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Julianne Verne is a perfectly normal high school nerd, whose deeply-stressful high school life was interrupted one day when she suddenly realized she wasn't on Earth. Instead, she's in a strange world with wizards and dinosaurs and monsters, where people have Classes and Feats that allow them superhuman feats of prowess, and she herself possesses a strange, mysterious magical power! Thankfully, she's read her share of stories about this kind of thing, and has decided this means she's a destined hero of some sort, because that's what you do when this happens.

On the one hand, she's not wrong! Something dreadful is in the works in this world. On the other hand, she has no idea just how out of her depth she is...
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1.0.0 Initiate Session
Denver Metro, CO, USA
Your name is Julianne Verne, and no, your parents were actually oblivious to the existence of the author until your kindergarten teacher told them during their first parent-teacher conference.

...y'know, Jules Verne? The writer? The one who did the Journey to the Center of the Earth, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in – well, you could go on for hours about his influence on storytelling and his status as one of the founding members of speculative fiction, but that's not why you're talking to yourself. You're talking to yourself because literally everything around you has changed in literally the time between when you closed your eyes and when you opened them again, and you're trying to keep from panicking. You read somewhere that being able to tell yourself a coherent story is a good way to keep calm, so right now you're telling yourself the only story that comes to mind: the one about you.

Actually, now that you're thinking about your internal monologue, you figure you should have opened with that. Your name is Julianne Verne, perfectly normal high school nerd, and you're pretty sure you've just been isekai'd into a very different world. The next time you need to introduce yourself to yourself, you'll remember to lead with that. It's just, well, after the first few dozen times someone asks you, "Oh, were you named after the author?" you start to form a habit...

Anyway! One minute you were walking between classes at school, backpack slung over your shoulder, a couple of your friends talking animatedly around something they were desperately trying to avoid spoiling you on, scrolling through the group chat during a perfectly normal day on Earth, when everything went white and fuzzy, and then you were here. Here, wherever and whatever Here actually is, looks a lot like...

Narrative Vote
[ ]
an alpine forest, with cleaner air than you think you've ever smelled in your life. It reminds you of your trip a few years ago to visit relatives in Pennsylvania, actually.
[ ] a vast grassland, broken hither and yon by towering, rocky hills. You're distantly reminded of a family vacation that went through the Texas countryside, because this isn't anything like home.
[ ] a stretch of rocky ocean coastline, untouched by human hands. The thick scent of salt and brine reminds you of every beach trip you've ever been on.

It's a stretch of unbroken, uninterrupted countryside the likes of which you don't think you've ever seen, and not a sign of civilization within sight. No roads, no paths, no power lines, no litter, no signs, nothing but untouched lands as far as you can see or hear, uninterrupted by anything but the sounds of nature.

At this point, you're pretty sure you're not hallucinating. You hallucinated when you had a bad case of the flu a few years ago, and hallucinations don't stay stable like your surroundings have been. You're also pretty sure you're not dreaming, for much the same reason; it's been about five minutes since you got here and nothing has really changed the way you would expect it to if you were dreaming. You don't remember having any conversations with benevolent goddesses between school and here, or any speeding trucks, or any wasting diseases, or even explosions or anything, but the idea that you've been isekai'd is the only logical deduction as to why you're Here and not at school.

...isn't it?

...thinking about that isn't going to help. Weren't you -- yes, you were going over your memories. Time to be thorough. What do you remember about yourself? Your name is Julianne Verne. You're seventeen. You go to Browman Preparatory High School. You're a nerd now, but you didn't start out that way. Growing up, you were...

Character Vote
[ ]
a pretty average kid, with A's and B's across the board, a small but reliable circle of friends, and the ability to do a few pull-ups on command.
[ ] tough as hell, playing junior varsity in a couple of sports with dreams of going pro, though a bit distractible and more of a follower than a leader.
[ ] one smart cookie, with aims towards scholarships and a future in university, though prone to tripping over your own two feet.
[ ] born to take charge, always leading your friends, charming your teachers, winning over skeptics, and convincing your gym teachers to look the other way.

When it came to schoolwork in particular, you prefer...

Character Vote
[ ]
chemistry, biology, math, computers, the whole STEM field, even though some people looked at you kind of funny for being a girl good at this (but come on, people, it's the 21st century).
[ ] the humanities, including language arts, history, sociology, economics, psychology, and other stuff that school would never have taught you if you weren't smarter than the firewall.

And even then, you were pretty normal until you turned ten, which is when you finally got your own smartphone. As everyone with a smartphone and an internet knows, the internet is full of stuff you would have never thought to be interested in, which is ultimately how you got involved in nerd stuff. You got involved pretty widely once you realized how cool this stuff is, so you like to think you're not a total dork, but you do have your preferences. In particular, your big obsessions ended up being...

Character Vote (pick two, with optional favorite specific thing)
[ ]
strategy gaming, like Stellaris or Civilization or Fire Emblem or Starcraft... (Strength: Analytical)
[ ] reflex gaming, like Overwatch or Hollow Knight or Celeste or Smash Brothers... (Strength: Independent)
[ ] sci-fi/fantasy literature, like Dune or Earthsea or the Lord of the Rings or The Martian... (Strength: Adaptable)
[ ] shojou anime/manga, like Sailor Moon, Madoka, Symphogear, or She-Ra... (Strength: Idealistic)
[ ] shounen anime/manga, like My Hero Academia, One Piece, Gurren Lagann, or Brand New Animal... (Strength: Courageous)
[ ] tabletop roleplaying games, like the Chronicles of Darkness, FATE, Shadowrun, or Monsterhearts... (Strength: Curious)
[ ] comparative religion, mythology, and esoteric cults, like Daoism, Islam, modern paganism, and theosophy... (Strength: Spiritual)
[ ] board games of all sorts, like Settlers of Catan, chess, Go, and Pandemic... (Strength: Patient)

...okay, all that seems consistent. The urge to panic has mostly subsided now that you're pretty sure you are who you remember being. It explains how you know what an isekai is. And if you've been isekai'd, it means you're here to do something. Maybe even to be a hero! And if you're going to be honest, that would be pretty cool. Ever since your first D&D game, you've wondered what kind of hero you'd be if you had the chance. Maybe this is your time to find out!

