The Many & The One (Riot God Quest)

What would everyone think about a power-system based on negative emotions? Just want to get some ideas out there before I try anything concrete. Negative emotions =ing power wouldn't exactly scale one-to-one, but it'd be an important part.
What would everyone think about a power-system based on negative emotions? Just want to get some ideas out there before I try anything concrete. Negative emotions =ing power wouldn't exactly scale one-to-one, but it'd be an important part.
Would have to know what can actually be accomplished with that system to actually have much of an opinion, tbh.
Oh, nothing special. Just channeling some energy through yourself to be capable of some superhuman feats, and maybe gaining a few powers connected to entropy. Possibly a weird desire to consume a lot of food, and things that may not be food. Sprinkle that on top with some corruption of the self, losing your sense of self, and eventually desiring to end all of Creation and return it to Entropy.
Oh, nothing special. Just channeling some energy through yourself to be capable of some superhuman feats, and maybe gaining a few powers connected to entropy. Possibly a weird desire to consume a lot of food, and things that may not be food. Sprinkle that on top with some corruption of the self, losing your sense of self, and eventually desiring to end all of Creation and return it to Entropy.
Eh. You had me until 'losing your sense of self'.

Getting addicted to your negative emotions and making ill advised decisions is one thing, but losing your sense of self like that... is both kinda boring, and also makes you a prime Hero target.
Eh. You had me until 'losing your sense of self'.

Getting addicted to your negative emotions and making ill advised decisions is one thing, but losing your sense of self like that... is both kinda boring, and also makes you a prime Hero target.
Woah, addicted to your negative emotions? No no, you're losing your sense of self because you're becoming nothing, a.k.a Entropy. In a system powered negative Emotions mixed with the void, the ultimate upward mobility is becoming one with Entropy—which is nothingness.

But noted. I'll scrap that idea and go back to the three-system typing.
Ah, to clarify, that wasn't a "this is how I interpreted what you said" thing, but rather a "this would be a more interesting downside than losing your sense of self" thing.
I know. I was explaining my reasoning for choosing the route I chose. The endgoal I set meant exchanging everything for nothing. The gateway to hell being paced with good intentions, the gateway to Entropy being paved with negative emotions. Feel-osophy.
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Ah, to clarify, that wasn't a "this is how I interpreted what you said" thing, but rather a "this would be a more interesting downside than losing your sense of self" thing.
I know. I was explaining my reasoning for choosing the route I chose. The endgoal I set meant exchanging everything for nothing. The gateway to hell being paced with good intentions, the gateway to Entropy being paved with negative emotions. Feel-osophy.
That could work if I take 'Entropy' out of it. But then it wouldn't fit my theme anymore. If anyone wants to take something from that, do what you will. I'll stick with the I, C, and E.
What would everyone think about a power-system based on negative emotions?
I'm generally negative on the existence of new power systems at all. I think we should be pretty strict about that kind of thing, to avoid over saturation.

New species, different ways to use what's already there, special resources that have different interactions, unique locations and individuals, all of that is cool, but adding multiple power systems encourages template stacking or making the systems arbitrarily exclusive- which are both bad in my eyes, so it's best for alternative power systems to just not exist in the first place in my opinion.
… I wonder what would happen if I made Bisurit Relic of Creation, and then merged it with the Spirit of Creation to further boost their forging Abilities in the Titan Forge?
I'm generally negative on the existence of new power systems at all. I think we should be pretty strict about that kind of thing, to avoid over saturation.
Reasonable, and I agree with that. I was thinking it'd be more of a sub-power system—something that branches off from the aspect of the main one I'm making. Really, the negative emotions part had no reason to be here but I felt it was cool.
Still scrapping it.

