper-And the feathers wrap around them, shielding them from the worst of the noise. They stumble, but do not relent at the horrific noise as they close, pushing through the mud and rain to get at you. You shriek again at the men-at-arms and four more fall into the muck. The remaining two hesitate and then start fleeing.
"Stand firm! We killed it before, we'll kill it again, and we'll keep killing her until she learns to stay dead!" Maes bellows over the storm, stopping his advance to do so. The scarce survivors, however, do not heed his words and keep running for the safety of the church. Maes, distracted, fails to keep charging you.

Unfortunately the murderous band of knights finally reaches you. Their blades hack at your ghostly form, and at first you smile as the blades slide through your body. And then you notice as they strike again and again, each one dissipates your form a little more, causing little tear like wounds to appear across your ethereal body. Resistant to mundane weapons did not mean immune. -3 HP.

Annnd then you hear a priest shout something like 'Lux Vult!' and the Knights swords suddenly catch aflame, golden fire denying the rain's efforts to stamp it out. And then a second later, a golden bolt of light strikes from the amulet priest and strike your arm. There's a flash of golden light, and when it fades wisp like trails are all that remains of several of your fingers. -5 HP, lost fingers on left hand.
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With one swift movement you reach up and tear the arrow from your rib cage before sliding its still sharp point across the badly worn rope. The strands, already weak, snap with ease.

The onlookers eyes practically bulge out of their heads as they witness you, and are too shocked to do anything before you're charging down the road at you.
"You just had to open your mouth!" The black haired one shouts at the one with a beard before firing off a hasty shot.

Hasty, but not entirely inaccurate. The arrow takes you straight through the eye. You guess the lad really is professional archer material. But then, this is hardly the first time you've been shot by an arrow in the eye. (-1 HP, Half Blinded).

The younger archer's arrow flies past entirely. The older lad steps forward with a snarl, presenting a spear. "Bloody Dark Gods and their burnin' sense of irony!"
You parry the first strike aside, sending him stumbling back. A hasty second swipe lightly stabs you in the gut (-1 HP) but the main effect was arresting your charge. "Get the soddin' guard!" The spearman shouts. Surprisingly, the two archers listen and sprint off toward town.

The Spearman tries to ward you off with his spear. Then you shrug, smack the spear aside, and shank him in the face. He thuds to the ground pretty much instantly. Well, that's over with.

"MONSTER! MONSSSTER!" You hear from the distance as the two archer youths run into town. Maybe it isn't over with after all.

"I think you'll come to care about Greenskins very soon." Gruk growls out as he rushes forward, an arrow sticking out of his eyesocket. The spearman was brave, but it wouldn't save him. A quick back hand to throw the spear aside, then a thrust to his unprotected throat. Choking on his own blood. At least it would be quick for him.

The Archers were running, but that was fine. He'd be detected sooner or later either way, this close to a village. He picked up the dead man's Spear, an infantryman's weapon, testing the balance and finding it satisfactory, then taking the man's cloak as well, leaving the man's tender and unprotected flesh bare...

Tender and unprotected flesh...he almost forgot he was dead, what his new source of sustenance would have to be. Disgusting, and a cliche of the Greenskinned, but necessary. Sighing with disgust and reluctance, he bent down over the now dead man, gripped his thighs with his claw like fingers, and tore.

A half minute later, he wiped the blood off his mouth on the Man at Arm's tunic, grabbed the spear, and loped off into the nearby forest, hoping to avoid the guards.
Uhm. You're really taking on a bunch of soldiers and priests and your nemesis on holy ground? Is this really a-Okay then. Go right ahead, mortal.

He is not my nemesis! He's just a very rotten man who ought to be flayed for being so mean. Flayed and...and...dipped in salt-water! With hot peppers squeezed in to it!
You shriek again, forcing it at the oncoming knights. The howl causes rain drops to split, the water on the ground to shake, and slams into the knights proper-And the feathers wrap around them, shielding them from the worst of the noise. They stumble, but do not relent at the horrific noise as they close, pushing through the mud and rain to get at you. You shriek again at the men-at-arms and four more fall into the muck. The remaining two hesitate and then start fleeing.
"Stand firm! We killed it before, we'll kill it again, and we'll keep killing her until she learns to stay dead!" Maes bellows over the storm, stopping his advance to do so. The scarce survivors, however, do not heed his words and keep running for the safety of the church. Maes, distracted, fails to keep charging you.

Unfortunately the murderous band of knights finally reaches you. Their blades hack at your ghostly form, and at first you smile as the blades slide through your body. And then you notice as they strike again and again, each one dissipates your form a little more, causing little tear like wounds to appear across your ethereal body. Resistant to mundane weapons did not mean immune. -3 HP.

Annnd then you hear a priest shout something like 'Lux Vult!' and the Knights swords suddenly catch aflame, golden fire denying the rain's efforts to stamp it out. And then a second later, a golden bolt of light strikes from the amulet priest and strike your arm. There's a flash of golden light, and when it fades wisp like trails are all that remains of several of your fingers. -5 HP, lost fingers on left hand.

Still railing against the blades, the storm, the light, Anastasia's voice thundered like the ominous crash of lightning in the mountains. "You--you SANCTIMONIOUS PLEBS! YOU WOULDN'T KNOW HIGH ART WERE IT TO PRESENT ITSELF UPON YOUR DOORSTEP AND BASH YOU IN THE STUPID FACES WITH A RED HOT CYMBAL!"

She quivered, just too angry to back away even as the light repelled her and their small-minded little clerics called upon their powers. Well, she had powers now too, apparently. Powers of the voice. Powers they had insulted, but ones she would master and throw it back in their inbred, dumb-looking everything, just as soon soon as... Something felt wrong. The glowing blades hissed at her and looking down she saw where her long, taloned fingers she was just starting to take a shine to had been there was naught but wispy mess. That did it.

"SIR NICOLAS! It is not enough that you ruin my song, my corpse, and my funeral, but NOW YOU'RE RUINING MY GHOST? YOU HORRID RUINER!" Her eyes bored in to him with palpable waves of hatred as she mustered her reserves. "I will NEVER LEARN, do you understand. I WILL NEVER LEARN!"

The banshee wailed once more, cradling her hacked up hand and crying glowing greenish tears as she spun and flew at the edge of the cliff to throw herself off in a genre-appropriate dramatic gesture.
Logren Longrow
You happen to be in the lower Kingdom, near the Badlands and various rebelling fiefdoms. It was a good place to hide, because there were more monsters and brigands and such things to distract the royal armies. It was a bad place to hide, because there were more royal forces there.

In your case, the latter ended up outweighing the former. Poor luck.

There were a few battlefields further south, but they were hardly safe. You were not the only necromancer competing for corpses. The nearby town would have a graveyard, but it may not be terribly safe. Your own family home is not too far, though it's rather farther to the east than you are now. As for the ruin, it was old, falling apart, and occupied. Through the doorway you can make out the flicker of firelight, and looking more closely you can make out several decapitated heads stuck on spikes and the men around the fire wearing ragged sets of hide, mail, and leather armor. Many also have bandannas.

