[X] [Herd] Rifat Bar (cannot also be Chief Falconer)
[X] [Falc] Ji-Yeong
[X] [Clan] Tang

I was considering the Bar as the Clan most likely to come up with a complex plot, since they seem to be the leadership clan. However, @Cavalier has a point about the Tang. I want more information on the magic of this world, so Ji-Yeong was an easy pick. He's also great at diplomacy at the same time.

Rifat Bar is not only good overall, but he has these very important features:
Loyalty Eager to serve
Chapter Four: Assembling the Crew
[X] [Herd] Rifat Bar (cannot also be Chief Falconer)
[X] [Falc] Ji-Yeong
[X] [Clan] Tang

In spite of potential misgivings, Malcolm couldn't shake the desire to have the 'best' people for the job, even if that was a very subjective term. Rifat smelled like trouble despite there being no real evidence against him, and while Ji-Yeong would bring social problems he was just too skilled not to hire on.

While Engin Khan was pleased with Malcolm making his introduction of the dashing nomadic warrior Rifat, he had to raise an eyebrow at the sight of the foreign eunuch. Where Rifat was well built and had obviously never gone particularly hungry or inactive in his life, Ji-Yeong was slight and androgynous and his hair was pulled back in a long braid.

Still, when Malcolm laid out his intention of investigating the Tang and if there might have been external interference from the direction of the Golden Khanate, and then pointed out how invaluable Ji-Yeong's particular skillset would be in that investigation, the khan's eyes lit up. While only a fool would think that these people were not results oriented, the interplay of familial ties and face meant that most courtiers wouldn't have such direct and straightforward motives and goals. No would think "I'm going to hire the freaky eunuch because he has the skills I need to run the best investigation possible" and then lay it out in those terms.

Still, after initial introductions Engin had Malcolm come forward and he said to him quietly, "While no one will fault a man for having a few pretty little baubles in his retinue, as my Master of Tents it would not do to put off building one's household much longer, especially now that you have herds to your name." The silver caterpillars above Engin's eyes waggled suggestively and he said, "I do have granddaughters and grand-nieces of marriageable age who were not trapped by Taylan."

Malcolm could only swallow hard and nod at that, saying, "That is a most excellent suggestion, my khan."

Patting him on the cheek in a patronizingly affectionate way, Engin said, "You don't have to answer now, but young stallions without mares cause trouble, don't you know?"

As the days went on and the temperature began to drop, Malcolm received his first 'payment' for saving the khan's life as animals, tents, servants, and guards were transferred to his ownership. These were of course also the supplies he would need to make the trip to Tang territory, but it was much easier to just do the transfer now rather than lending him stuff and give other things letter. Amidst the various tasks Malcolm had to run around and do, he also had to consult with his retinue on the khan's not so subtle point that he should get married.

Lounging on furs while he idly carved a stick in a manner that was actually a form of mental math aid, Rifat said "As much as one of his female relatives would secure you legitimacy within the greater confederation, his clan is a mess and can't offer much support. He just wants you to play the game the right way, so find yourself a bride from one of the other clans. You can probably swing the daughter of a clan head or heir, much more prestigious than the daughter of a daughter or dead men."

Seated upon his knees and gently sipping from a clay cup of tea, Ji-Yeong stated, "Given your pre-existing ties to the ogres, you might be better off seeking a bride from their community."

Everyone just sort of paused and blinked and stared at the foreign man, especially the normally extremely laidback Gulisa. Arching an eyebrow, Ji-Yeong replied, "What? While rare it is not unknown for ogres and humans to sire offspring. Such a marriage would cement your status as being of the Confederation while also allaying fears that you will be a foreign usurper setting out to form your own dynasty. It is a perfectly logical course of action."

Everyone let that statement just sort of hang in the air for a time, before Rifat scoffed and said, "Of course the dickless wonder thinks that way."

Sipping his tea, Ji-Yeong replied, "I was castrated as a boy, not emasculated, and I can assure you that there is a difference."

