The New Hunters.

"Just so we're all clean. I was never a plant in here. I never said I got any letter, you assumed so! I was sort of hoping someone would realize I didn't quite look right. Even Fairy Doc! You didn't present yourself to me and I've never seen you before! How would have I known you deal in Archeology in some way or another? You gotta step up your games if you want to survive in this very dark dark world." Sarah explains in a half-serious way, her smirks widen ever slightly more. She is waiting expectantly for something.
"Just so we're all clean. I was never a plant in here. I never said I got any letter, you assumed so! I was sort of hoping someone would realize I didn't quite look right. Even Fairy Doc! You didn't present yourself to me and I've never seen you before! How would have I known you deal in Archeology in some way or another? You gotta step up your games if you want to survive in this very dark dark world." Sarah explains in a half-serious way, her smirks widen ever slightly more. She is waiting expectantly for something.

"You presume I had any particular interest in listening to anything you had to say. I must admit, however, that convincing me to consciously ignore you as a means of proving that we can trust no one at our inaugural meeting was a cunning stratagem indeed. Congratulations."

With this, Dr. Fey turned away from the agent and toward the man he desperately, desperately hoped could bring her in line,"I am willing to agree, immediately and without reservation, to strictly your non-disclosure agreement." He waved his hand in a gesture of vague acquiesce before reaching into his pocket for a pen, "Would this be amenable to you?"
"You presume I had any particular interest in listening to anything you had to say. I must admit, however, that convincing me to consciously ignore you as a means of proving that we can trust no one at our inaugural meeting was a cunning stratagem indeed. Congratulations."
"I preen under your sarcastic praise, Fairy Doc." Sarah bows as if in a show at the doc's 'congratulations'. "But there is no smarts, unfortunately! The first thing I said when I entered the room was my name and that I had gotten a shady letter as a med student. Come on! You have to pick up on inconsistencies or you'll make poor SAs! I even gave you a second chance, and you wasted it."

"I'll rate these guys 3/20, one point for Passepartout having a sense of humour even if brief, one point for Clint Eastwood's cousin for at least looking cool and one point for circus-reject because she did the smart thing of not speaking to me! The rest is unsatisfactory, not picking up on small things, not bothering to question the new arrival, not picking up on inconsistencies and obvious lies... Baddest of the bad baddest bad. Step up your game." Sarah waves her hand dismissively, there is a bit of a disdainful look in her eyes now, whenever it is true or it's just yet another mask to egg them on forward a bit... is uncertain.
As the group areived, talked and argued the cameras in the corner sat patiently recording everything until suddenly as the last of the group arrived the small lights that signaled they were on blinked off, the door at the end of the hall opened suddenly letting a figure through that quickly resolved itself into a tall slightly overweight man in a cheap suit. He had the look of a career bureaucrat if you had drowned him in alcohol and prevented him from sleeping. His nose was red and slightly bulbous and his under-eye bags had bags of their own.

He was talking into a small flip phone as he entered the room and you managed to catch the words. "Quarantine him for the foreseeable future I don't know how to cure a ghost plague." He then took in everything that was happening before slowly sighing and rubbing his face with one handd before glaring half-heartedly at the redhead. "Sarah, can you please stop antagonizing the new hires." Then he turned to everyone else. " I apologize for everything she may have said or done. Welcome, to this building that until your hired-" and he pulls out a small stack of paper, "- And have signed these, I can't legally inform you about. But, I can say that the pay is bi-weekly, and more than most people make in two months."

He then set the stack of paper down. It resolved itself into several copies of the amae six-page form. The first page was an NDA then the next three where the risk assignment and job description which was kept exceedingly vague on exactly what you would be doing. And the last two pages where filled with benefits, Healthcare with a deductible of $50, full dental, Employee housing, and a 401k that would meet you 20 to 1. They're vague about home much you'll be actually paid though.
Liz snorts "I came to fill my last days on earth with some excitement and glory. I have to lose from this endeavor and all to gain."
Liz gives it quick read for anything TOO disagreegious, spots nothing of utter contempt (legal documents had gotten dense, blimey) and signs under it.
"With this, dear sir, you have my word, I shall not share what I have learned under your umbrella and use it against. Under the embrella, such an odd turn of phrase indeed."
That done with, I go over to the Old woman, Lizabeth, and introduce myself. "Faridah Liang, Ms. Highcastle. Glad to meet you...may I ask who's older between the sword and yourself?" I stick my tongue out a little and ask with a cheeky smile.
"Why last time I checked my dear, I am unable to slay creatures of the olden world by punching them, through the power invested in me by age." The old lady gives a smile as dry as the desert itself
"I shall do both of us a favor and assume your question as a compliment. Afteral, age shows ones skill of survival, and both me aswel as the blade bound to me know how to survive."
"Yeah, I'll be careful. Wouldn't want to step on your..." Sarah is interrupted as a certain new someone joins the scene. Some would notice Sarah's grin widen slightly more.

"Sorry sir, I had fun poking at them to figure them out. They're quite an interesting bunch. I'll define interesting by them being weird as fuck. I'll keep those nicknames, though, way too good to miss out on those." Sarah grins one last time before her mask drops and now, it is merely what seems like a jaded expression now. She moves to stand near the Supervisor.

"Eh, so reintroductions I guess. Special Agent Sarah Connor and this is our Supervisor. Welcome to- Oh yeah, I'm not supposed to say until you sign those NDAs. I doubt you'll refuse or you wouldn't have come to answer a shady letter with no source. I guess there is one defining quality to you all; either trusting, naive or stupid. Take your pick." Sarah's sudden change of attitude is rather jarring from the previously hyper witty and sharp-tongued person they had gotten used to earlier. Now, she seems like a weary sarcastic person that speaks somewhat slowly.
"Just so we're all clean. I was never a plant in here. I never said I got any letter, you assumed so! I was sort of hoping someone would realize I didn't quite look right. Even Fairy Doc! You didn't present yourself to me and I've never seen you before! How would have I known you deal in Archeology in some way or another? You gotta step up your games if you want to survive in this very dark dark world." Sarah explains in a half-serious way, her smirks widen ever slightly more. She is waiting expectantly for something.
"I preen under your sarcastic praise, Fairy Doc." Sarah bows as if in a show at the doc's 'congratulations'. "But there is no smarts, unfortunately! The first thing I said when I entered the room was my name and that I had gotten a shady letter as a med student. Come on! You have to pick up on inconsistencies or you'll make poor SAs! I even gave you a second chance, and you wasted it."

"I'll rate these guys 3/20, one point for Passepartout having a sense of humour even if brief, one point for Clint Eastwood's cousin for at least looking cool and one point for circus-reject because she did the smart thing of not speaking to me! The rest is unsatisfactory, not picking up on small things, not bothering to question the new arrival, not picking up on inconsistencies and obvious lies... Baddest of the bad baddest bad. Step up your game." Sarah waves her hand dismissively, there is a bit of a disdainful look in her eyes now, whenever it is true or it's just yet another mask to egg them on forward a bit... is uncertain.
Liz stares, with a look like she died.
True, one can see darkness of the world in youth, can experience pain in it.
This child might have suffered to be this way, however, she was clearly a child missing all important manners.
"Hm. Rude child." Liz snorts
"I do not care for your opinion child. You are an agent, and perhaps know more then I. I can admit that."
Liz snorts "However, your opinion matters not. Those of the ones holding your, and now our, leashes. Those matter more then the opinion of a rude agent."
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