Brigands, you note in an instant. The heads out front are a requirement of the Bandits Guild to mark official Bandit Clan territory. Very important, those Guild regulations. Judging by the painted symbols they're members of the Blood Jackals clan, named for the mysterious scavenger beasts from the Badlands and well renowned for being the end of many a wannabe adventurer.

You can't say you're surprised to see them. Old ruins like this are always havens for bandits, vampires, orcs, and all other manner of creature. As soon as one leaves, another moves in. It's so common it's generally considered polite to leave messages saying where everything is so the next group to come in can get oriented easily.
Well then. Coming to a stop, Logren pauses for the moment to consider his situation at large. He could always just leave. But real estate was always in such high demand, with all the decent lairs in the area probably already occupied. And it'd waste time at that, searching for someplace to even temporarily set up shop. Trying to get back to the Earldom without some sword fodder around to protect the former loremaster was hardly appealing either.

But brigands, huh. A bit of an iffy state of affairs here. Making some new living minions allies would be helpful in getting himself secured, but still brigands. Such a varied lot, motivated mostly by greed. No telling how they'd react, or if they'd sell you out for more coin. Hemming and hawing for a bit, Logren finally nods to himself in the end. There was an opportunity here and he was going to take it. If it failed, well, he'd figure out what to do then.

No need to be stupid about it though. Lacing his fleshless fingers together, Logren cracks them in a bony clatter before exhaling and getting down to work. First, some mage armor. Getting shanked and having his discount phylactery pawned off would definitely be a poor start to his new career. Next, some proper theatrics. Flickering illusory shadows to shroud him, aping the Lord of Shadows himself, would certainly lend him the proper gravitas. And no more of this walking foolishness! He was a lich, floating about was much more proper.

Preparations finally complete, Logren continues back towards the brigand occupied ruins. "Ho there! I'd like to speak to your leader if I could!" the lich shouts in greeting as he draws near, skeletal arm raised in greeting.
"City is a little bit of an exaggeration, isn't it? More or a few hovels amid mud, really. Though I'll admit, the flowers are pretty." Aya replies. She looks at her nails. "Believe me Marius, looting before you've even up and cleared out everything is basic human nature. First thing the men-at-arms did when they got into town was make a beeline toward the tavern for the ale, the alchemist's for the potions, and the chapel for the gold. I can just imagine the look on the ol' priest's face."

"Worldly possessions...Well, if I had a crack team of thieves, five-hundred feet of rope, and a greased pig I could do it in a night-though really, anything with the makings of a dramatic heist would work. But as you are now?" She says, quirking an eyebrow at your illusion clad form "You really want to try sneaking past a small army when you don't even have actual pants?"

"Eh, I prefer the place over the capital. I have seen it, it isn't really cleaner and unless I was rich, I wouldn't even want to live there." Marius spoke more out of reflex than anything else. Then he frowned as he heard her short speech about the nature of man and their love for pillaging and burning... right now he really felt like getting a bit revenge but....

"Urgh...." with a visible act of will he restrained himself, thinking of the things he really needed to do before getting killed over a bit of coin. And well, now that he thought about, if they had found his cache of goods already... then it was probably spread among the leadership of their group. Meaning he would have to steal from that Paladin who took him out. He wouldn't have liked the prospect even before he had gained a frustrating weakness to everything holy....

"You are... right yes....", he sighed. "Sorry, I haven't felt like this in years. Let us just leave before I can change my mind and do something suicidal." He moved towards what he thought would be the direction of the exist slowly, making sure to not make any sound that would tip anyone.

"I can always get some money from Enchanting some stuff... just need to find people who don't care about me being an undead Abomination yes..." he mumbled to himself before looking back at the demoness and having an idea.

"Hey Aya, since I am now contractually obligated to raze the kingdom, or at least take out their leadership, what do you think of me calling some relatives or friends of yours once we are out of here? You have anyone that you can recommend won't try to burn down or do worse to the countryside right after I call them up?"
OOC: I'd like to apologise for the lateness of this post, I had a paper I needed to work on this week.
Being undead has many advantages for stealth. No need to breath and no heartbeat or other bodily functions means you can actually lie perfectly still-no pesky bodily functions giving you away! It also means you can place your head facedown in the mud and gore and who'd expect that from somebody still alive? And among all the corpses, well, you blend right in.

Unfortunately, all these advantages can't help you if you have about as much experience with stealth as your average god of war. It isn't long until you make the amateur mistake of moving to see if she's up and gone. Unfortunately, she was just busy picking through someone's pockets a ways over and her head near instantly snaps in your direction.

You still immediately, trying as hard as possible to look like an actual corpse as she strides over. Her armored boots never find the mud, gliding effortlessly across the backs of fallen bodies, piles of equipment or sunken rocks and trees.

"Hrm...Now what did I see...?" She mutters, stepping beside you. And then promptly stabbing her blade down.
Into the body beside you, luckily enough. It does nothing but shift a little. She shakes her head, a little disappointed, then starts checking the other bodies with little kicks and pokes with her blade. None move, though she does spook a fox from its hiding place.

Finally, she turns to go. "Must have been a scavenger." She mutters turning on her heel. Then she turns around and kicks you hard enough in the ribs you flop over onto your back with an audible crack.

And you stay still. The pain is almost negligible, and once she makes out the rot beneath your scales, she's on her way immediately. You watch her walk about for a long time, before she finally disappears into the underbrush. You're about to breath a sigh of relief (before realizing you didn't actually hold your breath) when all the scavengers emerge from nowhere.

"Scary as hell lady." One with a tall hat mutters.
"Yep. Poor Jimmy and Bob. Didn't stand a chance." Another replies, shaking her head.
"Damn shame. Damn shame." A third agrees, before pointing a finger at one of the bodies. "Dibs on his boots."

And then the scavengers promptly begin doing what they're best at. At least the Elf is gone...Though you have the feeling she's still in the area.
Tarkus glared at the emerging scavengers for a moment, before reluctantly concluding that dismembering the filthy would take far too much time, and more importantly, alert Bladewind with their no doubt unnecessarily loud death screams (some people just couldn't die with dignity these days). He could also chance leaving, but that carried the risk of also producing unnecessarily loud screams (or something within that vein he supposed), which meant that would also tempt Bladewind to come back. Or the fact that he never bothered with concepts like "stealth" or "subtlety" could just bite him in the ass anyway.

Sometimes a guy just couldn't win.

It was aggravating, but it looked like the best thing to do was to do nothing at all. At least he didn't have anything really worth looting (and he would make sure to "thank" the person responsible for that), so the scavengers wouldn't bother wasting time on him.
3rd post
He is not my nemesis! He's just a very rotten man who ought to be flayed for being so mean. Flayed and...and...dipped in salt-water! With hot peppers squeezed in to it!
You swear you feel a pat on your head. Adorable.

Still railing against the blades, the storm, the light, Anastasia's voice thundered like the ominous crash of lightning in the mountains. "You--you SANCTIMONIOUS PLEBS! YOU WOULDN'T KNOW HIGH ART WERE IT TO PRESENT ITSELF UPON YOUR DOORSTEP AND BASH YOU IN THE STUPID FACES WITH A RED HOT CYMBAL!"