Realizing that an argument was brewing, Malcolm stepped up and said, "Thank you both for your suggestions, I will take them into consideration. Rifat, could you please go consult with the servants of getting ready to move camp for tomorrow?"

As much as it was a dismissal, Rifat was the sort of man who preferred to do things rather than talk, so the order was a good way to get him out of the tent while not insulting him. He did have one last piece of advice though, "If you do take my suggestion, don't go for the Bar. They're going to get hit hard by this civil war."

"Thank you, you would know your clan best," Malcolm stated. As Rifat walked out of the tent with a flippant gesture, Malcolm then asked, "Setting aside more distant politics, how goes your research into the matter I asked of you Ji-Yeong?"

"My thoughts on the poison used against the khan? Well, it is good that we are headed into Tang territory, as I will be able to send correspondence to the Palace of Wisdom more easily. I have also meditated upon the issue, and while I am no closer to finding an exact answer, I am convinced that from your description one cannot obtain such a poison locally," Ji-Yeong stated.

Malcolm nodded at that. It was a fairly universal agreement that the poison used had to have been imported in. Now, that didn't exactly mean anything since most manufactured goods were imported, but it massively increased the possibility of foreign interference. Given the symptoms of muscle paralysis that went away after about twelve to twenty-four hours, Malcolm was almost certain that the poison was tetrodotoxin or something similar, which suggested that it had come from the sea. Magic however majorly complicated the issue.

Continuing on after a short pause, Ji-Yeong said, "I do remain fascinated by the miracle you performed on the khan. I find it hard to believe that you simply worked him like a bellows."

Malcolm shrugged and said, "It's basically how people breathe anyway. Doing chest compressions moves fresh air in and stale air out, and keeps the blood circulating. It is a treatment my people have for those who are suffering from heart attacks while proper aid is obtained."

"Fascinating. I am certain we will get some response from the Palace of Wisdom just on compensation this piece of information alone. In any case, while little can be said for certain, the fact that the poison very likely came from outside the Confederation and contained an anti-magic component certainly narrows the possibilities down, since it has to be a natural poison. Given that the poison broke down within the khan's blood without his passing of water or meals lends credence to your suggestion that it is a living rather than mineral poison. These positions suggest that the material used required a preservative enchantment to bring it in, and it was quickly mixed with the anti-magic component just before administration. An expensive and specialized task," Ji-Yeong mused, drawing on his own collection of experiences and knowledge.

"About what we figured," Malcolm said, sighing as he went over the events of the second most transformative day of his life. "We found the dead and naked body of one of the servants buried in a shallow grave, but we found no trail."

Humming slightly as he thought, Ji-Yeong said, "Beyond the Golden Lands there are tales of an order of highly specialized killers who are experts of poison and infiltration, even rumoured to be able to change their features through magical rituals. I doubt it is them, but it is a distinct possibility. The shamans of the north are also said to be skilled shapeshifters, although this does not feel like what I know of them."

"Honestly, it's probably the Lands of Silk, if only because the Golden Khans tend to be less interested in subtle actions. We don't really have the opportunity to look into them much over the winter, but eliminating the Golden Khanate as a potential source of outside support has its own value," Malcolm said with a sigh. The full truth would probably never be known, especially since the other two assassinations had happened in Yew territory where Taylan currently had control.

"You have a very… methodical… way of coming at the issue," Ji-Yeong stated diplomatically. Even the scholar found the fact that Malcolm seemed more interested in finding the truth than in finding what was useful to be a bit odd. As Malcolm mulled over what he wanted to say next, a servant arrived with a scroll, which was handed off to Ji-Yeong. Opening it and scanning the contents, the Chief Falconer said, "It is a missive from your clan. Given news of your new position, they are dispatching a Thunder Warrior to join your retinue and serve as an orc tamer. They wish to know if he should simply cow orc bands into non-aggression, or if he should gather together a band of orcs as he travels."

A tricky question to be sure. Orcs and humans did not get along well, but orcs very rarely ever challenged ogres due to the obvious vast difference in physical power, and thus an ogre subordinate to the khan or the Master of Tents could pacify the bands across the entire confederation. This was great for military purposes and internal stability, which was why the Onishah had sent off one of their Thunder Warriors. Skilled at arms and with combat magic, a Thunder Warrior could turn the tide of battle all on their own, but their appetites were also extreme even for ogres, making the upkeep of more than a handful per clan impossible.

