I have a feeling that large number of people want to spread the costs of the Garden Of Time crash onto everyone who participated in assault, especially Fate.

IIRC the general view was that it could have been worse. Something about the Jewel seeds potentially causing a Dimensional Fault that could take out multiple inhabited planets.
In this, that would be Earth and Val Verde. Maybe a couple of other worlds beyond Val Verde towards the base of the Orion Arm.

Tabris is running around in an area that isn't well mapped by TSAB. So they don't have as much detail from the scans from other ships or the weather/teleport relay satellites. And they have a protagonist aboard so their luck isn't normal in either direction :).
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Notes 3

Notes 3


AFCS, an abbreviation of Active Flight Control System, is the concept of configuring helm control for a starship into a phenotype adaptive full body haptic control frame that feeds relevant sensor and systems information via neural induction or aegis inset amulets directly into the pilot's sensorium. Both information and command channels are custom configured for the user during training to optimise effective use, allowing the system to provide information via magnetic sense to harpies and huli-jing and allowing the use of harpy wings and huli-jing tails as additional control channels, on top of the interface capabilities available to baseline humans. The haptic frame acts as a self customising powered shock frame.

Book of Darkness

"Buch der Dunkelheit"
An ancient lost logia presenting a self re-spawning W-class threat, otherwise known as the Book of the Night Sky.

The Hzan catalogue records the existence of seven volumes of the High Library of Kelano. Unlike The Book of the Night Sky/Book of Darkness and the Book of Oaken Shadows neither the Book of Tarnished Silver nor the Book of Untimely Dawn were among that number.
Hzan warns that the Book of Darkness has eight world slaying guardians referred to as The Pearl Sage Witch, The Twilight Despair Courtesan, The Invincible Sword Princess, The Black Lotus Hunter, The Steel Shadow Fox, The Ruby Pirate Girl, The Lightning Dancing Cat and The Abyss Breaking Axe. These can be matched to those Wolkenritter present at the battle of the Endless Stair.


A distilled infusion of red tea, peppermint and cinnamon. While popular in the TSAB Navy, it is banned to Arachne personnel due to their idiosyncratic reaction to caffeine.

Combat Cyborg

A Combat Cyborg is a cybernetic organism that combines living and mechanical body parts (i.e. an organism that has both artificial and natural systems) and is specifically designed for battle.

Within the administered worlds, the technology of cybernetic implants is commonly used to replace lost or damaged organs. However, creation of cyborgs specifically optimized for battle is prohibited by the Bureau, since the degree of body augmentation necessary to produce a Combat Cyborg requires extensive prenatal genetic manipulation.


The name given to the advanced tools that help in utilizing Magic. They are used in most Magical Systems, and in Mid Style they often take the shape of staffs. They are mostly electronic tools that are comprised of CPUs that support Magic usage, Storage for Magical Data, auxiliary Mana Storage Stones, and various safety mechanisms to make sure that unexpected surges do not happen. The formal definition dividing a Device from other magical tools is that Devices are controlled at least in part by subconscious and conscious telepathic linkage to it's user.

Devices can also be used in various ways depending on an individual's needs, such as storage or activation assistance of magic data, as offensive weaponry, etc. Among these, devices which have had an artificial intelligence inserted into them are called, "Armed Devices" or "Intelligent Devices," which continuously improve themselves by gathering experience and accumulating data together with their user.

Hyperraumschlachtfestung Oberkommando/HrsfOk "Hyperspace Battle Fortress High Command"

The Belkan name for the world sized lost logia station parked in a secondary layer of the dimensional sea isomorphically close to Alnitak. Containing multiple cities, shipyards and the Infinite Library, the station is home to the Administration's Naval Headquarters.

The station is also colloquially known to its inhabitants and frequent visitors as Starburst Station.

Existing as it does at the Navy's preferred long range cruising depth in the dimensional sea, Starburst Station provides a convenient port for transition drive ships, since they can deploy with fully charged transition systems avoiding delays from both drive cycle time and the need to reach a suitable distance from a planetary surface.

I-Kuan Tao "Undaunted Way"

A Huli-Jing Secret Society associated with the Dogkillers and Houndbreakers that reveres and performs apotropaic rituals and planning against the Lost Logia early Belkan warships Undaunted Will of the Sankt-Kaiser, and Flensing Blade of Destruction. While sometimes associated with the Sign of Four, the Undaunted Way predates the Belkan Civil War and attempts to hold itself ready to face the prophesied advent of Daikokutennyo "She of the Vast Dark Heavens" accompanied by at least twice as Wolkenritter than have been seen in the modern era.

Undaunted Way members are mostly members of the Rust Clades (and thus have Shipwright, Foundrymaster, or Crystalsmith magical abilities as inherent magics) and are frequently found among archaeologists specialising in Foundation Era Belkan technology.

The Undaunted Way was among the military and civilian entities that came together to sign the Time Space Administration's Charter.

Observers and conspiracy theorists note that the Undaunted Way supply engineering and support staff to several Belkan Church facilities including the Priory of Val Harris and the various teams 'searching' for the Cradle of the Sankt Kaiser.

Liquid Explosive

At the time of Fienn's first contact with TSAB, the Social Union's space program had standardised on a hypergolic mix of dimethylhydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide as its main launch fuel, preferring the simpler engine design at a cost of a lower specific impulse than the more mechanically complex kerosene and liquid oxygen propellant designs favoured by the Transnational Alliance.

Königliche Heiligengarde

"Lifeguards" / "Royal Saint Guard"

The personal guard of the Belkan Sankt-Kaiser, the Heiligengarde for most of its history consisted of a mix of Combat Cyborgs, Guardian Beasts and other Kampfgeboren trained to fight under Anti-Magic Linkage Field conditions. TSAB''s Enforcer uniform is inherited from the last Sankt Kaiser's Heiligengarde who at her order retained the interregnum gun metal trim on their "Charcoal Blue" storm coats and armoured body-gloves rather than the traditional trim matching the current Sankt Kaiser's eye colours. While a small number of the final Heiligengarde were involved in the founding of the Time Space Administration the majority disappeared from history on her death.

The Last Watch

Persistent strands in Belkan folk myth claims that Olvie's cyborg angel knights rest in enchanted sleep, to awaken at the Sankt Kaiser's call.

Different stories place their hideaway among other places: under a remote priory, in the secret harbour of the Cradle, within a fortress deep in the dimensional sea (frequently Nagalfar), or behind the event horizon of a black hole.