She quivered, just too angry to back away even as the light repelled her and their small-minded little clerics called upon their powers. Well, she had powers now too, apparently. Powers of the voice. Powers they had insulted, but ones she would master and throw it back in their inbred, dumb-looking everything, just as soon soon as... Something felt wrong. The glowing blades hissed at her and looking down she saw where her long, taloned fingers she was just starting to take a shine to had been there was naught but wispy mess. That did it.

"SIR NICOLAS! It is not enough that you ruin my song, my corpse, and my funeral, but NOW YOU'RE RUINING MY GHOST? YOU HORRID RUINER!" Her eyes bored in to him with palpable waves of hatred as she mustered her reserves. "I will NEVER LEARN, do you understand. I WILL NEVER LEARN!"

The banshee wailed once more, cradling her hacked up hand and crying glowing greenish tears as she spun and flew at the edge of the cliff to throw herself off in a genre-appropriate dramatic gesture.

Truly, yours is a palpably evil speech. Why, lightning cracks several times throughout it. Everyone knows lightning cracks when villains are at their most ominous. Unfortunately, the heroes of the ages have learnt that villainous monologues are a great opportunity to strike.

"Quick, stab her while she's monologuing!" One of the knights shouts out, and they hack and slash at you with the blazing blades. They burn, shearing through your ghostly flesh as though it were paper and leaving nothing but emptiness in their wake. You hastily finish your speech and leap off the cliff. (-4 HP)

"Come back here!" Maes bellows, pursuing after you as you leap. "Damn you, monster!" He bellows, throwing a bottle of water marked with a holy symbol at you. It spirals through the air, flying through the storm as it streaks toward you.

It then flies past you. Seems Maes' knightly training didn't include throwing bottles at monsters through a storm. What do ya' know?

You're cackling like a madman the whole way down until you slam into the ground hard enough you're pretty sure it'd shatter your bones if you still had any. As it is, your legs end up going through your chest and face, and then it takes you a good twenty minutes in the pouring rain to disentangle yourself, salt water splashing over you from the waves along the beach the whole time. Even after you finish extracting your limbs from one another, you feel all dizzy and confused. Maybe that's because of how confused you are at why you're still affected by gravity despite floating .

As you stumble/float your way along the beach, a lightning bolt hits a tree hanging off the sheer cliffside near you. It bursts into golden flames as you flee, as though it were there to say AND STAY OUT.
"I think you'll come to care about Greenskins very soon." Gruk growls out as he rushes forward, an arrow sticking out of his eyesocket. The spearman was brave, but it wouldn't save him. A quick back hand to throw the spear aside, then a thrust to his unprotected throat. Choking on his own blood. At least it would be quick for him.

The Archers were running, but that was fine. He'd be detected sooner or later either way, this close to a village. He picked up the dead man's Spear, an infantryman's weapon, testing the balance and finding it satisfactory, then taking the man's cloak as well, leaving the man's tender and unprotected flesh bare...

Tender and unprotected flesh...he almost forgot he was dead, what his new source of sustenance would have to be. Disgusting, and a cliche of the Greenskinned, but necessary. Sighing with disgust and reluctance, he bent down over the now dead man, gripped his thighs with his claw like fingers, and tore.

A half minute later, he wiped the blood off his mouth on the Man at Arm's tunic, grabbed the spear, and loped off into the nearby forest, hoping to avoid the guards.
Warm flesh and warm blood tastes unnaturally good going down your rotting throat, even though the meat is raw. Disturbing. Which is unsurprising. Cannibalism generally is at least mildly disturbing.

Your wounds begin healing already from the snack of meat, but you hear the all too familiar sounds of a forming angry mob in the distance. Quickly, you abandon your feast and flee into the woods before they can try hanging you again.

With the church bell ringing in the distance, as well as angry shouts, you cower in the shadow of a tree as your wounds slowly regenerate. Finally, your shot out eye recovers, though it's still a tad blurry at the moment. (+3 wounds, regain eye.
"Eh, I prefer the place over the capital. I have seen it, it isn't really cleaner and unless I was rich, I wouldn't even want to live there." Marius spoke more out of reflex than anything else. Then he frowned as he heard her short speech about the nature of man and their love for pillaging and burning... right now he really felt like getting a bit revenge but....

"Urgh...." with a visible act of will he restrained himself, thinking of the things he really needed to do before getting killed over a bit of coin. And well, now that he thought about, if they had found his cache of goods already... then it was probably spread among the leadership of their group. Meaning he would have to steal from that Paladin who took him out. He wouldn't have liked the prospect even before he had gained a frustrating weakness to everything holy....

"You are... right yes....", he sighed. "Sorry, I haven't felt like this in years. Let us just leave before I can change my mind and do something suicidal." He moved towards what he thought would be the direction of the exist slowly, making sure to not make any sound that would tip anyone.

"I can always get some money from Enchanting some stuff... just need to find people who don't care about me being an undead Abomination yes..." he mumbled to himself before looking back at the demoness and having an idea.

"Hey Aya, since I am now contractually obligated to raze the kingdom, or at least take out their leadership, what do you think of me calling some relatives or friends of yours once we are out of here? You have anyone that you can recommend won't try to burn down or do worse to the countryside right after I call them up?"
She looks at you. "Oh, Marius...It's cute when you're being dumb." She says with a smirk. "I'm a Demon. Most of my friends are Demons. Demons enjoy such Demonic things as burning down the country side, corrupting villages, and bathing in the blood of the innocent. And the guilty, we're not picky. It's the vampires who are picky about who to bathe in the blood of."

"Beyond that, most of my references locally were the petty Warlords and officers of Maleficus' reign. Most of them are currently suffering an unfortunate case of dead, and they're not the ambulatory kind you are." She says, tapping her chin with a wing. "And I don't think the Empress of Belachi is going to be much help. It'd take a good two years of sailing for you to get to her anyway, unless you're willing to try a portal through hell. Really can't recommend it unless you have a travel permit. The fines are nasty. Also lethal. Very lethal."

She taps her hoof on the ground, making a 'hmmm' noise. "There's the Cult of Horrible but Consensual Self-Mutilation and Torture? Not very good fighters though." She shakes her head, before snapping her fingers. "That old Telverian Mage, Brachus used to summon me a lot before the Royal Inquisition came after him for wearing red on King's Day...Think he's being tortured until he gives up his recipe for sweet roll." She says, before returning your look. "Oh don't look at me like that. Brachus' sweet roll recipe have been a mystery for a decade, and it's not like the Inquisition had anything better to do with those torture racks. Not a well guarded facility, for sure. Contrary to popular opinion, the Royal Guard recruits just as many fanatical morons as they do fanatical elites."

"I know a petty Warlock named Drechus who runs a tavern out of the Dredwald down south. Used to work for Maleficus, before lil' Tene up and got his head lopped off. Passable Demon summoner, good with numbers, speaks Orcish surprisingly well. Can't make a drink to save his life, and just chokes up if he tries an evil laugh, let alone burning down villages. Not sure how much help he'll be though." She says with a shrug. "He rarely summons me for anything these days but some late night fun and help dealing with nosy customers and the occasional wandering werewolf."
Logren Longrow

Well then. Coming to a stop, Logren pauses for the moment to consider his situation at large. He could always just leave. But real estate was always in such high demand, with all the decent lairs in the area probably already occupied. And it'd waste time at that, searching for someplace to even temporarily set up shop. Trying to get back to the Earldom without some sword fodder around to protect the former loremaster was hardly appealing either.