As to the question, while having a band of subordinate orcs would massively increase the military potency of his retinue – and thus his prestige among the nobility – the issue with orcs was that you could not trust them without active management. If anything ever happened to the ogre assigned to him, Malcolm would have to physically fight off challenges for leadership from the orcs in his camp. It wasn't exactly likely, but it was exactly the sort of thing that could compound an already bad situation.

"I'll have an answer by tonight to send on to the Thunder Warrior," Malcolm stated, and then he sighed and said, "How to run this investigation is weighing a bit on my mind."

"These steppe tribes respect strength, so I suggest that you bring all of the khan's wrath with you when you arrive," Ji-Yeong stated simply. This was one of the areas where the academic was the more bellicose of his two new advisors. Rifat suggested taking a soft hand, seeking to reassure the leadership of the Tang that cooperation would bring many benefits. They both had good points for either approach, although both rubbed Malcolm wrong in their own way. He knew that either way he would only be offered up sacrificial lambs for his trouble, the only difference would be who got sacrificed. His inclination was to take a more aloof, investigative approach and find the truth, whatever it might be. He strongly suspected that if there had been any conspirators among the Tang they had already fled or destroyed all evidence, and thus the ultimate result would be 'we found nothing'.

Engin Khan actually seemed like he would accept that from Malcolm, especially since Malcolm was the sort to actually bring the evidence back with him to clear people. However, even if he thought it was the 'better' approach for finding the 'truth', he also knew that it wouldn't sit well with everyone else. Rifat and Ji-Yeong both saw this whole expedition as a way to reinforce the ties between the Tang and the authority of the khan; they just differed on what exactly that reinforcement looked like.

As a man of power and prestige, it is a state duty that Malcolm get married. Where should he look for a bride?
[] [Mar] The khan's female relatives (Increases legitimacy of position)
[] [Mar] The leadership of other clans (Improves relationship with clan)
[] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)

How should the ogre Thunder Warrior approach orc bands in his travels?
[] [Orc] Pacify (no further effect)
[] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)

What approach should the Tang investigation take?
[] [Inv] Soft (Increases relationship with Tang)
[] [Inv] Hard (Increases personal reputation)
[] [Inv] Aloof (Unknown, likely poor social results; improved odds of discovering hidden information)
[X] [Mar] The khan's female relatives (Increases legitimacy of position)
[X] [Orc] Pacify (no further effect)
[X] [Inv] Aloof (Unknown, likely poor social results; improved odds of discovering hidden information)

At Very Poor prowess, unless we can use gunpowder to take care of any orc challenges my suspicion is that an orc warband is more of a liability than a benefit, especially given the ease by which it an be turned against us.

Given that, and the fact that we will want to be aloof in order to ensure that the investigation is as modern as possible, seems to imply that we will want a marriage choice that offsets some otherwise pretty unorthodox social choices.
[X] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Aloof (Unknown, likely poor social results; improved odds of discovering hidden information)

They already think we're weird. May as well lean into that.

Rifat Bar is not only good overall, but he has these very important features:
Genius idea. Perfect way to get him completely on our side~
[X] Plan: Ogre or bust
-[X] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)
-[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
-[X] [Inv] Aloof (Unknown, likely poor social results; improved odds of discovering hidden information)

if the thunderwarrior bites it we still have the wife to beat them into line!
[X] [Mar] The khan's female relatives (Increases legitimacy of position)
[X] [Orc] Pacify (no further effect)
[X] [Inv] Hard (Increases personal reputation)
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Speculation: That whole conversation with Engin, and his sudden push to get Malcolm married, make a whole lot more sense if Engin thinks Malcolm is fucking Ji-Yeong.