First, though, you have to figure out what you're going to do. Right now, the sun is shining almost directly overhead in a cloudless sky, so you think you've got most of the day left to you to do whatever you end up doing. It's too bad whatever put you here hasn't given you a menu to look at your stats or current objectives or quest log or anything (that would be too easy, wouldn't it?), but you'll make do. It's not like you'd get isekai'd into a brand new world only to die of dehydration or starving or anything like that.



So. Time for a plan. It's time to...

Narrative Vote
[ ]
Set off immediately in a quasi-random direction, toward someplace that's more likely to have a settlement or civilization. You have no idea where any of that might be, but you're definitely not going to get anywhere by sitting around like moss on a rock.
[ ] Find a good place to shelter and do the whole Minecraft / Don't Starve thing. It's not impossible that you -did- get isekai'd into a brand new world only to slowly die of thirst, and there might be big animals or monsters or dinosaurs out there. You've played a few games that ran on exactly that premise.
[ ] Take full stock of your possessions and personal situation, experimenting to determine if you have acquired new abilities or superpowers or hidden game menus like some isekai characters acquire, then with what daylight remains…
[ ] set off in search of civilization.
[ ] seek shelter and see what you can rustle up for food and water.
[ ] Freak the fuck out and panic because everything has gone to hell and you're going to die of hunger, cold and terrified and alone You've got your meds in your backpack, you make sure of that every morning. No need to worry about that just yet.
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0.0.1 Tutorial / Character Sheet
Welcome to Though an MMO Darkly Quest! This is a story about wanting to be a hero, wanting to be a good person, how to tell the difference between the two, struggling with what it takes to be either and both, and learning to live with what happens if and when you fail to do either.

Julianne Verne is a perfectly normal high school nerd, whose deeply-stressful high school life was interrupted one day when she suddenly wasn't on Earth. She's read her share of stories about suddenly appearing in another world, inhabited by people who are not human but are no less humane for it, with talk of strange creatures, 'Classes', and 'Feats', and she has logically decided that this is some sort of fantasy RPG-like sphere where you go wandering, handle random odd jobs, and eventually even save the world. Naturally, this means she's a destined hero of some sort, because that's what people who this happens to end up becoming. She's excited as hell by this prospect because she's a die-hard optimist who wants to make the world a better place, and she's sure that while it's going to be hard, it's also going to be necessary work. People just don't fall out of the real world if there's no need for them to be elsewhere!

The basic guidelines for participating are as follows:

Voting on narrative decisions will be made by lottery, selecting one (or more) votes among votes submitted. Julianne is a starry-eyed optimistic teenager, not a logic engine, and the decisions she makes in tense situations will occasionally be inconsistent with her previous priorities and choices. That said, Julianne is naive, not an idiot, and will try to resolve problems in a fashion that utilizes her strengths.

Voting on character creation and character advancement will be made by majority vote. Getting meaningfully better at something requires focus and effort, which ought to be reflected in that process as opposed to the spur of the moment decisions an impulsive young adult might be persuaded to make.

Julianne's competencies as a character will be mediated through a slightly-hacked version of the Genesys ruleset (including the rules, but not the setting, of the Realms of Terrinoth sourcebook), which uses the Narrative Dice system as also seen in Fantasy Flight's Star Wars RPGs. I'll be handling all mechanical interactions the system may have with the story rather than breaking this down into a turn-by-turn blow-by-blow post, because there's nothing like that to bog down the pace of things. Furthermore, Julianne has two unique advantages: access to the skills Earth Culture and Earth Science. Teenager she might be, but as a child of the 21st​ century, Julianne stands on the shoulders of giants, and she's privvy to information that the inhabitants of this place simply don't have the technological base or resources to pursue.

If folks in the thread are inclined to push Julianne to ask questions of the people around her or to do introspection that she has the opportunity to do, especially before or around important votes, they're welcome to put them in-thread. If I can, I'll answer them in-story with little mini-updates, and possibly retroactively edit them into main posts after the fact.

All write-in votes on narrative decisions will be evaluated on two criteria: firstly, whether they are sufficiently in-character for a canny and pragmatic but good-hearted kid; secondly, whether or not I think it would be similarly fun to write. If you write-in something, you're welcome to include a conventional vote in the event your vote gets picked and your write-in doesn't.

Unsolicited write-in votes for character creation and advancement will not be accepted.