The Lord Paladins of the Belkan church traditionally refuse to comment, beyond confirming that Olvie did indeed charge what would become the Priory of Val Haris with maintaining the secrets of the Heiligengarde, since the production of combat cyborgs is of dubious ethical standing.

These stories are frequently linked to the Bergentrückung or belief in Sankt-Kaiser Olivie's eventual messianic return.

Nuwa's Guard

Deathwind Ranger training is to administrated worlds magical arts as "authentic" ninjutsu is to American mall dojos. Even Last Legion commandos, trained as they are in the successor Quiet Fury style aren't immune to the lure of a legendary ancient exotic mystical art. Fang Huo enjoys pointing out to them that what they haven't learnt in their training is found in its entirety in House Lanstar's gunwitch style. This has led to the last scion of that house having received a surprising number of furry prospective disciples. Also the spread of at least two separate sets of fake secret Lanstar training manuals.

Reaction Purge

The last ditch defensive function of a Barrier Jacket or other similar defences. When the Jacket takes excess damage that goes beyond the defensive limit, by intentionally exploding itself it can offset the energy caused by the impact of the attack, and deflect it. The destroyed Jacket is hard to restore during combat, thus this is the very last line of defence to protect the Mage from harm.

Resham disciplines

Sometimes known as Rēśama or Kauzeya, the Resham disciplines are a contemplative moving meditation art practised by the Exquisite Foxes. While frequently performed as an expressive dance similar to Raqs Sharqi, it is primarily an internal biofeedback art focusing on developing emotional intelligence and muscular control. Both the optimate and populares strands of Fox society consider the Resham Disciplines to be as fundamental to childhood education as reading or magic.

A mirror to the Vajra disciplines, Resham disciplines are usually only formally taught in optimate cultures as in populares cultures they are typically acquired as a normal part of growing up. Members of the Black and Grey clades typically demonstrate lower inherent knowledge of Resham disciplines than the other clades.

Val Verde (Administered World 391)

Provisional Sector Capital for the Orion Arm, Val Verde was settled by populares aligned Huli-jing in the early 0020s as part of the so called Random Colony Scurry. As well as reluctantly being the local government centre Val Verde acts as a staging post for expeditions into the wilds of the trailing section of the Arm around and beyond UW-97 and has the newest of the administration's five facilities capable of training Diagnostician-Therapists.

The Voidwitch's Hegira.

A cryptohistorical account purporting to be extracts of the Wolkenritter Shamal's diaries and logs between the destruction of the Book of Darkness at the Battle of the Endless Stair and it's next activation on Carranza.

Notable for appearing to be the earliest source linking the mythical mobile fortress known as the Tower of Starry Wisdom with Nagalfar, the Hegira claims that Shamal was free of the control of the Book and plotting against it for this period.

Consisting as it does a series of adventures across the collapsing Belkan empire, a slightly awkward romance, an account of the creation of the Falling Star gunwitch style, and an open ending as Shamal heads to Carranza carrying Zero Meridian, a Device forged to slay gods, it has proven a fertile source for both literary and televisual fiction.

It should be noted that none of current the Wolkenritter has any memories of the period covering the Endless Stair and the Carranza activation.

Also a popular children's animation among huli-jing.
1-07 Spiral Gravity

1-07 Spiral Gravity

- - -
"The stars are full with anger. The void is dark with wrath"
- - -
TSAB Patrol Cruiser Tabris, Dimensional cascade storm, Dimensional Sea layer Wynn Ƿ and deeper.
Dragon watch 02 June 0065
- - -
Tida Lanster
- - -

"The Captain is not available at the moment." James's voice was firm. "She's stable and strapped in to her bunk's inertial frame but the emergency medical system is keeping her unconscious."

"We're in for some chop for the foreseeable future. You don't happen to know where Commander Kato is?

"I believe the Commander was inspecting the power distribution system."

With that Tipos' continuing acrobatics pushed the ship's gravity control sufficiently that a half g spiral bled through my station chair's restraint field, pushing me sideways, up to the other side, and then down. If there was anyone on board who could get us through the complete mess that sensors were throwing up in lurid colours on my displays, like a bad curry had combined with a roller coaster, it was Lieutenant Tipo. Both because she was the only person aboard that was master rated for both helm and small-craft piloting and because even if I, with my limited knowledge of the crew, could have somehow discovered a better choice getting them to the Bridge or CIC intact was looking unlikely with how dangerous moving around the ship was.

I gritted my teeth and reminded myself firmly that suggesting she tried to fly more carefully would distract her from proving that there was a route though the storm. Going to full Supermanoeuvrability had and would continue to cause casualties, but in the situation casualties were better than losing the ship. As if to drive home that I was going to have to sit and watch additional amber and scarlet indicators started speckling the damage control displays.

There were two things I could do to improve matters first I opened up a private link to the other people on the bridge with the concentration to spare <<Fan, Sarika. I don't like what we are getting by way of bleed-through. Should you warn anyone who isn't busy to do what they can to back everything up to crystal?>>

<<They should have done that going to action stations.>> Fan's thoughts showed little affect and I could feel her tweaking the flows of power from the main core, her mana directly guiding the flows more subtly than the hardware could.

Sarika's thoughts were direct <<It would help morale and break shock.>> and over the muted audio channel I could hear her change the status announcement.

I let the link fade to the background for a moment as Phantom Mirage added <<Burning working files to reserve crystal.>>

Pulling up the personnel map confirmed that, yes indeed, Lieutenant Commander Merak Kato, the only line officer other than the Captain on board with greater seniority than myself was currently in primary energy distribution node 4. PEDN 4 was at the centre of a bright scarlet blob on the damage control display blinking with the amber sigil for a loss of communications to the compartment. The only other officer senior to me on board was the Chief Engineer. In the two weeks I had spent onboard I wasn't sure I'd actually seen him, though I'd had sufficient evidence that he probably wasn't a practical joke. Commander Seabring, the damage control management systems told me, was manually rebuilding one of the Subspace Manifold Anchors. Which meant that the baton of command was firmly in my hands.

There was a loud crash and the peculiar sensations of a fast rough transition, Before Nico could complete pulsing the transition systems to avoid a small dimensional fault a gravity sheer had clipped us blowing out the primary manifold and distorting the transition portal. I assume she'd been transitioning us to layer Eth Ð. because the only time you deliberately transit more than one layer at a time is a crash transition out of the dimensional sea. The new splashes of damage control red on one of the transition cores, the subspace manifold, one of the metric frame grabs and three of the secondary reactors were simple testament to why jumping us up to level Ash æ in one go would be inadvisable. For me this was a first, I'd never been so deep into the dimensional sea, beyond the point where the increasing roughness of the space-time metric, the decreasing sensor distances, and the increasing strength of the gravity distortions lowered survivable speeds enough to outweigh the contraction of space from the tighter isomorphisms.