But brigands, huh. A bit of an iffy state of affairs here. Making some new living minions allies would be helpful in getting himself secured, but still brigands. Such a varied lot, motivated mostly by greed. No telling how they'd react, or if they'd sell you out for more coin. Hemming and hawing for a bit, Logren finally nods to himself in the end. There was an opportunity here and he was going to take it. If it failed, well, he'd figure out what to do then.

No need to be stupid about it though. Lacing his fleshless fingers together, Logren cracks them in a bony clatter before exhaling and getting down to work. First, some mage armor. Getting shanked and having his discount phylactery pawned off would definitely be a poor start to his new career. Next, some proper theatrics. Flickering illusory shadows to shroud him, aping the Lord of Shadows himself, would certainly lend him the proper gravitas. And no more of this walking foolishness! He was a lich, floating about was much more proper.

Preparations finally complete, Logren continues back towards the brigand occupied ruins. "Ho there! I'd like to speak to your leader if I could!" the lich shouts in greeting as he draws near, skeletal arm raised in greeting.
You float ominously forward, clad in a cloak of shadows which whirl around you. Unfortunately, you lack any chains to rattle, so the bandits don't notice you for a moment as you ominously float forward. They continue on with their vapid conversations about women, drink, looting, union dues, and finally coffee. Then, finally, you shout.

Two of the hefty, muscular bandits with worn killing weapons and fearsome fur hide armor...Immediately give girly shrieks and run further into the fort. The third looks nonplussed at his fleeing comrades, then shakes his head.
"Rookies. This is going on the guild review, the pissants." He mutters, adjusting his balaclava slightly. "Don't see many liches these days. Look, can you come back in the morning? The boss likes getting a full night's rest, y'know what I mean mate? Could I maybe get a name and preferred time for an appointment?"

OOC: I'd like to apologise for the lateness of this post, I had a paper I needed to work on this week.

Tarkus glared at the emerging scavengers for a moment, before reluctantly concluding that dismembering the filthy would take far too much time, and more importantly, alert Bladewind with their no doubt unnecessarily loud death screams (some people just couldn't die with dignity these days). He could also chance leaving, but that carried the risk of also producing unnecessarily loud screams (or something within that vein he supposed), which meant that would also tempt Bladewind to come back. Or the fact that he never bothered with concepts like "stealth" or "subtlety" could just bite him in the ass anyway.

Sometimes a guy just couldn't win.

It was aggravating, but it looked like the best thing to do was to do nothing at all. At least he didn't have anything really worth looting (and he would make sure to "thank" the person responsible for that), so the scavengers wouldn't bother wasting time on him.
The scavengers go around the field, picking pockets, stripping boots, taking a hold of rusty blades. A woman goes along with an especially rickety wheelbarrow, calmly tossing shredded helmets and spell-blasted breastplates into it as she rolls past you.

Finally, one stops over you. "'is scales 'ook decent. Dragon scales 'orth lots on th' market, right?"
"Yer thinkin' dragon scales, Barry!" A woman shouts back.
"Ah...But they look th' same, right? Sell 'em t' some Telvie idiot coming throughing." Barry replies, pulling a skinning knife from his belt.
"Barry, skinning dead people, even dragonborn, is bad luck." A third scavenger comments. A fourth nods firmly.
"Yeah. Disrespecta'. Lady o' death 'ill have your head for somethin' so dishonorable, sure as sure! 'Sides, it's a zombie."

The other scavengers look at the fourth. "A zombie? Ain't nothing zombie like about it. IT ain't moaning about brains or anything. Or shamblin'!"
The fourth one shakes his head, firmly planting his arms on his hips. "No zombie eva' moaned about no brains. That's jus' a myth. And some zombies are smart. They can crawl, walk, hop and skip, use a sword, magic, even faze through walls or grow to the size of a bear and eat you whole! And I know this one's a zombie. Always get that feelin' in my bite wound when near one."
"Ignore 'im, he's just been borked in the head ever since his buds got eaten by zombies at some raider longship."

The fourth man scowls. "Harrumph. If you think that's the case, go ahead and skin 'em! Don't blame me when 'e up and eats your face. And you'd deserve it too, for desecrating the dead like that!"
"...We're looters and scavengers. Our very job is desecrating the dead."
"Yeah, well, it's even more desecration-y to skin 'em! And I say a prayer over 'em to consecrate them, sure as sure! Not like you blasphemous heathens!"

The first man, still holding his skinning knife scowls. "Oh you burnin' bugger. That tars it. I've 'ad enough a' you and yer stupid and yer hypocrisy. First I'm going to skin today is you!" And then, Barry, tackles the poor, unnamed fourth man and starts trying to stab him with the skinning knife who goes down screaming and begging.

The other scavengers stand around. "Shouldn't we do something? Protect an innocent man from being skinned alive and all that?"
"We're scavengers. Like, two steps away from bandits. And we ain't got no guild. Nothin' we need to do about helping people. Dibs on his shoes, though." A woman nods sagely.

Edit: You are really bad at stealth, even with hefty situational bonuses.
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AFter a brief start of terror from your sudden reanimation, the man-at-arms looks at you sheepishly as he swiftly blows his nose and apologizes. The others around the charnel pit hesitantly look at you, rubbing the backs of their head in embarrassment.

Then, the female veteran knight coughs. "With all due respect, Priestess...You're an insane, murderous, apparently undead lunatic sitting in a pile of corpss. The most blasphemous thing about all this is you. Also, all these other bodies are Heretics recently executed." The Knight explains, before motioning at a man-at-arms with a torch. "Throw it in."

"Huh?" The man-at-arms replies.

"The torch you fool. Give me that." She snatches the torch out of his hand, and flicks it into the charnel pit, full of flammable oil and corpses bloating with also flammable corpse gas.

Well, you think, as the torch falls. That didn't work. Though at least the man-at-arms learnt some manners.



Lady Nightsong works a miracle (gets her no account son in law to work a miracle, same thing) and this tin plated grave robbing hussy, look at that armor, not one ounce of self respect probably had a bad upbringing not that that excuses anything has the utter gall to call her a blasphemous heretic and question her sanity to boot?

Intolerable. Simply intolerable.

Well, she'll show her who's a heretic. (The Silver Drake Templar is. And she's going to suffer for it.)

"Harmonius NOX!"

Agatha reaches out to the divine power of the Grandmother, the gifts granted to her clergy so they may walk the night forests without fear, ministering to the wanderer and the lost, beseeching that the Grandmother's grace lift her from this pit of despond.

Hopefully before the torch hits the flammable corpse pile.
You float ominously forward, clad in a cloak of shadows which whirl around you. Unfortunately, you lack any chains to rattle, so the bandits don't notice you for a moment as you ominously float forward. They continue on with their vapid conversations about women, drink, looting, union dues, and finally coffee. Then, finally, you shout.