Character Sheet

Name: Julianne Verne
Archetype: Aristocrat
Career: Aristocrat

Age: 17
Height: 5'4"
Build: Slight
Hair/Eyes: Dyed silver/Silver

Expertise (to master whatever hidden gifts you may possess)
Fear: Change (you cling to your goals and stability in the face of danger whenever possible)
Strengths: Adaptable, Analytical (you hit the ground running and extrapolate as you go)
Weakness: Deception, Pride (you can do this on your own, mom, just don't ask how you did it)

Gear: Vermillion embroidered blouse, pants, and sandals (Mossfoot origin), Stick, Son of Stick, personal bling (dangly earrings, choker, bracelet, hair ribbon)

Strain: 7/ 12​
Wounds: 0 / 11​
Skills (*career skill)
Brawl 0
*Charm 1
*Cool 1
*Deception 1
Discipline 1
Knowledge: Earth Culture 1
*Knowledge: Geography 0
*Leadership 1
*Negotiation 0
*Perception 1
Ranged 0
*Vigilance 1
Precision (may use Cunning in lieu of Brawn or Agility for Brawl or Ranged checks)
Snappy Comeback (once/encounter add 2threat to opponent's social check)
Knack For It: Perception (remove two black dice from all Perception checks)
Desperate Recovery (heal 2 additional Strain at end of encounter if Strain is above half of threshold

-- Pawn of Argent 1
-- Questant 2

[I Have Seen The Word: Dream] [Deep] [Water] [Hate]
-- Effect Unknown
[Fear No Path]
-- Gain +1 Bonus dice on Fear checks.

Mastered Spells
-- Dredge Nightmare: Experience one of target's memories as they remember it, as well as the target's surface thoughts regarding that memory. [Mind - Difficulty 4]

-- None
General Skills

Alchemy is the art of creating potions, elixirs, and general single-use quasi-magical items that rely on metaphysical properties inherent to the new world. (Intellect)

Athletics is general physical conditioning and competence, the ability to run, jump, climb trees, and otherwise utilize your strength to the fullest of its ability. (Brawn)

Cool is mastery of the surface self, how to not let yourself be swayed by flattery or temptation, the art of a good poker face, reining in your impulses, and keeping your nerves fresh in tense situations. (Presence)

Coordination applies learned fine motor skills -- balancing, swinging from chandeliers, squeezing into tight places and contortionism, and trying to break one's fall. (Agility)

Discipline is deep-level focus and calm, the sort that is unfazed by visceral terror or sanity-rending insights, and that refreshes the self after times of danger. It's also the art of meditation, centering oneself, and piece oneself back together after strenuous events. (Willpower)

Mechanics is the broad art of building, disassembling, and repairing things with your own two hands, covering both preparation and execution of complex works. (Intelligence)

Medicine is a functional insight into the operations of the body. This skill is used for immediate first aid, for long-term care, for treating sickness and toxins, and to create or identify mundane pharmaceutical compounds.

Operating governs a character's ability to work as part of a crew piloting a large vessel, whether a sailing ship or a starship. (Intellect)

Perception is the art of actively using your senses to investigate your surroundings, pick up clues, or search for hidden dangers. This skill requires active, focused observation attention, and is not used passively (but see Vigilance), but yields potentially tremendous amounts of detail. (Cunning)

Resistance is the art of pacing your body during times of stress, your ability to handle the environment and its extremes, the body getting to learn how to process unwanted substances, and how to let lasting consequences flow off your back. Like Cool, it is a generally defensive-oriented skill. Resistance does not help you with a leisurely day-long hike, but it will help you do that same hike in the snow the next day. (Brawn)

Riding measures a character's skill to mount, stay mounted, and direct the actions of one's mount while on top of a properly-trained creature when adrenaline or danger is a factor. (Agility)

Skullduggery is the art of subterfuge, including applying disguises, performing sleight-of-hand, disarming traps, picking pockets, executing tactical feints, mapping out security systems, and other forms of nefarious, well, 'skullduggery'. (Cunning)

Stealth is the ability to go physically unnoticed, tail without being identified, and personally infiltrate places that others do not want you to be. (Agility)

Streetwise is a character's mastery of urban life, covering both how to get along in a large settlement as well as how to handle dealing with under-the-table pseudo-criminal networks as an outsider. (Cunning)

Survival manages a character's skill in surviving without access to civilized comforts, covering how to forage for food, safely navigating poorly-mapped outland areas, and how to live harmoniously with 'natural', non-monstrous creatures. (Cunning)

Vigilance is one's intuitive sense that something is amiss -- whether a pending ambush, a passing clue, or an incongruity in someone's lie. (Willpower)

Social Skills

Charm is the art of convincing people to like you, and to do things for you merely because you've requested it. It also covers public relations, performance arts, flirting, and moral appeals. When relevant, resisted by the Cool skill. (Presence)

Coercion is the art of threatening people, explicitly or implicitly, politely or impolitely, directly or indirectly, to heed your words and comply with your wishes. It's also used for forceful questioning and interrogation. Resisted by the Discipline skill. (Willpower)

Deception is the art of lies, covering half-truths and whole-cloth falsehoods alike. It is the skill that governs wordplay, general misleading, or maintaining the persona of a disguise. When relevant, resisted by the Vigilance skill. (Cunning)

Leadership is the art of giving orders that you expect to be heeded due to your legal authority, military rank, reputation, or other social cachet. It also covers inspiring loyalty, tactical expertise, and rallying people to your banner to excite or organize them. When relevant, resisted by the Cool skill. (Presence)

Negotiation is the art of convincing someone to do what you want by giving them something in return, covering exchanges as meager as dickering over the price of your evening meal and complex as negotiating national treatises. Resisted by the Cool skill. (Presence)

Combat Skills

Brawl is the art of using your body, brawling implements such as cesti or punching knives, and small improvised weapons to enact violence upon your enemies. (Brawn)

Gunnery is the art of using siege weapons and other massive not-easily-portable forms of weaponry or artillery. (Agility)

Melee (Light) is using one-handed weapons such as daggers, short spears, axes, arming swords, and shields, whether either singly, paired, or in some related combination, to kill your foes. (Brawn)

Melee (Heavy) uses two-handed weapons to kill people. (Brawn)