Anyway there's some obvious synergies depending on what exactly we want to push Malcolm toward. Looking at the Khan's relatives, and then going in hard on the Tang like Ji-Yeong wants, would position him as Engin's enforcer and avenger and an obvious claimant to be Engin's successor. Conversely going Soft on the Tang as Rifat recommended, and looking for a bride among the other (stronger) Clans would position Malcolm as someone open to negotiations and collaboration in the political future of the Khanate. Of course Ji-Yeong might be wrong and Rifat might have his own agenda, but it's pretty which options complement each other.

As far as seeking an Ogre-lands bride, the Onishah do adopt humans into their Clan so marrying a human patrician who exercises significant influence is as likely (maybe more likely) than getting a Huge and Swole Ogress Bride. I mean I'm not sure Ogre women would even find Malcolm palatable given the disparities in size and attitude and his general lack of warlike prowess.

Speaking of though of course we want an Orc warband because Malcolm needs a military force. Steppe politics are dangerous, and the best way to earn legitimacy and prestige is by warfare. Having a Thunder Warrior on hand is pretty great assurance they'll stay in line, and even if something happens to him we have another Ogre of considerable Prowess on-hand in Gulisa, who can at least buy Malcolm time to resolve the problem of the Orcs in some other fashion.
[X] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Aloof (Unknown, likely poor social results; improved odds of discovering hidden information)

Marrying into a human clan would be helpful, but they are currently all under suspicion, and so is Malcolm.
So instead, present as a rather neutral, yet loyal to the Confederation.
[X] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Aloof (Unknown, likely poor social results; improved odds of discovering hidden information)
Not really into giantess waifu, but needs must.
I think people are massively overvaluing aloof, we already weakened our social position recruiting a eunuch, the last thing we should be doing is doubling down on it because of- what, its 'the right way to investigate'? Malcolm even admitted he's unlikely to find much, and ultimately the truth of the matter is arguably the least relevant part of it.

I just don't see anyone presenting a coherent reason to pursue an aloof investigation when the other options have obvious advantages and synergies, and it seems premature to assume each option is equally viable.

[X] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Hard (Increases personal reputation)
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[X] [Mar] The khan's female relatives (Increases legitimacy of position)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Soft (Increases relationship with Tang)
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[X] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Aloof (Unknown, likely poor social results; improved odds of discovering hidden information)

I want some orc in the warband so Malcolm can start working out how the orcs tick, if some other way of getting orcs to play nice can be found that can be useful.
I just don't see anyone presenting a coherent reason to pursue an aloof investigation when the other options have obvious advantages and synergies, and it seems premature to assume each option is equally viable.
I think it would be quite interesting to stroll in with an orc warband and then just make discrete enquiries.
The situation is uncertain. I don't really see that being seen to be friendly with the Tang, or just flexing at them directly is going to be without downsides.
I think it would be quite interesting to stroll in with an orc warband and then just make discrete enquiries.
The situation is uncertain. I don't really see that being seen to be friendly with the Tang, or just flexing at them directly is going to be without downsides.

Just as a note, in-universe Malcolm would expect either of those to have far fewer downsides than the Aloof approach.
I think it would be quite interesting to stroll in with an orc warband and then just make discrete enquiries.
The situation is uncertain. I don't really see that being seen to be friendly with the Tang, or just flexing at them directly is going to be without downsides.
And that's why I think we need to hedge our bets and not just assume going off the beaten path is going to miraculously have more rewards. I mean- an Orc warband isn't going to be that threatening to an entire nomad clan, Malcolm just doesn't personally have a loyal force capable of that yet.

I'm advocating for a hard investigation paired with an ogre wife because it doesn't actually tie us directly into the Clan politics in the same way but emphatically makes it clear we are a part of the Confederacy rather than an outsider- and then Hard doubles down on asserting Malcolm's reputation as a noteworthy already. It presents Malcolm as a figure to be courted rather than one who's already picking a side or making a play.

And in the long run, Malcolm is both well suited and reliant upon leveraging the sedentary parts of the Confederacy for most major innovations he can offer.
[X] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Hard (Increases personal reputation)
And that's why I think we need to hedge our bets and not just assume going off the beaten path is going to miraculously have more rewards. I mean- an Orc warband isn't going to be that threatening to an entire nomad clan, Malcolm just doesn't personally have a loyal force capable of that yet.