Two of the hefty, muscular bandits with worn killing weapons and fearsome fur hide armor...Immediately give girly shrieks and run further into the fort. The third looks nonplussed at his fleeing comrades, then shakes his head.
"Rookies. This is going on the guild review, the pissants." He mutters, adjusting his balaclava slightly. "Don't see many liches these days. Look, can you come back in the morning? The boss likes getting a full night's rest, y'know what I mean mate? Could I maybe get a name and preferred time for an appointment?"
Well, that was both mildly amusing and confidence boosting. But scaring some fresh recruits was hardly an accomplishment, as the remaining brigand's words reminded Logren. Ah, but at least the man seemed like a professional, which was always nice.

"Hmm, the morning doesn't really work for me. You know how undead and daylight are," Logren replies urbanely in a dismissive tone. At this point the brigand gets the impression that the lich is quirking an eyebrow upwards, if you know, he had any flesh left to display facial cues with. "But perhaps you could help me then, my good fellow. I am Loremaster Longrow and you see, after some rather unfortunate recent events, I find myself in a less than optimal state."

A skeletal hand waves around airily, as if underplaying the matter. "And thus I find myself in need of some bodies, dead or alive. I am of course, willing to offer my services in trade," the lich continues, letting a few sparks of magic form between his fingers as to emphasize his point. "So, interested?"
The scavengers go around the field, picking pockets, stripping boots, taking a hold of rusty blades. A woman goes along with an especially rickety wheelbarrow, calmly tossing shredded helmets and spell-blasted breastplates into it as she rolls past you.

Finally, one stops over you. "'is scales 'ook decent. Dragon scales 'orth lots on th' market, right?"
"Yer thinkin' dragon scales, Barry!" A woman shouts back.
"Ah...But they look th' same, right? Sell 'em t' some Telvie idiot coming throughing." Barry replies, pulling a skinning knife from his belt.
"Barry, skinning dead people, even dragonborn, is bad luck." A third scavenger comments. A fourth nods firmly.
"Yeah. Disrespecta'. Lady o' death 'ill have your head for somethin' so dishonorable, sure as sure! 'Sides, it's a zombie."

The other scavengers look at the fourth. "A zombie? Ain't nothing zombie like about it. IT ain't moaning about brains or anything. Or shamblin'!"
The fourth one shakes his head, firmly planting his arms on his hips. "No zombie eva' moaned about no brains. That's jus' a myth. And some zombies are smart. They can crawl, walk, hop and skip, use a sword, magic, even faze through walls or grow to the size of a bear and eat you whole! And I know this one's a zombie. Always get that feelin' in my bite wound when near one."
"Ignore 'im, he's just been borked in the head ever since his buds got eaten by zombies at some raider longship."

The fourth man scowls. "Harrumph. If you think that's the case, go ahead and skin 'em! Don't blame me when 'e up and eats your face. And you'd deserve it too, for desecrating the dead like that!"
"...We're looters and scavengers. Our very job is desecrating the dead."
"Yeah, well, it's even more desecration-y to skin 'em! And I say a prayer over 'em to consecrate them, sure as sure! Not like you blasphemous heathens!"

The first man, still holding his skinning knife scowls. "Oh you burnin' bugger. That tars it. I've 'ad enough a' you and yer stupid and yer hypocrisy. First I'm going to skin today is you!" And then, Barry, tackles the poor, unnamed fourth man and starts trying to stab him with the skinning knife who goes down screaming and begging.

The other scavengers stand around. "Shouldn't we do something? Protect an innocent man from being skinned alive and all that?"
"We're scavengers. Like, two steps away from bandits. And we ain't got no guild. Nothin' we need to do about helping people. Dibs on his shoes, though." A woman nods sagely.

Edit: You are really bad at stealth, even with hefty situational bonuses.
You had to be kidding. Really, really? What did it take to be left alone around here?

"I just-For fuck's sake." Tarkus resignedly palmed his face as he got up, abandoning all pretense of stealth in the process. Fuck it, it was going nowhere anyway. "You try to be left alone and then this raptorshit happens. How bloody hard is it to just leave a guy in peace?"

He glared at the scavengers before pointing at the bandit named Barry. Yeah, no more mister nice dragonblood. "You, I've had a very bad day, and honestly between the fact that I died and you trying to skin me for my scales I'm seriously considering killing you right now. So be a good chap and let go of that other guy before I really do decide to construct a modernist impression of your entrails on the ground."

The point of his claw shifted to the man on the ground, the only one it seemed to have a granule of integrity between the lot, and while normally he wouldn't care a whit about a looter, the man had tried to defend him, which meant he was honorbound to defend him as a potential innocent on the pain of a lightning bolt to the face.

Sometimes oaths could get really annoying.

"As for you, congratulations, you've been promoted to the honored position of my probationary squire. This position is strictly voluntary of course, in which case I'll leave you with your friend Barry to hash out your differences over a cup of chamomile tea. You have ten seconds to decide before I stomp away and hopefully never see you lot ever again." He paused, roving an evaluating eye over the scavenged weapons and armor. They were frankly pieces of junk better fit for a scrapyard than a battlefield, all the best pieces being long since looted, but something would have to do in place of nothing. At least those boots looked like they were quality raptorskin, so that was something. "Oh, and dibs. If you don't like it, then don't piss off the next undead you meet on the battlefield. You're lucky I'm leaving you all alive as it is."
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Well, that was both mildly amusing and confidence boosting. But scaring some fresh recruits was hardly an accomplishment, as the remaining brigand's words reminded Logren. Ah, but at least the man seemed like a professional, which was always nice.

"Hmm, the morning doesn't really work for me. You know how undead and daylight are," Logren replies urbanely in a dismissive tone. At this point the brigand gets the impression that the lich is quirking an eyebrow upwards, if you know, he had any flesh left to display facial cues with. "But perhaps you could help me then, my good fellow. I am Loremaster Longrow and you see, after some rather unfortunate recent events, I find myself in a less than optimal state."

A skeletal hand waves around airily, as if underplaying the matter. "And thus I find myself in need of some bodies, dead or alive. I am of course, willing to offer my services in trade," the lich continues, letting a few sparks of magic form between his fingers as to emphasize his point. "So, interested?"
"Eh, I guess that's true. Don't really hang around with deadites much. They don't usually join the Bandit Guild, y'know?" The bandit replies. "Only ones I've ever even seen were there because of something about 'affirmative action' or whatever."

He nods in sympathy at your story. "Times have been tough for us all. We actually had to downsize ourselves, recently. Just not enough going 'round to keep everyone fed, so we had to send some of the guys back home. Hard to be a bandit when every stinkin' time you try to rob a caravan, some band of angry knights comes along to beat your heads together. If it ain't the Murderhoboes." The bandit makes a disgusted noise, angry and full of phlegm, and then spits a glob of bile onto the ground. A moment later he stamps on it violently, as though imagining an Adventurer's face.

"But uh, if you're trying to hire me, 'fraid I'm contracted sir. Guild's very specific on switching bandit clans, and the paperwork would be a right hassle. Though...How good's the dental care?" The bandit asks, tugging curiously at his balaclava. "Then again, the boss would cut my bollocks off. Err, pardon my language, sir."

"If you're talking the group as a whole, things have been rough. If you had hard coin or something shiny to make a deal with, the boss would agree in a heartbeat. If it's just magic...Well, unless you can magic food out of thin air, that'll be a harder sell." He says with a shrug. "I can go see if the boss is up, if you want to negotiate with them. Wouldn't be surprised if the rookies woke everyone up with their soiling themselves."
You had to be kidding. Really, really? What did it take to be left alone around here?