Ranged is the broad-spectrum skill governing the use of implements to harm people further than arm's length away, covering conventional bows, crossbows, slings, thrown knives or grenades, and other related items. Use of this skill becomes much more difficult if someone is directly in your grill. (Agility)

Knowledge Skills

Knowledge (Adventuring) grounds word-of-mouth stories and uncanny intuition into monsters and mysteries of the world, both in the basics of how the relics and ruins of bygone civilizations function, as well as how dangerous monsters who stalk the boundaries of civilized lands can be pacified, fought, or bargained with. (Intelligence)

Knowledge (Earth Science) governs Julianne's mastery of scientific discoveries made after the early Modern Age of Earth (circa 1500 CE), including chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, medicine, and other related fields, as well as how to readily apply the fruits of those lessons. (Intelligence)

Knowledge (Earth Culture) reflects Julianne's knowledge of the 'soft' sciences coined after the early Modern Age of Earth (circa 1500 CE), including psychology, anthropology, economics, and history, as well as how best to apply those lessons. (Intelligence)

Knowledge (Geography) is accumulated insights into the cultures, peoples, geographies, and languages of this new world. This skill covers topics as diverse as local taboos to preparing overland navigation.(Intelligence)

Knowledge (Lore) is the refined education of the elite, whether that elite is aristocratic, ordained, or philosophical. Mastery of this skill covers everything from magical lore (if not magical talent) to religious traditions and is generally not considered peasant-practical.(Intelligence)
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[X] an alpine forest, with cleaner air than you think you've ever smelled in your life. It reminds you of your trip a few years ago to visit relatives in Pennsylvania, actually.

[X] one smart cookie, with aims towards scholarships and a future in university, though prone to tripping over your own two feet.
[X] chemistry, biology, math, computers, the whole STEM field, even though some people looked at you kind of funny for being a girl good at this (but come on, people, it's the 21st century).

[X] strategy gaming, like Stellaris or Civilization or Fire Emblem or Starcraft... (Strength: Analytical)
[X] sci-fi/fantasy literature, like Dune or Earthsea or the Lord of the Rings or The Martian... (Strength: Adaptable)

[X] Take full stock of your possessions and personal situation, experimenting to determine if you have acquired new abilities or superpowers or hidden game menus like some isekai characters acquire, then with what daylight remains…
-[X] set off in search of civilization.
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Narrative Vote
[X] a stretch of rocky ocean coastline, untouched by human hands. The thick scent of salt and brine reminds you of every beach trip you've ever been on.

Character Vote
[X] born to take charge, always leading your friends, charming your teachers, winning over skeptics, and convincing your gym teachers to look the other way.
[X] the humanities, including language arts, history, sociology, economics, psychology, and other stuff that school would never have taught you if you weren't smarter than the firewall.

Character Vote (pick two, with optional favorite specific thing)
[X] strategy gaming, like Stellaris or Civilization or Fire Emblem or Starcraft... (Strength: Analytical)
[X] shounen anime/manga, like My Hero Academia, One Piece, Gurren Lagann, or Brand New Animal... (Strength: Courageous)

Narrative Vote
[X] Take full stock of your possessions and personal situation, experimenting to determine if you have acquired new abilities or superpowers or hidden game menus like some isekai characters acquire, then with what daylight remains…

[X] set off in search of civilization.

Go full charismatic general.
[X] an alpine forest, with cleaner air than you think you've ever smelled in your life. It reminds you of your trip a few years ago to visit relatives in Pennsylvania, actually.
[X] born to take charge, always leading your friends, charming your teachers, winning over skeptics, and convincing your gym teachers to look the other way.
[X] the humanities, including language arts, history, sociology, economics, psychology, and other stuff that school would never have taught you if you weren't smarter than the firewall.
[X] sci-fi/fantasy literature, like Dune or Earthsea or the Lord of the Rings or The Martian... (Strength: Adaptable)
[X] shojou anime/manga, like Sailor Moon, Madoka, Symphogear, or She-Ra... (Strength: Idealistic)
[X] Take full stock of your possessions and personal situation, experimenting to determine if you have acquired new abilities or superpowers or hidden game menus like some isekai characters acquire, then with what daylight remains…
-[X] set off in search of civilization.
[X] a stretch of rocky ocean coastline, untouched by human hands. The thick scent of salt and brine reminds you of every beach trip you've ever been on.

[X] born to take charge, always leading your friends, charming your teachers, winning over skeptics, and convincing your gym teachers to look the other way.
[X] the humanities, including language arts, history, sociology, economics, psychology, and other stuff that school would never have taught you if you weren't smarter than the firewall.

[X] shojou anime/manga, like Sailor Moon, Madoka, Symphogear, or She-Ra... (Strength: Idealistic)
[X] board games of all sorts, like Settlers of Catan, chess, Go, and Pandemic... (Strength: Patient)

[X] Take full stock of your possessions and personal situation, experimenting to determine if you have acquired new abilities or superpowers or hidden game menus like some isekai characters acquire, then with what daylight remains…
-[X] set off in search of civilization.
[x] a vast grassland, broken hither and yon by towering, rocky hills. You're distantly reminded of a family vacation that went through the Texas countryside, because this isn't anything like home.

[x] a pretty average kid, with A's and B's across the board, a small but reliable circle of friends, and the ability to do a few pull-ups on command.

[x] the humanities, including language arts, history, sociology, economics, psychology, and other stuff that school would never have taught you if you weren't smarter than the firewall.