… I wonder what would happen if I made Bisurit Relic of Creation, and then merged it with the Spirit of Creation to further boost their forging Abilities in the Titan Forge?
Er…would it boost abilities? I feel like it'd be adding a matchstick to a bonfire. Or pouring a cup of water in a pool. The SoC already has the ability to create—what would giving it the ability to create again do?
Cult of Absolution (Semi-Canon)
Cult of Absolution

In the far east were the great sea bashes upon the mighty frost tipped ranges small lights of civilisation dot the curling wall of stone. Man had settled across the Legendarium as the Fourth Age dawned and small groups of men and women who chaffed under the rule of the Spirits left their eden like homes. They took a leap of faith into a world of freedom away from order and here one people came to be, on the edge of the known world. Some were fishers, other hunters of great deer and a few relied on what little metal their poor tools could scavenge from their home.

It was not a land of plenty or even petty kingdoms, simply a realm of some families slowly but surely carving their little enclaves. Further east were the sun rises from the waves is an island of steaming heat, one that very presence brings order to the tumultuous sea. The bashing of hammer upon molten metal that forged a weapon, the blacksmith raised the weapon still hot and crooked.

It was bent and wrong, it was not right in his eyes. Fingers curled in warm flame their spirit pushed into the roiling heat nudging the crooked blade. From sharp corners into a bending wave curling on itself, the metal sang with happiness for it grew closer to it maker. As the ember jumped and the air sizzled the tunes of forgiveness grew a little weary. The sounds of another could be heard beneath the notes of a maker, one which sang forgiveness needed consequence for the vile had to be taught.

As the small blade bent into shape so did it hearken to the song in the song. It merciful curve and shine grew a lustour that demanded absolution greater then mere words. The blades nature grew different to the desires of it maker who pulled it from the flames and much to his disquietness he found it different. He held it in hand twisting it beneath his pillars of flame pondering the bisurits nature. Vision returning to the forge, it called for him to return the metal for it was not how it should.

Pausing as the tune set in and he gently placed it away from the fire listening to the song that echoed to forgive the slight strangeness. A gentle fall and slight swish as it landed he turned away ready to pick up his tool for another try and then it was gone. Like a mouse scurrying from a feline that had grown momentarily distracted the blade was flung by cheering voice into the grand primordial sea.

All to be washed on distant shores and picked up by youth.

The wind was like a river this day as it howled and bayed the stony stump that some called a home. The fluttering of fur reminiscent of the red locks being trailing behind a crooked grimace revealing equally crooked teeth. Hand upon the fur he unveiled the temporary respite his master had taken as he entered, it was warmer here but not much. Nonetheless the youth found the structure strange he never managed to get used to the accommodations their following took up only to abandon it. He supposed the cold dead eyes of the local would eventually fall upon them.

Before him was the beckoner he paused in quiet reverence as the form which held the sacred tool in all its sunburned glory. Lively and ready to do unlike it holder who hands were clammy and pale, wisps of white hair dotting the flesh. Thought the man covered in fur looked all but dead his eyes were wide and bored into the red heads own, "It took you longer then it should have."

"I apologised chosen. It was not my intent the winds were especially harsh so I did not wish to slip like another unfortunate soul." It would have an embarrassment to the following that one of it members slipped and fell. A shame upon the chosen teachings, he was simply doing his duty.

"Hmm. Indeed it would have been troubling if the gods had taken you." The man coughed with a spindly hand covering his bearded mouth. Yet forced through parched tongue and stringy teeth he spoke again, "Larce. I have something to tell you."

The youth nodded taking a few steps closer to the chosen and batted away thoughts that asked why the chosen was so weak. The same way it batted away treasonous thoughts of faces screaming and hands trembling as they held themselves, it had become second nature to ignore such things. He sat down near the chosen on some fur covered stone as he waited for them to continue.

"It was maybe… thirty summers ago when I was still your age when I found Absolution." Reverence on his tongue like sweet honey as his grip tightened, "The gods gifted me a tool unlike any other but I did not receive I first hand."

Pausing as he let the words set in for youth who eyebrows scrunched but listened, "But you've always said the gods gave you a mission."

"Oh they did, but fool rarely see connection not like me and you Larce. If I told them that Absolution was found in a water grotto they would call it coincidence, I had tell a lie for a greater truth." He lifted the bronze blade the finest tool the young man had seen in truth none could say how it was even made. The copper rings that dangled from his robes and clenched fur to it a reminder of how the strange brownish metal proved it mettle. "No. It was not, it proved itself to be a divine tool given to me. Yet I did not know it at the time, there was no great god who beckoned me just a tide."