I noted that Nico and Fan had a collection of new to me swearwords as they brought up the reserve manifold and we lurched back into motion.

From the Sensors I had a minute or two of comparatively smooth flight before the next period of chop. "Doctor den Ihoka. This is Tida, I'm in currently in command. Is there anything I need to know or do?" I was possibly a little proud to remember that Huli-Jing don't like to be the recipients of imperatives as I contacted medbay.

"Five minutes of steady flight?"

"We have 90 seconds before we are back in dying ground."

The Doc was silent for a couple of seconds, giving orders and I pulled up the next two comm channels.

"Nothing you want to know?"

"If it isn't urgent, it can wait till we're out of this or dead."

With an "I bet we live." Den Ihoka cut the channel.

Phantom Mirage smoothly put me through to Miss Scarlet a popup informing me that she was streaming data to a third-party datastore.

"Any Ideas?"

"I could help with Damage Control."

"When your life-support systems are backed up, ping this," I swiped her a link to an empty damage control channel and trusted Mirage to annotate it for Fan.

As I tried to contact the last choice I had for ideas, Nico brought the drives up once more, and with a creak from the tree structure of supports and members that makes up Tabris's skeleton, we were racing to accelerate away from a gravity sheer coming up from behind, a trail of armour modules flaking from the hull and falling into the oncoming wave and disappearing their super dense battle steel being bent, spindled, and mutilated by the opposing gravity fields beyond recognition.

Twenty seconds till there was no safe spot on this layer. Below us on layer Eth gravity waves and dimensional fractures fit to tear worlds asunder raged.

I cut into the tannoy. "This is Tida, All hands brace for transition to layer Odal. I repeat brace for transition to Odal." Barely more than five seconds later Nico took us up to layer Odal ᛟ, other than the Garden of Time, Lost Logia Fortress that it was, I'd never heard of anything going deeper into the dimensional sea.

This was the roughest transition yet, the ship bucking as poly-chromate auroras haloed every metal surface and a bone-deep nausea to remind us this was a space so folded compared to normal as to be alien.

We came through the portal into a gravity stream. I shifted every sensory I could to cover forward, aft wouldn't matter as we ran before a stream that was pushing our relative velocity above any the ship had ever achieved. The sensor window and with it the time to react and adjust to conditions shrank as the equivalent of a kiloparsec passed in seconds. On the damage control display the cool blues and greens of normal operations had fled before the ambers of strain and the reds of damage.

Nico had the drives beyond military maximum, beyond the gold line where they were slowly burning out. Fan was by now non-verbal with concentration and had turned damage control over to Chief Petty Officer Opel as she shunted every last drop of mana at her command into holding the hull together. I, well, I had one trick to play.

"Devendra, can you link Lieutenants Liuha and Tipo with [Eyes of the Pack]?"

"Spinning it up, ten seconds to minimize distraction"

Without surprise, I noted that the sensors were showing nothing good. We were running down a narrow bore between gravity reefs that the system had stopped bothering rating for just how much they would overkill us on contact.

A pair of reassuring gray mana ribbons had just finished soaking into the lieutenant's heads as the stream slammed us directly into a dimensional fracture.

Reality screamed and I experienced a novel set of unpleasant sensations as Nico bled the fracture into the remaining transition core. I hadn't known that was possible. I doubted it would do much for the drive's long term utility.

The gravity vortex bore us on Nico barely keeping us heading along with the currents as we crashed through more fractures deeper and deeper into the dimensional sea.

There was a sharp spike across my personal area telepathic network and with a <<Quantum processing error:616:Reality Underflow. Main Cognition System collapse. Reboot in safe mode.>> Phantom Mirage shut down and the displays in front of me blinked out.

For a moment we ran on in darkness the mana arrays surrounding us the only lights on the bridge. For a moment before there was a tearing crash as we hit another dimensional layer and despite my best efforts I lost consciousness.
Lost in (Dimensional) sea. This is like the deepest TSAB craft even dived?
Perfect place and time for first contact with angry space whales (who are also Lost Logia Autowars)
Perfect place and time for first contact with angry space whales (who are also Lost Logia Autowars)

I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of giant biomechanical squid deep in the Dimensional Sea.

Tida can't either. He's cleared to know but hasn't been read on yet.
1-08 Eye of the Storm

1-08 Eye of the Storm

- - -
"It is only in sorrow bad weather masters us; in joy we face the storm and defy it."
- - -
Maelstrom Sargasso, Orion Arm, Dimensional Sea layer Sigil ᛋ (Estimated)
Sparrow watch 02 June 0065
- - -
Tida Lanster
- - -

Things were grim when we met again in the Captain's meeting room. The smell of burnt insulation underlines the wound dressings and splints festooning the command crew, it is odd how the absence of the tailored scent is more noticeable than it's presence.

With Merak still in surgery and the chief engineer once again delegating to Fan Liuha I found myself the senior full duty officer and the Captain signed for me to lead the meeting. She would listen but concussion and pain control was making it difficult for her to speak clearly.

"Liuha, how is the ship, " First the most critical issue.

"Damage control is still ongoing. The hull is tight, the main power core is down and that last surge pushed the secondary reactors into emergency shutdown. We have at least three hundred hours at current expenditures before reserve power drops below the level needed to restart one of the fusion reactors. We've lost both the main and reserve subspace manifolds, and thus the ansible, metric frame drive and teleporters until we rig a replacement." Fan was calm on the surface but her ears and tail betrayed her fatigue. "However most volatile memory both on devices and other independent hardware, and the main computer net has suffered a quantum encryption cascade due to baseline security protocols, and we have a shortage of quantum entropy modules to sort that out. Commander Seabring has a team looking to see if we've got the software for the reactors written to crystal. Both transition cores need a complete rebuild before charging and we can't charge them without all the reactors or the power core. Most of the core tap and transition software is on the backup crystals but not the updates from the most recent refit." She glanced at Sarika who took over.