[x] sci-fi/fantasy literature, like Dune or Earthsea or the Lord of the Rings or The Martian... (Strength: Adaptable)
[x] board games of all sorts, like Settlers of Catan, chess, Go, and Pandemic... (Strength: Patient)

[x] Set off immediately in a quasi-random direction, toward someplace that's more likely to have a settlement or civilization. You have no idea where any of that might be, but you're definitely not going to get anywhere by sitting around like moss on a rock.
[X] a stretch of rocky ocean coastline, untouched by human hands. The thick scent of salt and brine reminds you of every beach trip you've ever been on.
[X] one smart cookie, with aims towards scholarships and a future in university, though prone to tripping over your own two feet.
[X] chemistry, biology, math, computers, the whole STEM field, even though some people looked at you kind of funny for being a girl good at this (but come on, people, it's the 21st century).
[X] Reflex Gaming, like Monster Hunter (Strength: Independent)
[X] shojou anime/manga, like Symphogear (Strength: Idealistic)
[x] Set off immediately in a quasi-random direction, toward someplace that's more likely to have a settlement or civilization. You have no idea where any of that might be, but you're definitely not going to get anywhere by sitting around like moss on a rock.

Edit: I feel like we should make a character that at least has a general idea of what her surroundings are like during adventures. Plus I want to see julianne as a quirky and optimistic nerd at the start.

Also, I mentioned specific series because monster hunter is a good place to start making inferences on situations outside civilization.
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[x] a vast grassland, broken hither and yon by towering, rocky hills. You're distantly reminded of a family vacation that went through the Texas countryside, because this isn't anything like home.
[x] a pretty average kid, with A's and B's across the board, a small but reliable circle of friends, and the ability to do a few pull-ups on command.
[x] chemistry, biology, math, computers, the whole STEM field, even though some people looked at you kind of funny for being a girl good at this (but come on, people, it's the 21st century).
[x] strategy gaming, like Stellaris or Civilization or Fire Emblem or Starcraft... (Strength: Analytical)
[x] tabletop roleplaying games, like the Chronicles of Darkness, FATE, Shadowrun, or Monsterhearts... (Strength: Curious)
[x] Take full stock of your possessions and personal situation, experimenting to determine if you have acquired new abilities or superpowers or hidden game menus like some isekai characters acquire, then with what daylight remains…
[x] set off in search of civilization.

Metascience ahoy!
[X] a stretch of rocky ocean coastline, untouched by human hands. The thick scent of salt and brine reminds you of every beach trip you've ever been on.
[X] a pretty average kid, with A's and B's across the board, a small but reliable circle of friends, and the ability to do a few pull-ups on command.
[X] chemistry, biology, math, computers, the whole STEM field, even though some people looked at you kind of funny for being a girl good at this (but come on, people, it's the 21st century).
[X] tabletop roleplaying games, like the Chronicles of Darkness, FATE, Shadowrun, or Monsterhearts... (Strength: Curious)
[X] Take full stock of your possessions and personal situation, experimenting to determine if you have acquired new abilities or superpowers or hidden game menus like some isekai characters acquire, then with what daylight remains...
… [X] seek shelter and see what you can rustle up for food and water.

Beach because it's a more forgiving environment, seek shelter because I'd prefer to not starve. Civilization can wait a few days, although not forever.
1.0.1 Starting Zone
Superticus said:
[X] an alpine forest, with cleaner air than you think you've ever smelled in your life. It reminds you of your trip a few years ago to visit relatives in Pennsylvania, actually.

EternalObserver said:
[X] Take full stock of your possessions and personal situation, experimenting to determine if you have acquired new abilities or superpowers or hidden game menus like some isekai characters acquire, then with what daylight remains...
… [X] set off in search of civilization.

You clap your hands twice in front of you to wake your brain up and crouch down, unslinging your backpack to one side and sweeping a patch of the forest floor free of detritus with your hands. You don't know how long you're going to be here, so it's important to take stock of what you have in the event that some of it might be useful to you in the immediate future.

With your working surface clear for the moment, you open your backpack and begin setting its contents in meticulous supply out in front of you. You were getting things straightened for your after-lunch classes, so you only have two textbooks in there, plus your folders for all your classes, a three-ring binder with a bunch of loose-leaf college-ruled notebook paper; some of this is class notes, but some of it is doodles and speculation for your D&D game.

You don't think you're going to be able to make this week's session.

...four mechanical pencils in various stages of fill or use, two ball-point pens, a pink highlighter and a green highlighter for writing utensils. In your backpack pockets, you discover the remnants of a pack of spearmint gum (sugar-free!), a fidget spinner given to you by your friend Kary, a couple of receipts for the last few times you got coffee after school, and, of course, your phone.

For what must be the fifth time, you wake it up from idle mode and glance over it before turning it off for serious. You've got a little more than half a charge left, which is good because you were thinking forward today, but bad because you still don't have any bars. You don't know which is the more optimistic idea: that you're just out of the range of any cell towers, or that there aren't any cell towers here. No such thing as 4G LTE in Middle Earth, y'know.

(Oh hey, a granola bar, too. Who gave you that?)

This is all in addition to what you were wearing when you appeared here, of course -- blouse, skirt, leggings, socks, boots, headband, hair tie, earrings, necklace. You'd thought you had your cosmetics on you too, but no, they were in your purse, and your purse is in your locker, along with your hoodie and your other books and your cell phone charging cable.

This… isn't exactly a load of material conducive to long-term survival in the woods, that's for sure. You had friends that were part of the Girl Scouts when they were younger, but you're no Bear Grills or whatever his name is to go try and make a shelter out of woven pine branches and cook squirrels over an open fire and stuff like that. You've got to get a move on and find civilization, or some other encampment where you can get our bearings. If you can get a vantage point where you can get a better look, that'd be great.