The listener justified, "They watched over you."

"Yes, exactly that." A coughing fit as he continued, "I was not the only one to hold it, my sister and my dear friend Thucer too had touched it. At the time we thought it a great mystery a secret between children, for what use would there be to a dagger that does not cut?"

A small chortled laughter that Larce did not know if he should join, "I thought Absolution only sought out one wielder?"

"It does, it does. I was chosen but I am pure, I would never have discovered it divine mission without Thucer and my sister. Thucer was a fool and a rabble rouser but it was him who set the future of what I would become, he cut himself on the blade. When it happened he was telling us how he stole um… some old women's I forget her names amulet or similar."

He moved the blades shining side as he pondered his memories, "It was the first sign of the gods, that those who are guilty shall be cut by Absolution. He was lucky for Absolution requires a wielder or it shall make blood spill of any confession." The red head looked at the shining blade the glint of light flashing his face upon it, the blade forgiving the imperfection upon his face. Straight teeth and straighter hair stared right back.

"Thucer got scared and dropped the dagger but I was brave and touched it, no harm came upon me. From that day onward our little band decided that I would keep it and we would discover why it cut and why it didn't."

"Is that when you provided your first absolution?"

"Ha! No, no, no we were fools. I had kept the dagger hidden for years but soon… but soon trouble came. My father was a terrible man but a faithful one he believed in the gods and yet did terrible things to us all. To that bastard any crime could be forgiven with the right sacrifice and behold the gods sent him punishment for the crime of letting my mother die." The elders eyes harden like the blade he held.

"A plague upon his crops for three summers… it was harsh but justified in the gods wrath. One day my father told me to leave to head to the beach and find some fish or like it to eat. He told my sister to stay which I thought was strange but I did nothing, I returned many hours later with nothing. My father must have known that I would find nothing for my sister was not there anymore."

A quiet settled on the two but the boy could guess, "Slavers?"

"Yes those abomination against the gods. He sold her to them for a good price of some Helper Beasts… fucking animals. He killed one and gave it to the gods, he kept me for labour like them."

The hand that had not moved since the boys arrival gripped the fur with the irritation of the snapping sea snakes that sometimes came upon the coasts. Larce watched the chosen hand shaking for the chosen was never so open about his anger, he had heard it simmer but never boil. "I had enough, I grabbed Absolution and made sure he admitted it. He was always that fucking proud for the good of the family and the farm… it was all shit."

"I knew Absolution would take his addmitance to it as sin… back then people believed it fine to sell family into bondage if they would be bought back. It was a lie, they never intended to buy them and the western snakes were all too happy to continue it." Fingers relented of the poor dead fur as melancholy filled his voice, "He died screaming, I almost killed the Helper Beast as well in my rage but it did nothing wrong."

Crooked finger pointing to a nearby stool were a canine head sat, "Caius was a good one. I hope he continue to beg for scraps at the gods table… heh." The youth teeth unclenched remembering the odd creature some western beast from the lands were they worshiped serpents, it was always helpful. He let out a snort remembering it glutinous ways as the chosen stayed silent awaiting questions.

The red hair pondered, "Is this way brother Thucer sent me to you? Am I to be scribe?" It was the only logical answer for he was a mere acolyte and barely one that completed the rites.

"I am not quite done." Another racking cough, "Do not worry… I will finish before I perish. I had killed my father a crime against the gods but they forgave me or maybe because I used Absolution I was forgiven. I did not have much time I gathered Thucer and we threw my father into the sea… he kept doing that and it stuck."

"Oh… I expected something a bit more divine."

"Not everything is important Larce, some thing just are. Yet that not where the story ends I found my sister amongst the serpent cult and promised her I would find enough to barter her back I was half ready to gut them all but their number and foul god well… I was not the strapping warrior I am now." Self-depreciating laughter followed as he once again went into a fit of spluttering coughs.

He continued, allowing the dagger to meld through his hand with no harm before giving a resolute nod, "I never went back for my sister." It all clicked and the blade rested on the chosen flesh harder and primed. He pushed it to Larce allowing it to fall into the hands of the youth.