"I just-For fuck's sake." Tarkus resignedly palmed his face as he got up, abandoning all pretense of stealth in the process. Fuck it, it was going nowhere anyway. "You try to be left alone and then this raptorshit happens. How bloody hard is it to just leave a guy in peace?"

He glared at the scavengers before pointing at the bandit named Barry. Yeah, no more mister nice dragonblood. "You, I've had a very bad day, and honestly between the fact that I died and you trying to skin me for my scales I'm seriously considering killing you right now. So be a good chap and let go of that other guy before I really do decide to construct a modernist impression of your entrails on the ground."

The point of his claw shifted to the man on the ground, the only one it seemed to have a granule of integrity between the lot, and while normally he wouldn't care a whit about a looter, the man had tried to defend him, which meant he was honorbound to defend him as a potential innocent on the pain of a lightning bolt to the face.

Sometimes oaths could get really annoying.

"As for you, congratulations, you've been promoted to the honored position of my probationary squire. This position is strictly voluntary of course, in which case I'll leave you with your friend Barry to hash out your differences over a cup of chamomile tea. You have ten seconds to decide before I stomp away and hopefully never see you lot ever again." He paused, roving an evaluating eye over the scavenged weapons and armor. They were frankly pieces of junk better fit for a scrapyard than a battlefield, all the best pieces being long since looted, but something would have to do in place of nothing. At least those boots looked like they were quality raptorskin, so that was something. "Oh, and dibs. If you don't like it, then don't piss off the next undead you meet on the battlefield. You're lucky I'm leaving you all alive as it is."
Your speech is interrupted by everyone screaming. "Bleeding talking zombie!" You hear someone shout. The one man who defended you smiles. "Told you so, but noooo, you didn't listen to good ol' Jacobs die you! Now you're going to get it! Ahahaha!"

You continue your speech, undeterred, and the screaming stops as the crowd listens to you.

Barry opens his mouth, closes it, then opens it again. "Well, I ain't scared of no rotten bugger without any weapons! I mean, I got...This knife!" He waves a civilian skinning knife at you. When you stare at him, he hesitates. "...This sword!" He draws a blade from a scabbard. Well, a 'blade'. It's broken in half and rusted over. You just shake your head. "And...This sharp stick?" He says, presenting a wooden stick. One impressively well sharpened and made from a good strong oak branch, but still a stick.

One of the other looters shakes her head. "Just give it up, Barry."

He slumps his shoulders and sighs. "Just my luck." As he starts to stroll off, one of the other looters pats him on the shoulder.
"Look on the bright side Barry, at least he isn't an adventurer. Then there'd be no loot at all!"

Jacobs sits up, looking bemused. "Huh. You didn't eat anyone. Na' even a nibble." He mutters, scratching his head in confusion until you start counting down. Then he quickly stands up, with a quick (And horrible) salute. "Happy t' serve, milord! Given this is clearly divine intervention from th' Lady o' death to preserve me, it'd be right blasphemous to not accept!" He says with a wide smile on his already overly wide face as you scrounge for gear. You find several rusted through pieces of junk that are too damaged and broken to be at all useful. A pair of recoverable javelins that may come in handy, a nice and sharp boot knife in the pair of boots you hastily pull off, and then you discover something actually useful.

By stepping on its blade. You curse, loudly, as the still sharp blade severs a few of your rotted toes, and you regret not putting on the boots yet. Hastily throwing them on, you dig in the mud and pull out the weapon with no more injuries. It is a halberd. One that's covered in mud, beginning to rust, and the handle has snapped the last quarter down making it rather clumsy, but you have an actual weapon you can really kill people with. How nice.

"Oh, lovely find, milord." Jacobs says, having already packed up his things. "What's your name, oh great and just undead lord?" He asks, before pausing and scratching a scar on his arm. "Erm...We ought probably be off, milord. My old mark's actin' up, and that only happens when there's trouble. Or, undead 'hings like you, but that's more 'a dull ache, this one's more of a scratchy ache. Tell you true, that's 'ow it is."



Lady Nightsong works a miracle (gets her no account son in law to work a miracle, same thing) and this tin plated grave robbing hussy, look at that armor, not one ounce of self respect probably had a bad upbringing not that that excuses anything has the utter gall to call her a blasphemous heretic and question her sanity to boot?

Intolerable. Simply intolerable.

Well, she'll show her who's a heretic. (The Silver Drake Templar is. And she's going to suffer for it.)

"Harmonius NOX!"

Agatha reaches out to the divine power of the Grandmother, the gifts granted to her clergy so they may walk the night forests without fear, ministering to the wanderer and the lost, beseeching that the Grandmother's grace lift her from this pit of despond.

Hopefully before the torch hits the flammable corpse pile.
Your prayers are answered, and you rise up upon a pillar of shadow. You swear you can feel the comfort of the Grandmother reaching over you. Beneath, the torch lands, and the crowd of bodies burst into flames.

The flames promptly singe your feet and set your foot-wraps on fire, but you quickly bat them out while continuing your prayer.

"Oh, bugger. I hate it when wizards fly." The female knight comments, shaking her head.
"Wouldn't she be a cleric?" The other Knight states.
"I think she'd be a warlock, by this point." The female knight replies.
"What's the difference between a wizard, a warlock, and a sorcerer milord?" A men-at-arms asks, calmly loading his crossbow.
"Oh, bugger if I know. Just put a few bolts in her."

It's at that point you notice there's a number more men-at-arms than you were originally aware of in your pit. Apparently lying in a pit isn't great for visibility. Unfortunate.

About a moment later you get to experience the biggest problem with maintaining spells over time. It can be hard to concentrate on them while being shot. The smoke, thankfully, obscures you from the men-at-arms so most of the bolts miss, but one smacks into your torso (-1 HP). The pain isn't much, but the shock of it nearly interrupts your prayers. More importantly, it makes you gasp in surprise, and then that makes you actually take in a breath of the smoke in the air, and you promptly launch into a coughing fit that really distracts you. Thankfully, you're too well trained to lose your concentration over something so minor.

"Oh, damn it, I was hoping that'd drive her down to sword range." The female knight growls, stamping an armored boot into the ground.
"Everything's in sword range if you try hard enough!" The other knight exclaims, raising his blade into the air.
"Oh no, I'm not doing anything like at Lairan again. Besides, we don't have a catapult." The female knight says, drawing a throwing axe from her belt.
"At this range? We don't need no stinkin' catapult! I could just throw you!"
"While she's over a blazing inferno? No thanks. I'll try this, instead." She says, flinging a throwing axe at you. Thankfully, it only grazes you as it passes by (-1 HP)

"Damn. I need to get flying boots." The female knight sighs, drawing a second throwing axe as her comrade pulls a javelin out. Behind them, all of the good twenty-ish men-at-arms have finished equipping themselves with a mixture of crossbows, hunting bows, slings, and throwing weapons. A pair of what looks to be squires are running out of a tent a ways back with what looks like a plethora of various potions.
She looks at you. "Oh, Marius...It's cute when you're being dumb." She says with a smirk. "I'm a Demon. Most of my friends are Demons. Demons enjoy such Demonic things as burning down the country side, corrupting villages, and bathing in the blood of the innocent. And the guilty, we're not picky. It's the vampires who are picky about who to bathe in the blood of."