While you think of it, now that you're taking stock, you might as well take all the stock. It's possible whatever put you here put some sort of mark, or tattoo, or implant, or something like that which you haven't noticed yet. You take a few minutes to do a brief pat-down of your body, feeling for anything weird or off, but come up with nothing weird or off -- no sore patches that might suggest anything was added, and nothing -looks- off on your skin, as far as you can bend to see right now. It may be prudent to do a more thorough self-inspection later on, but that'll have to wait for another time. A time when you aren't alone in the wilderness where there may be wolves or bears or worse in waiting.

You have to laugh. How many high schoolers have to worry about wolves? But if you're going to be honest, you have to say wolves are an improvement. At least the predators here are honest about what they are. Not like the way things are for you back home. Heck, last year, you learned that some people unironically think high school is supposed to be the best years of your life.
You're glad you never believed this! High school sucks balls. You think you're doing pretty well right now, but that wasn't the case until about a couple of years ago. One of your older friends told you that we all spend our lives cultivating the seeds planted in us at childhood, but you think that's kind of fatalistic. Still, it's not like you had a problem-free upbringing.

If you're going to be uncharacteristically self-aware, the biggest problem you deal with back home is...

Character Creation
[ ]
you never really had the chance to really put roots down anywhere, and still feel a little lost when things move too quickly. (Fear: Change)
[ ] you were always letting people down and disappointing the people you cared about, no matter how hard you tried, and you're always afraid you'll do it again. (Fear: Committment)
[ ] you were the butt of a lot of jokes growing up because you were different, so you keep your real thoughts to yourself when you think they might cause people to look at you differently. (Fear: Expression)
[ ] you reflexively burn the candle at both ends to keep up with the demands placed on you, because failure was never, ever an option. (Fear: Failure)
[ ] you were dreadfully lonely a lot of the time, and you tend to aggressively cling to people as an alternative to solitude. (Fear: Isolation)

And if you're going to continue being uncharacteristically self-aware, when you're seriously off-balance, you deal with your troubles by...

Character Creation (pick two)
[ ]
lashing out at the people nearby, even if you feel deeply ashamed of your actions later. (Weakness: Anger)
[ ] falling back a bit into your head and obsessively relating everything your see in terms of your hobbies to make it more understandable. (Weakness: Compulsion)
[ ] becoming able to say and believe whatever you think is necessary to get what you want done. (Weakness: Deception)
[ ] doing no more than the minimum necessary to succeed, even if that simply pushes the problem back to tomorrow. (Weakness: Laziness)
[ ] dismissing or ignoring anyone who disagrees with you in even the slightest ways. (Weakness: Ignorant)
[ ] solving them yourself at any cost, and refusing to admit any semblance of weakness. (Weakness: Pride)
[ ] ignoring the idea that actions have consequences and letting other people handle the spillover of what transpires in your wake. (Weakness: Recklessness)
[ ] making yourself as small and harmless as possible so other people will help you or ignore you. (Weakness: Timid)

...but none of that matters right now! New world, new you, right? Just like going to a new school. Or starting up a new Twitter account. Nobody knows you're a mess, and you're going to keep it that way, because it's your time to shine.

Now, is there anything else you're missing about your situation?...

You're pretty conclusively sure there's nothing you're missing.

For the past two hours, you have exhaustively run through your perceptions, your sensations, your memories, and your everything. You don't see a mana bar in the corner of your vision. You don't see a health bar, or a menu, or a help function, or any game functions that your experience might suggest would be there; thinking really hard about any and all of them doesn't make them appear, either You've also actually verbally called out for an adjutant, for a magical helper, for elves hiding in the forest, and the only answer was insect buzzing and birdsong. (You can't understand what the birds are saying.)

You don't feel any inner tension or fullness that suggests you have an internal font of power or mana or qi. You don't have a sense of superpowers.

You're starting here from level zero.

...well, that's not necessarily the case. Maybe this is one of those Humans Are Orcs situations you've read about on Tumblr, and your existence as a human means you are by default going to be tougher and more resilient than other complex organisms. Or maybe you're a blank slate protagonist, who can evolve more rapidly because you don't have any inherent natural affinities?...

You sigh and shake your head, putting the matter away for now. You don't have enough information to really make any decisions about additional powers you may or may not have. This -is- a step up from where you'd been a couple hours ago, even if it's not exactly a helpful step. And you can't think of any way to test yourself further, so it's time to move on.

You take a few minutes to pack everything back in your pack, taking a bit more care to keep it where it won't be jostling all over your back five minutes from now. This stuff may have to last you for a while, especially if this is a fantasy world. Wood pulp paper doesn't become widely available on Earth until about the 19th century, after all, and the existence of mechanical pencils and your cell phone might be nothing less than magic to the people you meet here. The only actual precious metal you have is in your earrings, which are cute dangly sterling silver cats; everything else is beads and stuff that goes well with your color palette, but is also only mostly decorative.

But you're all packed up, and maybe none of it will matter if you discover you're on some sort of futuristic nature preserve, and you meet aliens who'll help give you the down-low. Time to get to walking.

You only have a few hours of daylight left before you have to settle in for the night, wherever that might be. If you're lucky, you'll stumble on something pretty quickly, find a water source you can follow to a village or a vantage point you can use to orient yourself better. If you're not -- well, one night in the woods won't kill you. Right?

With a resolute huff, you saunter out into the forest and pick up the first good stick you can find to help you walk along. It's just like a hike in the woods. What kind of hero can't handle a little hike in the woods?