Voice trembled with his hands as he touched the holy instrument, "I- I can-ot."

"Thucer will be there, he is already telling the following the gods have sent their messenger to pick a new chosen of Absolution. You shall not worry." The part of his mind that spoke clearly agreed with the chosen they were fanatics and if he carried Absolution they would not lay a finger on him. None would blame him for the death of their leader... well not too much but he could not yet accept it.

Deflecting the responsibility, "Why not brother Thucer?"

"He is too stuck in his way, he lost the rebellions I know you have. Isn't that why you were late?"

The youth paused, "It was the wind."

"Yes, he had to die you made the right choice. Now as the gods intend I have to die for my crime, this cannot be forgiven through words or commodity." The wind howled and the chosen gave him a small smile as if reading his thoughts the conclusion was obvious, they were so close in thought. "You understand that."

The dagger came close to the chosen throat and the elder hands held upon the youths and a slow chant came, "You have confessed the only price fit for your crime is death."

The bronze pierced delicate skin as blood flowed like a rose spiralling from it, eyes moved to the heavens, "May through death you be redeemed, for the world is better of without you."

Slackened hands fell off the young mans fingers and content smile grew as they spoke in unison, "Absolution for the vile-bloods. Forgiveness of the gods."

I am not gifted in much apart from humour when I write so hopefully it not a complete mess. Basically the idea came to me "Hey what if there were assassins who were also priests?" So you know neat idea and I started writing and the Cult of Confessors came to be a sort of religious branch that is very deistic so you can worship any religious figure and be in it. The idea is the priests/shamans/clerics all agree that some things can't be forgiven in the mortal world.

So each practice absolution by making a horrible confess to their crime and then deciding on the punishment from simply a prayer of forgiveness for bad mouthing a parent. Maybe, handing over a goat to the family they got into a fight with. Killing someone for a heinous crime like robbing a caravan and accidentally killing someone and then not turning yourself in for years.

It varies by the caste of religious people and their own beliefs. They basically are religious assassins with the order springing around the Prime Absolver the first guy to implement this who name has been lost to time because he was never meant to be remember as a sinner himself. So Larce was chosen as successor to basically lead this sect of religious thought using a corrupted dagger bisurit of what it means to be absolved of sin.

So yeah... I may have slightly been inspired by Assassin Creed and the whole argument that Vigilantes that kill people are cool.

These are religious vigilantes and assassins from the ancient era that I hope slowly infiltrate some societies and work to get rid of sinners in their lands.

Also Dragon I feel a bit bad asking for an omake with this much I am adding to the world with this dagger of absolution and Cult + Plus Snake Cult reference so if this is cannon I would like to be omitted for the omake here.
Oh yeah, cults! Well, assassin priests are not so bad. However, they are interesting and may be useful in narrative later.

Edit: Hmm, maybe there are cults which teach a certain bisurite. Like, there could be a talanted person, who mastered some interesting bisurit and began to try to teach thier relatives/friends. Someone even managed to somehow get it. That's how this person became saint and a cult was formed. And this cult is engaged in the spread of a certain doctrine and teaches the use of a particular bisurite.​
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Here is another suggestion for a fate that could exist.

The Doomed Inventor.
A person with this fate will make a invention that will cause their death. It doesn't matter if the invention was successful or not, only that it will be the thing that ends their life.
First Trod By:

This fate is inspired by the number of inventors in real-life that was killed by their own inventions.
What do you people think.
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Love it, have a Lesser Bonus Act

Also Dragon I feel a bit bad asking for an omake with this much I am adding to the world with this dagger of absolution and Cult + Plus Snake Cult reference so if this is cannon I would like to be omitted for the omake here.
The thing is, based on how I plan the development of civilisation to occur, this story takes place in a future Age. Not sure which one, but quite far ahead.

If I ever make the Cult canon, it'll be in that future Age.
I guess you could say…they couldn't snake their way out of that one I think the FBI's at my door.

Here is another suggestion for a fate that could exist.