"We lost the ansible before the storm hit, I had it trying to recover the links when the pulse hit, the overload surge on that final transition fried the offline storage with the link seeds, so even if we can get the software up, we can set up direct links with new seeds but that needs physical contact to bind the link, so we are out of contact with everywhere until we come into contact with a network node." Sarika might betray something to someone who knew her better but as far as I could see she was radiating calm confidence.

"Lieutenant Spiano?"

The supply officer looked resigned. "We don't have the consumable decryption tools to get the power back on. And while QEMs do restore their entropy over time we don't have the life support capabilities to wait that out without using power for some systems. Long-term low power life support relies on the hydroponics and those need light, gravity, temperature regulation, and pumps. If we lose power for the hydroponics for more than a day we have no more than a week to get to a breathable atmosphere. With a reactor up we can bring the scrubbers, protein sequencers, etc back online and then we are good for years."

"Basically If we have one of our reactors running we can with sufficient time fix pretty much everything. We don't have the QEMs to decrypt the reactor software or the exotic materials to make up the difference. The WORM backups we have for the power systems are from before the last refit. They should have been replaced by the ship yard, but Commander Rexton was dealing with the admin on that. I've got a team of light duty types checking to see if they've been misfiled or something." I've never met the XO that Fan mentioned, since he'd managed a major sporting accident while on leave the day before I reported aboard.

"Lieutenant Tipo. Our external situation?"

"We are currently at rest in a four light second radius gravity eddy on, as far as I can tell, layer Sigil, twelve layers in from normal space. There is an agglomeration of wreckage roughly 40 kilometers in diameter at the center of the space. I recommend once we have even limited real-space maneuvering capability that we relocate to a position where we can duck into one of the crevasses on the surface, in case the eddy contracts."

"Lieutenant Levant, what does Scrying have for us?"

"Scrying resolution inside the eddy is better than I'd expect above layer Eth. Scrying beyond the eddy wall is for all intents and purposes non-existent. As for the object Professor Scrya has been studying it and is better able to speak on it." Clarissa nods her head to the otter sitting on the table setting her black fishtail braids swinging for a moment.

"Doctor den Ihoka?"

"We have eleven dead, ninety six people on restricted duties and twenty three seriously injured, plus the archaeological team are mostly still in medical comas.", den Ihoka was brisk, the clipped tones of a formal report covering the anger I could see in the set of her ears. Roughly a quarter of the crew out of action."Most of the Mage Team and the Damage control teams are not fit for any kind of duty for at least a week, since they couldn't lock down. About half of Engineering is nominally functional. The Captain has a broken leg and enough other injuries she's only fit for light duties under an extreme interpretation of the rules. Academician Scrya should be provisionally fit tomorrow, so long as she doesn't put excessive strain on her linker core, and remains in that form for a week or so. Her device has her temporary gold and red lines on mana throughput."

"Miss Scarlet"?

"Thanks to your reminder as well as my basic system drivers, I have my combat system programming and spellware engraved to crystal. Including time to shuffle the locked down data structures to back up and getting my internal repair systems online, I should have nearly full combat capability available within eight hours. The majority of my informational support databases are locked but I would prioritise Professor Scrya's over them. Hers are likely to be both more detailed and useful, unless we need override codes or passwords for Caledfwlch Techniques hardware. My shipboard engineering support was in active memory and so was was backed up. The newest Alpino Heavy Industries reactor control software is two years old though." She paused for a moment lag evident in her facial muscles. "Otherwise I am surprised to be alive, I did not believe that was survivable."

"In the middle of it, the Doctor bet me we would live." I replied. "But then I'm not sure how I'd collect if we didn't."

A poor joke but I could see worry fading from the faces around the table as I asked, "Actually, now I think of it, what do I owe you, Doctor? I'm not sure I remember the stakes."

"I'm afraid for the moment those are most secret Lieutenant Commander. After we get back to Headquarters, they might actually read you on to the relevant clearance." As expected despite her fatigue Ah Ni was ready to help treat the tension that our situation had brought. Other than Miss Scarlett who appeared to be rebooting her facial expressions we shared a quick round of chuckles and grimaces in the wake of the wink she punctuated that with.

"Academician, what can you tell us about the object at the center of the gravity eddy?"

Academician Scrya gestured a forepaw at the sphere floating in the middle of the display, "Not counting minor wreckage, in the main cluster there are a number of civilian hulls, mostly larger rough landing types, a Todesschatten class battleraider with a live if low output DMR," a blue semi streamlined oblate cylinder bristling with tachyon implosion cannons and a swept back command tower, " a Maricot class assault ram," looking like nothing so much as a pair of short swords attached to a hat box, ""A Kahrian Consulate artillery cruiser" the 1.4 kilometer long, red and brown splinter camouflaged, truncated diamond core hull appeared to be lacking its rear wings and weapons rollbars, "an Altan Cybernetic Hegemony deep range cruiser" only two of the three weapon nacelles still attached to the central hull and major cracks in the green sphere of its space distortion drive. "A Belkan Grosskreuz class race rigged battlecruiser" all platinum inlaid white battlesteel wrapped around a pair of cylindrical outriggers outboard of an oversized spherical power core mated directly to a dimensional fracture lance, "at least two Type-42LD HAUs, " brutalist truncated trapezohedroid pyramidal slabs of armour roughly a match for Tabris. "a Lucky Seven class cruiser" up gunned with the second tapered cylinder of a heavy mission pack replacing the ventral thrust array under its main hull, "a Ubiq Technocracy Projekt 60 assault transport" A half kilometer long variable geometry aerodyne lifting body whose dimensional manifold blades could rotate outwards 120 degrees to provide additional lift in low speed flight. "at least a third of the wreckage we can definitively state comes from unknown sources." including it appeared an asteroid that had been fitted with five drive vanes of varying size and shape.

"I think we are going to have to send a team to scavenge for materials." The nods from the others as I said this confirmed that I hadn't missed an obvious other solution to our problems behind the summaries of our situation. Not that I liked the idea of putting the ship or anyone aboard near enough to a detectable Dark Matter Reactor to run power cables to it for any length of time. Let us call that plan Uncle, leaving enough space for even less pleasant ideas afterward.

"This will be like any other archaeology dig, we should touch as little as possible and keep as many records as possible. Military Starship crashes are one of the worst possible environments for an archaeological investigation. High powered hardware, anti-boarding measures, and deliberate destructive devices associated with information security and of course in the most paranoid cases total self destructs. Unfortunately, none of the more or less intact civilian wreckage is likely to have what we need.