Next Narrative vote will be next update.
[X] you never really had the chance to really put roots down anywhere, and still feel a little lost when things move too quickly. (Fear: Change)
[X] doing no more than the minimum necessary to succeed, even if that simply pushes the problem back to tomorrow. (Weakness: Laziness)
[X] solving them yourself at any cost, and refusing to admit any semblance of weakness. (Weakness: Pride)

Refusing to work more than necessary, but still working as hard as you can do.
[X] you reflexively burn the candle at both ends to keep up with the demands placed on you, because failure was never, ever an option. (Fear: Failure)

[X] becoming able to say and believe whatever you think is necessary to get what you want done. (Weakness: Deception)
[X] solving them yourself at any cost, and refusing to admit any semblance of weakness. (Weakness: Pride)

I'm not sure that a fear of change makes sense in-character if we are "adaptable"?
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[X] you never really had the chance to really put roots down anywhere, and still feel a little lost when things move too quickly. (Fear: Change)
[X] solving them yourself at any cost, and refusing to admit any semblance of weakness. (Weakness: Pride)
[X] becoming able to say and believe whatever you think is necessary to get what you want done. (Weakness: Deception)
What does she fear? She fears her own mutability, that she falls for everything, because she stands for nothing. And she wants to be able to stand on her own two feet, but how can she stand, when nothing about her is solid with which to stand upon or to stand with? When she is a boneless slimeball of a person?
[X] you never really had the chance to really put roots down anywhere, and still feel a little lost when things move too quickly. (Fear: Change)
[X] doing no more than the minimum necessary to succeed, even if that simply pushes the problem back to tomorrow. (Weakness: Laziness)
[X] solving them yourself at any cost, and refusing to admit any semblance of weakness. (Weakness: Pride)
Adaptability can definitely be a skill she's had to develop in response to concerns of instability. The fact that Julianne might be able to readily handle the vagaries of life doesn't necessarily mean she enjoys doing so!
[x] you were always letting people down and disappointing the people you cared about, no matter how hard you tried, and you're always afraid you'll do it again. (Fear: Committment)

[x] lashing out at the people nearby, even if you feel deeply ashamed of your actions later. (Weakness: Anger)
[x] becoming able to say and believe whatever you think is necessary to get what you want done. (Weakness: Deception)
[x] you were always letting people down and disappointing the people you cared about, no matter how hard you tried, and you're always afraid you'll do it again. (Fear: Committment)
[x] becoming able to say and believe whatever you think is necessary to get what you want done. (Weakness: Deception)
[X] falling back a bit into your head and obsessively relating everything your see in terms of your hobbies to make it more understandable. (Weakness: Compulsion)
The winning first set of character votes was...
[X] born to take charge, always leading your friends, charming your teachers, winning over skeptics, and convincing your gym teachers to look the other way,
[X] the humanities, including language arts, history, sociology, economics, psychology, and other stuff that school would never have taught you if you weren't smarter than the firewall.
[X] sci-fi/fantasy literature, like Dune or Earthsea or the Lord of the Rings or The Martian... (Strength: Adaptable)
[X] strategy gaming, like Stellaris or Civilization or Fire Emblem or Starcraft... (Strength: Analytical)

Instead of announcing that, I instead just worked it into the character sheet. I'll pin those results down as they come up for the future!
[x] you were always letting people down and disappointing the people you cared about, no matter how hard you tried, and you're always afraid you'll do it again. (Fear: Committment)

[x] falling back a bit into your head and obsessively relating everything your see in terms of your hobbies to make it more understandable. (Weakness: Compulsion)

[x] solving them yourself at any cost, and refusing to admit any semblance of weakness. (Weakness: Pride)
The weaknesses of Pride and Deception are pretty clear front-runners; we'll call the vote on that for now.

I do have a tie between Fear: Committment and Fear: Change; the next vote for either of those will call it. If I don't have a vote by about 8PM EST, I'll flip a coin and call it between those two and get started on the next update!
[X] you never really had the chance to really put roots down anywhere, and still feel a little lost when things move too quickly. (Fear: Change)
1.0.2 Fatigue Mechanics
'What kind of hero can't handle a little hike through the woods?'

It's you. You're the hero who can't handle a little hike through the woods. You would be somewhat ashamed of yourself if you were hurting any less. Your feet hurt, your knees hurt, your legs hurt, your hips hurt, you're tired and sweaty and right now there's a part of you that very much regrets not sitting down where you started and trying to build a shelter.

Except that wouldn't have helped, would it? You'd already run the calculus. While the trees look familiar, you're no botanist; you barely know poisonous holly berries from blueberries, and you certainly don't know how to hunt small game. Much less actually cook it. Even much less have the tools to do it with! And the only way you know how to start a fire is with a lighter. As much as you want to gripe, that would be time and energy not spent trying to pursue your objectives.

So instead of complaining, you're trying to pay attention to what's going on around you.

Most of the trees are evergreens, firs or pines or stuff with needles, and while you know that evergreens don't normally shed their needles, there's still plenty of dead pointy bits on the forest floor to make you glad you weren't wearing sandals when you teleported over. What you hadn't counted on was just how much brush and bush you were going to have to be walking through as well. The stout stick you've picked up helps a little bit to push through, but the whole thing makes trying to travel that much slower and harder.

You make a lot of noise tramping through the underbrush like you are, so it's not exactly surprising that you've not encountered anything face to face -- no rabbits, no deer, no badgers, nothing that would stick around after hearing you coming through. You have seen birds flitting about through the treetops, heard them singing notes of alarm when you get too close, but does that mean they know what humans are, or just that they're skittish in general? There are a lot of good reasons for birds to be skittish.