Marius rolled his eyes. "Oh yes of course, no demon could possibly have the self-control to not immediately go on a murder spree. And you are the one exception, or more likely you are a Angel in disguise." He chuckled a bit. "Though honestly, you cannot tell me that Demons cannot have fun doing other things. I have seen when you were playing with the girls and helping them make flower crowns when you thought no one was watching."

She shakes her head, before snapping her fingers. "That old Telverian Mage, Brachus used to summon me a lot before the Royal Inquisition came after him for wearing red on King's Day...Think he's being tortured until he gives up his recipe for sweet roll." She says, before returning your look. "Oh don't look at me like that. Brachus' sweet roll recipe have been a mystery for a decade, and it's not like the Inquisition had anything better to do with those torture racks. Not a well guarded facility, for sure. Contrary to popular opinion, the Royal Guard recruits just as many fanatical morons as they do fanatical elites."

The half-dragon twitched a little even as he walked closer to the entrance of the cave to check for anyone guarding it or just being in the area. He didn't want to get surprised after all. And he would ignore that... that sweet roll thing.

"Maybe we can free him when we get the time... where exactly is he held?"

Yes, act as if everything is sensible and the world hadn't gone crazy. It was the only way to continue things!

"I know a petty Warlock named Drechus who runs a tavern out of the Dredwald down south. Used to work for Maleficus, before lil' Tene up and got his head lopped off. Passable Demon summoner, good with numbers, speaks Orcish surprisingly well. Can't make a drink to save his life, and just chokes up if he tries an evil laugh, let alone burning down villages. Not sure how much help he'll be though." She says with a shrug. "He rarely summons me for anything these days but some late night fun and help dealing with nosy customers and the occasional wandering werewolf."

Huh, that actually sounded somewhat useful. Even if he wasn't that useful himself, he may have some connections that could come into handy.

"I think that last one sounds best for now, don't you believe. He seems the only semi-competent and easily gained minion." Marius paused as he considered his new role in existence. "Am I an evil wizard now?" He asked himself loudly, pondering on such a thing. On one hand, he was now undead and had heard nothing of any undead heroes, or even normal undead people who didn't go out to do evil. On the other hand, he had no real desire to eat the face off of people or murder mothers and children in cold blood.

Finally he shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, first thing first, need to find the rest of the village that got away. And I need clothes that won't vanish if someone uses a dispel or some Paladin uses his holy nonsense. Though I guess it could work as a surprise." Marius considered for a moment the possibility of laughing madly as his clothes vanished because his enemies used a dispel.

Nah, real clothes were better. If he wasn't a shadow..... thingy, he would probably be freezing right now.

Marius paused for a moment as he was close to the entrance. No, he guessed he would rather avoid battle while being totally in the nude.

He concentrated on his magic, calling upon the veil of illusions to clad himself in nothingness until he became invisible. That should come naturally to him now that he was basically a living.. or not living shadow?

With a thought, he included Aya in the effect. Of course once she attacked anyone directly, it would break. And well, if they did ran into anyone from the army he did want to give some payback to them.

And Aya did always have a liking for surprising people.

What is a Telverian? Is that a race or a nation?
You're cackling like a madman the whole way down until you slam into the ground hard enough you're pretty sure it'd shatter your bones if you still had any. As it is, your legs end up going through your chest and face, and then it takes you a good twenty minutes in the pouring rain to disentangle yourself, salt water splashing over you from the waves along the beach the whole time. Even after you finish extracting your limbs from one another, you feel all dizzy and confused. Maybe that's because of how confused you are at why you're still affected by gravity despite floating .

As you stumble/float your way along the beach, a lightning bolt hits a tree hanging off the sheer cliffside near you. It bursts into golden flames as you flee, as though it were there to say AND STAY OUT.

It wasn't fair, it wasn't fair, it wasn't fair, IT WASN'T FAIR!

Anastasia flounced down the beach as the golden light felt as if it were searing the back of her elegant, somewhat crooked neck. She could float, but she could also fall, she seemed to be able to pass through herself well enough but her misty skirts could still snag on things. The inconsistency of it all was just appalling. The banshee winced as she looked down at her truncated stumps still oozing the odd greenish-vapor she was composed of now, something would have to be done about them.

With the storm lashed waves crashing under foot she cast around for any sort of shelter against the elements and the eventual daylight. Those damn clerics had her positively hating the stuff now. Just darkness...nice, safe dark. Maybe some meat too. The thought came unbidden, in life she'd been something of an annoyance, shifting between diets with the season but always some variation of 'things a rabbit would eat'. there was an awful twinge in her ghostly guts, demanding attention. Fish maybe?

Her eyes turned seaward and the milky orbs blinked. It was dark. It was inaccessible. It was full of meat.

Rather pointlessly hiking up her skirts, Anastasia stomped out in to the surf. If she could stand having her own knees shoved through her head, a bit of wet couldn't hurt.
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"But uh, if you're trying to hire me, 'fraid I'm contracted sir. Guild's very specific on switching bandit clans, and the paperwork would be a right hassle. Though...How good's the dental care?" The bandit asks, tugging curiously at his balaclava. "Then again, the boss would cut my bollocks off. Err, pardon my language, sir."

"If you're talking the group as a whole, things have been rough. If you had hard coin or something shiny to make a deal with, the boss would agree in a heartbeat. If it's just magic...Well, unless you can magic food out of thin air, that'll be a harder sell." He says with a shrug. "I can go see if the boss is up, if you want to negotiate with them. Wouldn't be surprised if the rookies woke everyone up with their soiling themselves."
Logren makes the appropriately sympathetic noises as he listens to the brigand's little rant. In truth, things just weren't the same when there wasn't a proper Dark Lord around to keep the Forces of Good on their toes. Honestly though, having armored knights guard merchants? How was a dishonest man to make a living in these conditions?

"Oh no," the lich says with a solemn shake of his head, hand raised up to forestall the brigand. "I would never ask you to break your contract, that would be simply improper!" One had to do things the right way after all, with the paperwork squared away and all the i's dotted and t's crossed. To do so otherwise would just leave a big mess and then who would be left cleaning that up? People like him, the paper pushers and clerks, that's who! Well, Logren supposed he wasn't one of them anymore, given his new status, but old habits were hard to break. "And sadly, I find myself with empty pockets at the moment."

Rubbing the bottom of his bony jaw, the loremaster then nods. "Like I said, an exchange would do nicely, wouldn't it? I'm afraid food is off the table, but I could always enchant your gear or if you have the ingredients, I could prepare some potions for your clan. At the moment, I'm just looking for some corpses and a place to rest." Still aimlessly floating in the air, Logren's bones make a clattering sound as he gives a careless shrug. "But as you say, perhaps it would be better for me to speak to your boss. Ah, and do pass along my offer, won't you?"
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Your prayers are answered, and you rise up upon a pillar of shadow. You swear you can feel the comfort of the Grandmother reaching over you. Beneath, the torch lands, and the crowd of bodies burst into flames.

The flames promptly singe your feet and set your foot-wraps on fire, but you quickly bat them out while continuing your prayer.