We will not have all of the usual advantages, while we do have some of the exploit databases and what software we have available are generally the product of a wider array of technological ecosystems than the designers of any of the ships I recognize had access to, we don't have the access to the Infinite Library and the Academy's full archives, and military designs tend to be designed by paranoids.

Most of the wreckage is old, by TSAB standards and that means it tends to rely on esoteric material sciences that Administered space has not found efficient to redevelop, coupled with the advantage of having had access to most of the relevant civilizations' information technology bases for a couple of hundred years or so, we should be able to use their hardware. If any of it was from the Superb and Serene Republic we should have the software to get more out of a lot of it than the creators could, even limited to the adaptive tools we've got written to crystal, but without communication back to the Administration we will be more limited with respect to most ecosystems."
Look, ma, a space hulk!

I wonder if there's a survivor or two in stasis?
Look, ma, a space hulk!

I wonder if there's a survivor or two in stasis?

Multiple of the officers have reason to think something like that might be over there.
Dr den Ihoka has half a dozen pods in medical for casualties they can't treat on board. Fan's done maintenance on Belkan military stasis tanks and the casualty pods. Sarika's homeworld was looking at induced hibernation for long duration space exploration. Mercedes believes the Sankt Kaiser and the crew and troop complement of the Cradle are in enchanted sleep. And they all know Trio's supposed to have been in a stasis pod for several hundred years.

The Chaplin of course was born on a generation starship and grew up on a space colony so he's well aware there might be a colony of survivors.
Notes 4

Notes 4


"Computronium" is a term for a wide range of programmable matter comprised of very densely packed computational elements engineered to maximize its use as a computing substrate. From a human point of view, they appear to be a continuous solid or gel-like material, much like human brain matter. Computronium is extremely fast and efficient and the huge number of processing units per unit volume means only a small amount is generally necessary for most tasks. Typically Computronium is encased in an artificial sapphire casing which leads Administration military personnel to look as if their gear is covered with jewels.

Crystal Storage

Write once read many (WORM) describes a data storage device in which information, once written, cannot be modified. This write protection affords the assurance that the data cannot be tampered with once it is written to the device, excluding the possibility of data loss from human error, computer bugs, or malware. In the Administration this is usually provided by etching the data into synthetic crystal, such as the sapphire casing for conmputronium modules.

Fienn (Administered World 421)

First contacted in 0062, Fienn is home to a pre ubiquitous computation technical civilization divided into two main political blocs. The Social Union has an egalitarian worker council based political structure and was already in the process of transforming into a cybernetic technocracy when they opened First Contact with TSAB. In contrast, the Transnational Alliance consists of an oligarchic mercantile corporate confederation masquerading as a disparate grabbag of constitutional monarchies and "representative" managed democracies.

Socially, Fienn has as standard the trigamous marriages common to type 2 Naga worlds, though unusually the surviving monarchies are roughly evenly divided between patrilineal, human matrilineal and naga matrilineal rather than the more typical tanist based subspecies independent matriarchy.

Fienn's Social Union holds the record for having the lowest technological capability of any civilization that has initiated First Contact with TSAB. This is due to Sarika Zarooq, Mission Commander of the Archer 6 expedition, who, while in the coast phase before orbital insertion around Fienn's second moon, managed to detect and initiate First Contact protocols with TSAB patrol cruiser Ninhursag after transition into Fienn orbital space before Ninhursag's crew had noticed the local civilization. This may be due to them only having entered the system to investigate tachyon emissions from the wreck of the Juggernaut class Autonomous Strategic System Assault Platform that Sarika was preparing to land on.

Fienn's population appears to descend from survivors of the force that destroyed the ASSAP approximately 9 thousand years ago.

Lost Logia

The Lost Logia are magical or technological items of tremendous power.

Legacies of collapsed or destroyed civilizations, most notoriously Aztlan, Ancient Belka, the Forerunners, Hasla, Leng, and the Precursors. The Lost Logia are very dangerous when they fall into the wrong hands, which is why one of the main goals of the Time-Space Administration Bureau is to contain them.

Lost Logia are defined by the inability of the Administration to duplicate the design procedures, scientific underpinnings, or manufacture the item.

At the most minimalist level this includes items like Revolver Knuckles, where the design is known, the software is understood and how to manufacture all the materials, such as high density collapsed matter, are known in principle but the manufacturing processes involved are not currently economic or ethical to recover.

Red Tea

A bioengineered variant of camellia sinensis. Generally widespread across Administration space due to its popularity in pre-collapse Belkan territories; red tea has a higher caffeine and theobromine content and improved resistance to thermal breakdown compared with either black or green tea.

Rigger's Iron

A combination axe, crowbar, prying tool and giant wrench.

Todesschatten class

"Deathshadow class" Experimental deep penetration battlecruisers, powered by experimental psionically stabilized dark matter reactors later developed into the dark matter capacitor used during silent running for stealth ships such as the Coerl class.
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1-09 First Breach New

1-09 First Breach

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"I will tell you a little secret about archaeologists. They all pretend to be very high-minded. They claim that their sole aim in excavation is to uncover the mysteries of the past and add to the store of human knowledge. They lie. What they really want is a spectacular discovery, so they can get their names in the news and inspire envy and hatred in the hearts of their rivals."
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Maelstrom Sargasso, Isomorphic to an unknown location in the Orion Arm, Dimensional Sea layer Sigil ᛋ (Estimated)
03 June 0065
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Tida Lanster
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"Atoll to Fortune, Coming up on final approach to target Able."
Leading Hand Yukari Vitara brought the Scarab assault shuttle to zero relative about 50 meters from the Heavy Assault Unit's aft engineering access and spun the shuttle on its gyros before bringing us down to a meter separation.

Fan pinged the network to confirm we were all sealed up for EVA before dialling down the gravity, decompressing the airlock space at the end of the shuttle's main payload space and reporting "Yunu, extending air seal, target lock is softer than I'd expect."

A moment or two of quiet ensued as display windows started popping up around Professor Scrya.

"Atoll to Yunu, I read soft seal."
"Yunu to Atoll, I confirm soft seal, opening hatch." Unprofessional exclamations echoed both from the channel and my shoulder.
"Yunu to Meteor, the hatch is welded shut, looks like a energy weapon hit."
"Fan, what about the manual crank." The prof asked to a variety of grunts and muttered spells.
"I've got Kylami and Trio trying it, but my scans aren't showing any shearing even when I hit it with [Tin Hau's Spanner]"
"Ironside to Meteor, I could hit it with the Thermal Lance."
"She'd need to use the antimatter kicker and without the main power core, we aren't making any more. We might even need it to help jump start the core." Fan reminded us. "We should save that for if we can't find another way in."

