The Gods of Titanus

hey guys I'm thinking about using the last of my sparks to boost @Citino's actions; two for the status removal spells, two for the fire and heat resistance, and two for the well of power or is it to late to edit my vote.
History: Temple of the Sacred Fire
The Temple of Scared Fire.

It was one of the first buildings created by the Promethean Magocracy so that they can worship their gods properly. It is in the Temple that the Avatar communes with the gods and the gods in turn commune through him, so that the Magocracy may hear their holy words. The temple was twenty feet tall, the stones lining its walls made of pure obsidian, and glassless windows surround the building which allows air to flow smoothly. The first room upon entering the temple is the chapel where services are held, the smell of incense permeants the air, and a gentle fire burns in the center of the room. Next to the chapel's right is the library, in which the Avatar and many other sorcerers have written all their knowledge on the mystical arts in a single room with each book properly categorized by information and author. Last, left of the chapel is the personal home of the Avatar, his sanctum, in which rests and recuperates from doing the gods work on the world. The home of the Avatar reflects his humble nature, for his home is not lavished or decorated in pointless treasures like other men in positions of power.

In his home, there is nothing but a simple bed for which the Avatar sleeps and a tiny shrine which he makes his prays to the gods. Avatar found that this was enough for him, for what used would simple luxuries be compared to favor from the gods.
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hey guys, I'm trying to think of an omake where a fallen of drow travel towards our Magocracy in search of a new home. What I'm trying to do for this is have be sort of humbled dicks, they lost their to a race of creatures that I will write in a different omake and they were pretty much abandon by everyone. Anyone got ideas, I mean I know drows are pretty much major dicks but I would like to make this clan more than that
hey guys, I'm trying to think of an omake where a fallen of drow travel towards our Magocracy in search of a new home. What I'm trying to do for this is have be sort of humbled dicks, they lost their to a race of creatures that I will write in a different omake and they were pretty much abandon by everyone. Anyone got ideas, I mean I know drows are pretty much major dicks but I would like to make this clan more than that
Look at all of the different examples of the drow and see what they specialize in, I mean they do have driders.
Hey @BurningLaugh what are the other factions that we gonna potentially face in the future. You don't have to go into to much detail about as you could just give me their name, race, government, and potential attitude towards us
Hey @BurningLaugh what are the other factions that we gonna potentially face in the future. You don't have to go into to much detail about as you could just give me their name, race, government, and potential attitude towards us
The other factions are still widely unknown even to myself, since I hardly expand on the world.
However, I have three factions in mind that you guys will most likely encounter and interact with for the longest:
1. The Imperial Liang Dynasty: A kingdom of humans that has a dual monarchy and hates all mages.
2. The Union: A group of nomadic communist bear people that are friendly until provoked.
3. The Uncreated Legion: A Imperium of Fae and Beastmen that are just plain dicks to everyone.
The other factions are still widely unknown even to myself, since I hardly expand on the world.
However, I have three factions in mind that you guys will most likely encounter and interact with for the longest:
1. The Imperial Liang Dynasty: A kingdom of humans that has a dual monarchy and hates all mages.
2. The Union: A group of nomadic communist bear people that are friendly until provoked.
3. The Uncreated Legion: A Imperium of Fae and Beastmen that are just plain dicks to everyone.
So go be buddy's with Bears and for the rest bring about thier armageddon I am okay with that:V
Faction: The Malum Turba
No one knows where they came from and what they want but all everyone knows is that they are malicious, monstrous, numerous, and relentless. Everywhere the go death and destruction follows them as they lay waste to numerous civilizations over the years. Their evil could rival that, if not surpass, of demons as those who suffer under their touch pray for death. No one knows their true name but all have learned to call them by one name.

The Malum Turba, the Evil Horde.

If one were to see these creatures they would mistake them for demons of some kind and that description would be quite accurate but unfortunately these creatures were part of the natural world. The have the Hideous and Monstrous forms of demons while coming in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. The only common features shared among the Malum are Crimson crystal-like bone that protrudes from their bodies (mostly their head and claws), black/red like ichor that acts as their blood, and dark magics. The Malum have a harder physiology that allows them to survive most injuries, healing wounds in a short amount of time, and regenerate limbs in a matter of days. The Malum Turba reproduces through either tainting a "lesser" species or through a special Malums known as the dark mothers which are Malums capable of spawn 50 Liolham at a time.

From what spies have been able to gather and scholars have been able to decipher, the Malum Turba follow are hierarchal caste system based on power and fear. There are four caste that make up the structure of Malum Turba; the Liolham, the Dianuhr, the Dreedach, and Qianach. The Liolham are the lowest class of the Malum consisting of weaker Malum creatures and captured slave while also being the most numerous of the Horde. The main purpose of the Liolham is to be both the labor force, building must of the horde's infrastructure, and the cannon fodder for the horde's armies. Next, is the Dianuhr caste which is the main warrior caste of the horde and its second most numerous of the Malum. Those born/reach the Dianuhr are strong warriors with some being able to use dark magic and are the backbone of the Horde's armies as majority of the cast does the fighting. Then, there is the Dreedach which are Dianuhr who have reason above their peers to become leaders of the horde and are the elite among the rest of the Malum. The Dreedach are the smallest cast among the Malum do to numerous reasons; very few Dianuhr are able to reach this level but make up for it by being smarter, faster, stronger, and magically inclined than the average Malum. Finally, the Qianarch caste is the ruling caste of the entire Malum Turba and is the smallest of the Malum Turba as only one Malum can be Qianarch. The only way to become Qianarch is for a Dreedach to rise above his peers by any means necessary and once a Dreedach becomes Qianarch, they become the closest thing to a god for the Malum.