"Oh, bugger. I hate it when wizards fly." The female knight comments, shaking her head.
"Wouldn't she be a cleric?" The other Knight states.
"I think she'd be a warlock, by this point." The female knight replies.
"What's the difference between a wizard, a warlock, and a sorcerer milord?" A men-at-arms asks, calmly loading his crossbow.
"Oh, bugger if I know. Just put a few bolts in her."

It's at that point you notice there's a number more men-at-arms than you were originally aware of in your pit. Apparently lying in a pit isn't great for visibility. Unfortunate.

About a moment later you get to experience the biggest problem with maintaining spells over time. It can be hard to concentrate on them while being shot. The smoke, thankfully, obscures you from the men-at-arms so most of the bolts miss, but one smacks into your torso (-1 HP). The pain isn't much, but the shock of it nearly interrupts your prayers. More importantly, it makes you gasp in surprise, and then that makes you actually take in a breath of the smoke in the air, and you promptly launch into a coughing fit that really distracts you. Thankfully, you're too well trained to lose your concentration over something so minor.

"Oh, damn it, I was hoping that'd drive her down to sword range." The female knight growls, stamping an armored boot into the ground.
"Everything's in sword range if you try hard enough!" The other knight exclaims, raising his blade into the air.
"Oh no, I'm not doing anything like at Lairan again. Besides, we don't have a catapult." The female knight says, drawing a throwing axe from her belt.
"At this range? We don't need no stinkin' catapult! I could just throw you!"
"While she's over a blazing inferno? No thanks. I'll try this, instead." She says, flinging a throwing axe at you. Thankfully, it only grazes you as it passes by (-1 HP)

"Damn. I need to get flying boots." The female knight sighs, drawing a second throwing axe as her comrade pulls a javelin out. Behind them, all of the good twenty-ish men-at-arms have finished equipping themselves with a mixture of crossbows, hunting bows, slings, and throwing weapons. A pair of what looks to be squires are running out of a tent a ways back with what looks like a plethora of various potions.



Now that is just uncalled for, that no better than she should be tin plated hussy witnessing two, two invocations of Lady Nightsong's divine power, resurrection and levitation, and she says warlock?

The urge to backhand her heretical drivel back down the "paladin's" throat comes closer to breaking Agatha's concentration that the projectiles or the smoke did (really, smoke, crossbow quarrels and axe? Try maintaining the Litany Against Bedbugs in a nursery full of cranky two year olds for a full night shift, this is novitiate level in comparison) but no, she is the Mother Superior of the Lady of Song and Starlight, laying her hands on the heretic (and her gaggle of merely misled and therefore somewhat less heretical followers) is beneath her.

Better to invoke the Grandmother's wrath and scourge them from the face of the Earth with fiery perdition from on high... and, not for the first time, Agatha remembers that Lady Nightsong's portfolio does not grant access to such spells. Blast and be-bother!

Well then.

"Grandmother, yea though I walk the night by thy will, I shall fear no evil, for thou hast made the darkness mine cloak and shield!" Agatha flings her arms out in supplication, as two things happen roughly in unison.

The first is the pillar of shadows she is standing regally atop collapsing, something like a wave crashing down. A wave of liquid shadows...which sadly, lack the crushing force of an actual wave or any of the more esoteric effects usually associated with magical shadow, like draining those caught in them to lifeless husks.

No, if all goes well this will merely engulf the heretics in a field of gloom, utterly ruining their aim.

The second thing is Agatha flinging herself backwards off the pillar as it falls, aiming to land on solid ground on the far side of the pit of burning corpses from the (heretical) men at arms and their (false) paladin leaders.
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Your speech is interrupted by everyone screaming. "Bleeding talking zombie!" You hear someone shout. The one man who defended you smiles. "Told you so, but noooo, you didn't listen to good ol' Jacobs die you! Now you're going to get it! Ahahaha!"

You continue your speech, undeterred, and the screaming stops as the crowd listens to you.

Barry opens his mouth, closes it, then opens it again. "Well, I ain't scared of no rotten bugger without any weapons! I mean, I got...This knife!" He waves a civilian skinning knife at you. When you stare at him, he hesitates. "...This sword!" He draws a blade from a scabbard. Well, a 'blade'. It's broken in half and rusted over. You just shake your head. "And...This sharp stick?" He says, presenting a wooden stick. One impressively well sharpened and made from a good strong oak branch, but still a stick.

One of the other looters shakes her head. "Just give it up, Barry."

He slumps his shoulders and sighs. "Just my luck." As he starts to stroll off, one of the other looters pats him on the shoulder.
"Look on the bright side Barry, at least he isn't an adventurer. Then there'd be no loot at all!"

Jacobs sits up, looking bemused. "Huh. You didn't eat anyone. Na' even a nibble." He mutters, scratching his head in confusion until you start counting down. Then he quickly stands up, with a quick (And horrible) salute. "Happy t' serve, milord! Given this is clearly divine intervention from th' Lady o' death to preserve me, it'd be right blasphemous to not accept!" He says with a wide smile on his already overly wide face as you scrounge for gear. You find several rusted through pieces of junk that are too damaged and broken to be at all useful. A pair of recoverable javelins that may come in handy, a nice and sharp boot knife in the pair of boots you hastily pull off, and then you discover something actually useful.

By stepping on its blade. You curse, loudly, as the still sharp blade severs a few of your rotted toes, and you regret not putting on the boots yet. Hastily throwing them on, you dig in the mud and pull out the weapon with no more injuries. It is a halberd. One that's covered in mud, beginning to rust, and the handle has snapped the last quarter down making it rather clumsy, but you have an actual weapon you can really kill people with. How nice.

"Oh, lovely find, milord." Jacobs says, having already packed up his things. "What's your name, oh great and just undead lord?" He asks, before pausing and scratching a scar on his arm. "Erm...We ought probably be off, milord. My old mark's actin' up, and that only happens when there's trouble. Or, undead 'hings like you, but that's more 'a dull ache, this one's more of a scratchy ache. Tell you true, that's 'ow it is."
"Sir Tarkus Rotavele of the Azure Aegis," he grunted as he tossed in a hastily torn rag with the few scant possessions he had, something to give his newly acquired possessions a quick wipe when Bladewind wasn't hanging over his head. His boot (which was rather spiffy if he said so himself) brushed again a corpse, and he had a sudden intense desire to take a bite out of-Gods no, what was he thinking? The last thing he wanted to do was start cleaving to undead stereotypes and confirm everyone's biases about his freshly undead state, including his own. The last thing he needed on top of everything else was to develop a sudden taste for cannibalism, that was most certainly a line he refused to cross unless necessary.

Shaking his head in disgust at himself, he got up, one of his claws twitching against his scaled hide at Jacobs' mention of incoming trouble. A notion that his gut instinct entirely agreed with, they had stayed here too long. "I'll take your word for it. We're going," he said brusquely. He gathered up his things and started off at a jog in the opposite direction. He would get to the edge of the battlefield, and then circle around the fringe in the direction of Cinigrad. No one here knew the Dragonspine like he did, especially not some crazed elf with an awkwardly justified grudge against him, once he got to the mountains he should be able to outpace her and get to the city if she felt a mind to follow.

Well, that was the plan in any case.