I exchanged a glance with Michelle, the dubious expression on our demolition specialist convincing me. "QX, pack up and we'll try the other lock. Meteor to Sunray, Target Able would require heavy cutting so we are transferring to target Baker."

A few minutes later we repeated the entire evolution, minus the profanity upon the hatch opening.
"Yunu to Meteor, we have a working external controls, some vacuum deposition welding, but I think we can ease it."
Within ten minutes, and with a screech I could hear through the structure of the shuttle, Fan had the outer airlock door open.

The team we'd brought; Lieutenants Sarika Zarooq, and Fan Liuha, Corporal Mercedes Von Howenkirche, Lance Corporals Kylami Schmidt, Devendra den Soro and Tizoc Tepetzi, Miss Scarlett, me, Academician Amati Scrya, a cargo mule and Trooper Michelle Linea had been chosen, from the currently fit and equipped personnel, to fit in the expected airlock size, so we cycled through it in a single group. We hadn't been particularly spoiled for choice. The back up section waiting in the other shuttle consisted of Felix, Gisel and a dozen Foxes, Tabris' regulators with a sprinkling of martially inclined general crew, even with the current advantage of not relying on devices they were mostly three tails, so somewhere in the B to C rank range.

Behind us, Yukari and the rather fluffy flight engineer, Able Spacer Mistral, undocked the shuttle since we might need to leave in a hurry.

The airlock inner door squalled as it slowly dilated, opening into a dimly lit locker lined vestibule, a dozen soft skinned pressure suits hanging in racks alongside a similar number of complicated armatures.

The prof jumped from my shoulder onto the nearest one to examine it as we spread out into the room, "They appear to be maintenance frames for strength-assisted hardsuits."

"Space armour?" Kylami asked from where she was waiting for Fan and Michelle to finish scanning the lockers for booby traps.

"Or hostile environment maintenance suits. Some polities don't really make a distinction, of course." Amati said glancing at Fan and Devendra.

"You can tell because?" Vey asked over the comms. Medical were insisting he stay in his bunk for at least a week, despite his claims that concussion wasn't going to affect his performance. I don't think he knew Doctor den Ihoka had suggested that was because he was a P-Zombie.
"The size compared with the soft suits, power, and liquid connectors, and wear on the fittings and frame edge."

The room was festooned with an ideogrammatic script. Not one of the two I can recognise. Based on my suspicions I'd have to see if Devendra, the Prof or Fan would admit to being able to read it. Until then our familiarity with the hull type would probably suffice.

Usually, Kylami would lead through the door, with Gisele and Leo to cover her flanks. Without those two, Devendra and I swept the corners, her [Friends Dance as One] enabling the three of us to minimize blind spots.

"Sunray, this is Meteor. We are into the outer port access corridor at frame 240, confirm signal." Time for me to keep the Captain from worrying.

"Sword-6, this is Tabris, we have your signal from the repeater 4 by 4. Sunray has Sword-4's network feed up on the big board." The prof was pulling a slightly dubious face from where she sat on my shoulder.

For myself the lack of dust was worrying. "Fan, do we have active nanoswarms?"
"I'm not picking up active or viable nanotech or femtotech, beyond our defences."
"I'd expect a non-conductive deck coating, over the enamel." commented Amati.

"There was a tufted aramid mesh, in the airlock and locker room. I'm seeing annealing in the surface layers of the deck and bulkheads. Hold one." Fan paused, her slim fingers glittering with mana ribbons as they danced through haptic interfaces we couldn't see. "There is scorching on the ends of the grip surfaces inside the isolation hatches in the utility conduits. Someone locked down the corridor and torched it." She crouched down and rested a hand on the deck plate, the clawed taiju and trigrams of a Flames and Wisdoms mana array blossoming as she cocked her head. "I think they vented plasma from a fusion core through here and out to vacuum. But there are other possibilities, mostly high power plasma artillery."
"Solar Phoenix Reaction?"
"The floor is marginally less affected than the walls or ceiling, I'd expect the opposite from an induced fusion effect."
"It feels deliberate, the hull and frame have been stressed hard, but the reference design vents reactor excursions away from the crew spaces."
Marriage. But Beast-like entity is also a possibility: in this setting, you can always find someone both unwise and smart enough to make it.
The pressures of strategic planning in a Dark Forest situation are harsh.

Though the possibility that something like the Parasite from The Last Angel might actually just evolve once you have deep space life forms.
1-10 Why Do They Even Have One of Those? New

1-10 Why Do They Even Have One of Those?

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"Context – where you find an object – is more important than the actual object. In policing it's whether the broken glass is on the inside or the outside. In archaeology it's whether that datable coin is found in the wall foundations or its demolition infill. You can live without the coin, but you need the dating information."
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Maelstrom Sargasso, Isomorphic to an unknown location in the Orion Arm, Dimensional Sea layer Sigil ᛋ (Estimated)
03 June 0065
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Tida Lanster
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The room was labeled in the same ideograms we'd seen before, not Nahua or Mi-go glyphs but spikier brush strokes.

"Anyone read this?"

"I can,"' Devendra admitted, her lips peeling back to show her teeth. "As a kshatriya learning the slaver's tongue is mandatory."

"I thought you wouldn't speak it?"

"If we can't read it, we can't know where to place the bombs."

".. what to sabotage." Fan echoed Devendra, " A refreshment area like this would be a good place to deploy tailored bioweapons or slow acting poisons."


"Caff, tea, and other tisanes, and opioids, some laced with organic adrenochrome because the 'connoisseurs', " complete with Fan miming air quotes in front of the w shaped groove of her sensor mask, "preferred something you had to brain rip slaves to produce."

- - -

As we headed deeper into the ship Fan signaled us to stop as we were approaching an armoured entry on the outer side of the corridor. "I'm getting a spike in ionising radiation from behind that hatch. It's consistent with Plutonium decay, bremsstrahlung, and secondary re-radiation. "

She tapped the wall and the clawed flames and wisdom's mana array blossomed as I dug into the details below Phantom Mirage's threat synopsis overlay. Nothing our defences couldn't handle but not healthy long term for the unprotected or for electronics.

"I'm seeing microstructure degradation in the bulkhead and a lower density of cleaning nanos." Fan reported as she released her array and moved towards the door."Radiation levels on the other side are higher but it looks like this is long term damage, we should be able to breach. It doesn't look like a power core, but beyond that I'm not sure."