There was the one time you did hear a bird tweeting at the top of its little lungs. It sounded like it was nearby, so you were curious enough to take a little bit of a detour in that direction. Animal friends are hard to come by. Maybe this was your chance to make one, you decided, so you waded through the brush, hoping to get a closer look and maybe even help.

The point where you were able to see the little bird clearly was also the point where you recognized that several of the thick, grey-white stringy things running between several of the tree branches up ahead had a lot of small branches and pine needles stuck to them. And that poor bird? Stuck to one of those thick stringy things as well.

You made the executive decision that you did not really want to meet the spider capable of spinning those webs and walked in the other direction. Not without something a bit more substantial than a big stick.

Searching for civilization hasn't gone well. About an hour into your hike, you found a small, clear creek with fishies swimming in it and traced it down to a pool where it apparently flowed into some sort of underground river? It gave you a chance to drink up, which you sorely needed after all of this, but couldn't guide you any further. Maybe an experienced forester would be able to follow an underground river, or someone with clerical spells to detect water, but, well, you're neither. You thought about trying to trace the water further upstream, but there was no guarantee it doesn't just run further up the mountain.

So after a break you moved on. And you're glad you did, because if you'd stayed, you wouldn't have found this rocky outcrop, which is giving you a pretty darn good view of your surroundings.

Apparently, the creek you found is just one of many water sources that run down this mountain. And it is a mountain, because oh my god you are so high up. There is literally a layer of clouds between you and the ground below. Not so thick a layer you can't see suggestions of what looks like the outline of a town below you, but you might as well be seeing it from an airplane it's so far away.

It helps that the view is just -amazing.- The woods are almost entirely unbroken up and down the mountainside, treetops near and far rippling under the unseen hands of the wind -- a wind you can feel from up here, refreshingly cool and pleasant. From up here, you can see what looks like several large streams running down the mountain in a funky, broken pattern. You can see a few waterfalls sometimes, but other streams just start and stopp suddenly, and water otherwise just criss-crosses the entire place. And, importantly, you've sighted a mountain lake, with what look like small sailboats dotting its surface, and you're pretty sure you can just catch sight of hand-made structures up and down the far side.

You turn your phone on just long enough to take a selfie.

Then you make a decision.

Much as you want to see who's down there in the town-looking-shapes near the base of the mountain, you're really, really far away. Even if you left right now, it could be several more hours before you get there -- and that's -if- you're interpreting the path down the mountain correctly, and if there aren't any hidden gorges or things blocking your way. And, this is worth repeating to yourself, you absolutely do not want to be running around after dark in a forest full of giant spiders. Surprise rounds suck enough in D&D; here, you don't have a cushion of hit points before you go unconscious.

But the village across the way? It almost looks like a straight shot. And from this vantage point, you're pretty sure you can make it before darkness falls, if you're lucky. You know you're going to have blisters on your blisters tomorrow, but hopefully you'll get some time to recover when you get there.

So you get up.

And you carefully scoot down the rock you've been sitting on.

And you get moving again, because that's what heroes do.

You turn out to be less lucky than you had hoped.

Your feet are hurting you badly enough that you have to take a break every half an hour, and re-mustering the willpower to push yourself back onto your feet and keep going is even more exhausting. You have to find water crossings over the streams, which takes clarity of attention. You have to detour around another extensive patch of finger-thick spiderwebs, which costs you more time as you re-orient yourself. Worst of all, you've finally realized the sun is setting on the far side of the mountain, which is going to cost you even more time. Hiking sucks. You don't have anyone to talk with, and it's becoming harder to do anything but just walk and hurt. You briefly and passionately envy hobbits for their ability to walk barefoot for an entire day and only get tuckered out and hungry; you don't even know if you have first breakfast to look forward to tomorrow, much less second breakfast.

But then you remember, through the haze of ouch-step-ouch-step spasm-ow almost-stumble ouch-step ouch-step, that hobbits didn't really do much in the way of traveling. The five who really did any traveling? They ended up either wealthy and secure, important people in their home town, or getting to meet God. It's a sliver of reassurance. If Frodo and Bilbo could do it, you can too.

All the reassurance won't do you a world of good when it gets dark out. And it -is- going to be dark very soon.

And you think you're being followed.

Whoever it is, they're pretty subtle. If you were wearing your headphones (if you -had- your headphones), you would have missed it. But about five minutes ago, the birds stopped singing around you, and the bushes started rustling in the near distance. They're stalking you, keeping pace with you.

And you think there's more than one of them.


You keep walking.

They keep pace. They keep close by.

The village has to be near. If you get close enough to the village, maybe they'll peel off? Hopefully they're afraid of whatever else is living there. Animals usually don't like dealing with people. But they might get bold before them.

You keep walking.

They keep pace. They keep close by.

You can hear them now, chittering to one another. They aren't wolves -- wolves don't sound like that. What makes that kind of sound? You keep walking. They keep pace.

And this time, you see one of them as it darts between bushes. For a fraction of a moment, you wonder if you're looking at some sort of big peacock? But peacocks aren't hunters, aren't waist-high to you at the shoulder, and peacocks have beaks. This thing has teeth. A lot of them.

...Oh god, are you being hunted by dinosaurs?

Conclusive evidence for your not being on your Earth anymore.

Discipline evaporates. You had been prepared to confront a single easy monster or two, when this little hike started, but not a pack of fucking dinosaurs. You make a split-second decision and --

Narrative Vote
[ ]
Make for the first tree you can find. Climb for your life. Scream for help.
[ ] Abandon subtlety. Run for the village. Scream for help.
[ ] Fight them off with what, exactly, are you going to fight off a pack of fucking dinosaurs
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