The architecture of the Malum Turba is gothic in appearance and is made of stone and steel. Malum use the skulls of their enemies as trophies, ritual material, and decorations for places of importance or armor. Lesser Malum worship their Qainarchs as God-like beings while the Dreedach are seen as priest or apostles which in itself is hypocritical as the Malum Turba view the gods and demons as lesser creatures.

When a Qainarch has finally ascended to power in the Malum Turba they initiate what the entire world calls as the Black Crusade in which the Malum Turba launchs a full-scale invasion against the world. Fortunately, Black Crusades a far and few in between because when the Qianarch (and hopefully several Dreedach) are killed during the Crusade the whole Malum Turba falls into infighting as the Malum society depends on gaining power. So far, there has only been four Black Crusades throughout history and civilizations have signed a treaty in which all conflict between them will cease when a Black Crusade begins.
History: The Great Illusion
Many thought that those among the Magocracy where focused on fire and earth, and while true for some their were many who's domain in lied in others.
Among the lesser know focuses of the Magocracy where frost and life, born from the lands rich volcanic soil and the frozen peaks of those mountains in the range that did not share the fiery core of their proffered homes.
It was these domains that truely allowed the Magocracy to grow hidden from the wrath of the Liang Dynasty who would have destroyed them with out a thought by blizzards and temperatures thought unsurvible put in place with the help of the volcano's arcane core by the Avatar to keep the land safe, this how ever had the cost of freezing the soil to the point that such deceptions would have been true if not for the Magocracies expertise in the magic of life.

Sorry for shortness and any bad spelling I am currently using a tablet.
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Many thought that those among the Magocracy where focused on fire and earth, and while true for some their were many who's domain in lied in others.
Among the lesser know focuses of the Magocracy where frost and life, born from the lands rich volcanic soil and the frozen peaks of those mountains in the range that did not share the fiery core of their proffered homes.
It was these domains that truely allowed the Magocracy to grow hidden from the wrath of the Liang Dynasty who would have destroyed them with out a thought by blizzards and temperatures thought unsurvible put in place with the help of the volcano's arcane core by the Avatar to keep the land safe, this how ever had the cost of freezing the soil to the point that such deceptions would have been true if not for the Magocracies expertise in the magic of life.

Sorry for shortness and any bad spelling I am currently using a tablet.
Welcome to god hood Drepson
Here are your 10 sparks
Well everyone, it this world (really need to name it) has its own version of the darkspawn. Also, I've just realized I posted two omakes that I won't get sparks for.

Anyway @Drepson what are you gonna spend your sparks on, maybe new technology or something
Well everyone, it this world (really need to name it) has its own version of the darkspawn. Also, I've just realized I posted two omakes that I won't get sparks for.

Anyway @Drepson what are you gonna spend your sparks on, maybe new technology or something
I think I'm going to save them for now but I might see about putting up some protections after we find out how the current vote and divine gifts go.
So @BurningLaugh how does our government work exactly
You're a pure democracy where pretty much anyone can do anything as long as the majority is okay with it. The archmage is pretty much the king or president and has absolute control.

You're a magocracy that has no rules or laws, everyone just does whatever helps the society achieve their goal of having infinite knowledge and magical might
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You're a pure democracy where pretty much anyone can do anything as long as the majority is okay with it. The archmage is pretty much the king or president and has absolute control.

You're a magocracy that has no rules or laws, everyone just does whatever helps the society achieve their goal of having infinite knowledge and magical might
I guess I can omake the magocracy creating some laws and the branchs of government
anyone got ideas for the branches of government for our people and any basic laws/rights you want established
Magic is the right of all sentient beings and a order of Guardians Templars to watch over the world and make sure it's not eaten by Cthulhu or some other Eldritch/demonic/celestial ectrea abomation of the week. Making sure no Mage raises up what they cannot put down.
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Law-quest for knowledge: magic is the right of all sentient beings and thus it shall not be shunned by the promethea. One is allowed to study the potential and limits of magic but only within reason. Just as magic is wonderful, it is also ruinous thus magic must be carefully researched.

This is only an example of a future law and plan to make it official with several others when I write the omake
@BurningLaugh what is our magocracy's current popoulation? is it enough to support an army or at least a small militia?
enough for a militia of about 100 men
of course that increases to 10000 if you conscript everyone.

Basically your population is currently 10000 people this includes adults, teens, elders, and children/babies
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