The Doomed Inventor.
A person with this fate will make a invention that will cause their death. It doesn't matter if the invention was successful or not, only that it will be the thing that ends their life.
First Trod By:

This fate is inspired by the number of inventors in real-life that was killed by their own inventions.
What do you people think.
Sounds fun. And I'd like to see how a person's invention would kill them, even if it's successful. May e something like a scientist makes something for an organization, and the organization deems the knowledge of constructing it too important and kills the scientist.
Sounds fun. And I'd like to see how a person's invention would kill them, even if it's successful.
I think chemists always died from their inventions. Means of protection and safety rules in their modern world did not always exist. So one created some new compound, and the by-product of the reaction turned out to be an invisible, odorless gas and at the same time very toxic. The end.
Love it, have a Lesser Bonus Act

The thing is, based on how I plan the development of civilisation to occur, this story takes place in a future Age. Not sure which one, but quite far ahead.

If I ever make the Cult canon, it'll be in that future Age.

Makes sense. I did reference this being around the time of smelting copper so I don't imagine that humans would reach that in just their first age.

I think chemists always died from their inventions. Means of protection and safety rules in their modern world did not always exist. So one created some new compound, and the by-product of the reaction turned out to be an invisible, odorless gas and at the same time very toxic. The end.

Like Marie Curie? Died to radiation poisoning from her own work. Yeah that makes sense a lot of scientists probably died from their own inventions before safety procedures were introduced.
Another example of a inventor that was killed by their own invention, would be Franz Reichelt, who thought that he had invented a parachute, you can probably guess how he died.
[X] (Light Prototype) Imaginary Sea
The One of the Many sees the flow of Events changing and shifting, becoming ever more present within the Universe and the activity of it growing evermore. The time for the foundations have nearly come to an end, with the Humanity of the One being soon released. So he begins his work posthaste, weaving into the fabric of reality his last base Act.

If one were to understand part of Explosion Energy's true nature, they'd find it to be a duality of Creation and Entropy. Two naturally opposing forces that represent everything not under the other.

But there is a third, hidden by the . If one were to take the existence of Creation and push it over the boundary of non-existence that is Entropy, they'd find there to be be the third. Before there was Creation, before there was Entropy, there was one beyond both: the Imaginary.

It one were to put these aspects into Binary Code, they'd find Creation to be '1' and Entropy to be'0'. But for the Imaginary, it'd be a reversal of Creation, a diametrically opposing element that isn't its counterpart of Entropy. Thus the I afinará would be represented by a '-1'.

From the Creation aspect of Explosion Energy being blended into such a concept with the waters of the Ocean of Potential to act as a catalyst, a void in space takes on its third aspect of the Imaginary and lies beneath the space of Explosion Energy, creating a stretch of entropical vacuum where the Creation and Imaginary and Imaginary aspects meet.

This is called the Imaginary Sea, and acts as a boundary between Explosion Energy and the world…as well as a future medium. A calm and swirling space of blue and purple, it's an ideal liquid constructed of what would be known as Imaginary Particles.

These Imaginary Particles (or IPs for short) are sub-atomic particles which carry no real weight—which is to say their mass is virtual, and only interacts in certain instances which fluctuate.

This allows them to be capable of creating 'false' or imaginary things at the most basic level of the world's physical laws. The IPs can mess with the displacement of things (their relation to space), the distance of space, and even interfere with the laws of gravity with their own imaginary mass (thus nullifying the law of the greater the mass the greater the force of attraction), and potentially even more.

With this, the One of the Many completes the greater foundation for a future Universe he sees and leaves it to be. So did the Realm of Theoretical and Impossible sit, swirling and
Could be better, but works for now.
Hmm... know I kinda want to use this to make Imaginary Friends if possible.
I'm not sure how possible it'd be with its current state, but within 1 to 2 turns I'll make sure it's usable so you can make something like that. Perhaps even more than just Imaginary Friends, Imaginary Entities roam the Imaginary Sea. The IFs are just one part of the Animal Kingdom Imaginary Kingdom. But so far, Emotions din't really seem to hold any bearing within the Setting so there's that.