I'm advocating for a hard investigation paired with an ogre wife because it doesn't actually tie us directly into the Clan politics in the same way but emphatically makes it clear we are a part of the Confederacy rather than an outsider- and then Hard doubles down on asserting Malcolm's reputation as a noteworthy already. It presents Malcolm as a figure to be courted rather than one who's already picking a side or making a play.

And in the long run, Malcolm is both well suited and reliant upon leveraging the sedentary parts of the Confederacy for most major innovations he can offer.

Long-term, though, if the goal is modernization then leveraging the sedentary parts of the Confederacy is not going to work as a vehicle for creating that modernization -- we are still tied to the economic deadweights of raids and a slave economy, and any surplus we generate will be very difficult to reinvest in productive aims.

Fundamentally, the incentives for the Confederacy are not even a little lined up towards an economic efflorescence -- they are, in fact, lined up towards finding an economic efflorescence and stealing it to distribute as gifts to other clans. A young ogre, given the choice between managing a mine or workshop and gaining prestige and wealth through personal combat, is not even going to consider managing that mine or workshop.

Going in hard and acting as the Khan's enforcer fundamentally locks us further into this tribal paradigm that we want to escape ASAP.
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[X] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Hard (Increases personal reputation)
[X] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Aloof (Unknown, likely poor social results; improved odds of discovering hidden information)
Long-term, though, if the goal is modernization then leveraging the sedentary parts of the Confederacy is not going to work as a vehicle for creating that modernization -- we are still tied to the economic deadweights of raids and a slave economy, and any surplus we generate will be very difficult to reinvest in productive aims.

Fundamentally, the incentives for the Confederacy are not even a little lined up towards an economic efflorescence -- they are, in fact, lined up towards finding an economic efflorescence and stealing it to distribute as gifts to other clans. A young ogre, given the choice between managing a mine or workshop and gaining prestige and wealth through personal combat, is not even going to consider managing that mine or workshop.

Going in hard and acting as the Khan's enforcer fundamentally locks us further into this tribal paradigm that we want to escape ASAP.
Uh, the slave manpower is used horrendously inefficiently. If we can make manpower more productive, we can increase the supply of food and raw materials. This increases demand for artisans and metal workers near the mines and lets the Ogres be more proactive with their population. Between an increase in metal for use in weaponry and armor and the ability to bring more Ogres to war (and thus potentially even more Orcs as well) the Confederation can take more slaves and feed them into the mines and farms to create larger surpluses. And if we're lucky we can increase demand in the mines and farms to outstrip the supply of slaves and transition to wage workers in those industries. But that only works if we commit to terrace farms and expansion in mining in the Ogres' lands.

The Ogres right now can't have every young Ogre go to war because that massively increases their caloric requirements. To say nothing of the fact we can human managers of the farms and mines owned by Ogre land lords. The Ogres are keenly aware the lack of a food surplus forces them to minimize activity, that's the entire reason they have a demand for slaves after all. They just don't know more sedentary agricultural and mining practices to leverage their slave labor more effectively.

You're arguing that the road to nowhere has to lead to somewhere better than the other choices because we're somehow trapped if we don't do it? Who the hell do you want to use as a vehicle for economic growth if not the sedentary Ogres? The Nomadic tribes? This sounds like a problem with no solution provided, and aloof seems to do fuck all to solve it.
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[X] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Aloof (Unknown, likely poor social results; improved odds of discovering hidden information)
[X] [Mar] The ogres (Reduces suspicion)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Hard (Increases personal reputation)
[X] [Mar] The leadership of other clans (Improves relationship with clan)
[X] [Orc] Recruit (assembles an orc warband under Malcolm's authority)
[X] [Inv] Soft (Increases relationship with Tang)

Ogre bride is not a good option, decreasing suspicion doesn't give much, while we need some kind of backer or power base if we are to do anything of note. The Tang have resources and connections so a good impression will put us in good stead. And who knows maybe we will even learn something.