"Kylami you lead, Fan and I, tight behind you to scan." That would keep the risk down to those of us with the best anti-radiation wards, "Everyone out of line of sight of the inside while Fan cracks the door and we see what leaks out." I raised my hand to my shoulder palm up, "Devendra, you keep the prof well clear", The otter on my shoulder looked sulky but she knew as well as I did that currently she was the most vulnerable to radiation.

We stacked up hugging the side of the corridor. Kylami and I were beyond the door and the rest of the team behind Fan and Miss Scarlett with Devendra and Dr Scrya beyond a stanchion at the back, before Fan popped the face off the door controls.

"Opening in three, two one, open." Fan's fingers twitched and with a groan, the armoured panels separated and retracted up and down followed by a second set retracting into the walls.

One of Kylami's sensor booms swung down, bringing the camera at the tip clear of the frame and fed a view of the inside into our team channel. As most of us looked at the close packed racks of coffin sized cylinders, Fan extended a wand from her kit into the doorway. At her "Radiation is inside tolerable ranges" Kylami rolled through the doorway and with a [Panzerschild: Geodesic] a partial sphere made of Pink hexagons expanded around the inside of the door.

Fan and I cut the corners in behind Kylami, yellow and orange mana arrays and spell ribbons deployed. Two heartbeats later we had completed our pan across and were stepping back out the entrance looking up at the tracks for feeding the racks over the hydraulic ram that appeared to feed the devices through a hatch in the ceiling,

As Kylami stepped back into the corridor the blast doors sealed themselves closed with rather more enthusiasm than they had opened.

Fan shooed us all down the corridor to where Devendra and the prof were waiting. "Right we have sufficient clearance from the sources here, everyone reset their wards inside to out, bubbling the new wards from the inner surface out."

Miss Scarlet, looked blank as Sarika asked "What triggered this?"

"Certain types of Ionising radiation have a chance of destabilising certain types of ward structures. While it's unlikely, few of us have defences hardened against such."

"So what was it in there? Pebblebed reactors?" Sarika asked as the corridor lit up in a technicolour disco of mana arrays to reset our ward structures.

The Prof popped up a hologram of one of the objects in the middle of the corridor "The hollow spheres of uranium in the centre of them are surrounded by Xenon fullerine rods with what look like RCS at the ends, so I'd say they are detonation Xrasers."

"Anti-personnel or point defence," Devendra suggested, "if they are AP the lasing rods will be tuned to mess with wards."

- - -

Thirty minutes in and door breeching was beginning to become dangerously routine. I took the opportunity as we came to an armoured bulkhead to signal a break. I gave everyone a moment to settle and start rehydrating before asking "I don't know about the rest of you but I'm slipping into a groove doing these, should we change up to avoid complacency?"

There was a certain amount of surprise from our civilians, but Sarika looked thoughtful before joining the veterans in a slight nod.

"We could rotate" replied the corporal, her back to the rest of us from where she squatted facing the corridor we came down, "Miss Scarlet and myself backed by Rickshaw are probably the second best breach team."

Fan raised a hand from where she was sitting with her back to the wall to buy time to swallow a chunk of ration bar, "Not for this one, it's a major subdivision and I'm not getting enough to tell me what sort of space we have beyond."

"Because they are fast moving melee?" asked Sarika.

"Exactly, that might be best in a small room or short corridor but not anywhere larger." Mercedes agreed.

"Unless we were expecting opponents immediately beyond the door," suggested Kylami, "In which case stacking up the other melee specialist behind me would be good."

- - -

Just beyond the bulkhead hatch mounted on a shelf above a data routing hub, we came across a small statue of a familiar purple haired woman dressed in red and gold armour and wielding a sword and a fireball.

"Dark Lady of the Nine Heavens." Den Soro translated the inscription above it.

At Sarika's questioning look the otter on my shoulder explained, "They worshipped Signum as a goddess."

I'm not sure how many of the others noticed the small apotropaic gesture Fan made in response. I was careful to make sure no one noticed mine. The clatter as Fan knelt and popped open the data hub's casing with extreme prejudice broke the uncomfortable silence. On my shoulder, I could feel the prof padding her paws in professional disquiet.

"Were the Ascendency insane? This ship is full of why would you do that moments." Sariika shrank down wrapping her tail around her.

"There are indications that their social elites were addicted to a neurolinguistic cognitohazard." Academician Scrya brought her paws together forming a chevron in front of her nose. "But the destruction of evidence from the chaos surrounding their fall is exacerbated by their core fleets and Shoudu, their capital world having suffered an unrestrained Book of Darkness incident."

"Our barrier jacket's firewall systems are set to redact LINGUIST ALPHA with big warning glyphs. If your jacket is down don't try reading anything made up of networks of circles and straight lines that try to catch your eyes." Fan explained from where she was worming an arm through the glittering crystal circuitry. She wasn't able to keep her discomfort from her voice, let alone her ears and tail.

I crouched down and lightly touched her on the shoulder that wasn't inside the router. "Are you alright?" She turned her head, her blue eyes meeting mine from under the visor askew on her forehead.

"Family tradition says some of our ancestors were slaves on the orbital docks when the Wolkenritter destroyed Tiānmìng. They survived to be rescued by the Legion. Everything else I know about it that isn't children's stories is classified."

"Fortunately there are no regulations forbidding him from hugging you," Devendra interrupted the silence that followed. "unlike me."
Frankly, this sounds more and more like they need to exchange certain classified information they all need to know survive first, surrender to tender mercies of CounterIntelligence second. Or maybe last. After they survived.

Academician Scrya brought her paws together forming a chevron in front of her nose
Is this VividRed Operation reference?
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She's doing the Gendo.
yes. VividRed Operations' Otter Granddad also does Gendo. Why make one reference when you can two for the same price?

That may have been fanart. Don't remember.

Edit: Why only I am commenting here??? Recommended in a few places.
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yes. VividRed Operations' Otter Granddad also does Gendo. Why make one reference when you can two for the same price?

That may have been fanart. Don't remember.
My memory is Uso-kun tends to cross his arms in front of him when expositing rather than doing the Gendo.
1-11 Heart of Iron New

1-11 Heart of Iron

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"The engine room is a temple raised to the god of the engineer."
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Eternal Ascendancy Heavy Attrition Unit Changshou-1138, Maelstrom Sargasso, Isomorphic to an unknown location in the Orion Arm, Dimensional Sea layer Sigil ᛋ (Estimated)
03 June 0065
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Tida Lanster
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As we got moving again, after a short break, I considered the command issues;

1. How much more time should we spend on board.
2. Fan and to a lesser extent Devendra are on more on edge than I liked.
3. We'd been through a wringer over the last two days.

Time to do more of the important part of my job. Talking to people, in this case one of the Exquisite Foxes so interrogative and declarative modes because it wouldn't be proper to use imperatives, no matter how tempting it was becoming. I had Phantom give me a private channel to Sword-4. <Devendra, While, if necessary I'm willing to carve one of my kidneys and half my liver out to keep the team sane, I have to ask is Fan just coming close to her limits or is she at risk of K-Syndrome?> I didn't mention of course that I'd asked Fan the same about Devendra already.

<She's marginal risk I think. But I'll keep an eye on her. How long are we carrying on for?>

<Unless there's something odd with the design we should be near Main Engineering. I'm thinking it might be a good idea to have a look and then fall back. That's about my limit we can search the entire ship in a single trip and that should give us enough to plan for the next visit.>

<Seems good to me.> Devendra's relief was subtle.

<So, is it better if I bring it up or you?>

<I'll do it. Better me than you or the Corporal.> den Soro replied. "Yuyu, Prof we're nearly at the engine room, yes?"

"Should be beyond that bulkhead up ahead." My shoulder archaeologist replied, "We'll have to go forward a bit."

"There should be an access point a frame forwards." Fan added, "Maybe 30 meters and a couple of blast doors."

"I don't know about the rest of you but I think we should head back after that." Sarika suggested, "I'm still fit to go on but this is wearing us down more than it seems and unless we are going to camp on board we still have almost as far back to the airlock. Including checking the engineering spaces that's going to take us at least another hour."

"That'll give Meteor time to prepare to show of his chest" I could feel Devendra's smirk without needing to look at her.

"Perhaps we should pay attention as we head towards a defensive hard point."

- - -

The security checkpoint was surprisingly normal, if more the sort of thing I would expect around a Ground Assault Service command centre rather than a ship's engineering spaces. Admittedly those usually made the remote weapon turrets and the personnel scanning tunnel rather less obvious. The heavy duty blast doors it was protecting however looked slightly odd as if it was bulging towards us.

Lacking anything actually hostile rather than non functional I let the rune circle for the {Phantom Blazer] I had prepared fade and waved Michelle forward, pointing at the turrets and running the side of my hand across my neck. Accidentally shooting something would be embarrassing, leaving automated weapons to ambush us would be careless. As she got to work dismantling the turret power feeds, Fan ran a series of scans across the armoured portal and stepped back shaking her head.

She waited a moment until the turrets were safely non functional, "Kylami, we're going to need to work together on this, I'll soften them up and you hit here," using a glowpen to mark a cross to the left of centre of the aperture just below eye height. "with a heavy blunt impact."

A moment or two of spell work on the controls and we stacked up for entry once more, taking care to be far enough from where Lance Corporal Schmidt stood with her back to the door. Through Kylami's eyes I could see Mercedes signal action and the rocket engines of her hammer ignited, drowning out anything Fan said and throwing her into a hundred and eighty degree spin ending in a shouted [Impact Boomer] and a kinetic shockwave that rippled across my barrier jacket's wards.

The Blast doors grudgingly screeched, slowly grinding open until one of the inner doors crunched to a halt still halfway closed.

Kylami and I shifted to the right and she headed in shield dome deploying, Devendra pausing a moment to maintain formation before rolling round the right door frame. As I cut around the frozen door, I was met with a distinct lack of the expected crystal dodecahedron caged in by power conduits dominating the chamber. My entry move ended with me covering the crustacean form of a security or maintenance drone slumped at one end of what looked to be a liquid metal capacitor bank, out of the corner of my eye I could see a giant crystal shard jammed into the door and blocking it opening.

"Did someone explode the main power core?" Sarika asked as I signalled everyone to stop inside Kylami's shield. Fan and Miss Scarlet released the bees and the entry way lit up with the technicolour of our scrying spells.

"Possibly," I could tell from her tail and ears that Fan didn't think that was all as she shifted up the wall to get a better look beyond the nearest consoles. "Professor, the transition drive is usually mounted in the core support stalagmite on this class, Yes?"

"That's normal on all the versions before the Unification Wars." The Prof confirmed." It was done to reduce the capacitors needed."

"I can see a big component there and it looks melted."

As the scan flares died down I asked, "Are we clear to head in? Everyone double checked their jacket's filters?"

After a chorus of affirmatives, we moved in, Devendra and I covered the crab drones while Fan and Michelle ensured they were disabled.

As the team split up to search the room, I set up at the consoles near the door where I could cover the entrance to the security checkpoint.

Fan leaned against the near end of one of the capacitor frames, a hemisphere of holographic panels arrayed around her. "All the capacitors remaining in the frames seem to be intact. But about half are missing along with the outer casings. We can't carry all the remaining ones, but it would be worth coming back to strip them all."

"Because we can never have enough?"

"That and they have about 10% more capacity by weight than ours. Tipo stressed both our arrays and we may need a significantly higher charge than normal to drop to a safe layer." Even I knew that our capacitor banks were about an order of magnitude larger than necessary because the first ten percent of charge took less than one percent of the time needed to fully charge one of the capacitors. "Even with half missing this would be more than enough to replace all ours, even though they only had a single transition system. They fit the same standard connector the Belkans, the Haslanti, and most of their other contemporaries used and we can machine those no problem. Looking at everything I don't think they had a quarter the efficiency our transition system manages.

I do have one question though, did the core detonate when they hit the final transition or when they tried to restart it?"

"Assuming that it wasn't hostile action" And I didn't think we could rule out either something like a relativistic meson decay burst from one of the other wrecks or Shamal having overloaded their transition systems to throw them to their deaths in the depths of the Dimensional Sea. "If the latter at least we know to check for problems before we power it up, and we know there is a working primary starship power system available even if we have to walk into the shadow of death to access it."

"The DMR? You don't think small transferring and integrating a Lost Logia system that relies on a High Arcana control system is going to be a challenge and a half.

"That's not a no."

"I don't want to have to crack Tabris' hull open to open up Main Engineering."

"Do we have to?" Sarika asked

I looked at Fan. "The spinal mount socket." we chorused.

"It would keep it outside the main hull and provide a link to the high power grid." Fan went on.
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I think you posted second part, then first part, then second part again.

Or is weird looping intended?